I purchased a 15" Mac Book pro a little less than 1 year ago. Right after getting it I changed the video to the 9600 and haven't changed it since. I tried switching it back to the 9400 last night and only got a black screen. If I do a hard shutdown and restart the system comes back up on the 9600 and runs fine. If I try switching back to the 9400 the same thing happens again (black screen). Obviously the 9400 worked fine when the system was purchased but hasn't been used since then so I don't know at what point the problem initially started. From what I've read, there are problems with some of the NVIDIA chips but it normally affects the higher GPU because of heat, not the lower one.
Benchmarks say 9600 has about twice as much muscle as the 9400 right? So what kind of improvement are we talking about in real life. Especially gaming?
About twice as much frames per second in GPU intensive games like FPS? What about in SRPGs? Similar as well?
I got a MacBook Pro (2.66, has the 9600 graphics card with 256 vram), and I've been amazed by the battery life I get with the 9400. My question is, I don't notice any performance difference between the two graphics cards.
I have a late 2008 MBP with the two graphic cards. Something I noticed was that there was almost no noticeable between the two, even during tasks that would benefit from the 9600, like gaming. For example, to play the Mac Bioshock demo with no lag on max graphic settings, I had to lower the resolution to 1024 by 640 on the 9600. When I tried those same settings on the 9400, it was almost exactly the same performance.
Some I did notice was the under the 9600 stacks appeared much smoother, but scrolling up and down in any window (browser, finder, ect.) was extremely jerky. Under the 9400 scrolling is entirely smooth.
Are there any improvements using the 9600 over the 9400 when using photoshop or illustrator? I always use the 9400 on my mbp, with the 9600 the fans start to spin really soon, it's so annoying trying to focus on your work with this thing blowing like an airbus.
I also tried installing Windows to see if the 9600 would show up there, but I get a blank screen when booting the XP CD. I get the same blank screen when trying a Linux CD. Is this perhaps because the MBP is trying to use the 9600 but it's borked and not displaying anything.
ok, I was going to buy the new MB white. The thing is. Does anyone have benchmarks between having the ram at 667 MHZ ( MB white ), vs DDR3 1066 MHZ ( MB aluminum )
I have a PM Dua 2.0 G5, 9600 nvida and a 23in apple display with no video at all. When i turn on the comp i get no video, i see my cpu blinking 3 times then a 5 sec pause. I have tired taking out the video card and re-seat it as well as the ram, i switch it (rotate it) and reset the PMU button, still no video
For the last week I noticed that when I enlarge any video stream to full screen, the lips do not sync with the audio. I tried disabling automatic switching of the video card and everything is normal when I enlarge the video.
I was using the nvidia card, which is the higher performance. I had parallels running and it was "dependant" on the nVidia card. So even when I went to battery power, it stayed in nvidia.
I closed parallels (while on battery power) and it switched to Intel video, so that works. Then I plugged the power back in, and have been plugged in for hours, I even unplugged the power and plugged it back in (switch from A/C power to battery, and back to A/C power) but it just stays on Intel.
If I launch an app to do some video editing, does the MBP automatically switch to the higher-end graphics card? Or do I have to manually switch from "better battery life" to "higher performance"?
Is this any better? I know in 10.5 to switch between video cards (on the laptops that come with two) you had to log out and log back in. I've heard Windows can do it on the fly.
I just bought a Samsung SyncMasterP2070 and am having some issues with it. I thought I was buying a really good top end monitor and am very unimpressed. This is my main problem: when playing video or switching between photos, certain bright areas seem to "solarize" (don't know if that's the right word for it, basically instead of showing a smooth transition from a darker part of an object to a brighter part, i see bands of colors--dark beige, lighter beige, medium beige, light beige--and it looks horrible). Also, in iPhoto, the dark grey background behind my photos looks like it has some sort of houndstooth pattern on this monitor.
for those of you who have tried to run games on this, what have you successfully run, with what settings, in bootcamp, overclocked gpu, etc etc?I'd be curious to know what people can run with this specced MBP.
For the owners of a uMBP with switchable graphics, how often do you keep your 9600 GT on and what kind of tasks do you use the GPU for? I got the mid-ranged 15" model for the 9600 GT but I can't see myself using it until the release Starcraft II ... and even after I have my desktop with an HD 4870 1GB. Do any of you regret purchasing the model with the 9600 GT?
I downloaded the new Flash 10.1 on my 2,1 air with the 9400 graphics chipset.
I know it may be hard to believe, but flash videos now run with about 40% of the CPU as before, and there is no more maxing out the CPU or temperature when running video.
So I am going to be getting a refurb uMBP towards the end of the week and I am trying to decide between the 256mb and the 512mb versions of the 9600M. I will be using it mostly for surfing, blogging, programming, photoshop and gaming. Obviously the gaming is what really poses the question.
I plan to play things like WoW, Aion, L4D2, Borderlands, CoD:MW2, Batman Arkham Asylum, and the like. Obviously this will be done in windows via boot camp.
I heard that to enable the faster graphics, you have to log out and log back in to switch between 9400 and 9600... Is this true? If so, is there any word on when this will be automatic or if there is any current work around?
Id like to use a 9400 or maybe even a 9500 pci video card on my powermac g4 fw800. Right now its got an ati 9000 agp video card, but i already ordered a flashed 7800 for it.
I know a few of the newer macs use 9400 video cards, so is it possible to add a pci 9400 to my powermac for CUDA support.
I got an ATI Radeon 9600 Pro All-in-wonder in a box of computer junk. Actually, besides a stick of PC3-6400 memory, it was the only thing that wasn't just an empty box or instruction manual
...things like video editing and photoshop? It seems the 9400 is a very capable performer on its own, no? I assume it also runs cooler. Outside of gaming, is there much reason for people to consider the dedicated GPU options out there?
I'm searching for upgrade video cards for my dual 533Mhz digital audio G4 PM. I've noticed that there are several sellers on eBay selling ATI Radeon 9600's and claim they work on PM G5's as well as PM G4's. [URL]. Could these cards just be stock Apple cards pulled from a G5 that happen to work in a G4, or are they altered or flashed PC cards that work on G5's and G4's. Is it common knowledge that you can pull a 9600 out of a stock G5 and use it in a G4?
Just realized my video card is going bad and have an ATI Radeon 9600 XT card w/ 128 mb ddr laying around and was wondering if the two would be compatible? ive heard some rumors about being able to tape over some pins and make it work but was wondering if there were any other answers. The box doesnt mention that it works w/ macs, only windows