Hardware :: Won't Work With External Firewire Audio Device
Jun 25, 2009
Yesterday I took delivery of the following kit- http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/produc...firewire-.html
As you can see, it comes with the FCA202 Audio interface - http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/produc...io-fca202.html
I opted for the FireWire package as it has the most better quality mics. I got it all hooked up, but for some reason, my Mac is not recognising my new sound device at all. I was looking under the Sound part of the Control Panel, but nothing new would register. I checked the FireWire part of the Device Manager (appologies I forget the actual name of the application). The Firewire device was listed as "Unknown", if I was to remove the device and refresh, it would show nothing. So i've got the feeling that its been seen, just not recognised correctly.
I tried a few things to try and help my situation.
1) Disconnecting any other attached device
2) Rebooting several times
3) Leaving system off and unplugged for 10-15 mins
4) Updating all software
5) Resetting my xxxx (I forget the term, but it involved rebooting holding CMD, Option, R and P) - can someone confirm how I know if this was actually reset?
6) Going into Activity Manager and confirming the Audio driver is loaded
From what I've read, Firewire config issues can be common with Macs. I am running an 18 month olf iMac 20" with 4 gig ram. I've not used my FireWire port for a while, about 6 months ago I used a FW external HD which didn't have any problems with. Alas I don't have any other FW devices to plug in and test the port. The final thing I'm going for is to leave the system unplugged for 10 hours, which will be ready to check after work.
One thing I was thinking about though - would getting a powered FW hub be of use at all?
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Mar 8, 2008
'08 Mac pro kernal panics every time i turn on my firewire recording interface, an echo audiofire 12. the strange thing is, it runs fine if i turn the interface on before booting the computer.
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Dec 28, 2010
I'm wondering if I somehow have a bad firewire chip in my MBP. It hasn't been able to work with firewire audio interfaces.
- I tried a Metric Halo ULN 2 which loses sync with it's audio. It will be fine for a few minutes with itunes but then becomes distorted and ringy as if it's lost it's audio sync.
- Random kernel panics while using Logic 9, Garageband 11 with an Apogee Duet - all software fully updated. One time it froze while not doing anything - logic was simply open and sitting there. Using iTunes through the Duet seems fine.
- Pops and crackles using Presonus Firestudio.
I've tried wiping my software and reinstalling everything. I'm using a MBP 5,3 2.8Ghz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM, Snow Leopard (10.6.5) with the latest updates. I'm going to try an Apogee One which is USB, but I'd really like to use a firewire interface. If there's something wrong with my firewire port, I'd like it taken care of. My machine is under applecare 3 year warranty. I don't think this is an easy thing to prove though.
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Sep 16, 2007
I have a slight problem with my volume controls on a Macbook Pro. They're not doing exactly what I want them to. I have an external sound card and by selecting it as my default audio device the macbook pros own volume control gets locked and there's no way to adjust it. This means that it renders the keyboard and Remote control volume buttons useless and I still have to run across the room to adjust the volume on my audio device when I'm watching a movie through the tv away from the macbook. Is there no way to enable this function anyway so both controls work?
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May 12, 2010
Today I connected my Mackie Onyx Satellite Firewire audio interface to my 2.4 Ghz 13" Macbook Pro for the first time. After it had been running for a while, I looked at iStat Pro, and it reported a CPU temperature of 67C, which is about 15 to 25 degrees hotter than this machine usually idles. Now I've looked around a little bit and found that it's a known issue and associated with the Agere Firewire chipsets. Is there any solution for this? Does it make a difference if you use a daisy chain setup with an external hard drive in between the computer and the audio interface, or a repeater cable, or anything of that nature?
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Apr 14, 2004
I hope I'm not double posting. Have any of the other new iMac owners experienced weird frequencies coming from external speakers that are connected to their iMacs?
For example: I have a set of studio monitors that are hooked up to my iMac using a firewire audio interface. Whenever I'm copying data I get an extremely high-pitched frequency coming from my speakers that sounds like my hard drive spinning. Also, whenever I'm scrolling or moving the magic mouse I get a loud buzzing coming from the speakers (especially when scrolling). None of this stuff happened with my previous 20" iMac C2D. I have experienced this issue with all three of the 27" iMacs that I have gone through thus far (due to the yellow tint issue). Does this sound like something I'm just going to have to live with. All of these high pitched frequencies are driving me batty!
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Dec 8, 2014
I have external device CD R but doesn't work .
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Mar 13, 2012
I am having a heck of a time trying to get either a brand new Lacie d2 Quadra OR a G-Tech G-Drive (both 2TB desktop models) to work on my iMac via the Firewire port. Mac is running 10.7.3, 2.8ghz Intel Core Duo.
Both drives are brand new out of the box.
When I connected them using Firewire they look like they mount, but they are unusable. They won't unmount if I try to reformat. Get error messages if I try to reformat, verify or disk repair. Messages say something about not being able to read some information. Keep in mind there's nothing on the drives. I have tried getting them to work with Time Machine with no luck. A few times it would backup for several hours only to give an error message and crash. Something is clearly wrong when I use Firewire.
But when I connect using USB? Voila! No problems at all. Repair, formatting, storage, etc. all work fine.
What the heck is it with Firewire? I am dealing with slow transfer speeds for now, but I'd really like to have them connected via Firewire and off my USB ports.
I have zapped the PRAM and permission module to no avail. Not sure what else can be done.
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Mar 21, 2009
I was thinking that if i bought an external MOBILE hard drive (un-powered) i could take it with me sometimes when i need it in UNI (in Lectures where there is no power source to plug drive in), but also attach it to the mac and since it is un-powered and mobile time machine will work without needing external power.
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Jul 19, 2008
The volume controls aren't working well. I'm using a M-Audio Firewire Audiophile external sound device. There seems to be a headphone level control on the left which sort of works (its continuous so you never know where you are in its range) and a "Level Controller" on the right which doesn't do anything to the sound yet it controls the sound bar in Sys Prefs/Sound. I downloaded the 10.4.11 driver from M-Audio.
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Jan 18, 2010
The audio on my macbook suddenly stopped working. When I click on the audio adjuster, it won't even let me change the level (the little circle is white now, not blue).
But when I plug in headphones or an external speaker, everything works fine. I can once again adjust the audio and get sound
There was a red light eminating from the audio out jack for a while (last couple of days) but today, there is no longer a red light. Still no audio from the speakers.
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Apr 7, 2008
I've attached my external drive to my 17 inch macbook Pro, on the wirewire 400 port, and it shows up under the profiler as as "Unknown device". The same drive looks fine on my iMAC OS version on both machines is 10.5.2.
If I use the USB2.0 port on the drive and connect it to either machine it can be seen by both.
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Mar 8, 2009
I recently had to take my mac mini to pieces to upgrade its RAM to 2GB. I initially had problems with booting up - it would get to the white screen with the apple logo and think for about 2 minutes then restart and repeat the process indefinitely. I managed to fix this by removing the clock battery for a while. I also zapped the PRAM after installing. But now, the strange problem is that OS X wont boot up (it will get to the white screen, think, then restart) if my firewire devices are connected. In case this helps, I have two HDDs and a DVD burner connected in daisychain to the firewire port. It definitely boots up fine with any other peripherals/connections. Once OS X has booted successfully, I can then connect my Firewire devices which seem to work fine.
I have tested my new RAM with memtest and rember and everything seems fine. After upgrading my RAM, I would also get two alerts on start up - "Do you want the application "configd" to accept incoming network connections" and "Do you want the application "mdnsresponder" to accept incoming network connections ". I have fixed this problem with the help of this post: [URL]. Aside from the horrible idea that I have damaged some hardware, does anyone have any clues as to how I can mend this? A wise colleague of mine said that if it was a windows machine, he would look at the BIOS settings as he thinks my computer is trying to boot from one of the HDDs, and that I should try to find a list of boot drives and remove the firewire HDDs if they're on it. I know macs don't run BIOS, but is there anything similar I could check?
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Jun 19, 2008
I'm attempting to upgrade a family member 800mhz iBook G3 from 10.2 to 10.4 using my old iPod as the install drive. (Restored a DMG, etc) Only problem is that (other than being an ancient computer, I guess) is that said iBook doesn't see the iPod until after OSX loads (white spinny guy).
Tried holding Alt at bootup (not listed), setting it as the default boot device (just skips it and goes right to the HD), and just running it from OSX (reboots, straight back to OSX desktop).
Is there something I'm missing? Does this model G3 not allow detecting boot devices at start up? I'm kind of at a brick wall here. Should I just bite the bullet and do a target disk install?
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Feb 10, 2009
in my system profiler under firewire it says : -
FireWire Bus:
Maximum Speed:Up to 400 Mb/sec
Does this mean that an external hard drive with firewire 800 will be no good to me? Or does mean that the last firewire device was only capable of 400 mb/sec?
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Jun 22, 2009
I have an old 828 audio interface I've been using for years on my pc.
just switched to mac with dual intel macmini running os x 10.4
I went to MOTU's website and downloaded os x drivers, and installed them... but I still can't get the computer to see the device. Profile or whatever shows the firewire ... yet device doesn't show up
Is there nothing like scan for devices on that port I can do in os x?
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Apr 5, 2012
I'm wanting to connect my DV Camera and an External Firewire HDD to my mini. I really only need two firewire ports: one for the camera and one to daisychain any further Firewire HDD. This is all in aid of being able to digitize HD Tape footage with the mini using FCP so I can do all the editing etc of the Mac Pro. I've found a few online such as:The Belkin Firewire 6 Port Hub, Belkin Hi-Speed USB 2.0 and Firewire 6 Port Hub and the 1Lynx 800 Advanced Firewire Hub (99MO018202).The stackable Belkins look great
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Jan 11, 2009
Windows 7 has been awesome so far, but there are still the occasional driver issues. What I'm having trouble with now is firewire. I used to use HFS Explorer to access my external (HFS formatted) hard drive but it no longer shows up in HFS Explorer. Windows doesn't even make the "device connected" sound when I turn it on (yes I'm running HFS Explorer in admin mode/Vista compatibility). Pretty sure it's a firewire driver issue, but I have no clue who makes the firewire for my early 08 MBP.
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Jan 27, 2009
One day I couldnt wake my macbook from sleep with my firewire WD Mybook 500G connected, so I power off the macbook manually and start it up again. It then triggered kernel panic, and i found that my macbook resume normal if i do not connect the firewire external HD. I performed PRAM reset and even PMU reset but it still couldnt help.
Below is the kernel panic report:
Tue Jan 27 19:36:08 2009
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x001A9C68): Kernel trap at 0x00597742, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x279f4000, CR3: 0x01055000, CR4: 0x00000660
EAX: 0x000037fc, EBX: 0xffffffff, ECX: 0x00000435, EDX: 0x279f4000
CR2: 0x279f4000, EBP: 0x279f3748, ESI: 0x279f3796, EDI: 0x00000000
EFL: 0x00010217, EIP: 0x00597742, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x02ac0010
Error code: 0x00000000
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x279f3568 : 0x12b4f3 (0x45b13c 0x279f359c 0x1335e4 0x0)
0x279f35b8 : 0x1a9c68 (0x464700 0x597742 0xe 0x463eb0)
0x279f3698 : 0x1a038d (0x279f36b0 0x1 0x279f3748 0x597742)
0x279f36a8 : 0x597742 (0xe 0x48 0x279f0070 0x10)
0x279f3748 : 0x59abea (0x279f3796 0x0 0x0 0x0)
0x279f39d8 : 0x59eadd (0x4078600 0x279f3b9c 0x279f3a1c 0x279f3a18)
0x279f3a38 : 0xf01f38b3 (0x279f3ce8 0x1b6 0x46a408 0x2c8f075)
0x279f3d18 : 0xf01f3b65 (0xf001 0xf001 0xf001 0x279f3ddc)
0x279f3d68 : 0xf01e338c (0x42c0900 0x4370290 0x279f3f48 0x0)
0x279f3df8 : 0xf01e350a (0x397afe4 0x279f3e1c 0x0 0x20594d2f)
0x279f3f78 : 0x3df460 (0x3311a34 0x397aee0 0x397af24 0x2b08780)
0x279f3fc8 : 0xf01a0887 (0x3e97de0 0x0 0xf01a30b5 0x3e97de0)
No mapping exists for frame pointer
Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xb0522518
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WDMemeod
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.6.0: Mon Nov 24 17:37:00 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.9.59~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacBook2,1 (Mac-F4208CAA)
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May 22, 2008
In the sound preference pane, the input and output devices have 2 properties. the Name, and the Type.
Just being curious, but how can I change the Name attributed to a particular input/output device?
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Dec 13, 2010
I have a presonus firebox and want to use it on my mac pro when I'm running windows XP, but windows doesnt seem to recognize it. I downloaded drivers, followed the instructions to disconnect and reconnect the device, looked through control panel, etc....
Presonus says that sometimes they dont like bootcamp, but I dont understand why that would be. Anything I can do to try and get it working?
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May 13, 2009
While working in Windows XP on my iMac, I believe I inadvertently removed the driver for the built in audio device - the IDT High Definition Audio CODEC. And so now I have no sound on my computer. I have tried reinstalling the driver, but at the end of the installation process it says that the device cannot start. My system automatically detects the device as new hardware when I restart the computer but even though I have removed and and tried to reinstall the the driver several times, I cannot get it to work.
When I go through the device troubleshooter, it tells me to detach the problem device and reattach it. However, the audio device is built into my mac, so that is not an option.
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Jul 16, 2009
Having gone through the settings, i have a speaker system plugged into my white macbook through the 3.5mm audio jack. I am running OS X Leopard 10.5.7 and am unable to find the options that i thought were available previously in tiger to configure the speaker setup/orientation. For example whether i am using satellite speakers, or 2 speakers either side, 3 4 or whatever it was, just like i would if i was using windows. It has a section under "Sound" then "Output", however it seems to be automated, i cannot add or remove, or edit items within the list.
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Apr 11, 2012
my new mbp has some isues with its sound ...there is no audio device in the prefrence/sound have restarted and have done the hardware test many time. few days back hardware test use to work for me getting this issue fixed but now notting works..
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May 22, 2012
Lately I have been having trouble with the audio. The sound doesn't work on the Macbook, and it can't seem to find any devices!
I tried plugging in headphones, but nothing helped.
In the time leading up to this fault, the sound in the mini jack was very poor, and sounded really bad.
When I plug my TV to the computer, by HDMI, I works fine. Even with sound. Oh, and I can't adjust the sound - it simply tells me that there is no device.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 14, 2007
I've been having a lot of problems with heat in relation to my firewire audio interface on my MacBook.Initially I thought it was my external monitor that was the main problem. Well, it does add some heat. The temperature raises about 5-6 degrees celcius and the fan speeds up to 2400rpm when idling. This I can live with.However, when connecting my firewire audio interface the heat and fan speed becomes unacceptable. The heat raises about 10 degrees, and the fan speeds up to about 5500rpm. After about half an hour of regular use, like browsing, the temperature goes up even more (as expected) and the fan starts blowing at full speed. And this by just browsing the web.
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Aug 11, 2009
did anyone ever got a chance to work with Saffire LE on XP using bootcamp? I searched all over the place, found some patches and solutions, but nothing works Just ridiculous.
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Oct 27, 2009
I'm trying to play Fallout 3 on my new Macbook Pro 13-inch(2.53ghz c2d 4gigs ram). on windows xp (sp3) in bootcamp, however I get the error: "no sound device detected. Fallout 3 cannot run".
In the control panel it also says no audio device.. and no audio device is listed in the hardware tab either.
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Feb 26, 2012
I can't add any devices in Audio MIDI Setup (Apps, Utilities); in the Aggregate Device Structure list in the Aggregate Device Editor, when I click the + my devices (Built-in Audio 1 and 2, and an M-Audio Duo) briefly show, then disappear; I can't select anything to aggregate.
How do I fix this?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Late 2005 G5 PPC
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Apr 13, 2008
There's a thread in the macbook pro forum about this (that I bumped) but I didn't realize it was the wrong forum so I'll post here too.Whenever I plug Firewire audio interface into my macbook , even with no programs running and the computer essentially at idle, the CPU temperature quickly rises several degrees and then the fan quickly ramps up to maximum. Nothing appears to be placing the CPU under load at this time (measuring temps and fans with iStat nano). Of course, if I do put the CPU under load, the temps get very hot, 80C
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