MacBook :: Tablet Concept - Port Placements Stopped For Moment
Nov 16, 2009
[Version 3]
Ok well some people thought it was starting to look too generic, which I can agree with. I've tried a new approach, slightly. Some problems with the port placements have stopped me for the moment, but I'll tackle this sometime soon and see if I can work them out.
[Version 2]
Here is an updated version with a few of the suggestions posted, and a few modifications I thought were necessary. I also included some theoretical specifications. Let's keep going! : )
Version 2
[Version 1]
This is my concept of what an apple tablet might look like. This was just for fun. What do you guys think, agree with, disagree with.
Personally I feel that it will run full OS X and therefore I have put the necessary ports. I have also included a volume rocker and a dock connector. Lets see some other depictions from the creatives out there?
Version 1
I went to use my tablet today, and nothing happens. It shows up in the USB bus list, but when I check the System Preferences under the Wacom icon, it says no tablet is connected. I tried d/l'ing the latest driver from Wacom[a 2010 update for my Intuos], with the same result. Could this havee something to do with the iTunes update that fixed a drag and drop bug?
i bought a macbook pro, OS X lion, version 10.7.4 a month ago. one of my USB port suddenly stopped working. i am a new mac user, so i have very less idea about mac.
When I plug a set of headphones on my macbook pro, it no longer recognizes that headphones are plugged in. I have tried three different sets of headphones just to make sure that they are not the problem. In Sound/Output section of system preferences, it still says internal speakers even when the headphones are plugged in all the way.
Is there a fix for this I can do myself or do I need to take it in to an Apple Store?
I hooked my Macbook mini-display port up to my new Sony 32" TV and it worked fine for a month or so, but then it stopped working. Now when I plug it in the TV says there is "no signal" and the laptop doesn't detect the display. Nothing happens when I plug it in. I have tried two different HDMI chords, but only one mini display chord.
The Firewire port on my MacBook has stopped working. Nothing responds and when you look in System Profiler with anything connected the Firewire section shows the spinning indicator for a few minutes before claiming it is unable to list devices. I have also tried all the usual troubleshooting steps including resetting the SMC. But, if I put my thumb under the connected Firewire plug and gently press upwards the port works. It shows in System Profiler and drives mount. I have, of course, tried with different cables to rule that out too.
It clearly seems to be a physical problem with the port somehow. Does anyone have any ideas of exactly what the problem might be, and how easy it is to fix? Maybe a pin just needs bending outwards, or the port loose and can a clip needs pushing back in. If it is likely to be something relatively simple I am comfortable with fixing it myself, but the laptop is a few years old and not covered by AppleCare so I am wearing of an expensive repair bill.
I often watch movies streaming on the internet by connecting my Macbook to my television via my Mini DVI to S-video adaptor cable. Last week, however, it suddenly stopped working. The television can still detect the display, but the image is super distorted and moving in a static-ey way. I can only vaguely make out the icons on my desktop on the TV screen. I thought that perhaps my adaptor cable was at fault, so I bought a new one - but the problem remains. I have also tried resetting the PRAM, repairing the disc and permissions with Disc Utility, and cleaning the Mini DVI port. I am pretty certain that it is a hardware problem with the port itself. One of the pins on my Mini DVI port looks like it could be out of place. It is kind of squished at the bottom of the port instead of laying flat like the others. I’m thinking that this might be the culprit. Is there a way to repair the port without having to replace the whole logic board? The Macbook in question is a 2008 Core 2 Duo running Lion.
I was playing Starcraft 2 on my MBA and the computer just shut down all of a sudden. Then when I booted back up the USB mouse I had plugged in doesnt work. I've since restarted and plugged in various things and it still doesn't work.
I have had my 24" 2.8GHz iMac from November 2007 flawless until today, 1 of 3 usb ports on the back simply decided to stop working. my keyboard, when plugged in, does not work, however, I usually use this one port with my iPod, when I plug my iPod in, it turns on, says its connected, then ejects automatically, though in the other works fine in the other ports.
[URL]. Proof-of-concept exploit code has been posted online for six kernel vulnerabilities, five of which affect Mac OS X 10.5.6, the most current version of Apple's operating system software. The vulnerabilities are proofs of concept that demonstrate the code can take control of a machine, either via creating a privilege escalation modifying the users or launching DoS local attacks against the PC," he said in an e-mail. "The proof of concept code has the ability to create a new system volume, call to some OS functions, change the user ID, and so on, without administrative privileges.
I've been having an annoying problem lately. The ethernet port on my Mac Mini seems to have stopped working. It happened when I was switching routers. Most likely I just unplugged it from the old router, and into the new one. After that, no more connection, nothing changes when I plug something in.
As far as troubleshooting goes, I've plugged it into other ports, and into my MacBook Air (Just to get a Self assigned IP) and nothing works. I know these ports work with my other computers. I've reset the SMC and PRAM.It works in bootcamp so this makes me think it's not hardware. Any other suggestions?
I have used ssh port forwarding in the past,I have recently upgraded to Mavericks, but it does appear that my ssh port forwarding stopped some time before this. The last time I know it worked was 5/14/14, and feel it has worked more recently as well.
from my Mac I ssh to my work jump server (port 22, let's say its IP is, and my jump server has access to work PC (lets say IP of My work PC has RDP running on it on the common port 3389. I have verified that I can set up a working RDP session at work from another box. Also, I know that my jump server can get to my PC at work as I can ping my work IP if I just ssh straight to my jump server. And I know that there is no firewall stopping me from the jump server as I can also open a telnet session to my work PC on port 3389, without errors.
how I have done it in the past and it has worked, but now recently stopped working in Terminal app:
ssh -f me@ -L 3388: -Nnv
The verbose logging shows that it sets up connectivity. If I then look to see if my local port is listening I can type:
netstat -an | grep 127.0
I will note that port 3387 is in fact LISTENing and waiting for connection
I then start my RDP client app, and start a session to "localhost:3387" (I could also use "", and have, but it does not work either). My RDP client eventually times out. I have turned my firewall off and on, neither way works.
The verbose log shows the following is setup appropriately (with noted modifications to server names and actual IPs): debug1: Authentication succeeded (keyboard-interactive).Authenticated to ([]:22).debug1: Local connections to localhost:3387 forwarded to remote address Local forwarding listening on port 3387.
Sitting in front of my old an trusty G4 dual 1 gHz "quicksilver" desktop computer, and I was web browsing, and reading a thread, and wanted to go back to the previous page and got my 3 fingers into position above my keyboard..... when I realized I was sitting at my desktop computer. Now, THAT is conditioning ! Anyone else have these moments? Anyone else as into their MBA's as me?
I started to have a perplexing problem that I narrowed down to the audio in-put port on my Mac Pro (MacPro3 ,1). It was working fine then the sound level increased and the quality became distorted (like a "fuzz base" but affecting all sounds)I was in the process of digitizing records, and believed the record played broke. So I got a new record player (audio-technica AT-LP120-USB). The same thing occurred with the audio in-put port, so I switched to the USB port and the audio was fine. I also checked with music already on my HD and it played fine. Consequently it has to be the in-put line port and/or a software issue.
MBP not booting up? I press the on button and the screen flashes for a moment and then it dies again... once I actually got it to some screen that said HD and Restore but when I clicked on HD it died immediately again...
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), iPhone 5 Verizon
Had been using the Mini Displayport > DVI adapter just fine with both HDTV and Dell monitor, BUT then all output has stopped completely!
No monitor is detected by the laptop (although the display does blink blue, as if it had detected it), tried different cables, different displays, using the Displayport firmware update, speaking to Apple, deleting the files, etc
I just got a new MBP i7, and whenever the graphics switch from the Nvidia 330m chip to the Intel chip, the screen "flickers" black for a short moment before reappearing. Can anyone with a new MBP comment on this behavior? It doesn't happen on the switch from Intel->Nvidia, just the other way around.
Saw this interesting new Dell Lattitude XT2 tablet on engadget. Yeah get your laughs out of the way first and stop reading if you hate Dell or Windows.
This isn't the Mac Tablet we've been waiting for, but what got my attention was the two finger multitouch swipe to scroll and the 11.5 hour battery life. Video of it for various use scenarios is here.
I can imagine just putting it into tablet mode, rotating the screen 90 degrees vertically, and then browsing around using just one finger click, two finger scroll, and two finger pinch like a big iPhone.
Does anyone think that by Apple upgrading the Uni Macbooks to the Pro line, they have just created the space for the tablet to slot into? Before the WWDC keynote, people were wondering where Apple could place a tablet in their line-up but now maybe they've created a slot! Wat u think?? Theres rumors of Steve coming back at the end of the month with a media event. Could it be the tablet? Maybe not, but I definitely think that the tablet will be coming now cause of wat happened today!
Trying to draw something with your MacBook's trackpad can be a hassle, but this user-friendly app makes it as simple as can be. Called Inklet, it "uses the multitouch trackpad interface to sense where and when you're touching the pad, and then translates that into drawing marks just like a Wacom pen tablet." Inklet requires Snow Leopard to work, so if you're running anything pre-10.6, you're out of luck. The software is $24.95, and their website has been brought to its knees by recent press, so you can download it from Apple's site if you can't reach it the official way. [URL].
While performing normal operations on my computer (email, internet, etc) my computer will freeze for a moment, go to a blue screen, then completely log out without warning, and go to the log in screen. This is the crash report that is created. Can anyone let me know what's going on?
I was migrating from my HP to my new MacBook Pro laptops and it quit transferring with less than a minute remaining. I had no choice but to abort from my HP and now my apple is stuck. How do I abort from my MacBook or pick up where it left off?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Not sure which operating system?
today i found that Mail has stopped working for no obvious reason.It wont send or receive emails, but when i check by signing into .mac itself, the messages have arrived and everything appears normal.Mail won't quit either... then every so often a box with the following text appears:'Some actions taken while the account 'enter.mac address here' was offline could not be completed online.Mail has undone actions on some messages so that you can redo the actions while online. Mail has saved other messages in mailbox "on my mac" in "on my mac" so that you can complete the actions while online.Additional information: The connection to the server "" on port 143 timed out.
How many of you would like to see a HDMI Port? Why the miniDisplay port? Why not remove ethernet jack and miniDisplay port and replace it with a HDMI port. That way one HDMI cable feeds digital video AND audio. Am I the only one thinking of this?
This pic generated quite bit of discussion in a Chinese Mac fans forum. Real or not, I will leave this upon everyone. Note: not quite sure if this is right session to post, but I can't post it to news session.
I've had a pen tablet for some time but never really used it and now I need to sign some docs here and there. How do I do so with Word or is there another way?
I bought a Bamboo tablet hoping that it would make drawing plays easier since I am not very literate with most programs. What programs for Mac will allow me to draw O's, X's and arrows and names?
can you recommend a tablet that can be used in place of a mouse, for general use in OSX apps but is also capable in PS. I tried a Graphire a few years back and hated it, but probably admit to not persevering with it long enough. Can tablets completely replace mice?