Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Assistant Cannot Be Used/update Firmware
May 9, 2007
"Boot Camp Assistant cannot be used: You must update your computer's boot ROM firmware before using this setup assistant"."
That's the dreaded message I get every time I try to use boot camp 1.2. Unfortunately my firmware is already updated, and any attempt at updating my firmware (again) results in the message that I "don't have to update my firmware."
I've google'd this problem numerous times, but I have yet to find a solution.
I just got my Mac back from the shop after getting a new hard drive installed (the old one was hosed) and I'd like to get Boot Camp set up again but I'm having problems. I have a 2006 iMac CoreDuo running OS X 10.5.6.
When I tried to use Boot Camp Assistant the other day I got the following error message: "Boot Camp Assistant cannot be used. You must update your computer's system software."
Here's what I have checked already: - My system software is current. - My version of boot camp assistant is current. - My firmware is current. - Journaling is enabled on the drive.
I'm trying to install Windows 7 and can't get the boot camp assistant to partition my drive. The drive in question is 500GB with over 200GB free space. I want a Windows partition of 35-40GB.On first attempt I kept getting the cannot move files error when trying to partition. I read up on the error online, and most people suggested issues with parallels or needing to use idefrag. I had parallels on my machine at one point, but am not sure if there are any problem folders still hiding somewhere. Any tips on that part?I ran idefrag overnight last night. When I booted the machine up this morning, I launched it again to verify that the disk was defraged. Boot camp still doesn't want to play.
I have a 15Gb boot camp partition on my 80Gb macbook hard drive (its the 2006 intel one and I haven't upgraded it because I keep everything on an external HD). I need to move everything over to my macbook pro which has a 250Gb HD.
I was wondering if Migration assistant will move everything (including XP) onto the new macbook pro (and if so, what size will the partition be) or if it will just leave the XP bit untouched as it isn't part of the mac?
I only use the XP bit for playing some older games that I absolutely love (Rome Total War, The Sims 2) and in case of any incompatibility problems, so if need be I can just create a new XP partition on the new Pro. However I would like to keep my saved games, so is there a way of migrating the windows partition as well?
i have no idea where to download it and i tried the install disc that came with my macbook pro but it didnt install it! someone tell me where i can get bootcamp !
When attempting to partition my hard drive with boot camp assistant, it appears that for any size under 110 GB for my Windows partition, I am unable to set the size to anything that is a multiple of 10 (20, 30, 40, 50 GB, etc.).
In retrospect, I should have ignored it when Apple Software Update told me about the Boot Camp 3.2 upgrade for my 2006 Mac Pro running x64 Win 7 ultimate. When I ran it, it overwrote my blue tooth driver and my keyboard stopped working. Thanks for the folks at Mac Rumors forums, I was able to go through the procedure to get it working again, and I also had to update the video driver (again) from ATI for my 3800.
So then I decide to reboot into MacOS and discover that my icon for selecting the boot disk was gone, not to mention any directory or programs in the start menu. This happen to anyone else? Do I have to downgrade to 3.1 or does anyone have a recommendation to get 3.2 working?
I installed Windows 7 to my macbook pro simply using the boot camp assistant, then again simply I deleted the windows partition. I cannot access to windows but every time I open my mac, it tries to open windows and a black screen comes, saying that I need to insert a disc or something like that.
I just bought windows xp and i am just trying to install through boot camp. I downloaded Boot Camp Beta 1.4 installation and set-up guide. On step 1 it ask to "open boot camp assistant (located in Applications/Utilities/) and follow the on-screen instructions." I can't find Boot camp Assistant in the utilities folder. I am using a white macbook with mac os x 10.4.11.
I launched the Boot Camp Assistant 2.0 on my iMac OS X v10.5. I was hoping to install Windows XP Professional with Built-in Service Pack 3. However, when I tried to partition the disk (32 GB on Windows), a message came up, saying "The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved." It states some directions underneath, but, as I am new to Boot Camp and Mac, I don't know what to do and how to do. Please help!
I want to install XP using Boot Camp but when I run the Boot Camp Assistant I get the following message
Boot Camp Assistant can not be used
You must update your computer's Boot ROM firmware before using this setup assistant.
Now I have tried all firmware updates available on apple site but they say they are not needed, I'm on 10.5.6 and a friend of mine with same firmware runs his boot camp comfortably.
hi! i'm planning to install windows 7 64-bit in my mbp, problem is i looked at the requirements needed and it stated that i needed boot camp update 3.1. i checked my boot camp version and it stated that i had 3.0.1, tried using software update, but states that i had no updates available. what should i do? and what else do i have to keep in mind while installing windows using boot camp. thanks in advance!
I installed Bootcamp on my MBP using the Leopard DVD which came out last Fall. Since 10.5.2 has been out, I suppose that there have been updates on the Boot Camp Drivers for Windows. Anybody knows how to get and install the latest drivers?
I've been trying to install the latest update (2.1) to Boot Camp via software update without success. Windows refuse to complete the installation. Does anyone have experienced the same problem?
I'm planning on installing Windows 7 RC via boot camp when it comes out, but I've lost the Leopard disc needed to install the drivers. Apple's website has Boot Camp Update 2.1 for Windows Vista 32. will this work, in other words, does this have all the drivers needed for the installation?
I just updated boot camp and when restarting teh entire windows went 8 bit. In the monitor conrol panel the computer recognizes I have an nvidia 8600N video card but when changing the resolution it won't take it. I press apply and nothing, it goes back to 640 x 480 and 256 colors.
I started the computer switching to the previous working system and I get the same result.
I downloaded the 2.1 update for Vista and when i try to open the .exe in Vista i say agree to let the program open and then it just doesn't do anything.
I did a problem free install of Win-doze xp pro sp.2 via Boot Camp and all was well, everything went off without a hitch... However I only partitioned 35 GB for Win-doze which after some thought I realized that having installed windoze for the sole purpose of playing games (which require alot of space) Anyway, I played a few games like "Crysis" and "The Last Remnant" both worked fantastically but I didn't want to get too far in them just to have to re-do the boot camp later and lose the data, so I went ahead and uninstalled the windoze partition and proceeded to go through the motions again, However this time around I set aside a 200GB partition. For some reason everything seemed to take MUCH longer, or instance it sat on the "restarting computer..." screen for 5-10 minutes, finally restarted then windoze loaded and went to the collecting information;Dynamic update;preparing installation;installing windoze
I just did what the attached image said to do, and I've spent the last several hours restoring everything after I formatted the whole drive...What do I do now??!?!
i am told its on my OSX disk 1 >system>installation>Packages>bootcampassistant.pkg but it is no where to be seen for me. i get the error in the picture. I went to apple to download the firmware, what ever that is. and will not let me because I tells me i don't need it. when to the genius bar and he told me go archive it on the Install disc!!!!!!!
and this is in the OSX forum because, its "supposedly" on the OSX disc.
Running Snow Leopard with all the latest updates on an Intel iMac. Want to install xp to run Dragon voice software. When I attempt to open Boot Camp Assistant, I get "Boot Camp Assistant Cannot be used. You must update your computer's boot ROM firmware before using this set up assistant."
I have a Mac Pro 2008 with 10.6.4. I am having trouble installing Windows 7 using Boot Camp. I see that I have Boot Camp Assistant 3.0.1, however, I noticed on my laptop, that it has 3.0.2. I go to SU and nothing shows up. How do I get to 3.0.2 Boot Camp Assistant? One reason I noticed that something may be wrong is that when the Boot Camp installer goes through, that it doesn't mention Windows 7 in the disc requirements.
According to the help file, it's found "in the utilities folder in the applications folder" but it's just not there. I have the newly updated macbook that I bought today, pre-loaded with Leopard. I was under the impression that it's a part of Leopard, and that I don't have to download it.
I'm migrating from Windows to Mac and all my files are in Windows programs. A friend recomended to use the Boot Camp assistant plus the use of a program called Parallel V.7.
I have a partitioned hard drive taking up space (30.9 GB's) on my computer, but when i try to run boot camp assistant to remove it, it refuses to open, saying it can't create a partition, nor restore a partitioned hard drive to the main hard drive.
i have a macbook pro that runs on MAC OS 10.6.8, i need to install windows 7 on my computer, but i cant find the Boot Camp assistant in my utilities folder.
I have a fresh install of the Snow Leopard and I was about to install Windows XP on the bootcamp partition but to my surprise I've got this error: Boot Camp Assistant cannot be used. You must update your computer's BOOT ROM. What gives? I was running Boot Camp with no problems with Leopard. My Boot ROM Version: MP41.0081.B03. I've tried the other machine at Apple Store - same result. Store staff, of course clueless.
In my attempt to install Windows XP via Boot Camp, I accidentally inserted an SP1 disc instead of the SP2 disc that I have. The installation proceeded to the point where it does for most who attempt this: the screen where you are prompted to press ENTER. I could not proceed and therefore restarted the iMac and held down the mouse button upon start-up to remove the CD.
HERE IS THE PROBLEM:I can not boot into OS X because the keyboard shortcuts (those that might allow me to select which partition to boot from and/or reset PRAM) seem to be disabled. Instead, a reboot always ends at a black screen with a blinking DOS-esque cursor, or the prompt: "No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key."
I have attempted inserting my SP2 disc at this point, to no avail. My keyboard seems to be disabled, as if the SP1 install proceeded just enough to establish itself as the boot drive without drivers for the keyboard. I've tried using all 3 USB ports, disconnecting other USB devices. Oddly, my bluetooth mouse works to eject the CD on reboot...