MacBook :: Time To Replace Battery
May 17, 2009
I routinely put my Macbook to sleep with a full-charge at night, then unplug it (the power cord doesn't reach where I keep my computer at night). When I wake it up, it generally has 93% of a charge left. This has never happened and I am wondering if it is time to replace the battery.
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Jul 11, 2009
My two year old macbook pro battery life is getting shorter after recharging. I only get about 40 minutes on a full charge when it used to be 3 hrs. Is it time to replace the battery?
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Apr 2, 2012
the battery of my Macbook White is not ok. It is showing a cross in its icon sometimes and i would like to know how can i get it replaced for a new original one and how much would it cost.
MacBook 2.26 GHz, 2Gb,
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Aug 20, 2010
i have a 13 inch white macbook.battery is swollen. so swollen it just falls out if its not sitting.took it to apple and im past warranty and dont have apple care so i have to pay.
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Mar 8, 2012
My Macbook Pro does,nt seem to have any life in the battery does it need a new one
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Apr 4, 2012
Can I replace my bulging bettery for macbook? I bought late 2006 model.
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Oct 4, 2010
I have noticed that over the past few weeks, my battery continues to fluctuate between 43% health (Replace Soon) and 95% health (Normal).The weird part is that, when the battery is listed as 95% health, it functions normally (2 hours of charge). However, when the battery is listed as 43% health, it lasts significantly less even when doing the same light web browsing.
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Mar 15, 2012
After how many charging cycles do I need to replace the battery?
PowerBook G4 (15-inch 1.67/1.5 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 24, 2010
I've got a Macbook Unibody which is still covered under AppleCare, and I discovered that the battery has swollen and became slightly bigger, enough for the battery cover not to close properly. The battery has only 200 cycles and is still on 84% capacity, and I have AppleCare until November 2011, so I thought it was a battery defect and took it to my local Apple reseller. (no Apple stores here yet )
So, after two days I was told that they had checked my Macbook and found the cause for the battery to swell up: there was a lot of dust on what seems the output of the processor disippator (a place I wouldn't be able to reach myself to clean, as I would have to disassemble it), and that dust caused the processor to become hotter (even though I hadn't noticed it) and that too much heat caused the battery to swell up.
But the funny thing is: Apple won't authorize the battery replacement, because they say it is not a battery defect, as it was caused by the processor heating because of the dust that got there by "normal usage" and I couldn't clean by myself. They told me I should have got there by the time I noticed my laptop becoming hotter than before so they could have cleaned it, but now it was just too late.
So I was left with the laptop and the swollen battery again, after I refused for them to charge me for the battery a little bit more than the price that I could get it from the online Apple Store.
any experience with swollen after normal usage batteries? Will the battery swell up more if I keep using it? Do you have any idea on how to convince Apple to give me a new battery? (after all, batteries aren't supposed to swell up, aren't they?)
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Sep 4, 2009
My mom noticed the other day that the battery on her MacBook (purchased May 2008) was swollen (pics below). Due to this, the battery will no longer lock in place. The trackpad button will also no longer click, as the battery is pushing it up from the inside.
The one year warranty expired 4 months ago, but I was fairly certain that Apple replaced/fixed things that were widespread issues (I know, I know, I told my dad to buy the AppleCare but he never did). Swollen batteries in MacBooks were recently recalled, but apparently this MacBook was not one of the ones recalled.
The folks at Apple told me that it was an old battery issue, meaning the battery was at the end of its life. Normal. That it was simply time to buy a new battery. Now, I don't know much about laptop batteries, but I know for a fact that the swelling isn't due to a dying battery. My mom keeps the laptop plugged into an external monitor nearly all the time, and rarely takes it anywhere. The battery has had 31 total load cycles, standing at 98% of original capacity.
They refused to replace it because the computer is out of warranty.
They recommended buying a new battery before it swells more and causes any more damage. I expressed my concern over the possibility that the battery might explode (an issue common with other swollen batteries). I was told "it is a possibility".
Here's my question. If products produced between months C-D warrant a recall due to a certain issue, and a product produced in month E has the exact same issue, shouldn't it be replaced as well?
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Apr 9, 2012
Does Apple provide replacement batteries for out of warranty early 2008 Macbooks? Just wondering as my old MacBook is giving a "replace soon" or similar message under the battery status also would it be worth the cost to replace it considering its age?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), White plastic early 2008 model
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May 22, 2012
I have my Macbook late-2006 and suddenly the battery do not charge at cycle 103. I tried to talk to guys at Apple Store but the only thing they can do is to sell me a new battery. In fact, the battery was in recall before 2009 but I was not be able to send it back at that time. If the battery die only at cycle 103, is this normal?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 17, 2010
calibrating my battery for the first time this morning. i just opened my macbook pro to see that the time left icon jumps every minute. it goes from 8:50 to 12:38 to 6:54 to 11:37 to 7:40! and now it went from 8:45 to 9:19! the percentage remaining is consistent and correct but the time left is way out of whack! sorry for the slang! now it went from 9:19 to 9:11 then 8:47. i have the screen at the lowest brightness, no backlit keyboard, nothing else running except firefox. i wasnt aware that i was supposed to calibrate my battery and its been about 3 months since i bought this. now its at 8:37 now 8:18. this is quite
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Mar 12, 2012
I am just curious if I can actually remove and replace the battery of my macbook white mid 2010 model with a special screw driver?
MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Serial number: IQ0351EYF5W
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Apr 5, 2012
My Mac Air is only 1.5yrs old and this morning it wouldn't power up even being plugged in..How long is the battery life on these normally?
MacBook Air (11-inch Late 2010)
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Jun 6, 2012
so the question is : will buying a new charger fix the problem? or do i have to change the battery. this happened after i stopped using it for about one month when i went overseas and didnt touch it.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 20, 2010
I bought a refurbished first gen MBA about a year and a half ago. (It's under applecare for another 1.5 years). I have had terrible problems with video playback and trying to do the even most mild editing in Aperture and iMovie. Also, the screen is sometimes scrambled: Black chunks will appear like holes in the desktop image; The menubar will get scrambled; or safari will have weird misalignments around the toolbar/url.
Apple replaced the logic board about 6 months ago. I've continued to have these problems. I took it to the genius bar again today and the rep told me it was a problem with the graphics card and that they would replace the card. Then he said the logic board would be replaced since the logic board is fused to the video card.
That confused me. If the card is fused to the logic board, then it must have already been replaced the last time. He agreed, but at the same time assured me that this time it would somehow be different. I wasn't going to argue with him, but I have low expectations for any real results in improving performance.
Can anyone clarify for me what he was talking about? Am I wrong to believe that a second logic board replacement (and thereby a second graphics card) will solve the issues I am having?
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Sep 19, 2009
I just received my new MacBook Pro. It's the 2.66 with Anti-Glare screen. When I started the mac first time, I noticed my battery condition is 'Replace Now'. Has anyone experienced the same thing before? I then used the new mac without power cord for about 4 hours(browsing and updating iTunes, no heavy use) before the battery became really low.
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Jan 25, 2009
I've had my unibody 2.0 since November. It's always said 5 hours or so when i open it up fully charged. This week it's started fluctuating wildy. While typing this post it's gone from 3 hours 23 mins to 4 hours and five started at 2 it's up to 4...very odd. Any ideas on why this has started happening all of the sudden?
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Jul 7, 2009
I have had my macbook for just 6 the beginning it was perfect with a very good battery life.Now at 99% charge (as it refuses to finish charge to 100%) It now says 10:00 where the battery time is and last less than 30mins.
Also its charge capacity is JUST 708 !!!!It was over 4000 just 6 months ago.Im sure my battery is on its last legs, anybody know if I am entitled to a free one?
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):708
Fully charged:No
Full charge capacity (mAh):708
Health Information:
Cycle count:110
Condition:Check Battery
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Apr 14, 2010
In order to get more run time out of door, the better way is using high capacity battery. Some ask me if we can use 12 cells Mac Pro battery to replace 6 cells battery.
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Jun 17, 2014
Is it possible to replace a movie that has been removed from the movie part of iTunes by using TimeMachine as I had backed up my Mac just before the loss?
2.93GHz Intel Core i7, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Memory 8GB also Mac OS X now (10.7)
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Jul 1, 2014
I have an external disk drive, with which I can easily replace hard disks. Normally, I use my 2TB disk for TM backups but I had to remove it temporarily from my disk drive. After I have reinserted it (everything was fine) and mounted it, TM did not recognize the old backup bundle and failed to backup, because there is not enough disk space available to create a new backup bundle.
When I look at the root directory of my backup volume, I recognize that Finder has lost the sparse bundle bit and my backup is shown as normal directory.
How can resolve that without erasing my disk and creation of a new backup??
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Nov 24, 2010
What's the best thing to do with the MBA out of the box? Should I use it and drain the battery to zero or not even turn it on and just charge it?
I want to treat it nicely from day one ...
Also, on the same topic of treating it nicely, do you recommend a screen or keyboard protector? I had a keyboard protector on my PowerBook G4 (iskin). While it kept the keyboard nice and clean, I suppose it didn't give me the best experience I could have had with the keyboard itself. I now realize that I can't really read the keys because the protector is so dirty.
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May 5, 2010
I am totally new to macbook. After being a very supportive Windows user I finally decided to change that and get the Macbook pro 13". I was trying out the battery and wondering there a bit. I charged it fully and when I started running the mac on battery the remaining time showed around 10 hours, then it would start jumping, suddenly it went to 9:30 and further down. The lowest within half an hour use was 4:30 and right now it's up at 8:50 again. I was wondering whether this kind of "jumping" is normal or whether just my macbook is doing that? I am really happy with my decision so far, I love the macbook and I am sure while trying it out in the next week or so I will come up here with some more questions!
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Jun 28, 2010
The battery time on my Macbook Pro 15" goes from one time to another in a matter of minutes. I fully charged the battery after it had been drained. This is what I mean by fluctuating:
11:23am-11:28am (5m)
7h51m, 5h54m, 6h57m, 6h16m, 5h29m, 6h38m, 5h53m, 6h29m, 6h9m, 6h13m
11:29-11:34 (5m)
6h39m, 6h36m, 6h4m, 6h8m, 6h49m, 5h52m, 6h30m, 6h0m, 5h43m, 6h30m
Apple states that it should get 8-9 hours on a full charge and mine gets 6h15m. It's only 10mos old.
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Jul 16, 2010
I've been meaning to calibrate my computer for some time now, but it seems like a wee hassle. I ask you this: must I calibrate my battery? Will it in any way affect my battery life during one cycle? What about the overall life of the battery in terms of number of cycles?
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Sep 12, 2009
I'm in to buy a second hand Macbook unibody - the one that didn't exist for very long, until it was slightly upgraded and rebranded as Macbook Pro. 13,3".
Differences I've found so far add up to these:
45 watt changeable vs 60 watt built-in battery
2.0 Mhz vs 2.26 Mhz
- vs Firewire 800 and SD card slot
One question would be - how much does the battery time differ between 45 and 60 watt?
Then I heard that the screen might have been updated too, something that for me makes more value than all the above. A quote comparing the white Macbook ("WhiteBook") with the unibody Macbook pro: "While both machines have 13.3-inch glossy displays, the unibody has also been upgraded to a higher-quality screen from AU Optronics with 60 percent greater color gamut, another advantage over the WhiteBook."
Does the unibody Macbook have the same screen as the white macbook, or does it have the same as the unibody Macbook pro - or something in-between? Does someone know of a comparison between the two?
I'll do a lot of graphics - picture editing - so it's important for me.
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Jan 6, 2010
In the coming days I am supposed to be in delivery of my new MacBook Pro and was wondering if it is better to just use the built in battery to power on my MacBook Pro for the first time and just power it off the battery until the battery is fully discharged? Or should I power my MacBook Pro from the power adaptor?
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Apr 20, 2010
My new MBP has 5 hours of battery when doing light web browsing at medium brightness. Only 2-3 hours when playing low res youtube clips, and 6:45 hours with all apps and wifi turned off and screen brightness at minimum.
When I first turned on the MBP I charged it to 100% and then discharged it down to 0. Is this battery life normal? What happened to 8-9 hours with wifi and web browsing? I can't even get 7 hours with everything off!
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