MacBook Pro :finding Expert Advice For Diagnosing With 13"
Feb 10, 2010
I'm fairly new to Mac's and have had this 13" MBP since July of 2009. I've noticed that my laptop will display a black screen and will not respond until I hold the power button and then restart it. Last week I sent it to Apple repair which they had it for a week and could not duplicate the problem. So it was sent back to me un-repaired. I honestly feel as though there is something wrong because at first I thought it wasn't waking up from sleep mode. However since getting the laptop back on Friday I have be paying attention to what's going on.
Since I thought it was a sleep issue, I thought if I went into the System Preferences, Energy Saver and from there I changed both the Battery & Power Adapter settings to NEVER, to keep it from going into Sleep Mode. Well after a little while the laptop will go to the black screen like I've been experiencing but why is the screen going black if I don't have it set to ever going to sleep?
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Dec 26, 2009
I have a new 27" iMac with the i5 processor, Snow Leopard, and 8GB of Ram. Using the secondary display trick, I was able to successfully install Windows 7 (64 bit) with Bootcamp and it is working great. But I also have Parallels Desktop 5 (latest version) and am having troubles with it running Windows 7 from my Bootcamp partition.
I was able to get the virtual machine installed and Windows 7 will boot. However, it takes a LONG time to start the virtual machine and hard drive access is VERY sluggish. To be clear, Parallels itself loads fast but once I start the Windows 7 virtual machine, it takes 5-10 minutes to loads. But even after it loads, any time I do something to access the HD, it is very slow. For example, if I try to play a game, it'll take a long time to load the game but once it gets loaded, it runs great. So I know it's not a memory, CPU, or GPU issue. I have 4 GB or Ram dedicated to the virtual machine.
Now I thought I read something about Parallels having trouble with Windows 7 when using the Bootcamp partition - something about a HFS reading problem from a Bootcamp driving or something?
My Mac is booting into the 32bit kernel of Snow Leopard and the Windows 7 installation is 64 bit? Would that be causing a problem?
I also have Macfuse and Paragon NTFS installed on the Mac. Would those be causing a problem?
Specifically, what do you think could be causing the very slow hard drive access in my virtual machine? I wasn't able to find a solution at the Parallels website.
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Jan 27, 2010
I am wondering how I go about removing my Hard Drive from my Power Mac G4 QUicksilver? I don't know the first thing about removal or location of the HD?
It is a 40GB Ultra ATA/66 (5400 rpm)
I would like to remove it and fit it with a Hard Drive case enclosure so I can use it as an extra external for backing up data.
I was told by Tiger Direct that this enclosure should work:
I would ultimately be connecting to a macmini for backing up data periodically.
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Jun 6, 2008
I am doing a project in which I'm circulating some sensitive material via PDF files. Ideally, I'd love it if the PDF file could expire so that the sensitive material wasn't hanging out on people's computers forever. (the material isn't life or death sensitive-- but it would be great if we could limit the time that it existed "out there")..
I looked into solutions that create PDF files that expire-- but the functionality is expensive ($3000) and requires users download an Acrobat plugin-- which is too cumbersome for the scientists that need to see these PDFs--- any sort of expiration/security/DRM we impose on the files needs to be 100% transparent.
Does anyone know of an inexpensive way to do this with PDF files? (I have a feeling it might not be possible)--or not easily possible for someone without programming expertise like me--- BUT-- on the other hand....
Can anyone suggest another way to distribute documents that would expire?-- someone suggested using Flash or web delivery of some sort? Anyone have ideas on that front? The situation is that we're creating documents that are 40 to 150 pages in length, and have bookmarks for sections in the document-- so if we went to a Flash or Web delivery type of method.. it would have to be quite simple to go from PDF to this format--- and the medium would have to be printable and viewable when not connected to the internet.
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Oct 29, 2009
I still have my serious video ram problem set my other post. The apple store wanted $650 to replace my motherboard and the cheapest i found one online was $950, all for a machine that SL will not even support. I am limping along waiting for my i7 iMac to show (Whenever that is)
Here is my question. I am not sure if my data on tis machine is corrupted by my video ram problem so not sure I want to do the firewire transfer, that is if my machine will even last till my new one shows.
I have 2 back-ups a time machine and a super duper backup of 99% of my stuff. If I use my time machine back-up wont it wipe SL OS 10.6 off the new machine? When you do a TM back-up from disk utility from the OS10.5 leopard start-up disc, it says that it will completely wipe your HD clean.
BTW do any of you experts know if my video artifact problem is corrupting my files or just my video, while I am typing this everything looks good unless I look at my menu-bar or dock which is pretty distorted....
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Sep 19, 2008
I bought a new charger for my powerbook g4 a few weeks ago but recently the tip of the charger has been getting very very hot when i take it out (burns my skin to touch)
I just had the main logic board replaced on my powerbook G4 by Apple and the fans always seem to come on now.
I am running 10.5.5 Leopard with all updates etc
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Apr 16, 2010
I've heard several people reference they have drastically improved their gaming performance by optimizing things in Windows 7. While I wait for mine to arrive I would love it if anyone can post their tips and advice on getting the most out of this mediocre GPU.
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Jan 22, 2010
Here's the deal: I have the most recent 17" UMBP, purchased last August, 2009 and got the Snow Leopard Up To Date Disk, did an install on my stock Hard Drive and have been VERY happy with everything for the past few months.
But... All these threads championing the latest Intel SSD G2 have finally gotten to me and, I just purchased the 80GB model from Newegg. It should be here tomorrow.
Now, I ask that you confirm, a specific question about installation from my UTD disk and then advise.
note that I've searched a ton about this subject. It's been answered in so many conflicting ways, I'm running it by you guys once again.
So then, it seems that I can NOT install Snow Leopard from my UTD disk onto the new, fresh Intel SSD installed into my 17" UMBP. This is the case, yes?
A workaround, I figure, would be to install Leopard 10.5 onto the new SSD and then to a clean and erase and then instal of 10.6 on top. I assume the UTD will read 10.5 and let the upgrade proceed.
So, finally, a question: Should I be worried about installing a total of two OSs given that I (cheaply!) opted for the smaller 80GB SSD and that 10.6 doesn't support TRIM?
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Jun 3, 2010
So I got offered a Quad G5 for $450. It comes with Leopard and I have wanted one for a while.
What are the benefits and detriments of this system?
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Aug 17, 2010
I think I will get the base model (3GB) and add a 2x4GB Crucial kit.
My question is this - is there any hit for keeping 2 x 1GB and putting the 2x4GB in (10GB Total)?
My uses are VM (XP for Corel Draw only) and CS5 in the mac side. I also need to do a lot of handbrake to convert my divx encodes to a more mac friendly format.
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Aug 10, 2010
I have been trying to determine which Backup program is best to use to backup my MacPro to my CalDigit external eSATA VR Mini RAID drives? I have heard lots of good stuff about SuperDuper, Chronosynch, Carbon Copy Cloner...
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Oct 25, 2008
I have a single Quad core 2008 Mac Pro with 2GB RAM (2x1GB). I am hoping to get more RAM from Crucial. I don't use my Pro for hard core stuff, just Internet, COD4, SecondLife, movies, iPhoto, iTunes etc..
I need to decide whether to get 2x1GB or 2X2GB. The 2x2GB is better value for money but I heard that a 4 matching set ie. 4x1GB would optimize RAM speed. Is this true? Would 4x1GB be faster than 2x1GB + 2x2GB for the applications I use?
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Sep 2, 2009
I need a new/best card for a G5 quad 2.5. I know it's old (4 years) but it's still used quite a bit - mainly for Photoshop work. The card needs to run 2 x 23" Cinema Displays. I'm not sure if it makes any difference but it has 16GB memory (twice as much as our new 2.93 Quad can take - there's something not quite right there...)
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Oct 19, 2008
While our Macbook Pro and PC zoom along in everything, our old G4 DP 1 GHZ running 10.14.11 on the same connection is really sluggish and has gotten worse with time. I know this machine, I have had it running since 2001! For the web, I am using Firefox most of the time. Though I clear all cache and history each time I quit Firefox, today I cleared out my security certificates and either I am on drugs or it made a difference in page loading.
Still, the old girl seems a little slow all around, not just on the web. It is almost as if it were a PC that has gotten bogged down with adware, but we know that can't be true - right? Not since the bad old days of 7, 8 and 9 have I ever had to reinstall a system and I doubt that is called for here.
So, where is the best place to find any and all tips to clean up and speed up an old Mac that has a lot of life and usefulness left?
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Oct 29, 2007
For the past two weeks or so I have been getting a lot of Kernel Panics. Most of them happen when I select Restart or Shutdown. There have also been cases of Final Cut Pro crashing regularly, but I think the Kernel Panics are far more important to diagnose. I have not changes any hardware for at least a year. The machine has 4.5gb of RAM and 40% of the system drive free. I have run Disk Utility to repir the disk as well as the permissions, all coming back with no errors. The only thing that I can think of that changed is that I purchased and ran Disk Warrior 4. It seemed to help tremendously with performance, however, it is the only thing that I can think of that has changed. I am also suffering from some performance loss as well. I get at least one Kernel Panic a day. I have no idea what the KP mean, but they all look similar.
G5 Dual 2.5ghz
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
4.5gb RAM - Final Cut Studio - Adobe Production Premium
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Jul 19, 2010
a while ago I found this post, where this guy describes how to recondition SSD using Disk Utility. Here are his described steps:
- used CarbonCopyCloner to clone my SSD to a nice 1TB drive on a Firewire 800 dock.
- booted from the external drive into my clone OS.
- opened Disk Utility and selected the SSD.
- ran the "erase" function on the SSD.
- ran the partition function - selecting 1 partition for the volume scheme.
- repeated the partition with 16 partitions
- reduced the drive back to one Mac OS Extended Journaled partition.
- erased free space on the drive (seems unnecessary in retrospect)
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Oct 18, 2010
I am looking into a new computer, I was full force ahead toward a mac until a friend told me a couple of concerns. He told me that he has heard about macs being kind of glitchy and somewhat touchy. Things like leaving it in the car for even short periods of time or banging it around in a laptop case will cause problems. I am not crazy rough with my computer, I mean hell, I made a Dell last me 5 years before having to get the another one, but I need something that can take the occasional mis-judgment. I also want some advice on what kind of specs I should have. I am looking at doing Grad school via distance education and need a computer that will provide the ease of doing things like a virtual class room with little to no problem and of course a good paper writing program.
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Apr 10, 2008
'm not particularly fond of some of the commercial macbook skins out there, so i'm interested in creating my own.
i'd like to create something similar to this:
clearly, there's some sort of custom/created skin (vinyl, perhaps?) on top of the actual macbook without covering the macintosh light. on top of that is a black incase cover.
any tips on creating something along these lines? methods/tools/supplies?
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Oct 17, 2009
I will be purchasing my first Mac within the next few weeks, It is the 2.22ghz Intel Core 2 Duo version. My questions are as follows...
I will be playing a fair amount of games, and intend to use Windows on Boot Camp.
1. How do the games play on my system when using Bootcamp? GTA IV, Fallout Bio Shock etc
2. What Windows is best to install on Bootcamp?
3. Do you have to go through Mac OS access Bootcamp and then go onto Windows or is there an option to chose your OS upon booting the Laptop up
4. I intend to use an external HDD for time machine but also intend to use it for backing up Windows Stuff. Is there a magic or specific way of going about this?
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Feb 28, 2008
I currently have a PowerBook G4 1.67GHz, 90GB HD, 1GB DDr SDRAM... it's ok, but is now getting slightly outdated. Converting takes FOREVER, programs are slow and often crash, I'm nearly out of hdd space and I can't use new application as some require Intel.
So with Apples announcement of the new 'updates' to the MacBooks and the MacBook Pros, I am really torn on which one to get. My initial thought was MBP but then MacRumors posted information about the Montevina Centrino 2 due in June, and then all the speculation started about the next MacBook and Pros Revisions.
It must have been this time a couple of years ago, and I bought my PowerBook, and then a few months down the line the transition to Intel began...
What do I go for? A MacBook (2.4GH White) or do I just go ahead and get a MacBook Pro (2.5GH 15")?
I really feel like I'm downgrading if I go for a MacBook.
When I got my first mac it shouldn't have been a PowerBook, I should have went for the iBook (is that what it was called?)
For the last 4 Months, all I've used my PB for is: writing with Word and Final Draft, iTunes (movie, music, tv shows), converting for itunes, e-mail, internet, and Adium (chatting). I'd like to start a website showcasing my University Media work.
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Nov 1, 2009
I have a quick question relating to MacBook gaming: My old HD was way too small, so I bought a 320GB to replace it. I'll be doing a clean install soon. I also have an old copy of XP that I got ages ago and never used. I'm hoping the activation key still works...
Anyway, back in the day, I used to play Quake II and III a lot, as well as some other games. I think I still have the disks somewhere. I really liked Quake II, and would like to go through it again. Plus, I'm sure there are some other vintage (QII was '97!) games I could play.
My MacBook is the first Core 2 Duo model, with 2 GB of RAM and, I guess, the 950 integrated graphics. The PC I used to use for QII was a P2 450 MHz with a Voodoo GPU, so I *think* it should be no sweat for the Macbook, even with the crappy integrated graphics.... Heck, it seems some netbooks will run these old games.
Anyone done this? I don't want to go through the hassle of partitioning and installing XP if it's pointless.
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Jan 10, 2010
I've had my MacBook Air for about a year, and one night I heard the dreaded crack. My MacBook Air suffers from the "Hinge Defect".
I decided to try to fix it myself by just gluing whatever broke together and hope it works. I took it apart and took the broken hinge out of the plastic casing.
So I have two questions. My first question is: Is it okay to leave it like this? The Right hinge is resting on the plastic hinge cover, therefore dropping the screen slightly when it is open. It works okay for now, but how long will this last?
My second question is: Say I do want to try to fix this further, how do I get the screen completely off, and how safe is it? I know I need to remove the screws that hold on the main hinges, but what about all the smaller screws? It doesn't seem to want to come off without those removed.
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Mar 31, 2010
I've been offered a faulty Macbook (2ghz core 2 duo 120gig)I haven't seen it in the flesh yet, but the owner tells me it powers up on battery power, but will not charge one, nor run from the ac adapter.The owner bought a new battery and was able to run the Macbook while charge remained.I am a novice as far as Macs are concerned, but it sounds like a faulty ac adapter, or some issue with the mag port or internal electronics.Have any of you any advice on what this might be?I realise worst case senario it may need a logic board, so will be purchasing it with that in mind.
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Nov 2, 2010
I work on several large software projects and need a new rig to handle some heavy compilation.
Here's my criteria for this new system:
Great at compilation/debugging (heavy CPU, RAM, HDD utilization)
Needs to triple-boot (Mac OSX, Windows, Ubuntu)
Needs to support dual monitors
Needs only moderate storage
Fit a US$8000 budget
Here's the components I have selected so far in my BTO Mac Pro:
6 Core 3.33 GHz Xeon Westmere
3GB RAM (will replace with 12GB, see below)
ATI Radeon 5870
Dual 27'' Cinema Displays
-- TOTAL: $6100
Here's what I'll be ordering separately, in addition to the above:
SSD Boot Drive: (is this compatible with Mac Pro?)
OCZ Vertex 2 OCZSSD3-2VTX360G 3.5" 360GB SATA II MLC Internal Solid State Drive
-- $1000
12 GB RAM: (I read 3 slots is best for triple-channel)
12GB RAM OWC Memory Kit: 3 x 4.0GB PC10600 DDR3 ECC 1333MHz
-- $330
I've never built nor owned a Mac Pro before so I'd really appreciate any advice or feedback you can give about my build.
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Apr 10, 2009
I'm hoping that I'll get into Bangor University in September in Wales and I really want to switch to Mac before going there! Anyway, I need a Mac that will be powerful enough to run multiple sessions on photoshop, a word processor and the internet obviously at the same time! So the one I'm planning to buy at the moment is the Mac Mini, and I was wondering if I would be able to run it using my Windows laptop by using the display, keyboard, speakers and touchpad on it. Does anyone know if that would be possible? Because I can't be bothered buying another keyboard and display!
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Jan 20, 2010
I've decided to jump on the apple band wagon and purchase an iMac.
I'm planning on ordering the 27-inch quad core i5 but I'm wondering whether it's worth upgrading the processor or increasing the RAM - does anyone use FCS 3 and if so, would it be better to increase the RAM to 8GB+ to run more smoothly.. or does the 4GB RAM basic run fine with FCP 7 and the like?
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May 3, 2010
I have a question for anyone out there who is into customizing their desktop. This is my current desktop setup (for my second display) created with Geektool. I'm pretty happy with it but being as anal as I am I want the AM/PM lights to be lit properly.
I can create two desktop wallpapers but OSX wallpaper settings aren't detailed enough to change the image every 12 hours. The only other thing I could think of was to create a 24 hour video, 12 hours of AM followed by 12 of PM. Then use Mach Desktop to play the video.
Though this is crazy overkill and would unnecessarily use a ton of resources. Any ideas would be awesome!
Running OSX 10.6 on a MBP and using Geektool 3.0.
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Jul 8, 2010
I have a 2008 MacPro with dual 2.8's running the latest version of 10.5 (I have been reluctent to upgrade to 10.6). I also use Apples's magic mouse.
The only reason I still use my PC is for Quicken. I have tried trials of Mac replacements but they just didn't cut it for me and Essentials has had disappointing reviews. So I have a full copy of XP Pro, SP2 coming.
I was going to do a small partition of 20 or 30 gigs and install XP and Quicken using Boot Camp.
Any advice/comments form those with Mac/Windows experience?
My Mac is hard wired to my Airport so wireless internet is not an issue and I may not even activate internet for the windows partition. No need for Mac to PC file sharing either.
Will the Blue Tooth mouse work?
I have read SP3 can cause problems so stay with sp2?
Might it be better to have a HD just for windows?
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Dec 31, 2010
Until now I've had a PC with Windows 7 given by my office with VirtualBox and OS X installed.As of 3rd Jan I'll be working in another department where I'll be 1) free to do what I want with my hardware as long as it's not pirated software and 2) more than happy to work in OS X which I've been working on for all my life.So now I'm hesitating between:- keeping my quite new and good HP PC, format it and install OS X on it. Then install Parallels with my Win7 license to use some of the rare softs I will still need to use in Win only (with my old job most of the apps were Win only).
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Mar 22, 2009
I could use some advice on seeking out a good and reliable Raid card for my 2008 Mac Pro. What I want is to make a Raid 0+1 configuration in the Mac Pro using 4 1TB hard drives, which would break down into 2TB of storage that is mirrored on the other 2 internal drives. The Apple store really didn't help and it seems like they make it rather difficult to find items like this. Of course I could do something like a Drobo, but why waste what the Mac Pro was built to take advantage of.
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