MacBook Pro :: Switching Graphics Cards Without Logout Possible?
Aug 20, 2009
My primary concern is whether or not uMBP users will ever be able to switch the graphics cards without logging out every time? I remember hearing that it was a software issue, does that mean that it might be supported in Snow Leopard?
Sometimes when i log-out it takes a lot longer than normal it shows the blue screen and spinning gear then it seems like the computer just freezes like the graphics have messed up. Then a few minuetes later the login window will appear as normall like nothing has happened.
Do you think i should take this imac back or do you think its just some software bug?
If I launch an app to do some video editing, does the MBP automatically switch to the higher-end graphics card? Or do I have to manually switch from "better battery life" to "higher performance"?
How do I switch the graphics cards in my 15" MBP? Its the current highest end 15" and is there just a application or what. It has the dual graphics cards.
Several manufacturers have tried to produce external graphics card boxes to connect to your laptop. Most have given up, but it seems the only real barrier is bandwidth.
MSI have this:,10527.html
using the Expresscard 34 (max 2.5Gpbs) and say they will switch to USB 3 (4.8Gbps) when it goes mainstream.
Do you think 4.8Gbps is enough to make connecting high end external graphics cards to your laptop a possibility?
I have a 2011 Macbook Pro, quad core, RAM maxed at 16gb, 250 SSD, and SSHD to replace optical drive, but wanted to know if there was a way to add an external graphics card via Thunderbolt for more screens and faster work in VIDEO editing on-the-go?!?!
I DO have a 2006 Mac Pro that I've also maxed out and it's STILL a BEAST and i love using it... but wanted to see how i could increase my macbook pro too, seeing it can run mavericks and ALL my adobe CC apps too.
Is this any better? I know in 10.5 to switch between video cards (on the laptops that come with two) you had to log out and log back in. I've heard Windows can do it on the fly.
I was looking through tech specs of the 15 and 17 inch macbook pros and comparing them to iMacs, so i was wondering why they did that? Is the graphics better on the macbook pro?
I may have sold a PC user on buying a mac and she's interested in the MBP. I noticed that some models of the MPB have a "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 512MB" while others have the "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M." Are either of these integrated graphics? And what is the advantage of the models with "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 512MB?" That sounds to me like it has two video boards. Why would Apple do this? And is there a big difference in video processing power between the models with one video board and two?
I'm interested in seeing how many of the people that own a unibody Macbook Pro switch graphic cards on a regular basis. I know when the unibody Macbook Pros came out people were complaining that switching graphics cards required logging out. Is this still an issue or do most people stick with one? I just switched to the 9600M after being on the 9400M for about two months as I needed the extra power and battery life wasn't an issue.
The title is pretty simple, and self explanatory. Will the HD Graphics/330M combo, or the 9400M/9600M GT ever be able to switch back and forth in Windows? And regardless of if it's possible, what is the limitation, drivers, other software, or a physical hardware limitation? It would be a nice way to get more battery life out of Bootcamp.
I have a MacBook Pro 15" 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 (Mid-2010). I have auto graphics switching turned on in the Energy Saver prefs. But it never switches. It stays on the nVidia card all the time.
I have tried switching to Text Edit, Mail, BBEdit, and other non-graphics intensive apps. It stays on nVidia. It stays on nVidia even when I unplug and use battery power.
I can manually change it to Intel, and it works fine. When I change it back to auto switching, it stays on nVidia continuously.
Info: MacBook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 (Mid 2010)
MPBr, 15", Early 2013 with dual graphics (Intel HD Graphics and AMD Radeon)
Running Maverics 10.9.3
What is happening:
1. Machine doesn't switch to AMD graphics no matter whatever app is running. In activity monitor even if some apps say "Requires High Perf GPU", the graphics card being used is still "Integrated".
2. Connecting to an external display via thunderbolt or HDMI doesn't work (external display doesn't turn on) either as it required discrete graphics too.
3. After a reboot (at what time I believe machine tries to use discrete graphics card), the display is always blank. Even the Apple logo on back of lid is turned off. Only way to get the display back is to close the lid and open it after 10 ~ 15 seconds at which time it probably switch back to integrated and comes alive.
What I have tried:
1. Reset PRAM. 2. Reset SMC. 3. Tried gfxCardStatus [URL] to no avail. If I manually switch to discrete card, gfxCardStatus checkmark say it has switched, but it doesn't. 4. Tried booting into hardware diagnosis (pressing D while booting) but was unable to get the screen turned on to proceed.
Does anybody experience any delays with the auto graphics switching on the late 2010 MBPs? I mean serious delays? Mine seems to be very slow at making the switch. Say if I open a PDF that has a load of images in and start to scroll at high speed to scan the document, everything becomes very stuttery. Then, after a while (very random in how long it takes) everything starts to get smoother, when I assume the NVIDIA kicks in. I thought this was meant to be more-or-less instantaneous?
Obviously the new Macbook Pros do not require a reboot to switch between graphics cards while the previous generation, the one which had two graphics cards made by the same company, requires a login/logout. The case made for the necessity of this login/logout has been the need for the WindowServer process to be relaunched, and to overcome this, WindowServer would need to be rewritten. Obviously that didn't happen. Further, if random Nvidia insiders are to be believed, this wasn't done using Optimus technology by Nvidia, but rather by Apple... so. How do you suppose they pulled that off?
is there any way to only use automatic graphics switching when on battery?i want to use switching when on battery, but only use nvidia when using the power brick.
I just plugged in my Cinema Display to my MBP for the first time, and for a while couldn't figure out why the heck the computer wasn't recognizing it (though maybe I'd gotten a bad MDP/DVI adaptor).
Then I'd noticed I'd set it via gfxCardStatus to use Intel graphics only. I released it to Dynamic -- and voila! Display recognized. Interestingly, it now also will not accept being set back to Intel only with the monitor connected.
I purchased a Macbook Pro 15" i7 last month, and since doing the migration (using the migration utility) from my old black macbook my graphics are stuck on the Nvidia graphics and is not switching to the Intel HD graphics. This is eating battery power like no tomorrow.
I have a late-2010 Macbook Pro 15" and have been having issues with gaming. Specifically, the games will freeze the system requiring a reboot. After reading further, I learned about the "Automatic Graphics Switching" mode under "Energy Saver" in the System Preferences screen. Upon disabling this setting, and locking the preferences, the games are still freezing.
I have not re-enabled this setting but when I check the settings again it is enabled. Seemingly, the OS is changing the "Automatic Graphics Switching" on its own.
See the new Macbook Pro that I recently got has two graphics cards. One, the integrated, standard issue Intel HD4000 and the other one, a Nvidea GT650M. Personally, I was thrilled to learn this. However, my Macbook Pro seems to switch in between these two and I really don't want it to do that. I would rather just make the GT 650M the main graphics card and avoid using the integrated graphics.
the new machines will switch between graphics chips. all very nice (at last), but my 15" MBP 2.8 doesn't and it's a real pain for me as I often go between apps than need the extra speed and then back to e.g. Word, and could really do with the extended battery life (I have the old style battery pack) any news if the older graphics systems can be worked to switch on the fly...i.e. without having to logout and shut down all the open apps, and work?
I just got a new MBP i7, and whenever the graphics switch from the Nvidia 330m chip to the Intel chip, the screen "flickers" black for a short moment before reappearing. Can anyone with a new MBP comment on this behavior? It doesn't happen on the switch from Intel->Nvidia, just the other way around.
I have a recurring problem where my screen (built in or external monitor/projector) will just go blank at random times. It is an unrecoverable situation and I have to do a hard power reset to get working again.
After testing several theories without success I struck upon one that showed promise. The blanking tended to occur when I was in Lion Fullscreen mode, or using a gesture to start expose - so I figured maybe it was a graphics switching issue.
So I went into System Preferences and disabled 'Automatic graphics switching'. I then ran trouble free for several days (I was typically crashing 1-2 times a day)
Then several days later it happened again and I thought I was back to square one. However, a colleague suggested I check the graphic switching setting to see if something had changed it back, and sure enough it was re-enabled.
Now I find myself in a constant battle with the system to keep disabling the 'Automatic graphics switrhing' in System Preferences.
I have tried setting it and locking it, but sooner or later it reverts. I need to know if it is possible to force it to stay disabled.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
So if I have a GT 120, and I buy a 4870 of newegg, can I flash it? Also how loud is this card? I used to have a alienware desktop with a GTX 280 and it was loud as all hell. Also can I switch between graphics cards when not gaming?
I'm thinking of getting myself a Mac. I have not decided on much more than this. Well, a few things have been sorted. I'm either going for a MB 13" as a nice little e-mail and surfing companion or I'm getting the next iMac. If I would go for the latter then it would have to serve as a gaming platform as well and preferably for a couple of years.
Since gaming will be a good part of the duties performed by the dear little thing I must ask what we could expect in terms of graphics cards?
I'm aware that Apple often use last generation GC in their computers so a GeForce GT 120M is probably out of the question.
I'm currently working on completely migrating from my PC to my Mac (having kvm switches here and there has got very tiresome and I'm now very much restricted for room.) So I've set up boot camp and I am able to dual boot between OS X and Windows 7. I have two graphics cards currently sat inside the Mac, 1 ATI 4870 which I use with Snow Leopard, and a GTX 280 (which I've pulled from its water cooled environment in my PC) to use in Windows.
Now the problem, I use OS X exclusively for productivity apps like FCS3 and Adobe CS4, and wish to use Windows preliminary for recreation and games, which is where my GTX280 comes in.
Currently I have both cards in the machine, naturally OSX doesn't detect the 280, and I am fine with that. In windows I am able to utilize both cards, Windows detects both cards, installs drivers for them and works no problem running games on either card (preferably the 280 as it's relatively more powerful)
But that's with the aid of an additional PSU to separately power the 280 as the 4870 uses up both of the 6-pin PCI-e sockets on the Mac Pro Logic Board.
My real question is, am I able to buy two 4-pin molex y-splitters (still allowing the power to the DVD ROM drives), and then using the spurs to connect those to a '4-pin molex to 6pin PCI-e connector'; with addition to getting two 6-pin PCI-e Y splitters and connecting the 2 spurs to both the 4870 and the 280 via 6 to 8 pin PCI-e connector? -- Yeah the 280 is a power hugry card!
I've contemplated this myself knowing that the Mac Pro as a rated 1KW PSU, what concerns me is the PSU rails. Even if I can get these connectors to wire up the 280 with the built-in PSU, I don't know if the PSU's rail's will be able to provide the current required.
I currently have an ATI 4870 card in this Mac Pro (late 2009). I use this rig for heavy Adobe Creative Suite 5 and FCP work. I use dual Apple LED 27" monitors.I'm about to order the 5870 graphics card upgrade from Apple, but before I do, is it possible to run TWO 5870 graphics cards? I am running into conflicting information and trying to get a definitive answer. If yes, do I need additional power cables and if so, which ones?
Alternatively, I've read the 5970 card is essentially two 5870 GPUs on one chip.Will this be a better solution?I also want the cards to be drop and play ready/natively supported. As I rely on this computer for business, I'm not interested in continually chasing down third-party drivers.
why can't we have discrete graphics inside the mac mini? Two reasons. There isn't any space, and there's no way to connect it. To the first we could always mount the card outside the enclosure - I'm sure many of us here are able and willing to sacrifice the time needed to make that look pretty (or even the good looks) in order to get some better frame rates.