MacBook :: Battery Keeps Fluctuating Between Replace Soon And Normal?
Oct 4, 2010
I have noticed that over the past few weeks, my battery continues to fluctuate between 43% health (Replace Soon) and 95% health (Normal).The weird part is that, when the battery is listed as 95% health, it functions normally (2 hours of charge). However, when the battery is listed as 43% health, it lasts significantly less even when doing the same light web browsing.
I got myself a Macbook a couple of days ago. It's also the first Mac I've ever used, so I'm not fully acquainted with all the OS characteristics. In particular I'm puzzled as far as the battery monitor is concerned: the time it shows keeps on fluctuating: as I'm speaking it first shows 3:02, then 3:11, then 2:52, then again 3:00, then 2:43 and then again 3:02 (all these values in less than, say, 5 minutes).
The battery time on my Macbook Pro 15" goes from one time to another in a matter of minutes. I fully charged the battery after it had been drained. This is what I mean by fluctuating:
I've had my unibody 2.0 since November. It's always said 5 hours or so when i open it up fully charged. This week it's started fluctuating wildy. While typing this post it's gone from 3 hours 23 mins to 4 hours and five started at 2 it's up to 4...very odd. Any ideas on why this has started happening all of the sudden?
My two year old macbook pro battery life is getting shorter after recharging. I only get about 40 minutes on a full charge when it used to be 3 hrs. Is it time to replace the battery?
the battery of my Macbook White is not ok. It is showing a cross in its icon sometimes and i would like to know how can i get it replaced for a new original one and how much would it cost.
I routinely put my Macbook to sleep with a full-charge at night, then unplug it (the power cord doesn't reach where I keep my computer at night). When I wake it up, it generally has 93% of a charge left. This has never happened and I am wondering if it is time to replace the battery.
i have a 13 inch white macbook.battery is swollen. so swollen it just falls out if its not sitting.took it to apple and im past warranty and dont have apple care so i have to pay.
I have read a lot of forums and discussions about the Mac battery. The normal life should be around 300 Charges. Mine has already more than 722 and is about 2 years old, but still has 100% life with sometimes dropping to 96%.Has somebody else exp. this kind of long life of the battery ? How long can a battery actually last ?
All I was doing was watching Brothers & Sisters on ABC's web site... So, yes, I was using the wi-fi. I had screen brightness dimmed to about 50%, and I turned the backlight off on the keyboard... So is 1 hour normal?
I noticed the fan was running the whole time. I didn't realize watching a video online would cause the processor to heat up so much!!
I checked the CPU utilization, and definitely Safari was cranking it up there...
I just got my first 13' MacBook Pro 1 week ago and a couple of days I ran a cross a thread about how to look up your battery condition and most peoples said their Battery Condition was "Good" but mine is showing "Normal" and I just got it a week ago. My question is, is this really normal or should it say Good?
I was looking into buying a new macbook pro and I was just looking at my current macbook 13 inch and I hadn't checked my battery health for a while so I went and had a look. I was extremely suprised to see my battery had done 1046 cycles and according to istat, my battery was at 92% health...
I have had my macbook 13 inch since november 2007. It has been having a few problems lately with over heating but I was wondering if it was normal to have a battery that had gone through so many cycles and still have around 4-5 hours battery life (when I am just browsing the net and doing uni work i.e not watching movies or listening to music)
I've had my refurb rev a for a week now. I absolutely love the form factor and it has really impressed me with what it can do. (My last computer was the 1.67 Powerbook G4 with 1 gig of ram.) However the battery life concerns me. When I got the air it had 4 cycles and 97% health. 10 days later i have 15 cycles and 93% health. I'm not concerned about the cycles, but should the health be declining this fast? If not what can I do to increase it? I've tried calibrating it and it really didn't change anything.
I just noticed my mbp battery was at Great but since its been dieing alot faster lately, I decided to take a look. First thing I noticed that it now says normal? Is it because im on reserve battery? Im just worried because I cant just go out and "buy" a new battery.
I have a 15 inch June 2009 MacBook Pro that has 7 hour battery built in. I only had it for 2 weeks and I only have 3 cycles on the battery. My question is that why under System Profiler, it told me that the battery condition is normal? Where my other 13" MBP that my brother owns for about a month is showing Good.
i tried calibrating it, and it still shows Normal. Coconut battery says I have 100% battery health. But still, it's kinda annoying for me.
My new MBP has 5 hours of battery when doing light web browsing at medium brightness. Only 2-3 hours when playing low res youtube clips, and 6:45 hours with all apps and wifi turned off and screen brightness at minimum.
When I first turned on the MBP I charged it to 100% and then discharged it down to 0. Is this battery life normal? What happened to 8-9 hours with wifi and web browsing? I can't even get 7 hours with everything off!
Just wondering, is it normal that when i close the lid of my MBP at low battery (2-5 percent), it shuts down completely. When i plug it in and turn it on, it goes to the reload thing where it continues your previous session.
I've had it for 16 months and the battery has 192 cycles and its health is now 78% (it fluctuates a bit). Is this health normal for this amount of cycles and age?
According to coconut battery, it says that my macbook pro 13" 2010 has a battery capacity of 5818 mah with the original capacity of 5770mah. It's only a few days old. Is that normal? I thought these were supposed to have 63.5 watt hour batteries.
had my MPB for a week and a half now. I have noticed in istat menues that it capacity has been increasing, yesterday it was 6915 now 6945 against the design of 6900, I thought these things could only go down?
A couple of days ago my comp, while on bat, instantly shutdown while browsing some websites. I've pluged the power supply but the info on the bat says not charging. The macbook will shutdown instanty if I remove the power cord.
Here's the power info (Lion 10.7.3): Battery Information: Model Information: Serial Number: ˇ Manufacturer: SMP Device Name: ASMB012 Pack Lot Code: 6 PCB Lot Code: 0 Firmware Version: 00c7 Hardware Revision: 0 Cell Revision: 0 Charge Information: Charge Remaining (mAh): 4178 Fully Charged: No Charging: No Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 4882 Health Information: Cycle Count: 47 Condition: Normal Battery Installed: Yes Amperage (mA): 0 Voltage (mV): 12128
According to the coconutbattery app, my laptop's battery temperature is usually around 87ºF. I got worried when I checked my sister's macbook pro and noticed that her battery temperature is around 25ºF (with the same app). I put a fan next to my laptop for an hour and the battery only cooled down to 85ºF. The temperature stays the same regardless of it being plugged in to the charger or not. Is it normal for my battery to constantly be this hot? I play computer games fairly regularly, but even when I have no applications open the battery is still hot. I am currently running Snow Leopard 10.6.8. I don't want to upgrade to Lion at the moment.I have already tried resetting the SMC, and nothing happened.