My logic board broke on my 07 mbp and i decided to buy a new 15" i7 anti glare 7200rpm. My question is how should i go about getting my files onto my new computer. I have a time machine backup, will it let me just install that onto my new computer? If so, do I want to do this or will that cause problems since its a different machine.
So for awhile I was following all of the to do about the GPU switching. Eventually I figured I would just deal with it and check back a month or so down the road. So since I've been out of the loop I was wondering if anybody can update me?
I've been using gfxcardstatus and it is very useful but would love to apple to just give us an update.
Bought a refurbed Macbook but it is running OSX 10.4.11 want to update it as none of my other toys sink up to it iPod, iPhone etc What is needed to update it. These are my specs.
Model Name: MacBook Model Identifier: MacBook2,1 Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed: 2.16 GHz Number Of Processors:1 Total Number Of Cores:2 L2 Cache (per processor):4 MB Memory:1 GB Bus Speed:667 MHz Boot ROM Version: MB21.00A5.B07 SMC Version:1.17f0 Serial Number:W8******YA4 Sudden Motion Sensor: State: Enabled
Is it possible to switch RAM between two Macbooks? One is 2GB and the other is 4GB. They are both the same model (Macbook, 2008 1st generation unibody)
One second my battery level will say 4:** remaining and the a minute or so later it will say 5:** remaining and then it will go back up to 7:**. This happens even when its fully charged or plugged in. What do you think it is? normal? Does your new MBP do the same thing?
I decided to try gfxCardStatus from a previous post to get a handle on which card is in use because I really feel like my battery usage is lacking, maybe 3 hours of continuous blogging and word processing. Nothing intensive like video. It showed the dedicated NVidia card. I switched to the Intel and no matter what I tried, I couldn't trigger the GT 330M. Video, every app, many windows. Appears to be a bug to me.
I also tried installing Windows to see if the 9600 would show up there, but I get a blank screen when booting the XP CD. I get the same blank screen when trying a Linux CD. Is this perhaps because the MBP is trying to use the 9600 but it's borked and not displaying anything.
I am thinking about switching back from Pc to the Mac; however I have a Dell 256 SSD P800 made by Samsung and was wondering if it was possible to swap the drive in the current MBP 13" with the 256 Samsung SSD? Would I need to install drivers or would it be as easy as installing the drive in the MBP and running the Snow Leopard disk?
I was looking through tech specs of the 15 and 17 inch macbook pros and comparing them to iMacs, so i was wondering why they did that? Is the graphics better on the macbook pro?
The title is pretty simple, and self explanatory. Will the HD Graphics/330M combo, or the 9400M/9600M GT ever be able to switch back and forth in Windows? And regardless of if it's possible, what is the limitation, drivers, other software, or a physical hardware limitation? It would be a nice way to get more battery life out of Bootcamp.
I have an SSD in place of the usual hard disk my MBP 13" came with to which i placed in the optibay. Since i did this (yesterday) ive noticed how noisy the drive is over just using the SSD alone.
Is there a way to either powerdown the optibay drive or 'eject' it when not in use for silence and prolonged battery life? Would you recommend it? Most of the time i will just use it as a netbook unless i download media to the optibay.
i have a White Macbook Core 2 Duo 2.16 and my friend has a Black macbook Core 2 Duo 2.0 so the top row of keys are different.. can we switch out the keys, if so, how?
So i want to switch my 500gb external hard drive and the generic factory 80gb hard drive in my laptop, but i already have alot of stuff on the external, if i cloned my mac onto the external and switched would i be able to access the files on previously external hard drive via my computer?
Ok, here's my big question, will the GPU switching in the refresh MBPs perform the same in bootcamp? I'm thinking of running simple window stuff at most times which clearly won't need the 330 and then games every now and then which will. I'm thinking of still converting over in about 2-3 weeks when I get to Ohio.
For the last week I noticed that when I enlarge any video stream to full screen, the lips do not sync with the audio. I tried disabling automatic switching of the video card and everything is normal when I enlarge the video.
I have a MacBook Pro 15" 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 (Mid-2010). I have auto graphics switching turned on in the Energy Saver prefs. But it never switches. It stays on the nVidia card all the time.
I have tried switching to Text Edit, Mail, BBEdit, and other non-graphics intensive apps. It stays on nVidia. It stays on nVidia even when I unplug and use battery power.
I can manually change it to Intel, and it works fine. When I change it back to auto switching, it stays on nVidia continuously.
Info: MacBook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 (Mid 2010)
I have a 13" Macbook Pro (Late 2011). I am looking at switching to Dvorak layout, but it would be easier if my keys matched what I was typing. Is there a way I could get the tiles replaced to follow the pattern of a Dvorak keyboard instead of QWERTY?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm trying to switch from english to greek pressing alt-cmd (which worked so far), but for some reason it doesn't work. What has gone wrong? Have I pressed something on the keyboard that has probably locked that change? I'm desperate to have an answer as I need it as soon as possible.
I've noticed this twice now, when I shut down my machine I always make sure its fully powered down, I then close the lid, now normally I let the macbook charge overnight, but the system on both occasions was fully charged, so I switched off the mains supply went to sleep and in the morning switched the plug on and picked up the mbp to check my emails, now the lid was down when I picked the system up but all of the sudden the apple logo lit up and the chime sound started and the system started up, the only issue is that when you open the lid you can see the logon screen but it's to dark to see anything but I can see outlines that indicate the system is at the logon screen. I'm a tad concerned that there might be a short on the casing to the power button, but it's odd that it only does it when I suddenly power up via the mains and not when on battery power? It's an Early 2011 MBP 13" intel i5 2.3Ghz 8GB corsair RAM 120GB corsair SSD.
i have 2 macbook pros , and i want to switch everything between those 2 macs, i want the mac1 to be on mac2 and vice versa how can i do this the fastest way possible ?
MPBr, 15", Early 2013 with dual graphics (Intel HD Graphics and AMD Radeon)
Running Maverics 10.9.3
What is happening:
1. Machine doesn't switch to AMD graphics no matter whatever app is running. In activity monitor even if some apps say "Requires High Perf GPU", the graphics card being used is still "Integrated".
2. Connecting to an external display via thunderbolt or HDMI doesn't work (external display doesn't turn on) either as it required discrete graphics too.
3. After a reboot (at what time I believe machine tries to use discrete graphics card), the display is always blank. Even the Apple logo on back of lid is turned off. Only way to get the display back is to close the lid and open it after 10 ~ 15 seconds at which time it probably switch back to integrated and comes alive.
What I have tried:
1. Reset PRAM. 2. Reset SMC. 3. Tried gfxCardStatus [URL] to no avail. If I manually switch to discrete card, gfxCardStatus checkmark say it has switched, but it doesn't. 4. Tried booting into hardware diagnosis (pressing D while booting) but was unable to get the screen turned on to proceed.
So I did the EFI firmware update and now my dynamic switching is broken. I cannot watch any video on the internet in fullscreen that has a 480p or lower resolution. Whenever I switch to fullscreen, the video becomes extremely choppy. This, of course, happens because the graphics card does not switch from Intel to nVidia. I'm on a 17'' Core i7 Macbook Pro.
Does anybody experience any delays with the auto graphics switching on the late 2010 MBPs? I mean serious delays? Mine seems to be very slow at making the switch. Say if I open a PDF that has a load of images in and start to scroll at high speed to scan the document, everything becomes very stuttery. Then, after a while (very random in how long it takes) everything starts to get smoother, when I assume the NVIDIA kicks in. I thought this was meant to be more-or-less instantaneous?
My primary concern is whether or not uMBP users will ever be able to switch the graphics cards without logging out every time? I remember hearing that it was a software issue, does that mean that it might be supported in Snow Leopard?
I purchased a 15" Mac Book pro a little less than 1 year ago. Right after getting it I changed the video to the 9600 and haven't changed it since. I tried switching it back to the 9400 last night and only got a black screen. If I do a hard shutdown and restart the system comes back up on the 9600 and runs fine. If I try switching back to the 9400 the same thing happens again (black screen). Obviously the 9400 worked fine when the system was purchased but hasn't been used since then so I don't know at what point the problem initially started. From what I've read, there are problems with some of the NVIDIA chips but it normally affects the higher GPU because of heat, not the lower one.