OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine - No Sparse Bundle After Disk Replace
Jul 1, 2014
I have an external disk drive, with which I can easily replace hard disks. Normally, I use my 2TB disk for TM backups but I had to remove it temporarily from my disk drive. After I have reinserted it (everything was fine) and mounted it, TM did not recognize the old backup bundle and failed to backup, because there is not enough disk space available to create a new backup bundle.
When I look at the root directory of my backup volume, I recognize that Finder has lost the sparse bundle bit and my backup is shown as normal directory.
How can resolve that without erasing my disk and creation of a new backup??
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Sep 20, 2009
I've deleted 6 backups already and am left with three but the size of the file hasn't changed at all. I don't want to delete the whole thing and start over.
The file size now is 330gb which is ridiculous to me that it hasn't changed one bit since i deleted 6 backups.
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Aug 10, 2009
I'm freaking out because my time machine backup failed and I opened up my Time Capsule's data folder and my sparsebundle is gone. It isn't hidden, just completely gone. However, The space used by my sparsebundle is still occupied, and airport utility still lists 60 gb used when there is nothing but my sparsebundle on the drive. I just repaired permissions, nothing changed.
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Jun 23, 2012
We're having trouble with a Time Machine backup. Twice in the last three days, the backups failed with the error message that the backup disk image is already in use.I noticed that the partition containing the backup sparse bundle is mounted twice in /Volumes -- /Volumes/X and /Volumes/X-1. The error message refers to /Volumes/X-2.The icon that appears on the desktop has not cleared as if it's still doing a backup.Looking at the sparsebundle directly gives me the "verificationstate" as 1 -- I recall reading that this is supposed to 0. Other values:
verificationdate == 2012-06-05, and VerificationExtendedSkip == false.Note that the backup drive is attached to another Mac still running Leopard. This is run fine for years over a gigabit network.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 21, 2009
i use my time capsule to do regular backups of a mac pro and a macbook air using time machine. i would like to delete the sparse bundle for the macbook air and start again, but preserve the sparse bundle for the mac pro. when i try to delete the sparse bundle for the macbook air though i get the error message 'the operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for some of the items'.
i wonder if anyone could let me know what i need to do to delete the sparse bundle?
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May 13, 2012
After some issues to get connet to the Time Capsule (which I use both to store media data and backup) the Time Mashine cannot run but return a message that the sparse bundle is already in use. In the Backup folder there is a file 2012-05-12-194014.inProgress. Can I just delete this - and move on?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Time Capsule, AppleTV, Ipda, icloud
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Jun 29, 2012
The backup disk image 'Volumes/Data/John's iMac.sparsebundle' could not be accessed(error-1).
Have tried remounting Time capsule in preferences. Have run Disc utility to verify 'Time Machine Backups'. Sparsebundle is greyed out in Disc Utility.
Time capsule has 1.37Gb free space and is connected via wireless and has a wireless express as a client. Would deleting the last back up be of assistance assuming corruption?
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Jun 24, 2014
Mavericks allows the use of multiple backup disks in Time Machine. Is there any way to select which disk to use when browsing a backup?
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Sep 5, 2014
I have Time Machine backing up to a network drive at home, and have recently set up port forwarding so I can access this drive from outside the network.
This means I now have 2 addresses for the same disk.
How do I explain this to Time Machine?
-If I give it both addresses, will it figure out they're the same disk and write incrementally, or will it just back everything up twice?
-If I just give it the external address, it'll connect successfully but it'll be routing the backup through the internet even though I'm on a LAN (right?).
-I'm currently switching target disks manually as necessary, but this is obviously not ideal.
MacBook pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Sep 3, 2014
I DREAD having to restart my Mac. Because every time I get met by a Time Machine 'unable to write' fault. And you can't reformat the disc (can't unmount) with disc utility. (even unmounting with Terminal, and stopping indexing with Terminal, both of which fail)
The only way is to plug the Time Machine disc into a Windows PC and reformat with that.
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Jun 5, 2014
Suddenly Time Machine often backups my whole disk. It has happened more than once, but it's not every time. Here is the log for the current and last backup. The last backup was just a few hours ago, and was normal. But then suddenly it insists on backup up everything. Not the first time this happens. And I not done much on the disk.
6/4/14 8:20:45.218 PM com.apple.backupd[22548]: Starting automatic backup
6/4/14 8:20:49.715 PM com.apple.backupd[22548]: Backing up to /dev/disk2s2: /Volumes/Air Backup/Backups.backupdb
MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Aug 22, 2014
I lost all data off my disk after OS X asked me if I would like to use my disk for TimeMachine.The disk was previously used on Windows, and contained data I thought I had a backup of.
The disk was a NTFS partioned IOMEGA 1tb disk. After it got formatted by TimeMachine it is HFS+. TimeMachine made a first backup to the disk, about 100gb of data. De disk contained movies from a camera which I don't have a backup of. How do I get these movies back? I've tried multiple software:
- Data Rescue 3 - Quick Scan: only files from the HFS+ partition
- Data Rescue 3 - Deep Scan: only files from the HFS+ partition
- StellarPhoenixMacDataRecovery: only files from the HFS+ partition
- TestDisk: no results
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 26, 2014
I'm looking for a good, reasonably priced, external disk to temporarily use for Time Machine backups. My 10.9.4 install is messed up and Time Machine no longer works with my ReadyNAS NV+ system. I want to use the disk to backup my MBP and reinstall the OS. suggest a proven external disk (2TB+) with a USB 2.0 (or Ethernet) interface?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 2007 15" Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz
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Sep 1, 2014
I have a 21" iMac and a Mac Mini, both of which I upgraded to Maverick a week ago. Since then, I have not been able to get Time Machine to backup. I can connect to the disk through my network, but Time Machine does not recognize it exists. I have gone through User and Groups, I have checked everything I can think of through System Preferences, and nothing has worked, including Sharing. I have another computer and am able to backup it, after programming the mini.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Sep 12, 2014
Time Machine reported it failed backup due to the shortage of disk space. But I see the total space of partition is 192GB,the whole backup snapshot estimated is 177.56G.
The massage said that " failed backup, 52.85 GB is needed for backup but it's only 25.17 GB available."
I know it's 166.35GB of ancient snapshot still exist, but why not OSX to delete it automatically and release more space for new snapshot?
By the way, I can't delete those ancient snapshot in Finder manually, perhaps permission denied.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 26, 2014
What can be done if Time Machine failed to save certain data to external hard disk, but I do have the old hard drive? I have a new IMac 10.9.2. The old IMac was hit by lightning/surge. Restored data from external LaCie disk but some information is missing. Apparently Time Machine did not save it to the external disk, or we just can't locate it. We do haves the old hard disk and will put it in a box to be able to access it.
Is partitioning the answer?
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Jun 17, 2014
Is it possible to replace a movie that has been removed from the movie part of iTunes by using TimeMachine as I had backed up my Mac just before the loss?
2.93GHz Intel Core i7, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Memory 8GB also Mac OS X now (10.7)
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Nov 6, 2010
I sent my old and dying machine in and the service place cloned it over to my new machine. All seems to be identical except a sparse disk image that I had to protect personal files. It's just not there. I haven't been able to get onto the old machine to verify yet if it's still there. Would the cloning process have left it off the new machine? Would it's location inside the library folder of my hard drive have become noticed during the cloning process? Could the tech people have cracked it open? Nothing earth shattering on it but still personal stuff.
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May 27, 2010
I use Carbon Copy Cleaner to backup. I've set it to backup to a sparse, rewritable disk image. If I, say, delete a file, then do another backup, will the file I deleted still be in the folder it was in, or will it disappear as if the backup was cleared and redone?
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Dec 6, 2010
So I bought a brand new WD 1TB Elements (USB) to use with Time Machine. I've never used a Time Machine before. I have a MBP13 with a 250GB disk, using the latest Snow Leopard, all updates installed. Formatted the drive to Mac OS Journaled (extended) and set it to use with Time Machine. Works until about 15-17GBs is copied over, than it fails:
1. If I start over it fails very soon after, no matter how many times I retry
2. No matter how many times I reformat it, it always fails
3. I tried one trick I googled - deleting the "inprogress" file - does NOT help
4. SMART status is verified
5. There are no problems if I verify/repair the disk.
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Aug 22, 2014
After months of continual Time Machine backups to my Time Capsule, an error message comes up saying that Time Capsule is busy. I've tried to delete the file and start over from scratch, but it won't let me.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 24-inch, Early 2008
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Dec 11, 2009
whenever I run Time Machine on my PowerBook G4 (1.5 Ghz / 1Gb RAM / OSX 10.5.8) it will eat up GB's of hard disk space while 'preparing the backup'. After that it finishes the backup, but I don't get the space back. I'm talking about the internal HD, not the external target disk of course. Does Time Machine use the space to generate some temporary files? Any ideas how I can get my disk space back
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Feb 18, 2009
Yesterday I switched on my macbook (Leopard) and got the flashing question mark. Ran all the resets and booted with disk utility which encountered an 'Invalid B-tree Node' when attempting to repair the disk. Additionally, the SMART status was verified.
I ran DW 4 last night, and performed the hardware tests which reported that the disk was operating like normal. The majority of my media files and additional work is backed up to my Time Capsule but I still have a folder of papers that are relatively new, and wanted to retrieve. While DW managed to reconstruct the majority of my drive (there seemed to be 15g missing - but it's just music files) including this folder, it couldn't replace the disk, as it encountered 'Serious Disk Malfunctions'.
So, via the Disk Preview I want to transfer my saved folders to my TC, but I don't appear to be able to locate it (via ethernet) through DW - even if it's connected when I boot up in DW. So, first request is: Can I connect to my TC to transfer across in DW's preview?
Second is: What are my options if DW can't replace? Do I need to take it into Apple and get a new HD (it's out of warranty)? It's possibly worth noting that I'm a student and have absolutely no money - so cost effective options are a bonus!
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Sep 2, 2014
I Just reinstall the MacBookPro from zero, without Time Machine, because some App was making a mess. In this new installing, my mac have another "machine name" and "HDD name" because I can't remember the old ones, so the Time Machine don't recognise the bucks-up, When I enter from Finder in the disk of TM, I see all the backups and files, but when I enter from the App TM, It's Clean.
So how I can "Rename" the TM Bucks-up so I can restore only the file that I want not all ?
OSX 10.9.4
MacBookPro 17" i7 2.2Ghz. - SSD 512 - 16GB
OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Apr 21, 2012
I'm looking for recommendations for reliable brands of USB exteral drives for use with Time Machine back-up. I have a Western Digital Passport drive that used to work ok, but now randomly ejects when I try to run a TM back-up, or even when trying to use Disk Utility on the drive. The Passport drive seems to be failing, so, what is a good (better) brand external drive?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 30, 2010
I lost my OS disk for my macbook pro. I am fully backed up on time machine. How can I do an entire restore without the disk?
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Oct 31, 2007
I have all my media stored on an external hard drive hooked up to my airport. Can Time Machine back up this drive and my iMac?
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Mar 7, 2009
I want to use Time Machine, but I don't want to have all my data sitting in the open on an external drive that someone can just carry away. Can I make an encrypted disk image, and have Time Machine use that as the backup volume?
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Jul 14, 2009
I'm a longtime IT guy but a Mac n00b. My wife just got a 13" MBP and we really like it. I have an external drive that I've been using for Time Machine. When I did the initial time machine setup several weeks ago it said that the computer had around 100GB to back up (lots of photos). It took a while but finally completed. No problems. I looked at the external drive and the amount of disk being used jibed with what I knew it should be using. Fast forward to yesterday. I happened to look at the external drive and instead of 100+GB being used, there was only 14GB on the disk being used. Whoa. I *HAD* stopped a time machine backup earlier in the day because we were doing some things and I didn't want any other processes going on. Could stopping a TM backup (from the TM menu bar menu) cause something like this? I would certainly hope not. It should not have been deleting files at all--we are FAR from using up the entire disk.
I manually started a TM backup last night and it backed up ~ 100GB (I watched it's progress in the menu) and all was well. After it completed I went to the drive via the Finder and verified that disk usage was what I should expect. I just cannot figure out how it went from around 100GB used down to 14GB used and then back up to around 100GB. Frankly, it concerns me quite a bit. Does this make any sense to anyone out there?
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Aug 18, 2009
I'm interested in replacing my 250GB HDD for a 80GB SSD. I want to use the old drive as a USB backup disk for Time Machine, but is 5400 RPM fast enough for this?
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