MacBook Pro :: Clean/remove Unwanted Applications From The Start Up/boot Up Process On It?
Feb 11, 2012
How does one remove unwanted applications from the start(boot up) process? I removed Parallels however, Internet Explorer and Firefox still attempts to load and I get an error message on boot up. This is on a MacBookPro with 10.6.8 installed.
title says it all im looking for a good app to clean inside mac. i tried cleanmymac it was ok but i think there are better apps out there that i dont know about.
is there no way to remove 'core' applications like Safari, AppsStore, PhotoBooth etc. NONE of which I want or need ... I have favoured applications which I which to continue to use and these others are just clutter which take up space in the applications folder .....Â
trying to delete them just throws up a "this is needed by the System" message ..... You can't even move them or hide them .... I find it difficult to believe that either AppsStore or Safari is needed by any system (apart from the Apple accounting system).... Whatever happened to the 'user friendly' Macs I've known for so many years. Do I really have to put up with Apple deciding what applications I want or need?Â
I've just noticed that in my Finder window sidebar, under "Shared", I have a character called Thomson listed. I don't know any Thomson and I bought the machine, an MBA, brand new. However, I did have an engineer instal the machine in my apartment and can only assume he's the mysterious Thomson. Anyway, whoever he/she is, I don't want him/her on my machine as Shared & "connected as guest". The point is, I cannot find a way to delete Thomson!! Can anyone help? I've tried System Preferences>Security and Accounts and there's no trace of Thomson there. Right clicking on Thomson in the sidebar of Finder only gives me the option to Open and Get Info. Most annoying, this. There MUST be a way to delete a Sharing but totally unwanted guest....
I have a Mac Pro with several raid array and single drives attached (1x Wiebetech RTX600 Raid 5 through SCSI; 1x CalDigit HDElement Raid 5 through miniSAS; 4x internal drives).Unfortunately, due to various reasons (electricity outtage and software crashes), I'm experiencing system crashes and need to hard re-start the system. Upon restart, I am able to boot back into Mac OS X, but sometimes one, or both of the raid arrays will not mount.However, after a period of 0.5 - 2 hours, the array would magically re-appear again. Sometimes this might even happen to internal drives that I had mounted inside the chassis of the Mac Pro.
I followed instructions from Apple and reformated a second boot drive with GUID partitions, loaded my Snow Leopard OS and updated to the last version. Downloaded Lion and installed, set this second HDD as the new boot drive and waited - one monitor came up but then nothing happened for so long I went away. This has happened three times now and while I'm not watching my MacPro Xenon 8 core reboots from the Snow Leopard drive..
Info: Avid Media Composer 6, Mac OS X (10.6.8), MacPro 2.8 8 Core14Gb, 6Tb, AJA Io
my macbook pro has been running fine without any pop ups until today I did a software update for my microsoft mac word 2011 and ever seen its been opening other windows whenever im searching on the internet or click on something by mistake. I am using google chrome as a browser how i can get rid of the ads and opening unwanted pages.Â
Last week I have discovered two volumes (net and home) on my iMac. I have no idea when and how they were created, but they are empty. I would like to remove them, but cannot find how to do this.
Recorded audio with a good sony wireless mic in a room that didn't have much in it to absorb sound, the audio is great except that it sounds like it was recorded in a large hall or something. I'm editing with FCE 4.01 on a macbook with OS 10.7.5 and I'm not very familiar with audio filters, how to get rid of the echo?
Looking to care for the battery from day one - should I start her up and drain before beginning the callibration process, or charge before starting up?
I've read this [URL] but it doesn't really highlight if I should drain the battery first or not.
I have a (check sig) and just tried to install the Windows 7 RC 64-Bit onto a Bootcamp Partition. I had been using the Beta way back, but had cleared that partition in advance for a clean install. With that I had no problems...ran the 7 beta fine alongside OSX. I followed the same procedure I had done for the beta install with RC, following the guide on the internet. Everything seemed to work out peachy, Windows 7 booted fine, I added all my settings again. Then I switched over to OSX to eject the disc, which was fine although the boot in was quite sluggish. I set the boot drive as "Macintosh HD" in System Prefs, and proceeded to try to boot into Windows 7 again....this time it was no go.
The screen came up with the white cursor on black, and then the "Starting Windows" showed, with the animation above it. At some point during the animation, it just froze. My fans were at normal speed and everything. I tried many times, same story. So I thought I would shut down, boot into OSX, and try to erase the partition. That didn't work either. When booting into OSX, the start-up chime sounds with the white screen, then the gray Apple logo shows up....and that's where it stays. I reset the PRAM, no luck. What could be the reason it hangs on BOTH boot processes? Because for a short time they did both work, and I could not have erased my OSX partition or anything because I did boot into it once after installing the Win7 RC. I also can see both partitions when I boot holding Option...
I got a message to install the latest security update, but the updater froze when I told it to install. Now I cannot start any new applications or processes (activities like copying files, emptying trash, etc. don't work) The apps which were running before are still working (but once closed, will not re-open) I dare not restart or put the computer to sleep. (Possibly software update freezing was a symptom rather than the cause - it is consistent with processes failing to start) I guess this means a system file has been corrupted, but without a working copy/paste and no terminal I don't know what I can do about it. All I have is a browser (firefox) and finder running. Is there any way I can recover the system?
How do I clean the system start up files, (I've deleted my history, bookmarks, unwanted photo's, movies, transferred all my documents to and external hard drive) and deleted the trash, what am I missing here, as my mac is saying my disk is almost full, shown here the yellow bar (other) is nearly full, what is Other? on a Macbook Air OS X Version 10.9.5
I can't find these files to delete nor do I know what they are...
Apple Macintosh (Intel) MODEL iMAC PROC 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo RAM 1 GB 667 MHZ DDR2 SDRAM DRIVE 300 GB
The hanging appears to have been caused when I accidently moved about 40GB of old photo's onto my desktop. Almost immediately I tried to cancel but all that happened is that the system has hung. Processer can be heard working in the background. Being new to MAC I am pretty stumped. Have tried the obvious forced restart using the power on/off button but no luck. Is there a way I can get in and stop this process say at start up?
My macbook (early 2008 model). Looks like my disk drive isn't working correctly; I put in a new hard drive. I went to reinstall Snow Leopard then upgrade to Lion. Ever since then my mac only seems to work in safe mode. I used my imac to load snow leopard (with firewire); and downloaded lion from app store. Is there a way to wipe clean and start over? There is nothing on the computer that I need. I keep all my important files on an external hard drive. My big concern is I don't know how to do it and second since I don't have a disk for lion will just going back to app store allow me to re-download or will I have to pay 30 bucks again.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have, somehow, reset my entire OSX. The Dock is now huge, all of my icons are now reset to the default ones when I originally bought the Macbook Pro. The software is still there but the icons have been reset. The icon no longer bounces when I open it.
And I know exactly why. I was in Windows through bootcamp doing routine maintenance and decided to do a full scan using Microsoft Security Essentials. I forgot to have it ignore the E:/ drive which is where MacOSX installed. It must have got 25% through scanning it before I realized it. I don't even know if that can cause a problem but it obviously did. I booted into OSX just to double check everything was ok. It loaded fine, all icons where there and seemed like everything was ok. Except the icons weren't bouncing when I opened up an application even though it was checked in the preferences. This frustrated me so I rebooted again to see if that would fix the issue and now here I am. Completely back to factory defaults. My software is still there but the Dock reset itself and it seems as if other things reset. I'm doomed. So how do I start a reinstall process? Insert the Snow Leapord disk?
I am new to Mac. I just bought a new Macbook Pro for my daughter for her birthday. Actually she is new to Mac. Anyway, I am setting up Boot camp with Windows for her as well as some other software. When the macbook first booted, it played this wicked cool movie with "welcome" in a bunch of languages, then went through the setup process. Is there a flag I can set somewhere that will force that to happen again when she first starts it up?
My wife has a brand new MacBook (her first). During the initial boot process, the Mac took her picture (of the dog licking her face). Where is that picture stored? We need to upload it to Facebook.
Ok so my macbook just froze up on me, and I shut it off manually. However, when I tried to start it back up it would not boot up. I am just receiving a message telling me " You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button. "I did what the message told me to do, and when I started the computer back up I just received the same exact message. I tried to take the battery out and hold down the power button to discharge any electricity in the laptop, and then I plugged in the power cable with the battery still out, and I am still receiving the same error message.I have tried the same process a couple of times and put the battery back in and then I decided to try inserting the Installation DVD, and it did nothing different then what I have been getting.
I am having a problem getting my G5 to boot. Half the time when I turn it on I get no chime. The other half, I get the chime but the boot process does not continue. If I leave the computer on the fans begin to progressively get faster and louder after about 5 minutes. I've tried starting with various USB and Firewire components unplugged and have even gone to just a keyboard and mouse. No change. Can I get the computer to boot from an OSX CD? How do I open the tray? etc.
Information: Powermac G5 Dual 2.5GHz Mac OS X (10.4.7)
I have seen in the Parallels instructions that you can create a new Virtual Machine from an existing Boot Camp partition - but is the reverse possible??I have a functioning Windows XP VM in Parallels and have unsuccessfully tried to create a Boot Camp partition (trust me I tried all the conventional ways) but failed. So the question is can I somehow convert my Windows XP VM into a bootable Boot Camp partition? I tried copying the files of my VM into the Boot Camp partition, but when booting I get an error that it is not a bootable volume.