MacBook Pro :: How To Burn A Dvd From IMovie
Jun 18, 2012How do I burn my slidehow from iMovie, to a dvd, without iDvd???
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 5.1.1
How do I burn my slidehow from iMovie, to a dvd, without iDvd???
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 5.1.1
OK - so Apple has dropped iDVD. Now how do I make a dvd of my iMovie project?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.7), Iphoto
I have spent time today creating a short movie of photos of my 2 month old son. When trying to share with iDVD I have realised that my iLife 11 doesn't come with this software and I can't download it!I am therefore unable to burn my project to disc and feel I have wasted my time. In my opinion this seriously reduces the usablility of iMovie.Is there anyway I can burn the DVD without spending a shed load of cash on some third party software?
Info:MacBook Air
Is there anyway to do this without having to buy and install a program?
I need to burn a data disc of an iMovie '11 project created on a MacBook, OS X, version 10.6.8, and be able to email the file.
View 4 Replies View RelatedTrying to make a dvd using imovie and/or idvd. Cannot get the background musicto go away??
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), iOS 5
How do I burn an imovie onto a dvd?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have finished a long and complex HS Grad Party Video on i Movie...(Party is only 12 days away)Â
After much trial and error, it looks pretty good. So, I then press "iDVD" in order to burn a DVD disc.I get no response from computer...Â
Why doesn't Apple support burning DVD's from iMovie? Is there another, low cost software solution? What good is the iMovie product without ability to show the movie thru a burned DVD?
I have iMovie 2.1.2 on a Mac G4 with a superdrive burner. I've captured video from my mini-dv camcorder and now I want to put it on DVD to be played on any DVD player.
I've tried a few of the "expert" settings to export it, but none do the trick as far as producing playable DVD's. I have toast titanium 5 and I don't have Quicktime Pro. I also do not have iDVD.
I have Final Cut Pro on this computer, but have no idea how to use it.
Is there a simple way to to export directly from iMovie onto a playable DVD, or do I need something else?
How do I burn a movie project to a DVD from i Movie if i DVD was not installed on my Mac?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe DVD ejects before the process ends, and is blank. I have an iMac running Lion. Significantly, nothing at akll comes up about disc burning in the 'About My Mac' utility.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Garageband
Every time I try to export a movie in iMovie or burn a disk in iDVD an error message pops up and says that my startup disk is full. So I bought an external hard drive and backed up my mac using Time Machine. Now I want to delete everything off my mac's internal Hard Drive and use my external hard drive so I can empty my disk. Does this make sense? If so will you please tell me how to do so.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've made a slideshow (about 24 mins) in iMovie and 'shared' it onto my desktop. I've tried to burn it to dvd (+R) lots of different ways but all failed. I have iDVD on my MAC and am using Mavericks. I'm putting it down to 'pilot error' or possibly my age!
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), iDVD pre-installed
In iMovie how do I find out how big my iMovie is in terms of GB's? It seems to big to save to a cd disc, can I use a memory stick?
MacBook Pro, iOS 4.3.2
It is supposed to be the best burning package on mac. But I doubt it. I convert videos to dvd-video format using the absolutely brilliant windows7 application convertxtodvd. Please dont tell me to use a mac application instead of it. I tried it many times, there were always several problems(slow speed, subs etc). This is not the case here.
So, I want these dvd-videos in Video_ts format, to be burned in dvd disks using toast. It is supposed that video_ts folder are a standard folder, no matter the system you use. But toast has a different opinion. When I drag the folder in the dvd-video window, it asks to re-encode the video!!!If I try to burn this video_ts folder in windows machine using 'nero', no problem at all, straight burning! I really cannot understand why this happens.
Another problem I have is that the files I want toast to burn, usually reside to network computer. Is there any way to burn files from a network computer(win) using toast? Can toast access network or not? If not, I have to manually copy files to local disk, several minutes spent for copying gigabytes just to be able to burn them.
My new DVD burner will play CDs and DVDs and burn CDs, but will not burn DVDs through the finder. Will getting TOAST definitely enable me to burn DVDs? I don't really need it otherwise and I would rather not buy it unless it will definitely enable me to burn DVDs.
This is my burner:
G5 PowerMac
I am trying to back up some DVD is I OWN.I used MTR to get the Video_TS folder on my HD.I have been trying to get Burn to create a disk that will work on my stand alone DVD player (which supposedly supports DVD -/+R and RW well as DivX).WHICH TYPE OF DISK DO I TELL BURN TO CREATE? I've been trying to burn on to dual layer disk i.e 8.5 GB.Video_TS foldeer is 7 GBIf I chose the DATA TAB tell Burn to create a "DVD-video disk" I get a disk that my computer can play in the DVD App that functions like a DVD, BUT my stand alone DVD player won't recognise it. (tells me its a DATA disk).
View 3 Replies View RelatedEvery time I open imovie it works well enough, until i try and record my voice. It automaticaly shuts down imovie, and really frustrates my teacher and I. It's imovie 4.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHave a free to distribute educational DVD (preparation for a test) that I need to make a copy of for a friend. Downloaded MacTheRipper and copy the DVD. Next I downloaded a freeware program called Burn that looks simple and is all I need. However I when I try to burn I get an error "Failed: There was a problem authoring the DVD" Also I tried to use the burn to a data DVD mode and it wrote the data to the DVD (you can physically see it's there) but when it got to finalize I got the same error message and you can't read the DVD contents. I have a new Mac Pro running 10.5.3 and the DVD drive is OEM PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112D.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI used Handbrake to rip encode the dvd to mp4. Now I want to burn it to a DVD for a cheap backup.
mp4 is 1.4gb
I keep getting an error saying the data I'm trying to burn is over 4 gb's and too big for my blank disc. How's that possible?
Shouldn't I be able to burn the mp4 to a dvd easily in iDVD?
New to iMac, just trying to do something I could do on the PC without any trouble. Can't seem to get the burn folder to burn to a new CD-R. Can't seem to get the iMac to recogmize that there is a CD in the drive.
Have tried more than one CD. It does eject, but stalled out on the transfer.
I miss my PC. this has taken an hour for something that should be--well--easy.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)
I love the old iMovie HD, and would like to keep working on projects with it. If I install iLife '09 , will it erase the old version of iMovie HD?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a very old purple iMac, circa 2000, with an old version of iMovie. I copied the files onto a USB and tried to open/import them onto my new Intel Core 2 Duo, 3.06 GHz iMac. However my new iMac with iMovie '09 won't recognise the files when I try to import them. They stay greyed, not allowing me to import them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I went to go and find iMovie, and I cannot find it. Everything else is there, Can I reinstall it without reinstalling the entire works (i.e losing everything)?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a project file that was created using iMovie 5 HD. In this project file were a large number of unused clips and also the final film, edited with transitions, backing music, end credits, etc.
However when I import this project file into iMovie 8 I cannot find the final edited film anywhere, just all the clips that were both used and unused within the project file.
How can I get the final film back without spending about a week re-editing everything?
In iMovie HD there was a button saying Video FX where you could access your downloaded effects, is this possible in iMovie 09?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo i've recently gotten in the uploading to YouTube craze with my Flip Mino HD but i'm not too happy at the way i've been doing this and am hoping there is an easier way.
As of late i've been importing what i film into iMovie. In iMovie i'll edit the video to my liking. In iMovie i'll "export" to the media browser so it'll show up in GarageBand. Then i'll open GarageBand and edit my film further, dealing with sound; adding music. After that i'll export it as a .MOV to my desktop. Then i'll open iMovie again and import that .MOV file and from there in iMovie will have it upload to YouTube in its original HD format.
So, I have all of my imovie projects backed up on my external harddrive, as well as the imovie program. I accidentally deleted all of the imovie projects and events from the imovie application on my laptop. When I try to re-import the imovie files into imovie, it doesn't recognize the files. I have tried to convert them with iSkySoft Video Converter. That converter program does not recognize the files either. I also tried burning the files onto a disc and then pulling them off the disc with the Handbrake program. This doesn't work either. I also tried importing the files into iMovie HD, which I have on my desktop, but to no avail. Are these files alll useless now? I'm at my wits end because I have spent literally months compiling footage for a documentary.
View 2 Replies View RelatedEverytime I try to burn a disc, I keep getting the message "The attempt to burn a CD failed.The burn failed because of a medium write error".
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
So I want to download iMovie HD. So when i opened the installing window it said - a newer version of this software is already installed. (iMovie 09) How can I download it successfully?
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