MacBook Air :: Advice On MacBook Air Hinge Defect Fix

Jan 10, 2010

I've had my MacBook Air for about a year, and one night I heard the dreaded crack. My MacBook Air suffers from the "Hinge Defect".

I decided to try to fix it myself by just gluing whatever broke together and hope it works. I took it apart and took the broken hinge out of the plastic casing.

So I have two questions. My first question is: Is it okay to leave it like this? The Right hinge is resting on the plastic hinge cover, therefore dropping the screen slightly when it is open. It works okay for now, but how long will this last?

My second question is: Say I do want to try to fix this further, how do I get the screen completely off, and how safe is it? I know I need to remove the screws that hold on the main hinges, but what about all the smaller screws? It doesn't seem to want to come off without those removed.

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MacBook :: Hinge Making Cracking Noise / Lubricating The Hinge?

Sep 8, 2006

I got my Unibody MacBook the first day they were available, and since late December, the hinge has gotten stiffer and stiffer, making a cracking noise when I move it after it stays in one position for a few seconds.

I took it to the Genius Bar (covered under AppleCare) but the people there wouldn't do anything about it, saying it's within normal spec and classifying it as a "user perception issue." (The slightly condescending sound of that phrase is for another post.)

Has anyone attempted to lubricate the hinge in their laptop themselves? I removed all of the bottom paneling and looked at the hinge, but didn't see how to separate it from the case easily. Would it be a bad idea to try to squirt a little silicone lubricant into the hinge to see if that helps the issue? Is there another trick I could try.My mom has a Unibody Pro with a hinge that glides nice and smoothly and it's annoying mine is no longer working properly like this.

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MacBook Pro :: Is There Any Defect In Magsafe Charger?

May 20, 2010

a lot of times when i let the magsafe get magnetically attracted to the port, it aligns crookedly (the side-butt round part of it sticking up a little bit) and I gotta push my thumb down to align it in place, flush with the machine edge.

I can also do this and it will land straight but not if I'm being sloppy and careless with the magnetic attraction -- more so than the other 3 unibody MacBook Pro's I've had with the same macbook air charger).

Do you think the cable is defective, the port, or what can explain this happening?

This seems plausible but silly (and something that I think might be the case after trying to see it connect while holding it in the air) - the cable is so thick, it's at a weird angle and forcing the cable up.

Because when I lay the cable paralllel with the edges (running from the back of my desk), I don't think it does this but I will try it out and fidget with it.

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MacBook Pro :: Scratch - Defect In Aluminum / Metal Fatigue?

Nov 4, 2009

today I received my new MBP15, unpacked, opened the screen..and I found this: [URL:...] it's not in relief, seems some defect in the aluminum, like metal fatigue. Is it common? No way to fix it?

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MacBook Pro :: Stop Hinge Plastic From Creaking / Black Plastic Hinge Cover Is Cheap And Creaks

Feb 15, 2007

Build-quality wise the unibodies are really as perfect as I've ever experienced any machine to be. Simply amazing. BUT, the black plastic hinge cover is cheap and creaks as soon as I grab the computer or open the display. I opened her up to see if there was anything I could do to reinforce it or something, but I didn't want to mess with it.

Quite a few seem to have this 'issue' and I thought maybe somebody has figured out a solution?Such a shame on an otherwise perfect machine. I would have preferred the same kind of rubbery plastic that was on the old generation MBP

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MacBook Pro :: Looking For Advice On New Computer

Oct 18, 2010

I am looking into a new computer, I was full force ahead toward a mac until a friend told me a couple of concerns. He told me that he has heard about macs being kind of glitchy and somewhat touchy. Things like leaving it in the car for even short periods of time or banging it around in a laptop case will cause problems. I am not crazy rough with my computer, I mean hell, I made a Dell last me 5 years before having to get the another one, but I need something that can take the occasional mis-judgment. I also want some advice on what kind of specs I should have. I am looking at doing Grad school via distance education and need a computer that will provide the ease of doing things like a virtual class room with little to no problem and of course a good paper writing program.

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PowerPC :: Using MacBook Or MacBook Pro (PowerBook User Needing Advice)

Feb 28, 2008

I currently have a PowerBook G4 1.67GHz, 90GB HD, 1GB DDr SDRAM... it's ok, but is now getting slightly outdated. Converting takes FOREVER, programs are slow and often crash, I'm nearly out of hdd space and I can't use new application as some require Intel.

So with Apples announcement of the new 'updates' to the MacBooks and the MacBook Pros, I am really torn on which one to get. My initial thought was MBP but then MacRumors posted information about the Montevina Centrino 2 due in June, and then all the speculation started about the next MacBook and Pros Revisions.

It must have been this time a couple of years ago, and I bought my PowerBook, and then a few months down the line the transition to Intel began...

What do I go for? A MacBook (2.4GH White) or do I just go ahead and get a MacBook Pro (2.5GH 15")?

I really feel like I'm downgrading if I go for a MacBook.

When I got my first mac it shouldn't have been a PowerBook, I should have went for the iBook (is that what it was called?)

For the last 4 Months, all I've used my PB for is: writing with Word and Final Draft, iTunes (movie, music, tv shows), converting for itunes, e-mail, internet, and Adium (chatting). I'd like to start a website showcasing my University Media work.

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MacBook :: Advice For Vintage Gaming Under Windows On A MacBook?

Nov 1, 2009

I have a quick question relating to MacBook gaming: My old HD was way too small, so I bought a 320GB to replace it. I'll be doing a clean install soon. I also have an old copy of XP that I got ages ago and never used. I'm hoping the activation key still works...

Anyway, back in the day, I used to play Quake II and III a lot, as well as some other games. I think I still have the disks somewhere. I really liked Quake II, and would like to go through it again. Plus, I'm sure there are some other vintage (QII was '97!) games I could play.

My MacBook is the first Core 2 Duo model, with 2 GB of RAM and, I guess, the 950 integrated graphics. The PC I used to use for QII was a P2 450 MHz with a Voodoo GPU, so I *think* it should be no sweat for the Macbook, even with the crappy integrated graphics.... Heck, it seems some netbooks will run these old games.

Anyone done this? I don't want to go through the hassle of partitioning and installing XP if it's pointless.

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MacBook :: Custom Covers Advice Or Tips?

Apr 10, 2008

'm not particularly fond of some of the commercial macbook skins out there, so i'm interested in creating my own.

i'd like to create something similar to this:

clearly, there's some sort of custom/created skin (vinyl, perhaps?) on top of the actual macbook without covering the macintosh light. on top of that is a black incase cover.

any tips on creating something along these lines? methods/tools/supplies?

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MacBook Pro :: Using 13" Bootcamp And Games Advice

Oct 17, 2009

I will be purchasing my first Mac within the next few weeks, It is the 2.22ghz Intel Core 2 Duo version. My questions are as follows...

I will be playing a fair amount of games, and intend to use Windows on Boot Camp.

1. How do the games play on my system when using Bootcamp? GTA IV, Fallout Bio Shock etc
2. What Windows is best to install on Bootcamp?
3. Do you have to go through Mac OS access Bootcamp and then go onto Windows or is there an option to chose your OS upon booting the Laptop up
4. I intend to use an external HDD for time machine but also intend to use it for backing up Windows Stuff. Is there a magic or specific way of going about this?

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Mac Mini :: Defect (slip Screw Close To Fan)?

Sep 4, 2010

If you did not upgrade Mac mini RAM, you may not notice what I saw. Be aware of what I found and unbox in Apple store if you buy Mac mini 2010 in store, and check if you got same batch products I got. Otherwise, genius bar may deny your warranty.I got chance to unbox three new Mac mini 2010 due to machine transfer and replacement. I found two of them have the similar problem. I noticed one of three screws (the smallest one, close to RAM) fixed the fan is stripping out. It cause me to use a third-party software "istat pro" to check hardware, I found only hard disk Tm sensors working, no CPU Tm sensor and other Tm sensor's information.Another Mac Mini 2010 from MacMall has no issues at all. Moreover, the defect Mac mini did has louder noise coming from hard disk and fan than the perfect Mac mini and freeze two time in my 7-day usage (2-3hours/per day).

I went to Apple store and got replacing whole unit by a new Mac mini in Apple store yesterday. BUT the new one has the similar problem (same screw stripping and no Tm sensor) out of the box when I tried to update RAM today. Make me feel I should buy a lottery recently.In addition, make me feel unhappy today is the guy in the genius bar suspected me trying to move the screw and tear-town of machine, rather than satisfy customer. BTW, one of three managers I met is rude (I went to the same store three times within two days).If I were what they suspected, I must be very stupid to damage the screw two times (lose warranty) and then go to Apple store trying to replace again. To be honest, I am a backup for department IT support. I know how to tear-town Mac mini 2010 if I want to.I just want to make things right. The genius bar told me they will run a system diagnosis. I got feelings that both defect Mac Mini may come from the same batch of products. It may have more in the market.

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MacBook Pro :finding Expert Advice For Diagnosing With 13"

Feb 10, 2010

I'm fairly new to Mac's and have had this 13" MBP since July of 2009. I've noticed that my laptop will display a black screen and will not respond until I hold the power button and then restart it. Last week I sent it to Apple repair which they had it for a week and could not duplicate the problem. So it was sent back to me un-repaired. I honestly feel as though there is something wrong because at first I thought it wasn't waking up from sleep mode. However since getting the laptop back on Friday I have be paying attention to what's going on.

Since I thought it was a sleep issue, I thought if I went into the System Preferences, Energy Saver and from there I changed both the Battery & Power Adapter settings to NEVER, to keep it from going into Sleep Mode. Well after a little while the laptop will go to the black screen like I've been experiencing but why is the screen going black if I don't have it set to ever going to sleep?

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MacBook Pro :: Finding Advice On Optimizing I7 For Gaming In Bootcamp

Apr 16, 2010

I've heard several people reference they have drastically improved their gaming performance by optimizing things in Windows 7. While I wait for mine to arrive I would love it if anyone can post their tips and advice on getting the most out of this mediocre GPU.

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MacBook :: Advice On Macbook Running On Battery Only?

Mar 31, 2010

I've been offered a faulty Macbook (2ghz core 2 duo 120gig)I haven't seen it in the flesh yet, but the owner tells me it powers up on battery power, but will not charge one, nor run from the ac adapter.The owner bought a new battery and was able to run the Macbook while charge remained.I am a novice as far as Macs are concerned, but it sounds like a faulty ac adapter, or some issue with the mag port or internal electronics.Have any of you any advice on what this might be?I realise worst case senario it may need a logic board, so will be purchasing it with that in mind.

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MacBook Pro :: Using Intel SSD - Finding Advice On Snow Leopard Installation From UTD Disk?

Jan 22, 2010

Here's the deal: I have the most recent 17" UMBP, purchased last August, 2009 and got the Snow Leopard Up To Date Disk, did an install on my stock Hard Drive and have been VERY happy with everything for the past few months.

But... All these threads championing the latest Intel SSD G2 have finally gotten to me and, I just purchased the 80GB model from Newegg. It should be here tomorrow.

Now, I ask that you confirm, a specific question about installation from my UTD disk and then advise.

note that I've searched a ton about this subject. It's been answered in so many conflicting ways, I'm running it by you guys once again.

So then, it seems that I can NOT install Snow Leopard from my UTD disk onto the new, fresh Intel SSD installed into my 17" UMBP. This is the case, yes?

A workaround, I figure, would be to install Leopard 10.5 onto the new SSD and then to a clean and erase and then instal of 10.6 on top. I assume the UTD will read 10.5 and let the upgrade proceed.

So, finally, a question: Should I be worried about installing a total of two OSs given that I (cheaply!) opted for the smaller 80GB SSD and that 10.6 doesn't support TRIM?

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MacBook :: How To Use Hinge?

Aug 5, 2008

After playing with my friend's MacBook, and having a long hard think, I'm definitely of the opinion that the hinge on my MacBook is far too loose. It can still support itself, but I get major wobble upon opening, it even wobbles when I type (not ferociously).

I don't get any sort of resiliance when I try to open or close it, I literally have to be careful as so not to slam it, it's like I'm closing thin air.

It just doesn't feel sturdy enough for a notebook which needs everyday carting around and use.

Also when the MB is closed the top lid (with the screen) slides a bit this way and that over the base. Only a few millimeters, but enough to notice.

The problem is, I'm most likely only going to get one opportunity to get to see an genius.

The MB is covered by AppleCare and so forth, but will the genius open the thing up right there and then and give whatever needs tightening a good tighten?

Have any of you experienced this issue before and was it solved, and if so how? (Time, in-store or send off job, etc etc).

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MacBook Air :: Does AIR 11 Loses Hinge?

Oct 24, 2010

I just unboxed this beauty. This is my first mac ever and I love it so far. However one thing I noticed straight out of the box was how loose the hinges are. The screen tilts if I move the macbook air to a 90 degree angle. I've own quite a few laptops but this is the first one with a loose hinge straight out of the box. Is this normal or should I be meeting with a nerd?

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Screen Hinge?

Dec 7, 2010

On another post...I indicated that I bought a MacBook Pro 13 inch laptop loaded up with all the goodies and decided to cancel my order due in part to possibly saving by installing my own SSD and RAM. I did not really mention the main reason that I cancelled my order....

I did not mention that I went to a local Best Buy and checked out the 13 inch MacBook Pro on display. I was kind of shocked to note the amount of wiggle that was present on the display screen of the 13 inch. I read another thread about the screen becoming loose and wobbly on the 13 inch MBP after time.

Does this occur on the 15 and 17 inch models as well?

I have a 3-4 year old 15 inch MBP and the screen is still solid as a rock. I hate to spend dollars on a lesser quality product so I thought I would ask if this screen weakness comes with all of the newer MacBook Pro models.

(I did not check out the 15 or 17 inch models at Best Buy...but I intend to go back and see if they are weak also). I want to buy a 15 inch I hope that they are solid as a rock as my older MBP.

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MacBook Air :: Which Way Is Good To Fix A Hinge?

Mar 18, 2009

It appears that the MacBook Air may have a hinge problem.

Mine sure does, exactly as described, see [URL].

Not sure if a lawsuit will fix mine, but if it gets noticed maybe Apple will respond. Anyone else having this problem?

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MacBook Air :: MBA Rev A Hinge Repair?

Jun 26, 2009

So I just got my MacBook Air (rev A) back from AppleCare after my hinge (like many others', apparently) decided to randomly bust itself. I was very pleased that when I took my MBA to the Apple Store, they didn't bat an eye about replacing the hinge (I'd heard horror stories about Apple denying the part was defective and calling the damage a user error, even with computers covered under warranty). But I was shocked when my package arrived today and the letter inside detailed the parts replaced. Keep in mind, the only thing wrong with my computer (as far as I could tell) was a broken hinge. Here's what they replaced:

Antenna window
Video Display Panel
Bottom Case
Display Housing
Clutch (two different part numbers)
Top Case
Logic Board

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MacBook :: Does Your Lid/hinge Squeak A Lot?

Mar 28, 2010

I want to take it to an Apple Store but doubt they will help me since my AppleCare ran out.

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MacBook Pro :: Hinge Has Stiffened Up?

Jul 11, 2010

It seems like the hinge has stiffened up since owning it. Sometimes makes a pop noise when moving it from a non-moving position. I would imagine it's the plastic bezel that's kinda loose and snappy if you touch it at the bottom of the hinge but I dunno. Any one else? I can deal I just hope it doesn't cause damage.

I need this machine to be fully working when I go abroad in the Fall.

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Clicking Screen Hinge - Way To Fix It?

Dec 21, 2010

I noticed that my basically mint condition Mid2010 MBP's lid started clicking occasionally when I close it. It seems to happen on the left hinge, and only after the screen has been open for a while. Does anyone know what this is indicative of? I'm assuming that it means the screws on the hinge are either too tight or too lose. Should I attempt to fix it myself? I really do not feel like going to an Apple store to get it repaired if it's something simple like tightening a screw (yes, I know that in order to get to the actual lid, you have to do a lot of other disassembly, I've done it before).

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MacBook Air :: How To Know About 2010 13" Hinge?

Dec 24, 2010

I just purchased a new 13 inch macbook air with the 1.86 ghz processor , 2 gb of ram and a 128 gb ssd.

It is currently being delivered to me through UPS but I am worried if this new generation is plagued by the infamous "Hinge issue" that the 2008 model had.

Can anyone comment on the hinge structure of the new model and if it will last at least 3 years without hinge problems ?

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MacBook Pro :: Gap In Screen Hinge/body?

Jan 7, 2011

Is it normal to have a slight gap between the screen hinge and the body? On right side there is about 1mm and on left side there is 2mm.

You can see it when the screen is open and when its closed on the back.

Ill try to attach pictures later.

But what do you guys and girls think? Does yours have a gap?

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MacBook :: Hinge To Tight On Unibody?

Jan 28, 2009

My new week old unibody macbook hinge is so tight that when i open it, the rest of the macbook slides back a bit.

I have seen radtech's glide kit to adjust the tightness of the hinge of the old macbooks and powerbooks but nothing has been mentioned of the unibody.

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Find Hinge?

Apr 27, 2009

So both of my hinges died and no applecare. So I wanted to see if anyone came up with a DIY solution or know anything about hinges and is it possible to make some little one and maybe for other air users.

There is no way I am paying for a new air or repairing it. Im almost close to getting my Mac Pro.

The only thing on the hinge is Patent number: RE37712


Any more info would be nice.

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MacBook :: Cracking At Hinge Near Speakers?

Jul 10, 2009

Well I brought my white early 2009 MacBook to apple today because it is cracking at the hinge near the speakers. They told me that the cracking isn't under warranty. Is this true or is only the top case covered? I can post a pic soon. It runs the whole length of the inner part of the hinge.

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MacBook Pro :: Popping Noise From Hinge?

Aug 29, 2009

Everything works perfect except this one thing. Was wondering what you guys thought of this problem. Didnt return it because i was hoping that it would go away with wear in. I checked the back, nothing is coming out of place, its just theres a sound when i open the macbook after its been closed for more than 20 minutes.[URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Squeaking / Creaking Hinge?

Sep 28, 2009

Macbook Pro is fairly new, and the hinge on both side is already making squeaking noise when I open my screen. It gets a bit annoying, I open it from the center top of the screen, not by the side. Is this a problem that I should be taking to the Apple Store? Or this can be fixed easily?

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