MacBook :: What's An Airport Base - Using A Generic Router?
May 3, 2012
'what is an airport base station? I'm using a generic router and have forgotten my airport password. I see a remark about a soft reset but I don't know what an airport "base station" is.
Just bought an Airport Extreme from Apple. Is there anyway I can use it instead of my existing netopia router. I'm getting mixed reports on whether I can do it. The AEBS appears to be able to take a dsl line.
I was reading through this old "Airport Extreme 2010" thread, but didn't see a discussion around 2011 yet - so I thought I'd start one.
I might have missed the news, but we never did end up getting a new version of Airport Extreme last year, right? So do you think the odds are good we'll get a new Extreme in 2011?
What's your best guess at a release date? Possibly around March 2011?
What new features would you expect a 2011 AEBS model to have? What upgrades would you like to see? Minor spec bumps? Stronger/wider range? More...?
Connecting a router to Airport Extreme: Will it slow down the internet access to all the computers more? I wanna hook up my Mac Pro, iMac via Ethernet and my PowerBook will be wireless. Is it gonna effect my speed?
I have been struggling for ages to get my Internet DSL access through all the rooms in our house but lamentably failed so far.
My main router is a Netgear Wireless DG834G V2, 54MBPS. 2.4 GHz, 802.11g that works perfectly within a limited range.
Hoping to extend my range of access, I have added to it my old Airport Extreme Base Station 54 Mbps 802.11g, connected with an ethernet cable.
But still, the connection fails to connect in one bedroom upstairs, only a few feet away from the bathroom and other rooms that receive both a clear connection.
I tried connecting my some 4 years old Airport Express in this bedroom but I could not succeed having the green light ever?
Can anyone helps with a simple, clear and detailed explanation on how to process to set-up this system right? Do I really need to have the Apple Extreme connected to the Netgear?
Should I replace the old 834G router by a more powerful one and which model would you recommend? Or should I scrap Netgear and use only Apple Extreme Base Station (or the latest model)?
My router is giving me troubles all of a sudden. It's been flashing the yellow/amber light and I cannot connect to the internet anymore through it.
I've unplugged it and used a different ethernet cable through it, but it still won't connect.
However, my internet does work when I directly plug the ethernet cable into the back of my Mac. So it's not my ISP, which makes me think it's the router.
My AEBS is no more than 6-8 months old, and this is the first time I can't seem to fix it. Usually unpluging it and turning it off and back on will work.
I have Mac computers, and have a wireless connection using a standard O2 router. I'm just about to build the office/studio in the garden and I need an internet connection here, but the O2 box hasn't got the range. It's about 100ft between the router and the hot seat with a wall and some planting in the way. My question is this: Will an Airport Extreme base station give me more range than the O2 box? Will an Airport Extreme work with O2? Would I be better off laying an Ethernet cable along with the rest of the electrics all the way up to the studio and do away with the Wireless idea? Can a (approx) 100ft Ethernet cable give me a decent signal or is that just too long?
Just got my wireless router (base extreme) connected. There is no problem with connection to my HP netbook and internet works. However, there is no internet connection with my compaq presario notebook but wireless is connected. Does anyone know how i can connect to internet on PC?
all other machines have no problems.It worked earlier in the day-put to sleep-came back- now it can't something is wrong with network settings but nothing changed. Two PC's are connected to same cable/Airport base station wirelessly with no issues it's just my machine. I've rebooted a few times-that didn't help. i can get my macbook's airport to work with my wireless aircard so it's not my the internal wireless modem, it's got to be my wireless settings for the airport basestation itself-but nothing chagned in those few hours it was asleep? I have been having issues for a few weeks requiring that I run diagnosis on this home wireless network connection, but it usually gets resolved and coems back on-now it seems gone.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have just acquired a second-hand iBook G3 (Mac OS X 10.3.9) and I can't connect to my BT HomeHub using the AirPort. I can connect using a cable and the previous owner had no problems with the AirPort. My PC is connected to the BT HomeHub fine.
The AirPort is on and I can see the correct BTHH network in the list. When I try to connect I get the error message "There was an error joining the AirPort network 'BTHomeHub etc." I know this is a common error message but I've been through lots of forums and haven't found any advice that has worked. I tried stuff like cleaning up the keychains and adding '$' to my password.
It could be a problem with my password, because I've tried the Admin password on the back of the hub, the Wireless key BT gave me on the 'Wireless Settings' card, and the password I use for wireless internet on my PC. Does anyone know which one ought to work?
When I go into the AirPort menu and click on Internet Connect, 'AirPort Power' is 'on', there is no signal, and it says 'Base Station ID: Not available'. Do I need to reset my Base Station?
If anyone can help I will be soooo grateful. Thanks.
**I'm a Mac newbie and I'm not a techie, so if you can help me, please be prepared to explain in detail**
For wireless: [URL]. Click wireless basics. "For a WiFi network you need an apple Airport base station connected to your cable/dsl modem". Can't I just hook up a wireless router to my cable modem, and ta-da, WiFi.
I am unable to add aan HP Laserjet 1212nf printer connected to an Airport Base station. When I click add it takes me directly to the I.P. window. My MacBook pro running 10.6 does not see the printer, Bonjour does not search for it.
I have macbook intel 2.0 GHz and Mac OS X 10.4.11.I had no problems with connecting with belkin g plus mimo router (f5d9230-4) before, but suddenly it dropped down the connection.It was about two months ago, in meantime I was trying to reset modem and router many times, I did "restore factory default" on the router and set it up again, I was trying to change location in network system preferences, but it doesn't work.I see my router as available in airport networks list, but I am not able to connect to it, it shows "password is not valid" when I'm trying to do it by network setup assistant, and "there was an error joining the airport network" when by airport scroll down menu.
I was also trying to set router as a open network, or to change the password.My other wireless devices like iphone 3g have no problems with setting up such connection, but my macbook must be wired if I want to access internet at the moment
i am traveling to my parents and want to use my aiport to get wifi. my fathers computer is not running on wifi. what do i need to do to get my airport to work with his router
How do I use my AirPort Extreme base station with my FIOS Router to extend my network? I have hard disks connected to my AirPort Extreme and would like to access them.
In the UK, the Airport Extreme base sation is a 2-3 week wait on the Apple store and big stores like John Lewis have no stock. On Appleinsider, there's a story about and Australian offer and a mention that potential buyers should wait. Is there any other news that suggests I should wait to get a new base station?
I use the new Airport Extreme Base Station with my Cable Modem, and recently bought a second machine (Windows Based). Now this other machine doesn't have any wireless capabilities and is too far to use an ethernet, so I decided to use an old Airport Extreme Base Station (The cone shaped one). The NEW Base station doesn't have any WDS option, the only remote thing I can see is 'Allow Network To Be Extended' The OLD one does have the WDS option and requires the NEW router's MAC Address etc... If only I still had my Airport Express, or a longer ethernet cable!
AirPort Utility 5.5.1 includes general bug fixes and addresses the following issues: Not importing all settings when importing a configuration. Not propagating MAC address control lists when using an extended network.
Does anyone out there is able to guide me thru the step on setting up a 2Wire all-in-one router with the AirPort Extreme base station? I was reading from somewhere, they were saying like i need to bridge the 2 router together or something.
I've been looking here for the answer without any success. Well after 8 yrs I decided upgrading my linksys's router and I was able to setup my new airport extreme wireless and add my ethernet printer without using the USB option.
I noticed after using my daughter macbook pro under her log in and I was able to see my airport router and was able to change settings under airport utility.
I don't want that to happen as I want to manage everything from my Macpro and I'n afraid that anyone with another pc from outside can have access to it.
I don't have any share files except sharing the printer in the network.
Also I noticed that I can't have two seperate network name's with individual passwords for 2.4 GHz and 5GHz but I have a separete one for the guest network which I did okay.
If I add a hard drive in the airport router via USB can I use that for time machine for my daughter macbook pro?
I have a wireless network set up using an airport express. Both my iMac and MacBook connect to it wirelessly. I want to use a second airport express and put it in my livingroom so I can connect my stereo speakers and use AirTunes. If I configure the second express to join the current network, will I be able to use internet and airtunes at the same time from the same computer? In other words, can I use the two airport express base stations in just one network with both internet sharing and airtunes?
It's a two year old 802.11a/b/g Airport Extreme Base Station.
I've tried connection via wireless and ethernet from two different Macs (one with an 802.11a/b/g Airport Extreme card and one with an 802.11a/b/g/n AE card.) I can ping the base station successfully, but I can't connect to it with Airport Utility.
i was at the flea market today, and found an apple base station, in the box, covered by the original plastic cover.. never been in use! on the box it says "apple 1999", how old is this device? I found a nice and short video of the product on youtube: (URL) so here is my question, will it be useful? i got router, and i got the airport extreme, we planing to extend the house soon, can it be used as another network for the house?(which means 3 networks)
I have just bought a AEBS and all works on a 2.4Ghz network. I think I have set it up correctly. I can see my wireless network with 5Ghz in brackets in my Airport menu but I can't connect to it, just times out. I have read this seems to be a firmware issue for the AEBS on 7.5
I can't see in Airport Utility to set the Radio mode to 'N' only, I only have 2 options as shown in the attached.
I have an airport extreme base station and I heard you need a modem to connect it to, I have a bt homehub and need to just get the internet setup. I can't seem to set it up how hard I try. It shows this when I try to plug it in without the bt hub [URL] and I dont know if I have a modem or not?