OS X Mavericks :: SSH Port Forwarding Stopped Working
Sep 2, 2014
I have used ssh port forwarding in the past,I have recently upgraded to Mavericks, but it does appear that my ssh port forwarding stopped some time before this. The last time I know it worked was 5/14/14, and feel it has worked more recently as well.
from my Mac I ssh to my work jump server (port 22, let's say its IP is, and my jump server has access to work PC (lets say IP of My work PC has RDP running on it on the common port 3389. I have verified that I can set up a working RDP session at work from another box. Also, I know that my jump server can get to my PC at work as I can ping my work IP if I just ssh straight to my jump server. And I know that there is no firewall stopping me from the jump server as I can also open a telnet session to my work PC on port 3389, without errors.
how I have done it in the past and it has worked, but now recently stopped working in Terminal app:
ssh -f me@ -L 3388: -Nnv
The verbose logging shows that it sets up connectivity. If I then look to see if my local port is listening I can type:
netstat -an | grep 127.0
I will note that port 3387 is in fact LISTENing and waiting for connection
I then start my RDP client app, and start a session to "localhost:3387" (I could also use "", and have, but it does not work either). My RDP client eventually times out. I have turned my firewall off and on, neither way works.
The verbose log shows the following is setup appropriately (with noted modifications to server names and actual IPs): debug1: Authentication succeeded (keyboard-interactive).Authenticated to somewhere.net ([]:22).debug1: Local connections to localhost:3387 forwarded to remote address Local forwarding listening on port 3387.
I am having issues with my Dual Band 1TB time capsule for some reason the damn ports won't forward I have enabled the correct settings with the ip address and the ports, but when I use a program to test if the ports are open they are always closed, regardless on pc or mac. Does anyone have a solution to this? I even reset my Time capsule to see if it would work, but no luck.
I have had my 24" 2.8GHz iMac from November 2007 flawless until today, 1 of 3 usb ports on the back simply decided to stop working. my keyboard, when plugged in, does not work, however, I usually use this one port with my iPod, when I plug my iPod in, it turns on, says its connected, then ejects automatically, though in the other ports...it works fine in the other ports.
i bought a macbook pro, OS X lion, version 10.7.4 a month ago. one of my USB port suddenly stopped working. i am a new mac user, so i have very less idea about mac.
When I plug a set of headphones on my macbook pro, it no longer recognizes that headphones are plugged in. I have tried three different sets of headphones just to make sure that they are not the problem. In Sound/Output section of system preferences, it still says internal speakers even when the headphones are plugged in all the way.
Is there a fix for this I can do myself or do I need to take it in to an Apple Store?
I hooked my Macbook mini-display port up to my new Sony 32" TV and it worked fine for a month or so, but then it stopped working. Now when I plug it in the TV says there is "no signal" and the laptop doesn't detect the display. Nothing happens when I plug it in. I have tried two different HDMI chords, but only one mini display chord.
The Firewire port on my MacBook has stopped working. Nothing responds and when you look in System Profiler with anything connected the Firewire section shows the spinning indicator for a few minutes before claiming it is unable to list devices. I have also tried all the usual troubleshooting steps including resetting the SMC. But, if I put my thumb under the connected Firewire plug and gently press upwards the port works. It shows in System Profiler and drives mount. I have, of course, tried with different cables to rule that out too.
It clearly seems to be a physical problem with the port somehow. Does anyone have any ideas of exactly what the problem might be, and how easy it is to fix? Maybe a pin just needs bending outwards, or the port loose and can a clip needs pushing back in. If it is likely to be something relatively simple I am comfortable with fixing it myself, but the laptop is a few years old and not covered by AppleCare so I am wearing of an expensive repair bill.
I've been having an annoying problem lately. The ethernet port on my Mac Mini seems to have stopped working. It happened when I was switching routers. Most likely I just unplugged it from the old router, and into the new one. After that, no more connection, nothing changes when I plug something in.
As far as troubleshooting goes, I've plugged it into other ports, and into my MacBook Air (Just to get a Self assigned IP) and nothing works. I know these ports work with my other computers. I've reset the SMC and PRAM.It works in bootcamp so this makes me think it's not hardware. Any other suggestions?
I often watch movies streaming on the internet by connecting my Macbook to my television via my Mini DVI to S-video adaptor cable. Last week, however, it suddenly stopped working. The television can still detect the display, but the image is super distorted and moving in a static-ey way. I can only vaguely make out the icons on my desktop on the TV screen. I thought that perhaps my adaptor cable was at fault, so I bought a new one - but the problem remains. I have also tried resetting the PRAM, repairing the disc and permissions with Disc Utility, and cleaning the Mini DVI port. I am pretty certain that it is a hardware problem with the port itself. One of the pins on my Mini DVI port looks like it could be out of place. It is kind of squished at the bottom of the port instead of laying flat like the others. I’m thinking that this might be the culprit. Is there a way to repair the port without having to replace the whole logic board? The Macbook in question is a 2008 Core 2 Duo running Lion.
I started to have a perplexing problem that I narrowed down to the audio in-put port on my Mac Pro (MacPro3 ,1). It was working fine then the sound level increased and the quality became distorted (like a "fuzz base" but affecting all sounds)I was in the process of digitizing records, and believed the record played broke. So I got a new record player (audio-technica AT-LP120-USB). The same thing occurred with the audio in-put port, so I switched to the USB port and the audio was fine. I also checked with music already on my HD and it played fine. Consequently it has to be the in-put line port and/or a software issue.
Had been using the Mini Displayport > DVI adapter just fine with both HDTV and Dell monitor, BUT then all output has stopped completely!
No monitor is detected by the laptop (although the display does blink blue, as if it had detected it), tried different cables, different displays, using the Displayport firmware update, speaking to Apple, deleting the com.apple..plist files, etc
ok, so i have a bt homehub, and i want to download things on transmission, but recently it has slowed to a crawling pace, despite having many seeders.
So, i heard that to speed it up you can forward ports, and whereas i am a good gamer, i have no practical skills with computers besides a few mainly showy bits of knowledge.
I want to port forward for Azureus so I can get some faster download speeds. I'm kind of new to this and I want to know if thats actually going to help me get faster speeds (or if only the number of seeders matters), and if it might screw up my internet connection in some unforseen way. I'd also like to know if anyone knows of any good sites that will run you through the process for macs, I went to [URL] but it was all for PCs. I have OS X 10.6 and Aiport Extreme
I've been trying to use DynDNS with my Belkin router to forward ports for VNC and FTP, and I've gotten as far as having one port probe website show ports 21 and 5900 as "open." I can also connect to the DynDNS address and configure my router, which I guess is expected. For port forwarding, I've told ports 5900-5900 from outside to go to ports 5900-5900 on my computer, whose local IP is static at Same for port 21.
However, typing in vnc://<my host> or ftp://<my host> doesn't work. If I try to use cyberduck, it says "connection refused," as opposed to connection failed if the address doesn't exist, so I know there's something up, but I don't know why it's not working. And I don't think it's the way the VNC or FTP servers themselves are set up; that's pretty simple.
I searched MRoogle and Google so I apologize if this question has already been posted. If it has can someone please redirect me to the answer?
Situation: From school (obviously an external network) i'd like to be able to use ard 3.3.2 to manage both my imac and my server, currently i have my port mapping set to forward to my imac for ard.
Problem: I'd like to be able to manage them both (through ard, for many reasons): i have not seen any possible way to change the ports that ard listens on my server (running 10.5 server). It's obvious you can pick the ports when you add the computer but not the ports that it listens on.
Possible solutions:?? I understand ssh tunneling allows you to connect to another computer but do not completely understand how this works... would this allow me to tell the router one port and the computer another?
I am using mocha VNC on my ipad and iphone to remote manage back to my macs at home. I set up port 5900 to forward to my iMac ( and it is working fine. I also wanted to be able to remote manage my mac mini ( as well but I have been unable to connect to it. I have tried forwarding 5901 and various other ports to it but have been unable to connect via VNC. I have all of the remote management settings identical to those on my iMac. I am not sure if this is an issue that remote management in OS X only listens to port 5900? Do I need to change a setting on the mac Mini so that it listens to 5901?
I have fibernet (fiber optic internet) I connect directly into the wall, no router. I have my airport extreme hooked up to the internet for wireless connections and my desktop connected into the back of the (router) airport extreme.I need to open ports
I'm trying to open up a port for shakespeer. I chose port 1402 and I put 1402 in public udp, public tcp, private udp and private TCP. Prviate ip address is
Nat port mapping is checked. everything else is left default. The port still won't open up! What am I missing?
I am using my TC as the main router on my network, this means that my DSL modem is connected to it, as are my Macs and my NAS.
I have setup port forwarding, to allow for HTTPS access to my NAS, and it is working, so I can access my shares from out-and-about.
Now I would like to add a level of security, and I remember that on my old Netgear router I could specify which computers the ports were open to, using their MAC addresses.
From what I understand, remotely accessing your computer is actually not that hard with osx - AWESOME.. but i am finding that it seems like its "too easy to be true? From what i read, all you have to do is go into your system preferences on the server computer and enable sharing and then download "Chicken of the VNC" app (or something like it) and you can access your computer at home?! What about a static IP. Is a static IP required? Or is there a different path to take directly to your computer?
Also, when you are accessing your computer remotely, can you actually use sme of the more complex programs? For instance, i have an iMac at home with Adobe CS4 on it and lots of big photography files on it. Can you actually open and edit those files on your home computer from a different one?
I have read alot about what port forwarding is. I just need help with getting faster downloads on transmission because most of the time even with like 174 seeders it takes days.
I use Transmission for downloading torrents and it's been going really slowly lately and I can't figure out why. When I check on Transmission it says that it's using port 51413, as per the picture below. So I go into my BT Homehub set up page and set up an application sharing option for Transmission like so: I have this forwarded to the MAC address of my Airport card. Am I doing something wrong here? Right now I'm downloading something and I'm apparently using 15 of 23 peers and it's going at 3.0 KB/s....
I have been using the same email account on my MacBook Air forEVER. I can log in to my email (I use google) via the web and I can still access my mail via my phone and iPad. I keep getting prompted for the password. I first get the "Mail cannot connect to the Google account, pls enter password". It will not accept my password. The connection Dr.'s connection status is that mail can access the internet (green dot at top of connection dr box). However, the status for my account shows that login failed and I need to check username and password. Internet Accounts, under system settings, recognizes this google account accepts the password.
I have checked, rechecked and triple checked the imap and the smtp. I have deleted the account and recreated the account. I have tried different ports. The only thing I notice is that it doesn't want to save any changes I make. Under the account information tab, everything looks correct except it doesn't show a password (no bullets indicating a secret word). I type in my correct password (and I know it is correct b/c I can login via a browser), go to the outgoing server screen, make sure that is correct and click back over to the account information tab to find that the password is again gone.
I am getting SO tired of doing all my email the hard way! Either on my mini or having to login via browser. I just want my apple mail app back up!!!
I recently got the new airport extreme base station and am having some trouble with port forwarding for uTorrent. I am using a MBP. So far I have done the following:1) Assigned a static IP of for my machine2) Within uTorrent | Preferences | Network, I assigned a port of 52003 for the "Incoming TCP Port" Sectio
Having issues with portforwarding on my new macbook aluminium using the airport extreme as my wireless router. Using the airport utility i scroll over to the port forwarding tab in my airport extreme. I dont know how im doing this wrong..i allow the ports that amule uses (port 4662 (TCP) and a few others for the kad network). Is it as simple as typing in 4662 in the public TCP and private TCP? I still obtain a low id and the online test provided by amule for the port 4662 doesnt succeed. Any help would be great.
i have a 2wire modem that currently will not recognise my computers anymore. it wont even recognise my airport. i would like to give my virtual osx server DMZ/port foward access so that i can map/vnc/ftp externally (i cant port forward either). for this type of modem, you need to select the computer first then change the port forwarding settings for each computer, but as i cannot see the computer in the first place i am unable to port forward at all. does anybody have any advice for me to reset/renew the modem to search for the machines again? (i have reset the modem numerous times).
I have a Linksys and just switched to using an Airport Express for the wireless network. In order to use Desktop Connection (VNC) on my iPad I need to open the ports 5900 (Mac Pro) and 3389 (PC). In 1st pic is my Linksys setup that did this. In the 2nd, is this where I enter the ports (under Host or Tunnel) and what syntax for Address and Length? Or if this is the wrong place how do I do it?
today i found that Mail has stopped working for no obvious reason.It wont send or receive emails, but when i check by signing into .mac itself, the messages have arrived and everything appears normal.Mail won't quit either... then every so often a box with the following text appears:'Some actions taken while the account 'enter.mac address here' was offline could not be completed online.Mail has undone actions on some messages so that you can redo the actions while online. Mail has saved other messages in mailbox "on my mac" in "on my mac" so that you can complete the actions while online.Additional information: The connection to the server "mail.mac.com" on port 143 timed out.