MacBook Pro :: Why Speakers Don't Work After Log In Any Account
Jun 20, 2012Why speakers don't work after log in any account.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Why speakers don't work after log in any account.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Get the sound back on my late-2007 13" MacBook! Last week I put Bose headphones in the headphone jack, but after I unplugged them, the built-in speakers no longer worked, and the speaker icon is grey. Yet when I plug the headphones back in, I get sound again (through the headphones only, of course).
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
The internal speakers in my MacBook Pro do not work. I went to System Preferences/Sound/Output and there are no Internal Speakers listed as an option to select. They used to work (and I assume they used to be listed as an available output device. I have been on hold with Apple Care now for 43 minutes.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
After installing the new update I no longer have sound either through the the speakers or the headphone jack. I know it works because I was using it right before the update. The speaker also sounds after the post bios.
Info:MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
the internal speakers dont work. there is red light in the soquet ...
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy speakers stop working about 10 seconds after opening it. If i turn on spottily it plays for about ten seconds and then gets really crackly sounding then stops working. It does the same thing for my headphone speakers as well.
MacBook Air
the external speakers (and the earphones) I use for my i-mac suddenly stopped playing sound from my imac. They do work though when I plug them to the i-pod. My imac speakers work perfectly. Any ideas what's happening?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe audio on my macbook suddenly stopped working. When I click on the audio adjuster, it won't even let me change the level (the little circle is white now, not blue).
But when I plug in headphones or an external speaker, everything works fine. I can once again adjust the audio and get sound
There was a red light eminating from the audio out jack for a while (last couple of days) but today, there is no longer a red light. Still no audio from the speakers.
I have a Macbook Pro and something happened to the audio jack recently. Not sure what but I have a 3 year old and pc husband at home. Basically the inside of the jack went from being an inny - where you can plug in an audio plug, to an outie - where you can only insert about half of your plug and it won't go in any further. When I go into Sound settings - Output it says the selected device has no controls, and the speaker icon on my status bar is greyed out. I brought it in and they said they would need to replace the logic board in order to fix the jack - $1,000.... yikes.
So long story short I am wondering if it is just the audio jack then could I buy usb speakers and use those instead? Any work around at all? I wish there were a way to just tell the computer to ignore anything the audio jack was telling it, but I was told that is not an option either.
how do i program my internal speakers to work instead of the headphones?
View 2 Replies View RelatedInternal and headphone sound does not work. Only bluetooth speakers work for sound. Whats the problem and how much does it cost to fix?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
I have iTunes 10.6.1 (7) an Airport Extream Version 6.0 Airport Utility (600.92) That I use with two airport express stations, an Apple TV 2nd Generation with latest software up date. Also have Ipad 3rd Generation and two I phone 4's. Issue: After installing the latest Airport Utility software update I'm unable to connect to my remote speakers in iTunes.  The speakers are visible in the pop up menu but iTunes times out when trying to connect. If I use remote to select Apple TV and then via Apple TV select my Computers Library I'm able to play music on the Apple TV / Home Speakers... but still not the Airport Express Stations.Â
When using remote on the iPhone or iPad the speakers are visible as well but I'm unable to select them... iTunes times out. I can steam music from that is on my iPhone or iPad to each individual speaker, but multiple speaker control is not available and the music from my library is not available. I believe the problem is in the Airplay feature of iTunes and I believe the problems arise when you install the latest version of Airport Utility.   You can play on remote speakers, only one at a time, and only if you have the music on a stand alone device (iPhone or iPad)... in summary, bypass iTunes and you can be successful... marginally successful.
How can I get my mac email account to work?
Info:MacBook, iOS 5.0.1
I can't hear any sounds on my macbook, only if i plug in my earphones.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have built-in home speakers and I wanted to know if you have to buy airport express to use airplay. Do you have to have airplay wireless speakers to play music from airplay?
Airplay Speakers, Other OS
I am going to buy an iMac for my desktop computer. if my Bose 3.2.1 computer speakers will work with the Apple?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMacBook Pro 2.16
Situation: no sound out from speakers in admin and user account and newly created account. Headphones work, startup chimes work on speakers.
Go to Sound in Preferences and only shows Digital Out for output. Should show Internal Speakers. Ran Diskwarrior and Applejack and zapped pram. Took mac apart and confirmed speakers wired correctly which is verified by the start up chimes being audible on the internal speakers. tested all accounts and created new account all with the same results. Did search of Google and MacRumor. Found one unaswered post indicating same problem. Had same problem with another macbook pro, ran same steps, take apart, confirm wiring setup, Diskwarriored, applejacked and zapped pram and it fixed the problem. I'm not sure what else to try. Did check Audio Midi Setup util and it also did not see the internal speakers.
i just installed vista home premium. everything seems to work fine except for my internal speakers it says that they are installed but they don't work. the name that shows up is high definition audio device.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm a recent PC to iMac convert and have hooked up my iMac to my TV receiver (DVI to HDMI connector and a Toslink cable to the audio). The issue is as soon as I plug in the audio connector the iMac speakers stop working. I'd like to leave the connector plugged in and still be able to use the iMac speakers. Of course when I play a movie on the TV I'd just mute the iMac speakers.
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How do the speakers work? Do you run a USB cable to each monitor so you have both sets of speakers working at the same time? Can you configure the monitor on the left to just play audio for the left channel and the monitor on the right to play just audio for the right channel?
Why don't my Logitech X230 computer speakers work with my Mac Mini?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am looking to add some speakers around the house to play my iTunes via Airport Express, any recommendations for a pair under $200 (or close to it)?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have had a MacMini for about 2 months now, and use brand new Creative brand speakers to plug into it. Everything has worked fine, but this morning as I went onto a band's MySpace page I was informed that the music could not be played without installing a newer version of Adobe Flash Player. So I clicked the link and went through the installation and sure enough now the MySpace music player came up. Unfortunately, I noticed there was no sound coming out of my speakers. First, I checked each plug, but still no sound. Second, I reinstalled Adobe Flash Player for Mac (from the Adobe website), but it still didn't work. Third, I took the audio plug connecting my speakers and MacMini out and noticed that the music was playing through my MacMini, but when I plugged it back in I noticed that it wasn't coming through my external speakers. Dumbfounded, I plugged my iPod in through the Aux In on my speakers and noticed it worked perfectly fine. Finally, I switched audio cables connecting my MacMini and my Creative brand speakers and it still didn't work!What is going on here?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSpeakers work but cannot get any sound output. Running windows 7 on Intel iMac. Speakers sound on booting and graphics in Control panel and on toolbar indicate sound is being recieved but nothing comes out of speakers or headphones.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
After I pulled out the jack for my speakers the volume icon was greyed out [URL]and soon I realized that internal speakers as such have been disabled from the system [URL]When I restart the startup chime is played as usual.Is it a hardware or software thing?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy new 25" HP 2510i monitor arrived today, all is good except from the speaker system, I can either have the iMac's built in speakers used or the built in monitor speakers used. Is it possible to combine them both and use both?
The monitor's audio interface connects to my iMac via the headphone jack on the back of the system.
This may or may not be a stupid proposition, but here it goes: I have a Klipsch Promedia GMX 2.1a speaker system which I like very much. However, I was wondering if I could replace the existing satellite speakers with bookshelf speakers (like Klipsch RB-10 s). I'm hoping this will work because I want to increase the audio output of my system without spending money on an amplifier.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI use a User account, but have an admin account for if things get messed up in an emergency. I notice every program that's installed just about on the user account is available in the admin account. What if a program is causing the issue? Wouldn't the admin account have the possibility of being hosed as well? Is there a way to stop this easily?
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