I just upgraded to 10.7.3 from 10.6.8 on my Mac Pro (3,1). Since then, I have had to wait a couple of minutes (with a spinning beach ball) just to print. During that time, the print dialog box is frozen. It doesn't matter whether the output is a network laser printer, a USB inkjet or even a PDF file. And it doesn't make a difference with the application. I have tried using generic printer drivers, reinstalling lion from the recovery drive, using DiskWarrior and Disk Utility to repair the drive, repairing disk permissions and using the combo update. I originally installed Lion from the App Store. I have a Macbook Pro with Lion that has no trouble printing over Air Port Extreme on the same laser printer.
I have a new unibody macbook pro and print from it using a wireless hp officejet pro 7410 all in one printer. I have a linksys wrt150n router. My pc laptop prints fast from it but the mac prints very slow. The printing actually stops for a while then starts again. It doesn't seem to do this all the time. I can't figure out what would slow it down.
We have a Mac here running 10.5 and users are complaining about how long it takes to print (by comparison to Windows) and if there's any way to speed it up. Unlike the Windows machines which go to a print server, OS X prints directly to the printer. The types of documents they're printing are large, so either big graphics or multiple copies consisting of lots of text/pictures.
By my understanding what's happening is the printer waits until the entire job has spooled before it starts to print. Which makes me wonder if there's a OS X equivalent to the Windows option "start printing immediately". I've been looking around Google etc but haven't found much. Having said that I'm a Windows admin so I could be heading down the wrong track.
Everytime I go to print an e-mail in Mail 5.2 or Safari 5.1.5 on Mac OS 10.7.3 on my Mac Book Pro 15 inch 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7, the beach ball comes up and spins for approximately 1 minute and 25 seconds. After this time, the print dialgoue box comes up. It prints immediately after I press print in the print dialogue box. This issue happens only with these two programs, regardless of any printer I use to print. I have reset the printer system, I have rebuild the mail. I have called Apple, which led to a developer support, submitting the info, etc, but have not heard back from them. Printing is fine from all other applications, including Parallels running Windows and Quickbooks running on Windows.
I have a new MacBook (Dec '08) and everything is working fine with one exception. When I type numbers into the calculator app they appear on the screen in slow motion with a nice long pause as each number typed is displayed. On our iMac the calculator app just flies along and has no problem keeping up no matter how fast I enter in numbers. Any ideas where to start on this one? Besides the standard software we have installed Microsoft Office and Handbrake.
I have a Macbook Pro core 2 duo era 2007, OS 10.6.8, with an interesting problem I've not encountered in reading other issues. Here's the system profile, to get that out of the way: [code] Enabled Other than the faulty video card that seems standard for this run of the Pro, I have never had an issue. I have just replaced the battery from the original battery that came with the computer. It was useless to the extent of the word, but my budget did not allow me to purchase a new battery until recently. The battery info only stated "Replace Now" and the LED meter no longer functioned. The battery held no charge, and the computer only ran off of wall power. Up until a few days before I replaced the battery, this provided no trouble. However, it began one day to startup extremely slowly (5 minutes or more on the Apple logo startup screen, and then more time to load dock/top screen toolbar/etc. It also failed to recognize the external HD I frequently use with this computer. My theory was that it was simply underpowered on account of the failed battery, and the internal HD or the CPU was just not able to run properly. I finally put a new battery in hoping that it would fix the issue, but no avail. My startup time seems slightly less, but it seems as if the computer has not loaded interface protocols, as the computer is unresponsive to attempts to open the dock or a finder window, or even hover over battery or volume icons. After 5-10 minutes it finally kicks in and I can use my computer without problem, with the exception of the external HD, which will still not load.I have run disk utility, verified my HD, no errors reported. I have the activity monitor up which shows a pretty minimal load on the CPU and disk usage. Nothing I can think of would explain the problem my computer has suddenly adopted.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have this MBP 13'' Mac OS X 10.7.5 running a 2.4GHz i5, 4GB RAMs and 500GB storage.The problem started yesterday when I was typing on Word and I copy pasted something from the net (chrome browser) then it froze.I waited for around 5minutes and still frozen with the spinning wheel, then I decided to turn it off by pressing power for 10 seconds restarted my
MBP then now it running so slow on start-up and apps are very slow to open like around 5 minutes. Every action that I try to do like clicking on the apple in the upper left it freezes showing a spinning wheel and it will take time to show the drop down options. I checked disk utility and it said that HD is ok, done verify/permission verify and repair.
I checked the activity monitor noting the ram/CPU usage and its normal it even tells that 2GB of ram is not use.It shows not responding in the activity monitor if you open an app for around 5mins then it opens or it will crash.I already done the 2 kinds of reset and did not work.BUT it opens normally in Safe mode.
I'm finding my MBA rev b to be quite slow opening apps, I bought the 1.6 ghz 120gb model.
It seems like everything's rather slow to open. I have 30gb free on the hard drive, iTunes, Safari (5 tabs) TextWrangler and mail open all day.
If I ever need to go into Firefox it takes a fair while to get up and running. I ran some xbench scores and it seems very slow on the random reads, oddly it was much quicker writing to the disk than reading.
Is their anyone in the know who can confirm that this is normal? Or if not, is there anything I can do to give it a boost?
I edit using Lightroom and Photoshop and I'm having an issue while editing. After editing around 8-10 photos in Photoshop the computer starts running unbelievably slow. After each 8-10 photos I have to close down everything and reboot. Even the reboot process is super slow as I have to force quit each application usually 1-2 times to get it to close. Is this normal? I have a 2011 17" with 2.2 GHZ i7 with 8GB ram. Is there any setting that I can change or be aware of.
I have an Epson printer connected to an old iMac. I have printer sharing turned on. I have been able to print from a Mac Book Pro on the same network (with the imac on), but NOW, for some reason, I can no longer print from the Mac Book.
I am trying to print wirelessly from my Macbook Pro to my Desktop running windows XP. The desktop is wired directly to the router and the printer, the macbook is wireless. I can enabled sharing on the printer on the desktop, and added the printer to my macbook. My problem is when I try to print It send's a signal to my desktop, the HP "ink level" pop up comes up, the printer shows spooling in the details then it disappears and never prints. I know I am close but have been messing with this for 2 days and I cant figure it out.
All of a sudden out of nowhere, one, and only one PDF, will only print on 1/4 of a page. Everything else prints fine, other PDFs print to full pages, anything outside of Safari prints as it should--it's just this one PDF in Safari, it's driving me crazy. I've logged out, logged back in, restarted my MBP, even reset safari--and nothing at all. All printer settings/scaling are as they should be, and the preview shows a full page document, but what comes out of the printer is 1/4 page. Here's the PDF: It prints fine in FF, but for some reason it's coming out super light/blurry/grayscale/crappy, so it's no good.
I wondered if it was in anyway possible to print wirelessly from my MacBook. Seems simple enough right? Well, the thing is I don't have a wireless printer. It's a normal inkjet Epson and it's connected via USB to my desktop which is running Vista Home Premium. Is there anyway I can somehow forward the document to my desktop and it'll start printing? Oh yes, my router is standard, it doesn't have any USB ports. Also anyone know any wireless HDDs? Time Capsules rather pricey especially in the current climate.
I have been like sweating for the last 3 hours trying to figure out how the heck to make my mac print to my printer. My printer is connected to my Windows XP Computer that I use for most printing. Now, I don't want to have to drag my MB all the way down 3 flights of stairs to where my Windows is to connect it. Is there a way to print wirelessly from a printer connected to windows so that I can print from my mac. my MacBook is running 10.6 Snow Leopard. And the Windows is running Windows XP 2007.
I'd like to print files instantly while I am out of the office. There is NO computer connected to printer while I am out of the office. The printer is connected to the router. I am using a samsung CLX-3185fw.
I'm trying to connect my leopard macbook to a Canon Pixma MP210 that his hooked up to an XP machine. Sharing is enabled in XP on the printer and I can successfully add the printer to the mac in system preferences. I've downloaded the proper drivers from Canon's website and selected them for the printer. The problem is that when I try to execute a print job, the print queue comes up and hangs on status "printing."
Also, on the XP machine, the print queue recognizes a job is being requested but the status hangs on "spooling." The document never actually prints. Finally after a couple minutes, the print queue in the mac has an error stating: "Error Number : 311 Printer is in use or an error has occurred. If an error has occurred, eliminate the cause of the error."
I will be off to college this fall and want to set up my macbook to print to an as yet unpurchased MFC wirelessly I have talked to school IT people and my dorm is a hard wired acces point only and if I try to use an airport as a hub it will screw up the connection. any way I want to maybe use a bluetooth dongle setup or something like that to print in the dorm. Anyone do this.. is this the wrong approach is it really slow, (4mbit vs usb 2.0 420mbit) or is the printer pipeline unable to process large data packets anyway... I have talked to several people (apple tech, Hp tech, dorm tech) and three answers.
I have a macbook. 2007 late series. Just recently I have had issues with printing. When I try to print in the printer dialogue box it states 'all jobs stopped.' It doesn't seem to matter which printer I use. Also, just installed Adobe CS4. COuld this be the culprit?
how to install a Samsung CLX-3185FW to print wirelessly? I have downloaded the drivers from the Samsung site which enable me to print via USB and also to connect the printer to the home wireless. On a MACBook Air I've managed to install the printer using the IP address. I can then print from the MacBook Pro by sending it through the MBAir as the printer shows up as connected to the MBAir. However, when I try to install the printer to the MBPro using the IP address I'm told that Apple doesn't have the necessary software. Consequently, I'm unable to print directly from the MBPro to the printer.
got my self a new macbook pro and a time capsule, but when i try to hook it up I can't seem to get it to print wirelessly with my HP Photosmart printer.Have the printer connected to time capsule by usb cable, my macbook recognizes the printer by make and model, but then says the printer is not hooked up.
I have a Windows XP Desktop with a Epson Stylus S21 connected to it with bonjour downloaded onto it. Using the step-by-step guides, I've managed to connected my MacBook Pro to the printer over the system and have managed to print. The only problem is, when I do send a document to print from my MacBook it only prints out a blank page with nothing printed on it. I know that the two are connected as I can send things to print, and it's not an issue with the printer as my desktop is able to print fine.
My MacBook is not connecting to the host computer for the printer. The host computer has a static IP address which is different from the IP address that the laptop is looking for. How do I change the laptop so that it looks for the host computer's correct IP? The laptop is connected to the router. I know this because I can get on the internet with the laptop.
I have set parental controls for my daughter's laptop and I'm finding them a little too controlling! In particular, it requires my consent for accessing our wifi home printer (not a problem, I've approved that) but then also for the printer at her school. Other than turning off controls for a day to allow her to get authorized for whatever printers they have at the school, and hoping that the authorization will last, is there a way to exclude printing from the parental controls in the first place?
Have a Duplex Printer and we recycle paper that already has one sided printed (wife's a teacher - lots of paper). Our MacBook Air defaults to two sided printing and I can not change this. I understand that if you remove the printer and reestablish it, the "two sided printing" option will once again show up. For other document printing it does not.
My Macbook recognizes the IP address of the network printer on the network I'm on here at the church I work at, but I cannot print to it because it requires an authentication track. When I click file>print in an excel sheet or a word document the print screen comes up. In the drop down menu where it says "copies & pages" there should be an option for an authentication track or number, but there is not. It is simply not there. There actually should be a lot more options but there are not. I simply have a few, scheduler, summary, layout, etc. What can I do to get to the point where I can authenticate to print on that printer?
I got a this printer from the free printer with new mac special and bought a class 1 bluetooth dongle from ebay.I connected it to the printer and opened the bluetooth set-up assistant and it recognized it by its name and model number. I set it up and everything appeared to be working normally but when i try to print i get the 306 error. does anyone know what to do?