MacBook Pro :: Images Aren't Always Opening Up And Sometimes The Pages Open Up In An Outline?
Feb 28, 2012
I have a MAC OSX 10.6.8. My images aren't always opening up and sometimes the pages openup in an outline fashion without all the images. Sometimes it doesn't open at all and I get a message that "safari can't open the page".......this has been happening a lot within the last week. What can I do to fix this?
Whenever I launch Pages, the application opens pretty much all the documents I've worked on. I take care to close all the windows, hoping that they won't launch again next time I start the application, yet they do. I can't find a setting in the preferences or Settings to disable this behavior.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
When I receive a jpg (not a jpeg) from a mac via email it wont open in either outlook or picture viewer etc (win xp). But if the same image is sent to any other PC (from the ma user) it opens OK.The added twist. If another pc user opens (which it does with no issues) then closes and sends back to the failing pc it opens with no issues!
My MacBook Pro (OSX 10.9.4) reboots automatically when opening images or websites with images that change rapidly or when switching rapidly from an image to another or sometimes on slides on Diaporama.
my macbook pro has been running fine without any pop ups until today I did a software update for my microsoft mac word 2011 and ever seen its been opening other windows whenever im searching on the internet or click on something by mistake. I am using google chrome as a browser how i can get rid of the ads and opening unwanted pages.
Recently the preview program has stopped working. I cannot open PDF files or image files, i.e. jpeg. The only thing I can think of that I've done recently is installing a program called "MailRaider." I just uninstalled it using a program called "Appdelete."
I tried this suggestion from the apple discussion forum that did not work:
Go to the finder, find one of the PDFs you can not open. then click on that PDF one time. go to the file menu, chose get info from the file menu. the inspector window that pops up will include a section on open with. expand that section and click on the open with menu and chose preview. then click the "Change All.." button.
all PDF should now open with preview. you can repeat this process with jpegs, gifs, tifs, pngs, extra as needed.
What else can I try? Do I need to reinstall the preview application? If so, how do I do that?
Need to open Pages documents. I created a document on an older version of pages and now my new MacBook Air won't open it and says I need to save it on Pages 09 first. How do I do that? I really need to be able to open my old (old as in only a year old) Pages documents.
Preview will still open .pdf, but not .jpg. It happened suddenly, no rhyme or reason. I've checked the info on the .jpgs, there's no restriction on the permissions that should keep them from opening, and Preview is selected as the app to open them. I've tried trashing the .plist, repairing permissions, and restarting. No dice. I'm running 10.5.6, and haven't installed anything recently.
I have a very large image that I want to print full size, but i only have a regular printer with 8.5x11 sheets. Is there an app that will break up the image so I can print it on multiple pages and then tape them together again? I'm having poor luck googling this.
I need to open a few Pages files but I don't have Pages installed on this computer. I understand you can convert Pages files to .doc or .pdf within the application, but unfortunately I won't have access to the computer with the program installed for a while.
Is there some sort of (free) converter that can convert .pages files to .doc or .pdf or even .rtf?
Or even better, a document creator/viewer than can open .pages files?
I am unable to open Pages because it says "pages is being updated." But it doesn't finish updating and I can't seem to force quit and re-open the pages. The same message keeps appearing.
I have images on my desktop, that are also stored in iCloud. When I open them from my desktop, say in Photoshop, that have an annoying iCloud icon in the lower lefthand corner.. Why is this and how do I make it go away?
I am using a macbook which i have just upgraded to leopard, when i connect to the internet it takes for ever to open the web pages.. I am using a Netgear DGN2000 router. I have contacted netgear and they say i need to contact Mac. I am also using a HP laptop on vista which connects and opens web pages in seconds,
I just got my new iMac 20" last week and iWork '08 with it. I just wanted to know how to set Pages as the default for opening all .docx (MS Word 2007) and .doc (MS Word 2003) files. At the moment TextEdit is the default and whilst I can change the default for individual files, I haven't figured out how to set it for every file.
I'm new to MacRumors. I just installed IWork on my new 13" MBP (has Snow Leopard) and have been unable to open Word 97 documents that I've been emailing myself from work and saving to a flash drive. I have not had such problems with my IMac using Pages.
From the response I received in the Pages forum, this appears to be a Lion-related question.Since I upgraded to Lion, I noticed that whenever I open a specific Pages document other recently-opened Pages documents will also open. Is there a way to prevent this? I was unable to find anything in Pages preferences.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPad2/iOS 5
I purchased Pages off the Apple site back in March. I am working on a project that involves several images. I tired to back up to a usb and when I did the usb said no image files. Pages froze and would not let me continue to work on it. I have deleted all big images off my computer. I can't back up to google docs as it freezes. everything is causing my computer to freeze. Now I am left with a computer that is running very slow and none of the images I need. Help, my project is due tomorrow and is worth a huge part of my mark
For the past few days Numbers and Pages docs are not opening from iCloud on my Mac. The docs open on my other devices. I get this message: "The file “DS Financial.numbers” couldn’t be opened."
Up until yesterday I was solely a Windows/PC-based computer user. I am now running Mac OS X with my new Mac Pro. Before turning off my PC system, hopefully forever, I downloaded all my MS Word files to a USB stick. I'm a writer and only worked in MS Word for my work.I just purchased iWork '09 and am very impressed with the Pages App and I'm very excited to start working in Pages '09. when I insert my USB stick with all my Word Docs on it into my Mac Pro, is it a case like under Windows/XP where you just open up each file with the Pages '09 program or is there something more to do to get Pages '09 to open the file up and save it within Pages '09? I understand Pages '09 works with MS Word files (as well as formatting to Word docs to send to colleagues).