Windows On Mac :: Opening Word Documents Using Pages?
Sep 30, 2009
I'm new to MacRumors. I just installed IWork on my new 13" MBP (has Snow Leopard) and have been unable to open Word 97 documents that I've been emailing myself from work and saving to a flash drive. I have not had such problems with my IMac using Pages.
How do I set up my mbp to open documents with Microsoft Word 2003 "always" under VMWare Fusion? I tried to set it up but it is not an option/can't figure out where Microsoft Word 2003 is when I right click and go "Open With." It says Microsoft Word 2003 - Boot camp partition but I want it so that it "Always Open with" Microsoft Word 2003.
I have a MacBook. Last week I bought Microsoft Office for Mac. I would like to open documents sent in Word to be opened in Word. But my mac converts them to Pages.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Microsoft Office for Mac
From the response I received in the Pages forum, this appears to be a Lion-related question.Since I upgraded to Lion, I noticed that whenever I open a specific Pages document other recently-opened Pages documents will also open. Is there a way to prevent this? I was unable to find anything in Pages preferences.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPad2/iOS 5
For the past few days Numbers and Pages docs are not opening from iCloud on my Mac. The docs open on my other devices. I get this message: "The file “DS Financial.numbers” couldn’t be opened."
Need to open Pages documents. I created a document on an older version of pages and now my new MacBook Air won't open it and says I need to save it on Pages 09 first. How do I do that? I really need to be able to open my old (old as in only a year old) Pages documents.
Up until yesterday I was solely a Windows/PC-based computer user. I am now running Mac OS X with my new Mac Pro. Before turning off my PC system, hopefully forever, I downloaded all my MS Word files to a USB stick. I'm a writer and only worked in MS Word for my work.I just purchased iWork '09 and am very impressed with the Pages App and I'm very excited to start working in Pages '09. when I insert my USB stick with all my Word Docs on it into my Mac Pro, is it a case like under Windows/XP where you just open up each file with the Pages '09 program or is there something more to do to get Pages '09 to open the file up and save it within Pages '09? I understand Pages '09 works with MS Word files (as well as formatting to Word docs to send to colleagues).
I have a proposal due for an english class, and I have to email it to my professor. I know he does not have a Mac, much less Pages, so will he be able to read my document that I created in Pages '09 on his PC? I know he has Office 2007, if that helps. Or do I have to save the file in some special format from within Pages?
I'm running an experiment that will give me a spreadsheet in Excel with 20 participants names, addresses, email addresses, and profits (from the experiment). My goal is to take this data and create individual receipts in Word that have all the above information and can be printed out and handed to the individuals (20 receipts). I have access to Office 2004 (Mac) or 2007 (Windows).
Whenever I launch Pages, the application opens pretty much all the documents I've worked on. I take care to close all the windows, hoping that they won't launch again next time I start the application, yet they do. I can't find a setting in the preferences or Settings to disable this behavior.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Im going to be purchasing a 13" Macbook Pro but coming from using a PC my whole life I have a few questions:
Firstly would you recommend iWork or Office? And can iWork read and edit work documents?
Secondly, If I am creating a Word document on my Mac and then send it to someone that is using Office on a PC will the formatting etc be the same? Im thinking of the scenario if I am filling out a job application form and then send it to the employer I don't want the formatting to be messed up since that would preclude me from getting an interview most likely. Also, are there any other compatibility issues I should be aware of with sending things between Mac and PC? I know if these will be problematic I can always install Windows 7 via Bootcamp, but id rather they were do-able on OSX.
Is there a program for mac that can do this? Because i'm taking an online course from BYU and when i need to print the cover sheet it downloads as a .cfm document
recently when emailing word documents, the recipients are reporting that the document opens in gibberish- actually, it opens in text edit format and will not convert to word. when I email said document to myself (the same computer), the doc. opens properly- any thoughts?
10.4.11 flat panel imac apple mail microsoft office
I just upgraded my laptop to Lion. Now I can't access any of my Word Documents. I 'got' around that by opening them up in 'pages'. HOWEVER, I can't access my emergency records organizer (where I keep all my bank account info, IDs and passwords, etc.) Is there a new application in Lion that allows me to to store this data? I'm not real happy with Lion right now, because half of my life/documennts were Word documents that can no longer be opened-unless I want to open EVERY last one of no fewer than 1,000 Word docs in 'pages.' Not only did I pay to upgrade to Lion, but I'll have to pay for another version of Word. Macintosh is on my___list right now.
i just got a new mac book pro 13 inch and when i went to download a paper from my school website (which on my previous mac would download stragith to word) it goes into text edit form. i know i have word on my comoputer. is there a setting i have to change? if so how do i do so?
I know it is an easy one. Why to I have applications opening after a restart the first time I start up after a restart. Example first time I open Word after a restart I get the last 2 to 3 documents opening up? Same with Excel and InDesign?
Happens when I double click on any document? Can't remember what to do to suprss?
I've had my iMac, 10.5.8 version, for over 2 years with no issues till now. Last week one of my Pages documents was missing and today another pages document. I searched using Spotlight and Finder but could not find them. The trash did not have them. Unfortunately I had not backed them up for a couple months. My girlfriend, who isn't very Mac knowledgeable, said she had not opened them.
For some reason, Pages is not giving me the option to delete documents. I've dragged the doc to the trash bin, I've tried right clicking it, I've tried deleting it from the Edit window in the document and still no go. I really need and want to delete these Pages docs.