OS X :: Can't Download Imovie Hd When Already Have Imovie 09?
Feb 27, 2010
So I want to download iMovie HD. So when i opened the installing window it said - a newer version of this software is already installed. (iMovie 09) How can I download it successfully?
Every time I open imovie it works well enough, until i try and record my voice. It automaticaly shuts down imovie, and really frustrates my teacher and I. It's imovie 4.
I have a very old purple iMac, circa 2000, with an old version of iMovie. I copied the files onto a USB and tried to open/import them onto my new Intel Core 2 Duo, 3.06 GHz iMac. However my new iMac with iMovie '09 won't recognise the files when I try to import them. They stay greyed, not allowing me to import them.
Does anyone still have the .dmg that Apple had posted on their site? If it's not illegal, which I'm sure it probably is for some stupid reason, could they by chance e-mail me the it? I didn't have a need or even think to download it before it was discontinued until now...
I've purchased iPhoto successfully after the app store said I didn't have a high enough OS (don't ask me how). Now I'm having the same issue w/ iMovie but can't get around it this time b/c I have no idea how I did it last time. How can I download iMovie now? I'm brand new to Mac use - under "About this Mac" it says: Mac OS X Version 10.6.8.
I want to be able to use the new imovie 11 but when I try to download it a message pops up. The message sais that i need mac os version 10.7. I don't want to spend $27 to get the new version but I still want the new imovie. What do I do?
i have owned a macmini for 5 years and love it. i film and edit movies for my work. today, i became the proud owner of a macbook air. is it possible to download imovie 09 on the OSX? i am so accustomed to editting in that format.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
i keep getting download avialible can't get it from app stroe since it came installed on computer macbook. I down load it form the program but it won't install?
I downloaded the Lion and the latest iMovie. iMovie failed to download the audio from my camcorder. I am now trying to recover the deleted files from my camcorder. What is the best software to do this with a Canon FS21 and a Mac?
Info: iMovie '11, Mac OS X (10.7.4), downloading camcorder files to Mac
So I went to go and find iMovie, and I cannot find it. Everything else is there, Can I reinstall it without reinstalling the entire works (i.e losing everything)?
I have a project file that was created using iMovie 5 HD. In this project file were a large number of unused clips and also the final film, edited with transitions, backing music, end credits, etc.
However when I import this project file into iMovie 8 I cannot find the final edited film anywhere, just all the clips that were both used and unused within the project file.
How can I get the final film back without spending about a week re-editing everything?
I can't download imovie onto my mac! Every time I try, it says that I "need an existing version of imovie already installed" but I can't install one in the first place! I've checked my applications and everything.
So i've recently gotten in the uploading to YouTube craze with my Flip Mino HD but i'm not too happy at the way i've been doing this and am hoping there is an easier way.
As of late i've been importing what i film into iMovie. In iMovie i'll edit the video to my liking. In iMovie i'll "export" to the media browser so it'll show up in GarageBand. Then i'll open GarageBand and edit my film further, dealing with sound; adding music. After that i'll export it as a .MOV to my desktop. Then i'll open iMovie again and import that .MOV file and from there in iMovie will have it upload to YouTube in its original HD format.
So, I have all of my imovie projects backed up on my external harddrive, as well as the imovie program. I accidentally deleted all of the imovie projects and events from the imovie application on my laptop. When I try to re-import the imovie files into imovie, it doesn't recognize the files. I have tried to convert them with iSkySoft Video Converter. That converter program does not recognize the files either. I also tried burning the files onto a disc and then pulling them off the disc with the Handbrake program. This doesn't work either. I also tried importing the files into iMovie HD, which I have on my desktop, but to no avail. Are these files alll useless now? I'm at my wits end because I have spent literally months compiling footage for a documentary.
I have tried to find a topic about my problem but can only find one about maybe needing MPEG Streamclip which I have downloaded. The problem I have is state below: The file could not be imported: The file Macintosh HD/Users/lynneroberston/Movies/mum's movie camera/M2U00023.MPG cant be imported; QuickTime couldnt parse it: -2048 Could someone let me know what I may need to do, do I need to convert the file?
What I'm doing: I have a S-video cable connected from the VCR to my mac with the proper adaptors to make it work as well as the audio cables. when I connect it all up and play the VHS, nothing happens.So I've read a few sources about the internet that have told me I can do this so I went out and got the adaptor for S-video for mac but when I plug it into my mac, it doesn't recognize anything is plugged in.
Will this work at all or do I have to go the capture card/camcorder route?Does my computer not recognize the signal because it's analog? The VHS player I'm using doubles as a DVD player so is it possible to change that without extra parts if that is in fact my problem?Is there any sort of program I can download (preferably freeware) that will recognize the signal from the VHS player or something that can be downloaded for imovie that will do the same thing?
is there a way to export a movie from imovie to a watchable format without actually opening imovie. My computer is severely breaking down, and i cant open half of my apps.
am currently working on a project for a friend's graduation open house, and all of the sudden iMovie just disappeared. It's still in the dock, and when I click it nothing happens. When I go in the finder and click "New Project" it re-appears in the corner of the screen, and whether I hit okay or cancel it just appears to shrink into the upper-right and corner and then disappears. The same thing happens when I hit minimize (An option in the iMovie Finder Bar), and try and open it, it automatically shrinks and then goes off the screen in the upper right hand corner. I tried disabling Spaces to see if that was the problem and it didn't solve anything.
I'm a PC user at the moment, and my macbook is coming at the end of the month when I'll be turning 18. And one thing I hate about Windows is the Windows Movie Maker, cause it only lets you play one soundtrack playing at the same time. My mate has Adobe Premiere, and it lets you add as many audio tracks you want to play at the same time.
So can iMovie 09 do that?
And while I'm here, does iLife come pre-installed on Macs?
So, I've seen tons of threads about iMovie only working with certain video file extensions and not others. Trouble is, my iMovie doesn't work with any file, ever. The files show up as "importable" when I go to import them, but then they simply don't import. When I try clicking and dragging them like the program says to, they "bounce back" to where they were. When I click on "last import" it shows up empty.When I click on "import" it acts as if it's going to work, and an icon reading "new event" shows up, but when I highlight (or click, or double click, or right-click, or anything) that icon, the message reads, "No matching video. Chose a different option from the Show pop-up menu" etc.
I've been trying for months! I love to make videos and with Vegas on Windows I never had any trouble. Files that iMovie won't import: AVI, MP4, MP3, MPG, MKV, WMV, SFK, and no song files, either.My Mac is an iMac OS X version 10.5.8I called the local Apple store and the lady there told me that I shouldn't be trying to use any videos other than ones I'd shot from my own camera anyway. :/
I am having some 8mm movies cleaned and digitalized for posterity. I was told the standard form is to provide a DVD. I use iweb and imovie and want a format of the origianl that will allow me to utilize imovie so I can edit etc. and utilize for web use. How is this possible?
I shoot video on my Sony HDR SR12 camcorder a import it into iMovie then I use ScreenFlow to edit my video and upload it to youtube. My hard drive is starting to fill up and I was wondering if I need to keep all that video that is in my iMovie events folder or should I be able to use the file that is inside each of my ScreenFlow files?