MacBook :: Apple Update Froze With Multi Colored Circle
Jun 15, 2009
I was went onto updates and clicked install to a new Java update. Then apple update froze with a multi colored circle. I use force quit which worked, but some other apps wouldn't open after this and just sat there bouncing on the dock for ages. So next I selected restart from the apple menus and it was going through the shutdown process but didn't complete and just left my desktop sitting there. After 10 minutes, I help in the power button to manually shut it down, now it has restarted its all fine. What do you think could have happened, I have had it on for the past 3 days only sleeping it.
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Sep 1, 2014
today while I was working on my dissertation the screen on my MacBook Pro suddenly froze halfway with colored vertical lines covering the right half of the screen. The computer is only 1 year and 1 week old.Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), iOS 7.1.2
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Nov 30, 2014
I have an item in my junk mail which I cannot delete. I just get a spinning colored circle and must resort to force quit my mail to continue. How do I delete this problematic junk email
MacBook Air
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Sep 7, 2014
My 2 year old Macbook pro has started to run really slowly, with the multi coloured pinwheel appearing whenever I try to do something. I've taken this to the Apple store, and have been told that it's either the hard drive that has given up and will need to be replaced, or that it's the cable connecting the hard drive to the laptop.
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)
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Mar 19, 2012
What's the multi colored pinwheel I get when I work on my mac book pro?
MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011)
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May 6, 2009
i tried several things like zapping the PRAM, open firmware, and taking out RAM. also took out my pci wireless card and usb card. nothing helped, but eventually it booted up. i thought that the hard drive was probably dead but i couldnt boot off a tiger install disc when i tried.its been having problems starting up everyday since then. sometimes it will boot with the circle spinning and just stay there. other times it will boot with some junk on the screen and the restart message underneath, boot up with no spinning circle, or have the apple change to a circle with a slash through it
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Jun 13, 2012
Sometimes when I am on the internet I see a colored wheel that spins and I am unable to go the the next page. I also noticed that sometimes the computer is slow. Csn this happen because I upgraded to Mac OS X? Never saw this before.
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 24, 2012
On restart after software update, apple logo is replaced by circle with diagonal line and won't continue.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Mar 26, 2009
It's been frozen for over half an hour while installing 13 updates (I don't know what they were, I just know it told me I needed them). It's current status is "configuring installation".
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Mar 22, 2012
MacBook air running Snow Leopard (not sure which version). It asked to install updates, I said yes and it froze as it restarted and began updating.
Info:MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 5, 2012
While installing software update MacBook pro froze,I could see a white screen without progress bar.the external hard drive was plugged in at the time. It has been 3 hours already.I just unplugged external hard drive and don't know what to do next..
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Aug 28, 2014
My MacBook air won't reboot...just has blue screen with apple and circle. Someone said control R which I did then it offered me options. try the other options as I have all of my work on this computer and am afraid of loosing it.Â
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jul 29, 2010
Yesterday Apple released Safari 5.0.1 and Magic Trackpad and Multi-Touch Trackpad Update 1.0, but Software Update on my Mac makes me able to download only the first one (Safari 5.0.1) - which I did. Why can't it find the Multi-Touch Trackpad Update?
- My MacBook is fine (it's 13-inch, Mid 2009).
- My OS is fine (Mac OS X v10.6.4).
Sure, I can download it manually, BUT it makes me really annoyed if something on my Mac works not as good as it should.
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Jun 7, 2012
I have a 13 in. black MacBook (late 2006) and somehow have managed to break it. Last year I had trouble where the computer randomly messed up how it booted and I had to use live Linux cd's to recover my data. I had to completely wipe the drive that time. Things went blissfully on until yesterday when it froze, after waiting for at least a minute when I held the power button down to kill it. I tried to restart but it froze on the apple with the spinning progress indicator. I killed again, and started in single user mode, where I got a plethora of disk0 I/O errors. After waiting there a while the computer stopped doing anything so I killed again. Now, it doesn't even recognize the fact that the hard drive exists. I am able to boot a Linux cd but there is no hard drive anywhere. All help is great as I don't want to keep using this win7 computer.Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 27, 2012
My macbook pro will not start. It just goes to the white screen with the apple and the circular loading section but doesn't go further than that it just stays.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
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May 6, 2012
when i start up my macbook it goes the the gray screen with apple logo then the logo turns in to a circle with a line in it
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Apr 26, 2012
My Macbook Pro is not starting past the grey screen and the apple logo and the rolling circle. I have tried every method and I am desperate to do anything to start my computer even erase the entire disc. I have contacted the Apple store and they told me the cost will be equivalent to $600 to just repair it and no way I will be able to afford it. I am willing to do anything and even erase my entire disc. However, for that the instructions on the Apple page state that 'Insert your Mac OS X 10.4 or 10.5 installation disc'. However, I do not have my installation disc Is there any other way I can erase the OS system and at least reboot my Macbook?
MacBook Pro
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Jul 28, 2010
I downloaded and installed the multi-touch update that was released yesterday and since then, I have noticed that some of my clicks with my trackpad are not recognized. When I use my Apple Mighty Mouse, it works fine. I have tried resetting the SMC and PRAM, as well as repairing disk permissions.
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May 3, 2012
My screen just has the apple icon and the spinning circle - wont log on.   Lost power without shutting down
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May 27, 2012
I have a 2011 Imac and was on the youtube watching a music video when all of a sudden my screen COMPLELETY froze, and a loud clicking noise kept repeating itself nonstop from the speaker, I'm not sure if the sound was coming from the song OR my computer actually making the noise itself. I held down the power button and waited a couple minutes and restarted. The white screen came on with the apple logo, but all of a sudden it completely froze, I waited a few minutes and powered off. I now waited 5 minutes and restarted and it WORKED! Everything seems fine?
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Dec 13, 2009
I just acquired a G4 MDD Power Mac. Dual 1 Ghz processors.I pulled the HD out of my older g4, connected it, and powered the machine up. The HD has OSX 10.5 and works fine in the older G4.
The first thing I notice is that the Small fan (in the door) is spinning, but the Large fan under the Power Supply is NOT. The red light on the Motherboard is on.
What happens is that all I get is a white screen, with the Apple Logo, and the spinning circle. it never acceses the hard drive and boots into 10.5 What does this point to? I hope the Dual processors are not the problem here. But that large fan not spinning worries me.
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Apr 27, 2007
If I have an event, starting on Friday, going on Saturday and and finishing Sunday, is it not possible to get this to show in the month view? I know it shows up in the weekly view, but it would be more helpful for me to have it up show up like this so I can get an overview of the month's forthcoming events. Or if it, are there any mods/addons etc that can enable this?
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Oct 25, 2009
I'm thinking of making the jump and making my first Apple computer purchase. Time machine will be a welcome native backup solution, especially since I can do it over the network automatically. However, I've read that Time Machine naturally requires HFS+ formatted disks. But I will still have my Win7 laptop for gaming purposes, and of course that requires NTFS or FAT32 for writability. My question: Can I just take a TM compatible external drive, split it into two partitions, and then specify that each computer backup onto its own partition with its own file system?
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Feb 5, 2009
Apple's Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard operating system will include tools borrowed from the iPhone that let developers determine the geographical location of Macs, as well as extend additional support for multi-touch to their apps, AppleInsider has learned. People familiar with the latest pre-release distributions of the next-gen OS say the software now includes the CoreLocation framework previously available via the iPhone SDK, which will allow Mac applications to identify the current latitude and longitude of the Macs on which they're running. Since Macs don't include GPS technology like the iPhone 3G, CoreLocation will utilize a Mac's existing networking hardware to triangulate the system's location in a manner similar to the way the original iPhone was able to use the technology to emulate a true global positioning signal. Meanwhile, those same people say that developers writing applications for Snow Leopard will also gain access to a new set of Cocoa-based programing interfaces for leveraging the multi-touch features of the latest MacBooks and MacBook Pros within their applications. AppleInsider first revealed plans for the new multi-touch framework in a an article from last June titled "Five undisclosed features of Apple's Mac OS X Snow Leopard." The report noted that the framework would "consist of code libraries and functions that ordinary developers can use to enhance their applications with the same multi-touch capabilities currently available in Apple-born apps like Safari and iPhoto, and do so with ease." Word of the new location tools in Snow Leopard comes on the heels of an announcement by Google that it will soon deliver its own software that will let iPhones and Macs broadcast their location information over the Internet.[ View this article at ]
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May 20, 2009
before I went to bed, I was playing the Sims 2, when my iBook G4 crashed. Our power cord can be a bit dodgy, so sometimes that happens. I didn't really think about it much, just closed the laptop and went to sleep.Last Monday morning, I opened it and pressed the power button. It began turning on, and got as far as the grey screen with the apple and the spinning circle. And then it just froze. The circle stopped turning.
I freaked out a bit, and restarted it a bunch of times, each time with the same result. (One time it stopped spinning, and then told me a restart was required. Huh. The rest of the times the exact same thing happened though.) I even tried unplugging and removing the battery, but it made no difference. So eventually I just shut it and decided to try again later.Last Tuesday I opened it and pressed the power button without much hope, and again the apple and circle came up just fine, then stopped, but then a bunch of words and numbers popped up.I'm a complete computer noob, but they don't look good to me... or are they good?
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/REEASE_PPC
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Aug 30, 2009
I thought after upgrade to Snow Leopard, older Macbook Pro can also have the newer multitouch gestures as those newer Macbook Pro?
I didn't see any options in the Trackpad in System Preferences.
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Feb 12, 2009
Mac OS X 10.5 Security Update 2009-001
Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 3
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Apr 11, 2008
I have some strange colored dots on my screen that will not go away.
The weird part is that they are not stuck in place but seem to be shadows that are not coming through the right color.
I am new to macs so if someone could tell me how do take a screen shot I will put it up so you can see.
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Nov 15, 2009
I turned on my macbook today and found these colored lines down the center of my screen: (sorry for the bad quality, but you get the idea) Is this from a crack in the LCD screen, and would it be possible to replace this myself so I don't have to spend a few hundred dollars on it at the Apple store?
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Aug 23, 2010
I was just working on my MBP a few minutes ago when all of a sudden the screen messes up and the desktop is jumbled up in little colored boxes. I tried restarting, with no luck. It's a few years old, and I had AppleCare, but it has expired. I'm on my iPad now (it's all I have), so I took a picture and uploaded it to my Facebook so you all can see what I'm dealing with. [URL]
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