MacBook Pro :: Bootcamp - Slow Display Of Startup Options
Jul 1, 2010
So just recently, whenever I restart my mbp and hold down the option key for the bootcamp option, it is taking atleast a minute to get the option of either mac os or windows to be displayed. Earlier, this was very feasible as the options would be displayed rather instantaneously. Could someone please help me out as the wait time is horrendous to the least.
After restoring my Mac disk to a single volume, and deleting the BootCamp Assistant, I am now having a couple of issues, possibly more still to be found. I initially partitioned my HD to 5GB, but never went on to install Windows. After a while of leaving my HD partitioned, I choose to de-partition it. To do so I opened BootCamp Assistant by double clicking it. Clicked to restore the startup disk to a single volume, followed this up by inputting my admin info (name/password), then my Mac restarted. Last night this successfully removed the partition (hopefully no steps were left out of my description). I then downloaded a Firmware EFI Update that was supposed to be for those who've recently removed Boot Camp.
I figured this whole process would leave me as if I never did the whole partition thing, but now startup has become quite a long process. It was always rather fast. At startup, I now get to see a blank white screen for too long before I see the grey Apple logo and Mac OSX start up. Besides that, I believe my battery life might now be going down faster than before. I've been searching for answers on this forum and [URL] and have found similar complaints regarding startup times, but no definite answer to my problem. Besides the slow startup time and what might be seeming as a shorter battery (although I really haven't clocked before and after), everything else seems to be running fine.
I have a Macbook Pro core 2 duo era 2007, OS 10.6.8, with an interesting problem I've not encountered in reading other issues. Here's the system profile, to get that out of the way: [code] Enabled Other than the faulty video card that seems standard for this run of the Pro, I have never had an issue. I have just replaced the battery from the original battery that came with the computer. It was useless to the extent of the word, but my budget did not allow me to purchase a new battery until recently. The battery info only stated "Replace Now" and the LED meter no longer functioned. The battery held no charge, and the computer only ran off of wall power. Up until a few days before I replaced the battery, this provided no trouble. However, it began one day to startup extremely slowly (5 minutes or more on the Apple logo startup screen, and then more time to load dock/top screen toolbar/etc. It also failed to recognize the external HD I frequently use with this computer. My theory was that it was simply underpowered on account of the failed battery, and the internal HD or the CPU was just not able to run properly. I finally put a new battery in hoping that it would fix the issue, but no avail. My startup time seems slightly less, but it seems as if the computer has not loaded interface protocols, as the computer is unresponsive to attempts to open the dock or a finder window, or even hover over battery or volume icons. After 5-10 minutes it finally kicks in and I can use my computer without problem, with the exception of the external HD, which will still not load.I have run disk utility, verified my HD, no errors reported. I have the activity monitor up which shows a pretty minimal load on the CPU and disk usage. Nothing I can think of would explain the problem my computer has suddenly adopted.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have this MBP 13'' Mac OS X 10.7.5 running a 2.4GHz i5, 4GB RAMs and 500GB storage.The problem started yesterday when I was typing on Word and I copy pasted something from the net (chrome browser) then it froze.I waited for around 5minutes and still frozen with the spinning wheel, then I decided to turn it off by pressing power for 10 seconds restarted my
MBP then now it running so slow on start-up and apps are very slow to open like around 5 minutes. Every action that I try to do like clicking on the apple in the upper left it freezes showing a spinning wheel and it will take time to show the drop down options. I checked disk utility and it said that HD is ok, done verify/permission verify and repair.
I checked the activity monitor noting the ram/CPU usage and its normal it even tells that 2GB of ram is not use.It shows not responding in the activity monitor if you open an app for around 5mins then it opens or it will crash.I already done the 2 kinds of reset and did not work.BUT it opens normally in Safe mode.Â
I have a Macbook 1.8Mhz, inter core duo 2, 13", 80Gb HD and the problem that i have is that at startup there is a question mark folder (i know it means that the system folder of my HD could not be found), i alredy tried everythng from resteting the RAM parameters passing by the secure mode, user mode, verbose mode, and nothing happends, i tried also the CD harware test (from de cd 1 that came with my MB) but as i have Mac OS X Leopard does not work and the utilitiy Disk from the Mac OS Leopard install disk too. So please tell me if there's any solution apart of taking it to the apple guys (if there is any of course)
I bought a used macbook yesterday morning and everything seemed to be working properly at first, but by the end of the day it started having a problem when booting up. 2 gigs of RAM (updated by previous owner)160 gig Hard Drive (updated by previous owner)Everything else is the same as this listing. The problem: when booting up, the screen turns on, but just remains white, without showing the apple logo and spinning circle. I left it like that for a good 10 minutes, and it never continued to boot, it just stayed in that state. I shut it off, then started it in safe mode, which worked fine. From there I restarted it, and it worked normally. The same thing happened again later (white screen, turn off, boot in safe mode, boot normally).
The "return" key goes from being extremely sticky and sluggish to very sharp and responsive by the minute, I'm guessing something is stuck underneath. Is there any way to safely remove the key and clean it?2nd: Bootcamp isn't working very well. After installing Windows XP without problems, the Leopard disk isn't working right. It's reading, and installs all the programs, but afterwards none of the apple keys work (like brightness and volume controls), there's no volume, and the GPU isn't recognized (at least I think this is the problem, if I drag a window across the screen it moves frame by frame
recently my Mac is really slow, slow on startup(took around 1-2hours), and slow on task(more than 5 minutes delayed time on every single task), I don't know what happened to it,
My Mac specs: Â
1.Mid-2010 27 inch iMac,
2.Original 4g Ram upgraded to 12g
3.1TB HD has got more than 400gb free space.
4.i3 processor
5.Using latest Lion(I think it's 10.7.3)Â
Problems: Â
1.Startup tooooooooo slow, take more than 1 hour
2.Extreamly slow on tasks. Without any apps opened, every single click, it turned into the 'colorful fan', for instance, open finder, it took more than five mins, and it's not only the finder, it's EVERYTHING!!!!Â
What I have done so far:Â
1.I have reduced the login items
2.I have changed the password login to the automatic login
3.I have tried verify disk permission, verify disk, repair disk permission and repair disk
4.Unplug all unnecessary items(monitor, external drive etc.)
5.Run couple of time of 'clean my Mac', get rid of all the trash.
6.Cleaned the cacheÂ
Due to the ridiculous, frustrating startup, that's all I could do, however, none of them worked.
Now I am using recovery HD to reinstall Lion from a disc, but I don't know if it'll work or not.Â
I don't have another Mac, I don't have backups(don't want to lose my data),that's my situation.
Info: iMac 27'', Mac OS X (10.7), iPhone 3GS,iPad 3G/Wifi 64G, Sony vaio CR
I have recently installed Snow Leopard on my aluminum Macbook . I dont have a lot of GB available, so I decided to reinstall Leopard and then install Snow Leopard again for more GB. I accidentally inserted the iMac install disk 1 (Not the Macbook install disk), because I have a iMac as a home computer. When I inserted the install disk, it tells me to restart my computer. I click Restart. But, after trying to boot, it comes up with the white screen. This lasts for about 15 seconds. After 15 seconds, my Macbook restarts again! It keeps repeating to restart over and over again. After about 15 restarts, I tried and ejected the disk and restarted my Macbook without the disk and see if it cancels the installation. When I boot it up with no disk, it cant read my HD anymore!
I can sort most issues and using Macs don't really have any but I'm stuck on this one and Applecare, being Sunday, is only accepting phone calls about iPhone at present.I have a brand new 2010 MacBook Pro 13" (2.66 GHz - yes I know I'm a sucker for the extra MHz) and am having some strange issues with video and the display.whilst watching a video in full screen. At first I thought it was the file, but it happens with numerous files (not DVD though) and whether played in QT or VLC or Front Row. That picture was taken in Front Row and please excuse the iPhone shot but I couldn't make Grab work.
My MacBook is three years old. Lately it has been slow starting up and shuting down with no peripherals connected, so flustering t to the point I have to do a forced shutdown (by holding the power button down). Anybody have esimilar experience and might now how to spped it up
I reinstalled OSX 10.6 and its still slow and won't fully install the OS. It used to take up to 5-10minutes to startup and eventually after waiting work perfectly well. When shutting down it would then slow down again. Occasionally something would trigger it again and it would almost stop working with the spinny wheel for another 10-15 minutes before working OK again. I eventually stopped shutting it down and kept it in sleep mode as it woke up and worked perfectly first time. Â
After trying to reinstall OSX I verified the disc and there were no issues found. The System wouldn't install and said to repair the disc and restart, I tried this twice but to no avail. It used to complain aboiut the set before a certain date, but can't remember the exact message, I would then check the clock/date and it was OK. Some months ago it did say the battery needed replacing but it worked on external power so used it for a while but then out of the blue it started to hold charge again so I put it down to a glitch. I'm still trrying to startup off the OSX disc now which it does do very slowly!
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.6)
Installed windows 7 from bootcamp 64bit to be exact. My problem is I couldn't get sound on there, not all the keyboard keys work and more. I cant get bootcamp on there because it says that it doesn't suppost 64 bit. I can get to the files but I dont know which to install from the OSX 10.5 disk.
First, I start it up, and there is no chime, but it does start. The boot time is rather slow. I get to the grey screen with apple spinning, then goes to a light blue screen. After that, the desktop comes up, but everything is sort of grayed out. I can move my cursor around, but I can't click anything. About 7-10 minutes after I sit there, the screen becomes clear, and I can click and run everything as usual. I know that this is not normal, but I can't figure out why. A couple side notes, the macbook seems to run sort of hot, and the AC adapter sometimes runs hot too. The heat seems to come from the middle at the bottom and in the back, so it is not where the hard drive is located. I also do not at any time have a spinning rainbow wheel, which leads me to think that it is not hard drive related.
A few months back, my old reliable MacBook Pro (early 2008) started behaving oddly. Have no idea why, but went to start it up one day, and it took forever to start up and get me to the login screen. Been like that ever since. Occassionally, when I finally get to the login screen, the keyboard will not function. After a few minutes though, it always works. This only happens about 5% of the time. Once I log in, everything about the computer from a performance perspective seems to be pretty normal In addition to the slow start up, however, system gets extremely hot at the top of the keyboard, near the monitor. Fans run fast almost all the time when the system is powered on, and often when it is 'asleep'. CPU Temp goes to about 170, and the fans are always between 2400 and 3500.Â
I took it to Apple a while back, and based on the incredibly slow start up time they believed it was a disk issue. I went ahead and purchased a 500GB internal drive and this past weekend used SuperDuper to copy the original boot disk. All went well and I now have a new internal disk. At the same time, I upgrade the RAM from 2GB to 4GB. Â
After all that, the system is still very slow at startup and runs as hot as it did before. I will say, it does seem to be slightly faster on the startup, but not what I had become accustomed to for the first 4 years of use. I looked at the activity monitor and don't see any processes hogging resources. No anti-virus software running.Currently running Mac OSX 10.6.8 My battery is pretty muc shot, but I never really use the system unplugged.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Upgraded disk and memory
When I try to start up my mac, It doesnt work. A folder icon appears in the center with a question mark, which then changes to the finder logo. (thats as far as it gets)I'll do anything to fix the problem, even if it means clearing all my files. I have no startup disk though, if that's a problem.
I figured I found the perfect place to talk about my mac book pro. I have a mac Book Pro 15 inch 2 years old. I decided to use boot camp for the first time the other day and run windows vista. I noticed that though it ran perfect on here I felt that something wasn't right with the dual boot OS. I decided to erase and bring my harddrive back to normal. After I did that I feel like my Mac runs slow. I was thinking if it doesn't get better I might have to do a clean install.
I have needed to use some windows programs and felt that Bootcamp would be the way to go with this. I have Bootcamp Beta, the latest version, penultimate before Leopard. I have partitioned and installed windows and formatted correctly. However, when the time comes to enter the Product Key, the Product Key is 'invalid'.I have since installed XP Pro on a old machine, not Mac, as a primary operating system with the same CD, and the same Product Key with no problems whatsoever.
Last night i was using my MacBook, it froze and switched off. I tried powering it up again, and i came to this blue screen after the 1st gray screen with the apple and loading guide. I use OSX 10.5.(cant remember last number).I read a few threads, and tried reseting PRAm, entering single user mode...etc ..but its not solving my problem...i do however, know that i can simply re-format my mac osx and it could solve this problem...buttt i have some very important stuff in my hard drive... (yes a i kow, i missed the one important fact in computing, "backup files to prevent this from happening", i forgot hehe).
I partitioned my MacPro HD to use Mac OS 10.7.4 and Windows Vista. All of a sudden holding down the Option key at start up no longer gives the optional start up systems for selection. How do I g et that function back?
I have a 13 inch aluminum late 2008 MacBook. The processor is 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 running OS X Lion 10.7.4. I am in the process of replacing my old hard drive with a new one.
My old hard drive is partitioned as follows: Name: Macintosh HD Format: Mac OS Extended (journaled) Size: 132.5 GB Name: BootCamp Format: Windows NT File System (NTFS) Size: 26.69 GB
When I was partitioning the new drive I did so as follows: Name: Macintosh HD Format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled) Size: 973.51 GB Name: BootCamp
Format: MS-DOS (FAT) --- This was the only option that I was given that I thought would work. I did not have the option of "Windows NT File System (NTFS) to choose from. I only run 1 program on Windows and that is the only reason I have BootCamp on there at all. However, I do HAVE to have that program. Size: 26.34 GB (I just used the same size that was current, or close to it.)
I connected the new Western Digital 1 TB through an external device, partitioned it as stated above, and then used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the drives. It went through fine. (It took 2 hours and I went to bed before it finished.) This morning I woke to see that it had gone through well. I then started the process with the BootCamp drives.
However, before I started it gave me errors stating that I wouldn't be able to run Windows off of the Cloned BootCamp drive. So I used Winclone and it seemed to work fine. I then replaced the old drive with the new one. Then I rebooted the machine. Everything seems to be fine except when I went to restart it in Windows using BootCamp that was not an option. The only start up disks listed are the Macintosh HD.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My Macbook pro (Lion) starts up very slow. Many things seem to happen during startup. The screen goes small, blue, back and many times the loginscreen is coming up in a lower resolution. When I do a Pram reset it starts up with the correct resolution but after a couple of startups it goes back to 800x600 resolution (I guess). When I Log in the resolution is ok so only the login screen is a lower resolution.And if there is a solution beyond resetting the PRAM?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2Ghz Core i7, 8 Gb of Ram
been having increasing sleep problems. now it is impossible to tell if it is on or not, but it heats and i can perform a forced shut down by holding the button down for 10 seconds. i can hear the HD stop. when i boot up, there is no display and no backlight on the keyboard, hence i cannot enter password.
I can not get my external monitor to hook up with my new MacBook Pro. I know how to get the windows desktop over onto the external monitor, but windows just recognizes the monitor for a moment, and then nothing. This cycles until I turn off the external monitor. I have the new MacBook Pro, with MiniDisplay port, and the monitor is hooked up with a DVI, and it is a 22" Acer.