OS X :: Unable To Burn An Mp4 To DVD / The Data I'm Trying To Burn Is Over 4 Gb's

Dec 25, 2009

I used Handbrake to rip encode the dvd to mp4. Now I want to burn it to a DVD for a cheap backup.

mp4 is 1.4gb

I keep getting an error saying the data I'm trying to burn is over 4 gb's and too big for my blank disc. How's that possible?

Shouldn't I be able to burn the mp4 to a dvd easily in iDVD?

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Applications :: Unable To Burn Videos Via Toast / Burn Files From A Network?

Sep 17, 2010

It is supposed to be the best burning package on mac. But I doubt it. I convert videos to dvd-video format using the absolutely brilliant windows7 application convertxtodvd. Please dont tell me to use a mac application instead of it. I tried it many times, there were always several problems(slow speed, subs etc). This is not the case here.

So, I want these dvd-videos in Video_ts format, to be burned in dvd disks using toast. It is supposed that video_ts folder are a standard folder, no matter the system you use. But toast has a different opinion. When I drag the folder in the dvd-video window, it asks to re-encode the video!!!If I try to burn this video_ts folder in windows machine using 'nero', no problem at all, straight burning! I really cannot understand why this happens.

Another problem I have is that the files I want toast to burn, usually reside to network computer. Is there any way to burn files from a network computer(win) using toast? Can toast access network or not? If not, I have to manually copy files to local disk, several minutes spent for copying gigabytes just to be able to burn them.

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Burn Dvd / Only Plays CDs And DVDs And Burn CDs

Sep 16, 2008

My new DVD burner will play CDs and DVDs and burn CDs, but will not burn DVDs through the finder. Will getting TOAST definitely enable me to burn DVDs? I don't really need it otherwise and I would rather not buy it unless it will definitely enable me to burn DVDs.

This is my burner:
G5 PowerMac

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Applications :: Using Burn 2.2u To Burn Video_TS Folder

Apr 20, 2009

I am trying to back up some DVD is I OWN.I used MTR to get the Video_TS folder on my HD.I have been trying to get Burn to create a disk that will work on my stand alone DVD player (which supposedly supports DVD -/+R and RW well as DivX).WHICH TYPE OF DISK DO I TELL BURN TO CREATE? I've been trying to burn on to dual layer disk i.e 8.5 GB.Video_TS foldeer is 7 GBIf I chose the DATA TAB tell Burn to create a "DVD-video disk" I get a disk that my computer can play in the DVD App that functions like a DVD, BUT my stand alone DVD player won't recognise it. (tells me its a DATA disk).

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OS X :: DVD Data Disc - Burn More Than Once?

Oct 29, 2009

I recently burned a project to DVD. It's a data disc, and seems to have worked fine, about 1.2 GB of the four available on the DVD-R I burned with a Superdrive on my G4 desktop.

I told it to write session in Toast 7 Titanium, but when i try to burn something else to the disc, Toast rejects it. With DVD's, can you only burn one data disc? No multiple sessions? It's okay if this is the case, I just want to know.

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IMac :: How To Burn Data From One DVD To Another

Dec 14, 2009

So I have a dvd I would like to burn onto another disc but I cant seem to do it. Do I copy and paste files from the original onto the desktop, then burn the files from desktop onto a blank dvd?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Software To Burn Blu-ray Data?

Mar 14, 2012

I'm looking for a simple software to burn blu-ray data. I already have the external drive. And no, I'm not looking into burning a blu-ray movie. This is just for data, aka a UDF disc. I know Toast, but I'm not too keen of spending that much money just to get a seemingly simple task.

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MacBook Pro :: Run Out Of Space - Burn CD Of Data?

May 3, 2012

We have run out of space on our laptop. What would be the best way to store info/pictures/video aside from Time Machine? Is there an easy way to transfer data to an external hard drive or should I begin to burn CD of the data?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: SuperDrive: How To Burn Data DVD-R Disc

Jun 13, 2012

I tried to burn 1.4GB of data on a 4.7GB blank DVD using Finder but got an error message saying "file is too large to fit on the disc. Remove some files an try again". I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.8. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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MacBook :: Burn A Data Disc Of IMovie

Jun 27, 2014

I need to burn a data disc of an iMovie '11 project created on a MacBook, OS X, version 10.6.8, and be able to email the file.

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Software :: Error Code -43 / Trying To Burn Data DVD From Finder

Jul 15, 2006

Does anyone know the meaning of an error code -43? I receive this when trying to burn a data DVD from the Finder; the error text is to the effect of "<cannot find resource fork> for <path not accessible>". Doesn't seem to matter what I'm trying to burn. Burning disc images using Disk Utility or from iDVD works fine. My hard disk, from where the files are being copied, verified with no errors.

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Applications :: Trying To Burn DVD Using Burn - Failed

Jun 4, 2008

Have a free to distribute educational DVD (preparation for a test) that I need to make a copy of for a friend. Downloaded MacTheRipper and copy the DVD. Next I downloaded a freeware program called Burn that looks simple and is all I need. However I when I try to burn I get an error "Failed: There was a problem authoring the DVD" Also I tried to use the burn to a data DVD mode and it wrote the data to the DVD (you can physically see it's there) but when it got to finalize I got the same error message and you can't read the DVD contents. I have a new Mac Pro running 10.5.3 and the DVD drive is OEM PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112D.

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Intel Mac :: Does Not Burn To CD From Burn Folder?

Jun 8, 2012

New to iMac, just trying to do something I could do on the PC without any trouble. Can't seem to get the burn folder to burn to a new CD-R. Can't seem to get the iMac to recogmize that there is a CD in the drive.

Have tried more than one CD. It does eject, but stalled out on the transfer.

I miss my PC. this has taken an hour for something that should be--well--easy.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)

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OS X :: Unable To Burn DVD With IMac G4

Jul 2, 2009

I used Totast Titanum 10 to burn the DVD's. The settings I used was to burn Data Disks with "Mac Only" or "Mac & PC". Before I eject the dvd-r after burning, I test the files burned in the dvd if they can be opened by the appropriate application directly from the burned dvd.

For example, I checked if .mv4 files can be played by either Quicktime, iTunes, MPlayer OSX Extended, or VLC; checked if disk images can be mounted and files on mounted disk can be opened; and checked if unencrypted movies that I personally own (using MacTheRipper 3.0) with Video_TS and Audio_TS folders that were compressed by DVD2OneX 2.3.1 can be played on Apple DVD Player.

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Software :: Unable To Burn DVD

Oct 24, 2008

I'm currently trying to burn a file onto disk. I'm running into is that I cannot play the file from the disk.

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Software :: Unable To Burn DVD?

Nov 5, 2010

The disc can�t be burned because because communication between the computer and the disc drive failed (error code 0x80020022).

This is the answer I get most of the time with new DVD. Any possible solution is the system faulty ?

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OS X :: Unable To Burn ISO's To DVD Using Disk Utility

Jul 20, 2009

It all started last week when I tried burning an ISO to a blank Memorex DVD-R. When I inserted the DVD it would eject the CD over and over again no matter how many times I tried. The same thing would happen if I used a Memorex CD-R. Now these CD's worked in the past without any issues, and seem to work just fine on my other computers.

I decided to go out and buy a different brand of DVD-R's at Office Depot, thinking the laptop just wasn't really into these DVD's anymore. I ended up buying TDK DVD-R's. The computer seemed to like these more because it didn't eject them when I placed them into the drive.

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MacBook :: Unable To Burn Audio Cd From Mp3

Feb 10, 2010

I recently purchased a Macbook 2.13 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. I've tried to burn audio cd's from mp3 in Itunes to use in my car but when I try them in the car cd player they don't work. But they work on my mac. I used to be able to do this on my old mac mini with no problems. I'm running the latest version of OS X.

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OS X :: Unable To Burn CD / DVDs In Finder

Jul 18, 2010

I was trying to burn a few MP3 for a friend of mine today outside of iTunes (ripped from flv). I threw in a CD-R and was prompted to choose what to do. Because it was a simple burn, I was going to use finder. For some reason, I can't. This is the window that pops up when I try to choose "Open with Finder" Code: The operation can�t be completed because you don�t have the necessary permission. Not sure whats up with that seeing as I am admin on my MBP. I have repaired permissions and that didn't work. Weird still, I can burn in iTunes and Toast. Anyone have any ideas of what is going on?

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Software :: Unable To Burn CDs Through ITunes

Jun 19, 2008

It seems that my CD drive is not working properly. I am trying to burn some audio CDs using basic CD-Rs through iTunes. I used to have no trouble doing this whatsoever. Now, for some reason, when I go to burn a CD, I am simply unable to do so. The drive reads the blank CD and asks what I want to do with it, as usual. Then, when I create a playlist and hit "Burn Disc," the program seems to be going through all the necessary steps: checking media/playlist and initializing burning, but then it ejects the CD and I get an error message saying "The attempt to burn a disc failed. The device failed to respond properly. Unable to recover or retry."

Could this have anything to do with the file types I am trying to burn (audio files bought/downloaded through the iTunes store) or the type of CD-R I am using (they are basic, Verbatim� recordable compact discs). Or could it be a simple case of computer settings? I haven't changed a thing since I was able to burn discs, or at least not to my knowledge.

Furthermore (and this is the part that really worries me), my drive seems to have become selective in reading discs. DVDs always seem to work, but there are certain CDs that the drive just ejects and refuses to read. It spins a little, makes a couple weird and unfamiliar noises, and then gets spit out, without ever having been detected by the computer.

I have never dropped my laptop or done anything that I think would have damaged the hardware, so it is very confusing to me that this would be happening.

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Burn DVD With IMovie

Apr 22, 2012

I have spent time today creating a short movie of photos of my 2 month old son. When trying to share with iDVD I have realised that my iLife 11 doesn't come with this software and I can't download it!I am therefore unable to burn my project to disc and feel I have wasted my time. In my opinion this seriously reduces the usablility of iMovie.Is there anyway I can burn the DVD without spending a shed load of cash on some third party software?

Info:MacBook Air

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Intel Mac :: Unable To Burn Dvd's From Any Format

Jun 28, 2012

Unable to to burn Dvd's from any format,ie iDVD.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Unable To Burn DVD Or Blue-ray?

Jun 23, 2014

Unable to burn dvd or blueray in FCPX. Message Video bitrate too high. Have burned successfully in past. Problem began after rendering project.

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Applications :: Unable To Burn DVD - Get An Error Message?

May 30, 2009

I am trying to burn a 4.2 GB project in iDVD. My project is saved onto an external hard drive, and when I start it burning, I get an error message that says "Not enough free disk space for encoding the remaining assets." It says I only have 825 MB available on my hard drive and 3.362 are needed for encoding, but I actually have 786 GB free! Any idea what could be causing this?

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Burn ISO To Dvd In Disk Utility

Nov 28, 2009

I was burning an ISO to a dvd in Disk Utility, and it gave me the message "Verification of the burn failed" So, I tried running the dvd, and I didn't get any error messages. Do you think the disk/iso/whatever is good to use?

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Hardware :: Unable To Burn DVD - Failed To Calibrate?

Oct 13, 2009

I'm having a problem when trying to burn DVD's, I have get the error 'failed to calibrate the laser power level for this media', I get this error with the internal super drive and also the external Pioneer DVR-116D, I have tried 2 different brand of discs but still the same results.

I had a look around and a lot of people said about cleaning the drive worked but obviously this is happening to two drives and two brands of media, both discs are +R DL discs.

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Software :: Unable To Burn A CD - Medium Error?

May 2, 2008

I went to burn a CD today and continue to get the error message:

Sense key=medium error

Sense code= OX73, OX03

I had this problem before but thought it was a bad disk, when I would put another one in it would burn fine.
When I went to burn a new one today, using the same disks that I previously used I would get the above error. I am using Toast Titanium 5.2, Sony discs.

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Software :: Unable To Burn A Cd - Remove The Disk?

Feb 7, 2009

I have a cd that I am trying to burn and it doesnt seem to work.I have an imac with only one cd/dvd burner.I put the disk in and goto file and click burn disk then it tells me to remove the disk and put a blank disk in but when I do the original is now removed and there is nothing to burn.I made a duplicate then burned that but it doesnt work on my cd player only the computer.I went to disk utility and created a disk image but it came up blank.I never made a disk image before maybe I did it wrong.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Unable To Burn To Blank DVD's

Mar 14, 2012

I have a problem with my internal SuperDrive where it is saying that blank DVD's are not writable. When I insert a blank disk the Mac recognises it is a blank disc as the Blank DVD Options box appears but when I actually go to burn a disk the burn will start then immediately fail saying the disk isn't writable. From Disk Utility I get the following info from a blank disk: MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-85J:Firmware Revision:FEW7 Interconnect: [code] It doesn't matter what brand of disk I buy (have tried Verbatim, Bulkpaq, Sony, Tesco & Asda) I get the same issue. All these disks have then worked fine in my girlfriends PC (yuk!) laptop so I don't think it is the disks themselves that are at fault and the fact it is happening with different brands points to a problem with the drive rather than the disks. The drive seems to be working ok as it will play DVD's ok.

Mac Mini (MA608B/A) Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz 2 GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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OS X :: Unable To Burn - Failed Because Of Medium Write Error?

Aug 29, 2009

i'm trying to burn a Windows 7 ISO my brother got from some ACM subscription thing. Anyway, every time i try to burn it, it says "Unable to burn "(cd name)". (The burn failed because of a medium write error.)". Why is this happening? Is it the superdrive or the DVD-Rs? My computer is the Macbook pro with 2.4GHz intel core 2 duo cpu and with 2GB of 676MHz DDR2 SDRAM. The DVD-Rs i'm trying to use are Sony branded.

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