MacBook Pro :: Safari Is Crashing Permanently Since Installed Maverick
Sep 1, 2014
I had problems with the existing installation (10.6.8) ==> only Safari. Therefor I mad the update to the current version today, the problem is different but Safari stays effected. A Reinstallation of Maverik is not solving the issue ==> the same error stays alive ...
I just updated my iMac from Lion to Maveric. I was very disapointed that all the Master Templates HD are crashing FCP 7. Its amazing that Apple did not fix this issue with FCP7 upgrade. To get FCP X is out of the question.
Google Earth plugin in Safari started to keep crashing after I installed Adobe Flash Player 11.2. The plugin works fine in other browsers (Firefox, Opera, and Google Chrome).The same occurs at home,too.I use Mac Pro at work and iMac at home. Both are on OSX10.7.3, Lion.
I have just installed Maverick. When I use Safari and try and open a Pdf file from a webpage I get a black screen and tells me to download Adobe. I have reinstalled adobe reader but still don't get anywhere. I can open any pdf files I have previously stored or have in downloads or in documents.
My iMAC running latest Lion OS is crashing or freezes permanently. Several reboots are necessary a day. I Never had problem with Snow Leopard. Checked hardware with diagnostic disc, all OK, so I wanted to re-install Lion from scratch while keeping my data. How shall I proceed? Back-up available via time machine.
When I install an update via Software Update, the installation appears in System Preferences/Software Update/Installed Updates, but then permanently disappears after a period of time. Same issue in Software Update.log.Is this normal?
I just bought this Imac as my 3rd apple computer. The Safari in my MacAir and MacPro is fine but this ******* safari in Imac is *&^(*&^%*&^$%*^&%*&&^n me off and wasted all my research and setup times ; when one page refreshes, all 15 tabs refresh with it. I mean this is the new milleniuym age where we are supposed to be using super computers but it seems the higher you upgrade, the more frustrating you get. Am done with it for the XXX times. I researched the forums and read that there is a chance that Mac OS will be unstable if forced attempt to remove Safari. Has anyone found any way or experienced this destabalizing of the OS?
I had no trouble with the 3.x versions of Safari, but once I downloaded and installed Safari 4.x 50% of the time when I browse a basic website or I am in the middle of filing out a form my browser crashes, then I get three options which is to Quit, Ignore, and restart the browser. I always choose to close and then I relaunch the browser on my own, but has anyone come across this before is it just me, I need to solve this issue quickly.
I open up Safari and the address bar says "http://./" then it crashes and I get the notification telling me that Safari has quit unexpectedly. I've tried restarting multiple times but it keeps doing the same thing.
My safari started quitting unexpectedly after about 5 seconds of opening last night. It works when I hook up my phones internet, or use the university internet but not my BigAir connection at home. Have tried various troubleshooting ideas from other posts - including deleting caches and repair disk permissions but haven't helped. Have called my internet provider and they swear the connection is working fine.
I'm using Safari 5.0.2. Lately every time I use Safari at some point during usage when I try to open a new tab or window I cannot do so. What happens is the new tab appears but the website I want opens in one of my other tabs already open. or it will fail to load in the new tab/window. At the same time as this happening Safari is crashing more and more and my Macbook fan is whirring like mad.
Any ideas what's going on? It's so frustrating having to get chucked out or log out to make my tabs work for a short while before they stop functioning properly again.
I am not overly tecchy minded so may need hand holding to help me through this!
Safari keeps shutting down and saying there is a problem with the .WipeItOff.png plugin. I can't find anything with that name on my computer or the internet. Is this a malware trojan or something?
so i installed a dev preview of safari 4, but now want to switch back. i deleted the old safari, but when i go to install safari now it says this disk already has a newer version of safari installed. what can i do?
I just bought the macbook air (1.6/80) at bestbuy for 1299. It was the last sealed box, woot. Curious though, this doesn't occur on my other laptop so I know it's not bandwidth issues. I am watching office at full screen, half way into it the video starts to stutter bad. I don't mind the cpu fans going full speed, or the heat, because that's the nature, however I can't stand the stuttering. Has anyone had experience in Revision 1 and watching hulu and getting it not to stutter half way into the episode?By the way nothing else is opened and/or running. Just safari. I also installed Flash 10 and updated the MBA completely with 3.2 safari
For some reason my safari, address book, mail and software update keep crashing, l have re-installed them form my snow leopard disc and still same thing. Should l be considering a fresh install again or is there a way to fix this withouth this long process?
as I try to open either one, a small winddow promps me that I need a newer version of either one but as I go to software update, I'm told that my software is up-to-date. What to do now?
I just finish update my MacBook Air to Maverick and it turned off to restart. But it did not. When you try to turn it on it shows you Apple logo, seems like loading and after few seconds it turns off automatically.
How do I reset the tracking on my mackbook pro? Also I know it's not the OS system because it was working fine until yesterday. I can even use safari because of this activity.
I am trying to install osx maverick on an external ssd before i phsically put it into my macbook. I ran the installer and selected the external ssd and it seemed to go alright until my computer restarted. Then when i hold option it shows my current hard drive but its called install osx and recovery. my computer no longer will boot up like normal. I dont know whats going on,