MacBook Pro :: Frozen With Pink And Green Pixels

Aug 25, 2014

I have a late 2008 version of the 17" MacBook Pro. I've been using it today and it's been completely fine. that was up until I was uploading my recent holiday photos to iPhoto. I left it to upload and came to check on it after 5 minutes. I found the program had frozen and pink and green pixels were spotted all over the screen. 

I turned the laptop off by the power button. When I started her up again I found the white screen with the pink and green pixels everywhere and apple logo appear. It starting booting and then just stopped. the screen froze and nothing was working. I've tried booting up in safe mode and again it just freezes. I've included a photo I've taken if the frozen screen. 

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MacBook Pro :: Frozen Screen With Pink And Green Pixels

Aug 27, 2014

I have an early 2008 version of the 17" MacBook Pro. During the process of uploading photos to iPhoto, the screen froze and pink and green pixels appeared. I shut down by the off button and upon on turning it back on found the screen as shown below. The apple appears and then the clock spins for a moment then freezes. I cannot get any further. 

I've tried booting in Safe Mode and other options I've read when trying to boot but to no avail. 

Someone said I need to run the AHT but as this was purchased from a friend, I don't have the installation CD's. I've found a DMG file of the AHT but am completely at a loss as to what to do with this. 

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MacBook Pro :: Frozen Screen With Pink/Blue Lines?

Sep 3, 2010

My almost 3 year old MBP shows a full screen of artifacts like horizontal lines with blue and pink boxes. It did it while simply browsing the web. It had a message in the center of the screen that said to push the power button to power off in several languages.

I powered off the computer. Tried to restart it and on the start up screen the Apple appears in the center of the screen with the same pink and blue boxes in it and the spinning symbol below is stuck and the computer will not start up.

Any ideas on what my problem is? I have about 2 months of Apple Care left.

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MacBook Pro :: Pink And Green Vertical Pixel Columns On Screen?

Sep 2, 2010

My A1226 is really giving me fits. It will display persistent vertical pink and green pixel column patterns in windows or over the entire screen at start up. I have twice performed the "PRAM Re-set" with Command-Option-P-R depressed with pwer on and that has worked. But tonight it came back and I had to do it a third time. Is this a potential or probable power/battery problem? I hope someone here is familiar with this!

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MacBook Pro :: Display Flickering With Red / Green Pixels?

Mar 29, 2010

Sometimes the LCD display goes into this mode where in some areas you see red and green pixels flashing. I have taken a few pictures, which obviously don't render the flashing effect, but give you an idea of what it looks like:


This is a MacBook Pro pre-unibody The graphic card is an ATI Radeon X1600 I ran the TechTool Deluxe tool to test the video RAM (and everything else), but it didn't detect anything wrong I have never seen this when the laptop is connected to an external monitor This doesn't happen that often; say 1 times out of 10, usually after the laptop comes out from sleep. The issue stays for a few minutes and then goes away until next time, so I am unlikely to have the problem when I go to Apple Store for service.

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MacBook Pro :: Purple And Green Pixels On Display

Jun 30, 2014

So I have this collection of pixels near the bottom of my screen but they're only visible over a dark grey area, like when you're in the login screen (I have an early 2013 MBPr 15 btw) 

It's probably a problem with the screen itself and not the GPU (or maybe the connection between them?) since if I take a screenshot it's not visible and I've connected it to an external monitor and it doesn't have it. 

I took a picture of said problem [URL] .....

I've had this for a few weeks now and I've tried those youtube videos (I just to have some image retention after leaving something to run for a long time) which have decreased the amount of pixels. They all dissapeared for a few hours and now they're back.

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Software :: Corruption On MacBook Display - Random Green Pixels

Jan 7, 2009

I have had my MacBook for just over a year. A weeks ago, the display started go weird: - strange shapes started appearing on the desktop - a fluorescent green (like vertical strips of 5 or 6 pixels in a group), sometimes as a shadow of a previous open window, sometimes just random squares or lines. The blocks of green go if i run my mouse over them with the button pressed down. -a fluorescent green light sometimes shines around the programme tiles in the dock. -shadows behind open windows very accentuated and fluorescent green - sometimes text on web pages and documents look garbled - again this goes if i run my mouse over them, and either go or comes back in a different place. Some times i can go a few hours without experiences these problems, other times the issue is there on start up. I ran the quick hardware check, and no problems were reported, a week later i ran the extensive check, and again the system seemed fine.

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IMac :: Pink / White And Green Checked Pattern On Screen

Mar 15, 2010

I own a 17" g5 imac and today I was just browsing on Firefox and all of a sudden the screen became checkered with thin pink and white lines. It is most noticeable on the menu bar and anything that is grey or white in color. It is not checkered on the blue background behind my desktop photo. I have an external monitor plugged in as well and the same thing is happening to that monitor.

I have a powerPC imac G5
OSX 10.5.8
ATI Radeon 9600

Here is a screen shot:
Haven't reformatted it yet. Hope there is a better solution. Purchased it used about a year ago. No warranty.

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Mac Pro :: Red And Green Pixels On Display

Dec 9, 2014

I have a Mac Pro 1,1. Tonight the display starting looking like the screen shot attached. Then it wouldn't come up at all. Black screen, with a few bands of green pixels. 

My first thought is that the Graphics Card is going bad. Odd thing is, though, that I captured this via screen capture from another Mac. Could it still be a bad GPU if it looks this way remotely? I'm not sure how these early Mac Pros work. I have Mac minis that, when the display is off (or headless), the GPU is not used to render the GUI via screen sharing. So, I tried disconnecting the display from the Mac Pro, and I get the same screen shot. 

I can boot the Mac Pro into Safe Mode, but that is it. 

MacPro 2 x 2 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon, 3 GB 667 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Mac Pro :: Square Pixels Green, Red Or Blue With ATI 5770?

Apr 15, 2012

To see how it looks: [url] I can not find the cause of its pixels that appear on the screen. Only in the viewer. They occur randomly when I add an effect FCPX. (not just a plug-tier) These pixels are found embedded in the video if I made ​​one!It does not appear immediately launching FCP but after 5 minutes after playing withthe settings of my corrections.When they appear in FCP if I run photoshop, I have the same pixels in the window of my image in Photoshop I did not think I shall give my card GT120 But I have an ATI 5770 with an Apple MacPro 4.1 What I tried: reinstall FCP New partition with 10.6.8 and 10.7 fired FCP preferences Reset PRAM + SMC Changed the cables and adapters of my screens Does this card is defective? Why do they not appear in the screen 

Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: TiBook Screen Colors All Off / Green Vibrating Pixels In Background

Dec 7, 2010

My tibook .867Ghz was working fine this morning, but now when I restarted it this afternoon, the colors are all off (lots of green and rapidly vibrating pixels in background). The computer works, I can run programs and so forth. There are no changes to the displays settings, still 1280x854 and colors "millions". When I switch to thousand or 256 colors there is no significant change.

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MacBook Pro :: Difference Between DEAD Pixels And STUCK Pixels?

May 14, 2010

So after waiting 4 weeks my High-res Glossy MBP FINALLY arrived...I was so happy. Got home switched it on and WOW it really is a beautiful machine...After using it for about 30 mins however i noticed a small dot to the lower right half of the screen... I looked closer and realized it was either a dead or stuck pixel( I dont exactly know the difference). I did a few test on it, and its ONLY visible when a light color is on the screen (White, Gray etc) However when the screen is DARK blue, Dark green or black it cant be seen at all...

It kind of looks like a TINY speck of water or liquid the size of 1 pixel stuck under the glass... I noticed that it does get lighter and darker when i adjust the brightness of the screen. Can anybody give me some tips? Anything i can do to fix it? Is it in fact a dead or a stuck pixel? I tried the JSscreen fix which is basically a online tool that opens up a flashing screen...Ive had it on for about 30 mins...but no luck

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OS X :: Vertical Bar On Display Showing Blurry Pixels - Gray Bar Of Pixels?

Feb 13, 2010

for the last week or so my MBA has been showing a ~3 inch bar running vertically along the middle-left of the display. Until today, the area looked just like blurry pixels (some things like graphics would still appear, so I don't believe the problem is with the pixels themselves). Now the area has become a gray bar of pixels.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Goes Pink By Itself?

Mar 19, 2012

My late 2009 Macbook Pro started to have screen issues a couple weeks ago. Basically, the screen just goes pink as in the picture below. The laptop came with a dual GPU (GeForce 9400M & GeForce 9600M GT) and switching between them does not resolve the problem. I also tried re-calibrating the screen display, but to no avail. I tried googling the issue but nothing useful came out of that. I've also tried running the apple hardware test but it said everything is fine. 

This issue has come out of nowhere (I haven't spilled anything on my laptop, nor have I dropped it...). At first, it appeared to go pink randomly, and go back to normal randomly. But now, it remains pink all the time. I would have taken it to an Apple Store if I could, unfortunately there's no such thing as an Apple Store in my country.So now I'm stuck with this annoying pink screen

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Apple Logo Goes Pink

Jun 1, 2014

When I start up my MacBook Pro I get the apple logo but for the past few days when starting up the apple logo now goes pink, does this mean that there is a problem ?

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012)

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MacBook Pro :: Second Display (showed Very Pink Image)

Jan 12, 2011

I've tried to hook my macbook pro to 2 different displays, they both showed a very pink image, that gets more and more pink around the contours, I've tried calibration but it didn;t work

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MacBook Pro :: Pink Lines After Clicking On A Link

May 16, 2012

I clicked on a link and received pink lines all over my screen, in the window, the desktop, everywhere.  I rebooted the computer and it was all gone so I went back to the link, clicked on it, and pink lines appeared everywhere again.  So I took screen shots of the open window with pink lines in it, closed the window and took a screen shot of the desktop that had pink lines all over it.  I rebooted the computer all the pink lines were gone so I opened the screen shots and none of the pink lines were in the screen shots either.  So I went back to the same link once again and I got pink lines everywhere.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Pink Vertical Lines On Anything White

Jun 1, 2014

Any fix for the vertical pink lines and distortion that makes my mid 2010 macbook pro 17" un-usable?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook :: Speck Pink Hard Shell Case

Sep 27, 2009

Anyone know any sold sources for where to get a pink Speck Hard shell case? I've found a few websites that claim to have thembut they mostly ship from China and they give no timeframe when the item will arrive. I've checked eBay and craigslist. I found on on eBay, and I purchased it. And about a week later the seller refunded my payment with no explanation or reason and he won't return my emails. So again, if anyone knows a solid source for where to get a Speck, and Speck only

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MacBook Air :: External Samsung Monitor Gone Pink Using Belkin Dock

Dec 12, 2014

I bought a Belkin Thunderbolt 2 Express HD Dock and connected my Samsung monitor (1920 x 1080) using the Thunderbolt through connector. The monitor looks pink, sometimes green, whatever – not balanced color. When I connect the monitor directly to the Thunderbolt connector on the Mac, it's fine.

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MacBook Pro :: Yosemite 10.10.1 / All Windows Show Vibrating Pink Background

Dec 6, 2014

MacBook Pro mid 2009, upgrade to Yosemite 10.10.1, all windows show vibrating pink background. Off/On flickering. 

17" Macbook Bro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook :: Screen Suddenly Shows Blue And Pink Vertical Lines?

Apr 25, 2012

I am trying to get my MacBook LCD to work right. It happened because one time I was carefully wiping my MacBook screen with a little hand sanitizer and a paper towel. However, later my screen started to show a-lot of weird lines and eventually blue, pink and green tiny vertical lines but it is not completely renderd useless, it is just plain annoying and whenever I have an open window on the screen for a long time and I move it around eventually, it shows an imprint in the background into the screen and even when I restart, shutdown or use Windows in BootCamp it just shows up.  

MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Serial number: IQ0351EYF5W

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MacBook Pro :: (early 2008) Recently Froze And When Try To Reboot It, The Screen Has Blue And Pink?

Jul 5, 2012

I was on the computer when it froze on me then the lines popped up and the computer asked me to restart. When I did that, it just freezes on the start up screen now with the lines across it and will do nothing else.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008)

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MacBook :: 13 Dead Pixels

Jun 17, 2009

Tomorrow morning the brand new MBP 13 2.53 goes back to Apple for yet another dead pixel issue! The Staff in my local store are so, so helpful and are always there to help, but this will be my 4th pixel related return. It's a mighty fine machine but I'm beginning to feel like "that guy" who always takes his macs back!

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MacBook Pro :: What To Do About Dead Pixels?

Aug 24, 2009

I recently noticed 4-5 dead pixels (gray, not fixable with software) on my 1.5 year old MBP (see sig below). Definitely a bummer as I had to go through 2 MBPs when buying this computer just to get one without any dead pixels. I don't know why or when these pixels died. I have AppleCare and I am wondering if Apple will do anything about this. Is there a threshold for repairs (e.g., only 10+ pixels is repairable)? Has anyone ever got a repair/replacement for dead pixels? Is there anything I can myself to fix this problem?

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MacBook :: Pics Of Dead Pixels?

Jan 25, 2009

Does anyone have pics of these dead pixels? I keep hearing about them and i'm really curious to see what it looks like!

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MacBook :: A Few Dead Pixels On My System

Mar 23, 2009

This is my first post on the site! Anyway, I have about 3 dead pixels on my 13" MacBook 2.16 GHz. My computer is still under Applecare, would Apple replace the display for free?

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MacBook Pro :: New 15" With Dead Pixels

Jun 27, 2009

I took the plunge and bought a new 15" mbp. Came home and booted it up to find two maybe three dead pixels in the middle of the screen. One is red and two are gray. I tried using a site to get dead pixels out but didn't work. I scheduled an appointment with the genius tomorrow to see if he can help me out.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Figure Out PPI (Pixels Per Inch)?

Apr 21, 2010

I'v read that the 17" has 133 ppi, and the 15" high res has 128 ppi, but how is that figured out? I'd like to do the math for the 24" Apple Cinema Display.

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MacBook Pro :: Dead Pixels On Purchase?

Jul 18, 2010

I just jumped on the Mac train and bought a Macbook Pro 13". There's a dead pixel on the screen. I'm taking it back to the retailer tomorrow. The retailer has a zero dead pixel guarantee on monitors so I'm going to hope that covers laptops too. I just wanted to know how many others have experienced dead pixels on purchasing a new Macbook Pro - i.e. what's the likelihood that the next one I get will have a dead pixel?

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