MacBook Pro :: Audio Chime At Startup - Selected Device Has No Output Controls
Sep 4, 2014
When I start my Macbook Pro (mid 2009 15") I get the familiar audio chime. However, when it finishes startup and I get to my desktop, I have no audio, and the audio icon up top is grayed out. The audio output jack works fine. I can use speakers and headphones. I've tried the solution of wiggling around a headphone plug in the jack, as well as doing the same with a toothpick. I've also reset the PRAM. For some reason, the problem persists. When I open sound settings in preferences, the only device listed is "Digital Out" and there is a message under it saying "The Selected Device has No Output Controls."
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 21, 2010
I am using Logitech Z-5500s with my MP. Under the sound settings with digital optical selected, it says: "The selected device has no output controls." And at the top of the screen where it shows the volume, it is grayed out. And when I hit the volume up/down/mute button on my keyboard, it has a circle with a line through it. If I play a song on iTunes, sound comes out and I can control the volume through the Logitech controller like normal. But even when something is playing, it still won't let me adjust the volume through the computer.
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Aug 24, 2014
i want to change my audio out put in to input device for record my not stop mix
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Jul 16, 2009
Having gone through the settings, i have a speaker system plugged into my white macbook through the 3.5mm audio jack. I am running OS X Leopard 10.5.7 and am unable to find the options that i thought were available previously in tiger to configure the speaker setup/orientation. For example whether i am using satellite speakers, or 2 speakers either side, 3 4 or whatever it was, just like i would if i was using windows. It has a section under "Sound" then "Output", however it seems to be automated, i cannot add or remove, or edit items within the list.
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Dec 23, 2008
The sound on my 17" G4 Powerbook does not seem to be working any longer. I know there are some similar threads but I think my problem is slightly different because I get sound on startup (the startup chime) then when Leopard loads it seems to be dead.
When I press the volume keys (F4/F5) I see the volume indicator increase/decrease but I do not hear an alert sound.
When I go into System Preferences/Sound, "Internal Speakers" is grayed out under "Sound effects" but "Internal Speakers" shows up under the Output tab.
When I plug in headphones, I get no sound.
I've tried resetting the PRAM and open firmware.
I've tried creating a new user and the new user also has no sound.
I've tried repairing permissions, running disk warrior while booted from another drive, and a disk repair in disk utility, as well as fsck-fy and also clearing the cache files with applejack.
I am runnign Leopard on this machine, version 10.5.6.
I though it was a fried/disconnected sound card or a logic board issue until I realized that the startup chime was playing just fine.
Also, whenever I press the volume keys, I get the following error in system.log
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Jun 20, 2009
I am about to buy a 15 in. MBP and I'll be going on a trip soon. I was wondering if there was anything I could get that would let me both use my mac as a tv for my xbox and use a tv as an additional monitor.
Something that would have RCA input/output (the red, white, yellow cords) and would connect to my mac with USB or hopefully firewire 800 (express card 32 would work as well).
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Sep 18, 2009
For some reason, I can't get Logic Express 8 to output audio to my Mac's attached speakers. It outputs fine through my M-Audio interface, though, but I'd just like to listen without headphones.
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Nov 10, 2010
could you please provide some help as i started up my mac this morning and there was no sound on there except the startup chime and i have tried the help here:
[URL] but it doesnt help and there is no red light in the headphone slot.
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May 6, 2010
I have a mid-07 Santa Rosa MBP. When I turn it on, nothing comes on the screen (not even backlight), but I'll hear the startup chime and 2 seconds later, it reboots and does the same thing. Here is what I have tried:
1. Reset SMU
2. Reset PRAM
3. Replacing HD
4. Replacing PRAM/CMOS battery
5. Tried booting off DVD (but it reboots too fast after the chime)
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Jun 7, 2010
Hi guys, I have a 2.26ghz Macbook and when i start it up the chime keeps repeating over and over again until i get sick of it and hold the power button to force shut it down, sometimes it will start up fine after that and boot right up and sometimes it keeps repeating again, then i just leave it for a few hours and try again and it will usually work. Also over the last day or so i've been getting a mixture of the repeating chime and the blank white screen with no apple logo and grey spiral. Other than this problem the computer is running flawlessly, does this sound like a hardware or software problem?
I've already tried reseting the PRAM and SMC, I've ran the hardware test which came up clean, checked the drive with disk utility and eventually reformatted the HDD and reinstalled Mac OSX but still no change. I'm not running any extraordinary software just google chrome, Skype etc. so that shouldn't have any thing to do with it.
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Jul 22, 2010
I just replaced my LCD. It was working fine, but now just stopped working. It's a mid-2009 A1286 15in Macbook Pro.
The computer itself works fine and I tested it using an external monitor. I can FAINTLY make out the display on the screen, so I'm guessing it is a backlight issue? Don't mid-2009 don't have display inverters?
I also tried resetting the pram and SMC.
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May 12, 2012
Upon start up I hear optical drive checked, then get a start up chime but the screen does not light up. I have shut down by holding down power button for 10 seconds also pulled battery and A/C power.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.4), Mac Cube, Mini, iBook SE
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May 13, 2009
So I started up my macbook this morning and have been using it for awhile when I went to go play some music and can't get any sound. When I hit the volume buttons it shows a shadow of the speaker logo and a circle with a line through it under the volume bar. I have tried a restart and also went into sound controls, where it says "The device has no output devices" . What can I do/what's going on?
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May 15, 2009
So my girl friend was using my IBook G3 and shut it down normally she says. We then went to turn it on and we will hear the chime but then it will get stuck on that first gray screen, nothing else comes up, no spinning no nothing. Hard drive is not making any different noise, I just don't know whats up.
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Sep 24, 2009
I have a white Macbook, Intel Core Duo 2, 2 Gb Ram. (October 2008) Under Leopard, my volume (audio output is a shame); under bootcamp with Windows XP on the hard drive, volume is almost double: is there any work around on this?
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Dec 11, 2014
I am trying to connect a Macbook Pro to my printer wirelessly. I can connect it, but it uses my other Macbook Pro as a server (shared). I cannot connect this printer to the previously mentioned Macbook directly, as I get the message; "an error occurred while trying to add the selected device. Unable to communicate with the printer at this time."
On the printer selection menu, it says the printers are "bonjour printers". The shared printer via my other Macbook shows as shared, and the (same) printer directly off my network does not show shared, so I think it is a sharing problem.All the printer sharing is enabled, so I don't know why it shows that it is not shared.
The printer is a Canon MP530 which works fine. Everything connected fine before I used this printer. I am running Yosemite OS X 10.101 on both Macs, but I don't think that matters because I had the same problem before I upgraded. I have reset the printing system, repaired permissions, everything I can think of, and I still can't directly connect this printer over wi-fi.The driver even upgraded with the new OS X, so it's not the driver.
I can print, but only using my other Mac as a "server", and it has to be on. I shouldn't have to do that.The main question seems to be how do I set sharing permissions when they are already set to share?These are my choices on the "add printer" menu:
-PS-736C74-U1 (Bonjour) (does not work)
-PS-736C74-U1 @ user's MacBook Pro (Bonjour shared) (works!)
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jul 7, 2009
What happened was that I just booted my mac up. And suddenly, all the controls and stuff were screwed. What's happening on my mac is that the computer itself just keeps hold either the command or space key and I wasn't even touching anything. So basically, when I try typing in something, it keeps holding the spacebar, so it comes out like t h i s. Just an example. And sometimes, it would just hold the command key, and sometimes drag off menu-bars that I don't want to.
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May 21, 2012
I lost my macbook speakers sound after instalation, there is grey icon and I can't control volume. Please let me know all possible ways to resolve problem. Btw,after reboot I heard sound when mac loads, and its working when I using headphones. When I start iTunes, and plug out head phones there is a red light. When I close iTunes red light disapears. But no sound at all.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 19, 2010
however today suddenly the superdrive decided to make a 1-2 second 'seeking' sound at *every* startup. there is no dvd inserted nor have i used it even once in this week. it does this at the grey apple screen at the same time the apple "chime" sounds.
i am pretty sure it didn't to this up until today, i am not particularly concerned but why would it start doing this after a week on its own?
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Jan 10, 2010
I installed Stuffit Deluxe 10 on my new MBP and ever since I have installed it every time I startup or reboot my MBP the startup chime sounds muffled. All the other sounds are fine though.
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Jun 8, 2010
I'm looking to use the speakers (Logitech X-540) with my laptop with 5.1... but this is an analog system (has green/black/orange inputs), and Macbook Pros only output with optical through mini-TOSLink. What's the best (read cheapest) device for decoding the optical output to analog?
If this won't work, I'm probably willing to shell out a bit more cash (Z-5500 perhaps). If you have a digital 5.1 system recommendation ($350 or less), let me know.
Manual for X-540 speakers: [URL]
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Aug 31, 2014
I have a macbook pro and the audio on it the other day was perfect. Now i cant get it to work. It wont let me un mute it and under system preferences it says that no output devices are available.
MacBook Pro
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Jul 3, 2009
Here's a bit of a strange one, noticed over the last couple of days that the start up chime was getting quieter, then today no sound what so ever when turning it on.
Now from my understanding of it, the chime is a bit like a POST beep on a PC? Hear it once and every thing's fine? Otherwise the MBP is booting up fine, dual booting it and have sound in OS X and Win 7?!
Suspect I may have a HDD issue, as had to run chkdsk /f /r the other day and had to stop it after 12 hours as it was still on stage 4 of 5 @ 18%, and it seems to be running slower, also the HDD is becoming more vocal.
I'm going to run a full AHT on the unit, was just wondering if anyone else has come across something like this before?
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Jul 1, 2012
I have a problem about sound. It's no output or input device when I install parallel desktop 7. Is there any way that can solve this issue without uninstalling Parallel Desktop?
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Jun 26, 2014
Macbook Pro Sound has suddenly stopped working
The Sound Settings show no output device. When trying to adjust the sound a circle with a line through it appears. Cannot run the volume adjusted up or down either. Also the sound does not work with a headset either. Have tried PRAM and SMC rest as well as plugging and unplugging headset. Running 10.9.3. Was running fine yesterday - feels like it may be hardware problem?
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Mar 16, 2012
The internal modem in my PowerBook Pro (mid 2010) shows up as "not connected" in the Network pane of system preferences, but I can't figure out how to get it to connect. When I enter my phone number and click the connect button, I get an error message: "Network Connection The communication device selected for your connection does not exist. Verify your settings and try reconnecting." Say what? It says it exists in the System Preferences, shows it in the list on the left. How can it not exist?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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May 28, 2007
I've lost all sound on my G4 iBook running OS 10.4.9. I still get the start-up chime every time I reboot, but there's no sound at all inside OS X itself.
System Preferences says there are "No output devices found." System Profiler says I have "No built-in audio."
I have tried repairing disk permissions. I have tried creating another user account and signing in. I have tried zapping the PRAM, resetting the PMU, and trashing all my cache files for both the system and my personal login. I have tried booting with Command-S and running a file system check (fsck -yf), but am told that the system "appears ok." Nothing has helped... I continue to get the start-up sound on boot, but nothing inside OS X.
Oddly, if I hook my M-Audio podcast mixer, the system detects my audio as "M-Audio," and I get sound if I use the headphone jack on the M-Audio unit itself (i.e., I can listen to iTunes, watch a YouTube video, etc.). But as soon as I unplug the unit, System Preferences reverts back to "No output devices found," and my machine resumes its maddening silence.
Since I use this machine pretty much only for podcasting and video editing, it's pretty useless to me without sound. Can someone help me, before I completely freak out? I was up until about 2am last night trying to resolve this.
How can I get this machine to "remember" the fact that it has "Built-in audio?"
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Feb 11, 2010
Out of curiosity my Mac Pro Chime takes about 20 to 30 seconds to chime. My Macbook Pro is instant so is my Air. Is this normal? I have tried different ram, hard drive still the same. Restet PRAM all.
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Mar 29, 2012
Occationally there is no chime when I start up my iMac.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 1, 2014
Purchased this one from a friend of mine bc my own Mac Pro (we both bought them at the same time, back in Feb., 2008) had issues with video card and bad memory sticks. So this Mac Pro was his, he barely used it and since i want to continue using this type of machines I bought it from him. The computer works just fine with only two things that have me worried:
1- It takes too long to startup. From a solid gray screen it goes to later show the apple logo and then the animation. Eventually all starts and no issues whatsoever...but all very lenghly and with no chime.
I tried the PRAM reset and it does chime twice and everything but not later on when I turn it back on. it does chime at Re-start! Since my friend played with the user accounts so he could sell it to me, I wonder if that somehow is causing the bug...
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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