MacBook Pro :: Program Crashes - Unable To Submit Report To Apple?
May 4, 2012
For the past year or more, every time that a program crashes while I'm working in it, it gives me a dialog box saying "Would you like to submit report details to Apple?" I click the button to submit the report and every time it returns with an error message saying "Submission failed - Unable to submit report". Its not a big deal to me, but I always thought it might be helpful to Apple to receive the reports. Always worked a in the years past, but not any more.
My IMAC keeps prompting me to restart after the screen turns grey. Essentially, after a few hours of use, the screen turns dark grey, filling in from the top to the bottom slowly. Once the screen has the dark grey hue, directions pop up in the middle of the screen for me to restart the computer. Once I restart it, the computer automatically generates an error box to report to apple. However, when I click the box to submit to apple, even if when the computer is connected and running well, it will not allow me to report it.
macbook refused to wake from sleep sometime - Mid 2010. Running Lion 10.7.4 Â
Get this error. Interval Since Last Panic Report: 204335 sec
Panics Since Last Report:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1 Anonymous UUID:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â D1DBCB50-FBD2-4B25-A977-05DF5F0DBE0CÂ Â Thu May 17 20:51:15 2012 panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f809c4947): NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0xd2000000 0xffffff811864f000 0x0a5480a2, D0, P3/4
Safari was acting funny, kind of lagging. Then it crashed. Tried to submit the error report to apple but it would not work. Can't find the error report now, as I have already closed the window. How to find it.
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: coreaudiod
Mac OS version: 9J61
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 9.7.0: Tue Mar 31 22:52:17 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.12.14~1/RELEASE_I386 System model name: MacBook5,1 (Mac-F42D89C8)
Yesterday, a game that I used to play often, (a board game,so not cpu intensive and at least 5 yrs old) recently started crashing on startup. I guess my HD was full and I started getting error messages, then it would not start at all. I cleaned the disk with onyx, restarted, etc. It does not have a preferences file that I can tell.
Restored my HD this AM from a TM backup and am experiencing a lot of problems which include (1) Safari and iPhoto crash upon launch, (2) Mail launches but crashes when I attempt to access an email, (3) I have several "offline images" in my Aperture Library and any attempt to access metadata results in a crash.
Apple is indeed well into the development of Mac OS X 10.6, which the company has internally code-named "Snow Leopard," according to ArsTechnica. Citing a person familiar with the situation, the technology website confirms several details of the next major Mac OS X upgrade first reported on Tuesday, including a scheduled release as soon as Macworld 2009 this coming January, and that it will not introduce any major new features.
Instead, Snow Leopard is said to focus heavily on performance optimization and security, a move that will in all likelihood widen the gap between Mac OS X and Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system in those areas. "Things like the MacBook Air, iPhone, iPod touch, and other mysterious devices that have yet to be announced need better performance for better battery life, and that's definitely something Apple wants to excel at in the years to come," wrote Ars' Jacqui Cheng. Unconfirmed is whether the software will be shown off or discussed at the company's annual developers conference next week. However, AppleInsider in recent weeks has been told to expect discussion of "another big cat" at the event................
My Apple MBP keeps crashing on me multiple times a day. It used to be rare, now it is so frequent, it is easily reproducable. I have tried the Disk Utility and shift+ctrl+option+power btn to reset some unit. but it is not working. Is there a Mac guru that can go through the log and let me know what's wrong? I can't believe Apple makes such crappy products. I fell in love with Apple a couple of years ago and have ended up buying many Apple products, now I have started to hate my MBP I got for almost 3 grand just 2 years ago. May be this is the beginning of the end for Apple, the QA is doing nothing.
I'm looking for an app that will allow me to specify which folders I want to copy to my external drive, updating existing files within it and copying new ones.
I don't want to backup settings, my whole harddrive nor make a bootable backup. Just something to backup what I want to backup and where.
Not sure if Time Machine can do that, but it wants me to reformat my external before I can even find out..and considering how much is on there, I really don't want to have to remove that all elsewhere while doing so. [Don't think I could anyway, none of my internal drives have that much space.]
So, does anyone know of a relatively painless backup app that could do simply what I want? Doesn't sound all that complicated in comparison to some of the more convoluted backup apps I keep finding.
what is the best apple program for online banking + downloading to computer.I am currently using quicken but when I purchase a macbook air I am considering upgrading to something better if there is such a program.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
After only my safari didn't work anymore now i've got internet again because of firefox but now all the apple programs such as iphoto, ibooth, itunes and pages etc. stopped working! When i try to open them i get the message 'the program quit unexpectedly' (translated from dutch) I think this is because i installed an older software version over a new one, but if this is the case, how do i fix it? I if go to the apple sign and click there on software update that program shuts down too!
My MacBook Pro will not open any app or program that requires Internet, even though I am connected to the web. I recently installed Norton AntiVirus and think it may have changed a setting that I couldn't find. I uninstalled Norton and it didn't help. Every time I open Safari, iTunes or any other program that tries to connect to the Internet, it crashes. Strangely enough, Skype still works, but nothing else. I have OSx 10.6.8.  I have tried erasing plists, and all the standard troubleshooting, ie resetting modem, restarting computer, reloading Safari from disk.Â
I'm new to macs and I am pulling a prank on a friend. I am trying to run a javascript function everything he submits a forum. I have written my javascript already but I have no idea where to start.
When attempting to transfer money between accounts at my bank I click the Submit button and get the error: "The page must be fully loaded before this form is submitted." There is no error number or code given. The message is apparently generated by my bank's web server. The page is fully loaded. I don't get this error when I use IE on my XP PC unless the page is really not fully loaded.
Whenever you go in the apple store. they have on all of the comuters the three boxs on the dekstop. They are programs to something. is that something that you can do outside of the apple store? I dunno what I would use it for, but I always thought it'd be kind of cool.
I am using MTR r14d and I can rip Blades of Glory but the main title does not play and crashes Apple DVD Player and VLC. Any help or an update to MTR could be helpful. I just got MTR so I am still learning it. Is there a way to check for updates?
Since upgarding to itunes 11.2 When ever I plug my iphone in to sync or even have it on the same netwrok to auto sync via wifi. My itunes crashes and I have to force quit the application. I have tried reinstalling itunes but this hasnt worked. I get this script in my console  Â
That can convert avi xvid (ETC) and raw dvds. Right now I have Handbrake is this my best option? Also is there an app that can add the info and dvd cover when I put it into iTunes so it will look organized?
I'm a film composer in the middle of a deadline, and my G5 crashes won't boot again, only get grey screen with Apple and spinning logo.Boot from Applecare disk, run tech tool, hardware fine, disk is corrupted. Catalog B-tree stuff. Cannot re-build without destroying data.Of course I have a clone of my system drive and try to boot from that, but IT is corrupted too of course!Go to Apple Store (I have ProCare), then run diagnostics and find the same. Advice? Wipe the drive and start from scratch.I do just that. I own about 35 plug-in instruments for Logic 8, so it took two days. The same thing happens. Disk won't boot.