I recently downloaded and installed software for a new printer, but for some reason my Launch pad button in my dock has disappeared..how to get it back?
i also can't click on anything on the desktop, the only thing that is there and works are the words on the top, stopping at help. Also after every word i write, a pop up says 'alert cannot contact spell checker,' When i open safari i also cannot get it back to finder, and i can't search anything on the computer because after the second letter the screen flashes.
It started this morning i tried to write something in stickies and the computer went crazy to a blue screen and the loading circle started spinning around so i shut it down, when i loaded it up i had all these problems.
I have iBook g4 from 2005. What should i do, i don't know anything about computers. I tried searching online i tried to use killall Dock in terminal it didn't work, it said no matching processes were found.
I updated from 10.7.3 to 10.7.4 last night. Now booting takes much longer - as if Finder is taking an extra 5 minutes to load. Then I tried to launch Preview and Textedit for work and neither will launch. They bounce in the dock for a couple of seconds then disappear. I've looked around the net and couldn't find anything that helps. Anyone got any idea how to fix this?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.2), 8 GB RAM
My computer died and I had ship it to apple. I was in firefox at the time that it died. Will firefox spring back open and load those same pages up again for those techs upon STARTUP??
First the techs will have to fix it. Secondly I'm not sure if the sudden termination (aka death of the computer) will count as a "crash" or not.
I know sometimes my computer would shut down for no reason, then I would have to MANUALLY relaunch firefox. When it simply crashes it usually does relaunch automatic (throwing up all those pages u were just on) though, right?
I was on some private social sites and last time I had to turn some hardware in my passwords mysteriously changed also, I got a mobile notice. Although that had nothing to do with apple I need to know if firefox would startup on its own or not so I can change my passwords in advance.
I just found out about Coconut Wifi. But I can't seem to get it to open. When I click on the app nothing happens. Has any one had success with the program? Also, do you know of any other programs similar to it in case I can't make this work.
Suddenly, for no apparent reason, MS Office, which used to benignly sit in the tray at start up now LAUNCHES ALL THE APPLICATIONS (Outlook, Word, Powerpoint, Excel) every time I restart my computer.
Recently installed Lion and my mail just won't start. I've already deleted Library/Mail and the file Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist but nothing changed. The icon bounces a few times, then quits. I get a quite long error message. Should I copy it here?
there is a couple of apps that have appeared in my launch pad and i can't delete them. I've been holding the track pad until it shakes and theres no option to delete. the apps are smart converter pro 2 and Microsoft silver light. i may add that i haven't downloaded these apps and are confused where they have come from!
Have a 2008 Macbook that has begun going from the launch chime directly into sleep mode. On occasion, with a lot of trying different key combinations during start, it will launch.. Acts like it wants to get warmed up to make the connection. Can I fix it?
I have had my mbp15 2.4ghz i5 wth the stock drive for some weeks now and overall am quite pleased with it. However I was expecting to be blown away by the speed of it since I am coming from a 1st gen eee and a dell optiplex gx270 2.0ghz p4 4x256mb ram from 2003 but I am not! In all honesty I must admit that I was expecting more, battery life is great and number crunching is far superior on this i5, but my P4 running Ubuntu 10.10 boots in around 17 seconds from cold start to gnome while the MBP15 with OSX 10.6.4 takes roughly a full minute for a full boot, that is around the same time my win7 boots and no where near ubuntu 10.10, is that normal?
Also I did a very scientifically sound experiment starting numerous apps like chrome, safari and opera. All of which take multiple 'bounces' to start where in ubuntu chromium starts near instantly. Of course I couldn't even begin to run adobe cs5 on the p4 or the eee, but in lighter apps there is hardly any difference. I know a sandforce SSD would make a world of difference here and it is on my wishlist for 2011, but even with a 2010 HDD I was expecting more compared to the 2003 dell.
I've had great success with Excel 2011 on OS 10.6.8. Up until today. Now, Excel crashes on launch, tries to recover, and crashes again. I read the previous comments about a) hold down shift key and launch and b) delete the /plist file. Tried both, no success. I can still launch Excel 2008, fyi. And Word, etc, all other MS office products...Â
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a new macbook pro 15.5 and had it for 3 months after which the hard drive crashed. There goes the illusion that nothing ever happens wrong with apple... especially my first one which I treated like a baby. So it was taken into a support center, they cloned my hard drive and ordered a new one... 22 days later I get my mac back and everything seems in order. Except when I run Disk Utility it keeps crashing. Funny enough when I run it from Recovery mode from boot its fine. But when logged into the OS (Lion) it launches and starts gathering information. Then crashes and I get the submit fault dialogue..Anyway here is the log. I have run Onyx, applejack etc but the problem has not been resolved. [code]
I have a late 2006 MacBook (the one in my signature). It's running the latest issue of Snow Leopard (10.6.4). I have upgraded the factory RAM from 1GB to 2GB, and the factory HDD from 120 GB with a 320 GB hard drive. Lately, all my apps are taking forever to launch. Firefox took 27 bounces before stopping, and then another 10 seconds or so before the window actually appeared. VirtualBox used to be snappy and responsive, but now it's so slow I actually boot up my 8-year old Dell if I need to use Windows. It never used to be this slow.
I'm constantly getting beachballs...even simply quitting Firefox seems to be too much work. Just for kicks, I popped in the factory hard drive and WOW everything felt so much smoother. As far as I can tell, the only things that are different between that hard drive and my current one are that (1) the old one is running Leopard (10.5.6), and (2) I have created a secondary account on the newer setup for my fiance. My two best guesses at this point are: 1. Issue with the new hard drive? 2. MacBook is slightly underpowered for running Snow Leopard?
When I open up LaunchPad, a lot of the application icons appear in duplicate form (2 of each): Address Book, App Store, Calculator, iCal, iChat, iDVD, etc. What is causing this?Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a MacBook; purchased in Oct. 2006. All has been working fine until yesterday. Safari suddenly shut down and when I tried to relaunch, the icon on the toolbar jumps a couple of times (teasing me as if he is going to launch) and then doesn't open. I did get it to "almost" launch a couple of times and it never opened my home page. It instead, within seconds, it shut down and I got the error message that the application suddenly quit but that my operating system wasn't affected, etc. All of my Office applications work fine but Safari will just not launch..
I have a program that I must run on Windows as it is not supported on Mac. I have a MacBook Pro running OS X Lion 10.7.3 with a partioned drive Running Windows 7. Currently, I am rebooting to access the Windows side, but will eventually use the parallel software that is available, but baby steps first. (I am a new Mac user by the way, trying to get rid of the PC, but have found our accounting software is not supported for mac - inconceiveable I know!). So, I have an executable file that I need to launch and cant quite figure it out. I also have Boot Camp, but honestly don't have a clue what it does.Â
Everytime I try to convert old Quicken data files so I can use the new Quickens Essentials I get the message: "There was an error installing and launching the Quicken File Exchange Utility."Â So I can't launch Quicken Essentials until I can convert the old data.Â
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008
Today when I tried to find the serial number of my MacBook in "About This Mac" and System Profiler it says Serial Number System Sal#. I haven't replaced the logic board or had any service done and I'm wondering why it would suddenly disappear like this. My MacBook also has not been "sleeping" when the battery gets low, the computer just shuts off without the low power sleep state it usually goes into around ~1% battery left.
I just got a new macbook pro. I am trying to blue tooth my music and album artwork over to it from my old macbook. When the Artwork was transferring, it transferred before the music, it stopped right before it got done and I got the beach ball. Bluetooth file exchange turned off, so I thought maybe it just got hung up and tried the transfer again. Again Bluetooth file exchange quit right before completing the transfer of album artwork and a message popped up saying I had low memory on my hard drive. I started the process with about 24GB free on the HD, I watched it go from about 5MB yes MB down to 2MB within seconds. I restarted the computer and it went back up to 3.7 and I watched it drop to 3.5MB. All of this fluctuation continued even after the transfer quit and bluetooth file exchange closed. I don't think any other programs were open.
What just happened? Is my new computer in any kind danger since I was transferring files from the old which had the problem?
How can I tell where all this space was taken up so I can delete whatever is taking it up?