My small diary falls on the right hand bottom corner of the macbook pro 13inch laptop. Everything on screen freezes. After waiting for some time I press and hold shut down button. Since then grey screen loading icon loads halfway and then grey screen with circle and slash appear. I tried booting up by pressing command and r .. same process repeats. I then tried alt boot up... the screen shows mac hd and network connection dropdown. I choose the network and press on upward key.. nothing happens. When I tried a safe mode using shift key it shows the error ....
i tried several things like zapping the PRAM, open firmware, and taking out RAM. also took out my pci wireless card and usb card. nothing helped, but eventually it booted up. i thought that the hard drive was probably dead but i couldnt boot off a tiger install disc when i tried.its been having problems starting up everyday since then. sometimes it will boot with the circle spinning and just stay there. other times it will boot with some junk on the screen and the restart message underneath, boot up with no spinning circle, or have the apple change to a circle with a slash through it
Has anyone seen and solved the issue of receiving a white screen on reboot with a slashed circle? Prior to rebooting the computer was running V-E-R-Y slowly. I saved my work and rebooted only to receive this screen.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), new 512GB SSD installed 30days ago
I was troubleshooting an issue my brother was having with his Macbook over downloading files, installed Firefox for him, ran Apple updates and while the updates were installing the computer froze. He restarted it, and on startup he got a circle with a slash through it. I've been googling and checking forums and I tried booting into safe mode (Shift at startup, I believe?), and putting in the OS X disc that came with it and booting from that (C at startup?) but I get nothing. It just goes from the Apple with the loading circle, to the picture of the slash circle. I'm not really sure on the specs of the computer or the OS version, as I'm rarely on it.
I'm trying to get a Macbook's iSight working. The Macbook is running Leopard, currently. When I go to open Photo Booth, I get the camera icon with a slash through it - indicating the camera isn't connected/available. The same problem happens with other applications. I don't believe it is listed in System Profiler, though if it was listed as something other than "iSight" I could have missed it.
I tried a few applications that are supposed to kick start it, reset the P Ram, reset the SMC, etc to no avail.
I have this script line: do shell script "lpadmin -p CIN-East-Copier -E -v lpd:// -P '/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/LANIER MP C5501/LD655C'"
The filename is "LANIER MP C5501/LD655C", the forward slash in the name is a character, not a folder structure. The script above works perfectly for drivers without the forward character. How to make it work? I tried replacing the forward slash with URL encoded character, changing the structure to colon delimited (i.e. Macintosh HD:Library:Printers....etc), none work.
my dell monitor keeps making this cracking slash banging noise on the right hand side occasionally and it sounds like soumthing is hitting it or making it crack...anyone else have this problem?
How to add a red circle to a movie? MacBook Pro late 2011 - 10.7.4. Video type .M4V (but I can convert it to anything else). I'm open to any video editor, but free. I've never done this on any computer.
I've just started really using my laptop and I've noticed when I look at certain angles I can see a circle of wear showing on the touchpad - normal. My fingers are always clean.
I recently just purchased a new macbook less than a week ago. This is also my first mac that I have ever owned. I just noticed today that when I turn the brightness all the way down, or when I go away from my computer and my screen turns black that there is a circle in the middle of my screen which I can still see what is going on in the background. Its not like its bright but you can still notice it.
I got my laptop around a month ago and the lights were fine and i turned them off to save battery. Recently, i tried to turn them back on and it just comes up with a circle with a line through it meaning i can't do it. How can i make it work??
On my MacBook Pro, I have a blue circle shape imprint on my screen, most noticeable when the screen is black. Looks as if a magnet touched my screen but i'm positive that gasn't happened.
Why do I have a white circle with a line through it over Pages on my dock? This happened after I reinstalled Snow Leopard on my MacBook. How do I get rid of it?
My MacBook air won't reboot...just has blue screen with apple and circle. Someone said control R which I did then it offered me options. try the other options as I have all of my work on this computer and am afraid of loosing it.Â
I was went onto updates and clicked install to a new Java update. Then apple update froze with a multi colored circle. I use force quit which worked, but some other apps wouldn't open after this and just sat there bouncing on the dock for ages. So next I selected restart from the apple menus and it was going through the shutdown process but didn't complete and just left my desktop sitting there. After 10 minutes, I help in the power button to manually shut it down, now it has restarted its all fine. What do you think could have happened, I have had it on for the past 3 days only sleeping it.
I left my mac turned off for roughly a month. When I turned the computer on, the gray apple screen and the load bar appeared to start up the computer. Shortly into the loading process, the loading circle appeared (rotating circle seen to indicate loading in programs such as iMovie and Safari etc). The start up load bar disappeared and the load circle has now been rotating infinitely. I have tried pressing command+r and turning off the mac and turning it back on. I have plugged it into a power source. It won't let me past this gray screen. How do I get into my mac?
Info: MacBook Pro, iOS 5, Bought in June of last year
I have a 2008 Aluminum Body MacBook and recently its been working extremely slow. I always get the colorful circle thing on the mouse pointer every time I try to click on anything. I was wondering if anyone had this problem before and what you did to fix this? Or if anyone knew how to fix this problem.
My macbook pro will not start. It just goes to the white screen with the apple and the circular loading section but doesn't go further than that it just stays.
My macbook pro 15 (early 2011) running Mavericks is very slow wait spinning circle/cursor appears way too often. Â
Any configuration changes or other actions I could take to speed it up. I took the following EtreCheck after boot up before launching Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat Pro and Safari (I have stopped using Chrome).Â
EtreCheck version: 1.9.12 (48)Report generated July 1, 2014 at 10:13:27 AM EDT Hardware Information: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011) (Verified) MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,2 1 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4 cores 8 GB RAM Video Information: Intel HD Graphics 3000
My Macbook Pro is not starting past the grey screen and the apple logo and the rolling circle. I have tried every method and I am desperate to do anything to start my computer even erase the entire disc. I have contacted the Apple store and they told me the cost will be equivalent to $600 to just repair it and no way I will be able to afford it. I am willing to do anything and even erase my entire disc. However, for that the instructions on the Apple page state that 'Insert your Mac OS X 10.4 or 10.5 installation disc'. However, I do not have my installation disc Is there any other way I can erase the OS system and at least reboot my Macbook?
I have an item in my junk mail which I cannot delete. I just get a spinning colored circle and must resort to force quit my mail to continue. How do I delete this problematic junk email
I was mailed a .sitx package with a font-testing app (I�m having trouble getting certain fonts going in order to use a Norwegian-Chinese dictionary on my PB, and one of the people involved in the project mailed me the .sitx and asked me to check out the fonts and mail him a screenshot).
I unstuff, then get a new icon on my desktop, called FontTest.sitx.cpgz. The icon is a white sheet of paper with a zipper.
When I then double-click on this new icon, it just unarchives to give me a new sitx - a sort of version II of the original file, this time called FontTest 2.sitx.