MacBook Pro :: Using IMovie To Build A Dvd And Burn But Cannot Get The Background Music To Go Away?
May 7, 2012
Trying to make a dvd using imovie and/or idvd. Cannot get the background musicto go away??
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), iOS 5
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Sep 4, 2014
I've made a slideshow (about 24 mins) in iMovie and 'shared' it onto my desktop. I've tried to burn it to dvd (+R) lots of different ways but all failed. I have iDVD on my MAC and am using Mavericks. I'm putting it down to 'pilot error' or possibly my age!
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), iDVD pre-installed
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Jun 18, 2012
How do I burn my slidehow from iMovie, to a dvd, without iDvd???
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 5.1.1
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Mar 13, 2012
OK - so Apple has dropped iDVD. Now how do I make a dvd of my iMovie project?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.7), Iphoto
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Apr 22, 2012
I have spent time today creating a short movie of photos of my 2 month old son. When trying to share with iDVD I have realised that my iLife 11 doesn't come with this software and I can't download it!I am therefore unable to burn my project to disc and feel I have wasted my time. In my opinion this seriously reduces the usablility of iMovie.Is there anyway I can burn the DVD without spending a shed load of cash on some third party software?
Info:MacBook Air
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Jun 15, 2012
Is there anyway to do this without having to buy and install a program?
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Jun 27, 2014
I need to burn a data disc of an iMovie '11 project created on a MacBook, OS X, version 10.6.8, and be able to email the file.
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Aug 7, 2009
I've been a mac user for about 5 years and have worked with them pretty extensively so i'm not a newbie, but I have been having the craziest issue i've ever come across on a mac start about a week ago with my very own and here it is:
Like it says above I'm using a 2.4GHz macbook with 2Gb of RAM bought in 2007. Starting about 2 weeks ago, I find that when i'm using speakers or headphones (ie: NOT the in-built speakers) that there is faint techno music playing the background. I do like techno music but it's no song that I recognize from my library, and it seems to be about a 10 second loop. It was first one song, then i restarted my computer and it was ok for about a week and now it's back with a DIFFERENT loop (still electronic?) Has anyone ever come across anything like this before? It has nothing to do with the volume of the speakers/headphones. They still go loud and I can still hear what i'm actually watching/listening to just fine, but then there's this techno off in the distance. OR if i'm not listening/watching anything and turn the volume up all the way on either the speakers or headphones i'm able to hear the music relatively clearly but it still sounds muddled and far off. Any advice would be awesome.
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Mar 6, 2010
I've been able to burn CD's for music and pictures and all of a sudden I'm getting a message when I click "burn" after I've pulled the pictures I want to burn and the message is saying "Insert Blank Disc to begin" then below it is says "This disc will burn the contents of the burn folder. You will need a disc with the capacity of at least 106.1 MB. It's a blank CD so I'm not certain why it won't burn.
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Mar 11, 2010
My iMovie title preview pane now shows a gray background, rather than the standard black one (see attached screencap). When I add a title to a project, the background around the text is black, rather than transparent.
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Sep 23, 2008
How do I burn an imovie onto a dvd?
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May 7, 2012
I have finished a long and complex HS Grad Party Video on i Movie...(Party is only 12 days away)Â
After much trial and error, it looks pretty good. So, I then press "iDVD" in order to burn a DVD disc.I get no response from computer...Â
Why doesn't Apple support burning DVD's from iMovie? Is there another, low cost software solution? What good is the iMovie product without ability to show the movie thru a burned DVD?
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Jun 21, 2005
I have iMovie 2.1.2 on a Mac G4 with a superdrive burner. I've captured video from my mini-dv camcorder and now I want to put it on DVD to be played on any DVD player.
I've tried a few of the "expert" settings to export it, but none do the trick as far as producing playable DVD's. I have toast titanium 5 and I don't have Quicktime Pro. I also do not have iDVD.
I have Final Cut Pro on this computer, but have no idea how to use it.
Is there a simple way to to export directly from iMovie onto a playable DVD, or do I need something else?
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Apr 27, 2012
How do I burn a movie project to a DVD from i Movie if i DVD was not installed on my Mac?
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Feb 24, 2012
The DVD ejects before the process ends, and is blank. I have an iMac running Lion. Significantly, nothing at akll comes up about disc burning in the 'About My Mac' utility.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Garageband
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May 21, 2009
I really hope somebody can help me with this. I've had an iMac for several months now. Before that I had a PC. Very soon after I bought it I started to get pounding rock music in the background whenever I tried to listen to anything. It's loud enough to overwhelm whatever it is I'm trying to hear. It isn't going all the time, but something seems to start it, and then it goes for days. I must have downloaded it accidentally when I was blundering around in the first month or os. If it was a PC I'd be able to find it, but Mac is still a mystery to me. I seem to remember that I downloaded something to do with a waterfall, "Dakota Falls" perhaps. The video was a waterfall which sat on the desktop. It looked quite pretty, but when I got rid of it the music wouldn't go away. So right now i can't listen t anything on my new iMac, and obviously I can't watch movie's or anything. It's really frustrating. The OS is Leopard. Also can anyone suggest a decent book on Mac that isn't too superficial. I'm not totally certain of the connection between the waterfall video and the pounding music, but they seemed to occur.
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Nov 25, 2010
Every time I try to export a movie in iMovie or burn a disk in iDVD an error message pops up and says that my startup disk is full. So I bought an external hard drive and backed up my mac using Time Machine. Now I want to delete everything off my mac's internal Hard Drive and use my external hard drive so I can empty my disk. Does this make sense? If so will you please tell me how to do so.
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Nov 1, 2009
I have two questions/issues with iDVD. I'm a bit of a beginner when it comes to iDVD but I have checked all over the internet for the answers.
First I am using the soft frame theme and I am using all three drop zones with video filling them. When I play back the dvd in the dvd preview the video plays very choppy. It is almost frame by frame. The effects of the menu are also slow (in fact the whole preview of the dvd seems to be slow).
My second problem is that when adding background music the dvd takes the whole length of the song to loop, and in the short time is takes someone to choose a button the first drop zone is still looping.
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Jul 27, 2010
Is it possible to burn a slideshow with music to CD-ROM? It needs to be playable on both Mac and Windows computers.I've tried iDVD, but it won't burn to CD-ROM (kind of figured it wouldn't, but I thought it was worth a try).
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Apr 10, 2012
I've been having trouble burning cds on my mac air (10.7.3) with the latest version of iTunes. After I import the cd from the superdrive and insert a blank cd, iTunes closes and I'm taken to the desktop which has the "untitled disc" on it. I have no idea what to do at this point. One tutorial says to select "burn disc" but then I end up with an empty disc. I don't know what to try next. I have burned cds in the past and it made sense. Something has changed. I'm lost.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 4, 2014
I can't see an option to burn some of my iTunes music on a cd on my mac?
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Sep 18, 2010
I create my own music and sometimes people ask if they can have it on a CD. Since I really do not want people to be able to rip it to their computer's I have denied these requests. However as the demand apparently grows and more people start asking I feel that I would really want to be able to share my music with them, securely. What I would like to do is burn a cd containing my music that people cant rip. I know there will always be some way of doing it, but fore the average computer user preventing mediaplayer/itunes from being able to rip the music will be enough to keep them from doing it.
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Oct 2, 2010
All I have is iPhoto's for an app., can you burn a disc with a slideshow and music playing like you do on iPhoto's ?
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Jun 5, 2014
I can not burn mp3 cd on itunes a message come up that said music is not mp3 format ..
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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May 28, 2012
If I try to do this in iTunes I get a CD where the songs are in AIFF format and I can't play them on every CD player. And with every other burner or converter is the same, I obtain only AIFF files. Consider that I've already tried a lot of converters and in iTunes doesn't work!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 14, 2012
I have an iMovie project. I want to export it or do something to get it into iTunes. I know you could share it to iTunes but I don't want it to end up in movies. I want it in music.I don't know if I need it as a mp3 but I want it in iTunes as a video.
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Oct 4, 2010
iMovie '09 keeps crashing everytime I try to scroll down when looking at Music, text, transitions etc.
I'm using Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6
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Jun 19, 2008
I have been trying to add music to a movie in iMovie. However, when I click the music button, it just presses and releases, and no music list appears. It used to, but now it doesn't. So no way to add music.
Also, after doing the most basic things, such as creating one slide with just text, iMovie decides to crash, and the spinning colour wheel appears.
Both of these issues have only recently started happening. It is running on the latest 2.4GHz iMac with 3GB RAM, and only safari and messenger running in the background. It is very annoying, and I don't know how to resolve it.
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Sep 17, 2008
I have looked through previous posts about something called firmware causing problems with a (I am assuming) later version of the DVD writer but can't find anything specific to my one.
Basically my DVD will no longer burn phots or music to disk. I have tried different disks but with no luck , all I get is a message along the lines of the burner is not calibrated.
The computer is a iMac PowerPC G5 running OS X 10.4.11 and the firmware listed for the burner is FA0G.
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Aug 26, 2010
I'm wondering whether to go PC and Sony Vegas Home Studio or iMac and use iMovie but I'm not sure if iMovie can do what I want: I want to make a music video for a track I made, in Sony Vegas I can add a audio file to a track below the main video track and see it's waveform, then edit the video clips to match certain points in the track. Can iMovie do this? I've done a bit of searching on the net but can't find a answer. All I've seen the green background that gets added to clip window. Also is a Quadcore i5 OK for video work?
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