IMac (Intel) :: Speakers Work But Cannot Get Any Sound Output Running Windows 7
Sep 13, 2014
Speakers work but cannot get any sound output. Running windows 7 on Intel iMac. Speakers sound on booting and graphics in Control panel and on toolbar indicate sound is being recieved but nothing comes out of speakers or headphones.
I can feed sounds into my iMac with line input but no sound comes out vis internal speakers. I can record the input sound using Amadeus and play through gives me sound output. When not using Amadeus although input is set to line in and output to internal speakers no sound comes out. There appears to be some internal disconnection between input and output.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), printer, scanner, ATVs, external hard drives, USB DAC
My MacBook Pro seems stuck on digital output thus no sound from speakers. Headphones recognized and work but internal speakers don't revert to default or even show up as a sound option in System Preferences. Any way to get internal speakers back? Restarting computer did not do it.
A headphone jack got stuck in my macbook pro as it fell down in a plane going thru turbulences (lucky me!).So that now it thinks there are headphones connected while there is nothing...I wont be anywhere near an apple store for the next month so I was just wondering if it was possible to force the use of the internal speakers over the output jack?
I have my stereo plugged into the headphone jack but would like the sound to also come from the internal speakers when the stereo is off without unplugging the jack in back.I tried going to the sound control panel but it only lists the headphone jack. Is there a way to do this?
I just noticed that the sound of my 21.5" iMac speakers kinda changes notably when I'm using Windows (BootCamp). Compared to the sound while using Snow Leopard, it sound very thin, bass-less and... just strange. More like MacBook speakers, or just small speakers. Another thing is that the headphone input doesn't work on Windows. Could these issues be related to audio drivers? I don't know much about that sort of stuff.
The Sound Settings show no output device. When trying to adjust the sound a circle with a line through it appears. Cannot run the volume adjusted up or down either. Also the sound does not work with a headset either. Have tried PRAM and SMC rest as well as plugging and unplugging headset. Running 10.9.3. Was running fine yesterday - feels like it may be hardware problem?
I usually listen to any output from my iMac (Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz, 27", early 2010) through an external amp and speakers, via the analog output (headphone socket). However - I recently disconnected the jack plug to listen through the machine's internal speakers but was greeted with silence. I checked the volume via the kb controls - the mini display appeared on screen suggesting that the volume was set on full, though I could not adjust it at all. I reconnected the jack plug and sound came out from my external speakers as usual. On disconnection, no volume. I searched the forums for ideas, and came across this support article: [url],,, which I followed to the letter.
When I open 'Sounds' in System Preferences, the only output option available to me is 'Digital Out' - there is no option for internal speakers or headphones. However, if I plug in the line-out jack, the options change - only 'Headphones' is available (no 'Digital Out' any more). Following the article, I checked to see if there was a red light in the digital output socket, which there is not.
For some reason, I can't get Logic Express 8 to output audio to my Mac's attached speakers. It outputs fine through my M-Audio interface, though, but I'd just like to listen without headphones.
the external speakers (and the earphones) I use for my i-mac suddenly stopped playing sound from my imac. They do work though when I plug them to the i-pod. My imac speakers work perfectly. Any ideas what's happening?
My mac os x output sound doesn't work when i skype someone, they only can hear me type and make thumping sounds on the table but they cant hear me speak and when i speak she can't hear me?
Every once in a while my sound just either stops working, or won't come on when I begin to play something. I try moving the volume up & down, turning things on & off, plugging and unplugging headphones, etc, and there seems to be no consistent method to get it back to functioning... What could be going on to cause this?
Trying to output via Displayport using my white macbook but for some reason Windows can't detect my monitor or the DVI output.. anyone able to successfully output from bootmcamp?
I recently installed windows vista (home edition) via bootcamp on my macbook pro.
Everything is running perfectly apart from the sound. I think it might an issue with the computers sound card. When I plug my headphones into the audio output jack, no sound comes through... it still plays out of the speakers. The sound is audible, but just barely.
What may be causing this? Are there any specific drivers I need to install?
I just got this new iMac that I got used and the sound on the computer does not seem to be working, I have tried doing what the computer tells me and going into System Preferences and selecting the sound option, but the sound seems to have been permanently disabled and shows that there are no output or input devices available, when clearly the monitor has speakers. whats more, is that the volume icon does not show up in the menu bar even when I select that I want it in the menu bar.
Just today I have installed an application which was to do with sound switching , called "soundflower" once iv installed and run it there was an option "create multiple sound switch" did chose and start to creating a multiple, as soon as it started my sound card panel display as "no sound card founded" and my sound icon on the top bar turned to light gray.
Double click on that and when it opens you will see your hard drive (usually Macintosh HD) on the left. Highlight your hard drive and click on Verify Disk on the far right. If that is OK click on Repair Permissions on the left. If Verify Disk is not OK try to Repair. If Repair is successful then Repair Permissions if it is not successful let me know. But problem still remains.
How do you get sound output from BOTH a USB speaker and the headphone jack at the same time? I am trying to drive a headphone speaker driven wireless speaker on my deck while still have audio on my imac.
My sound keeps turning off. When I check the settings, the output device switches randomly between Internal and Digital output. I have no idea where the Digitial Output is coming from and this started about a month again. It switches randomly and then I loose all sound for a few seconds. Sometimes it happens once then stops for a few days, other times it switches back and forth for 5 min. No idea!!!
I have an iMac 27 and I want to connect it to a HDTV samsung 46 full HD. I have conected from displayport to HDMI and i get the screen. But at the same time I have connected a 3,5 minijack from the computer to the RCA audio in of the TV but I dont get sound. I have checked the config of the TV and I dont find any place to activate it. Then, talking about the screen. I have few questions.
How can I stop the screen on the iMac and work only with the HDTV?
How can I config that the windows on the tv have bigger letters while they keep on the same way on the i Mac's screen?
The tv is kind of far away and is difficult to see the letters.
does anyone who has the 24in iMac have any problem with the sound from the speakers? Sometimes when I listen to music on iTunes I will then get a screeching sound for a few seconds then it will go off.
I was in Audio MIDI Setup and I clicked one of the checkboxes to add a device to something or something like that and all the devices vanished from the list and sound stopped working. After closing Audio MIDI Setup I am unable to open it again, even after restarting and getting all the updates. Skype now freezes and doesn't load. Sound preferences also have trouble and freeze up if I try to load them. I would really like to have sound from my computer again!
My sound output preference is set to mute and is highlighted in light gray so that the preference can't be changed. Also, simultaneously, the sound control in the toolbar is gone and is replaced with an eject symbol that responds "SuperDrive F12" when clicked on.
the ONLY output device listed in my system preferences is Digital Output with Optical Digital-Out Port. I NEVER used headphones or any external speakers. I don't know what turned the Internal Speakers OFF But I would like to turn them back on. I can't find any thing any where in the OS that would do that. Any one has ANY Clue to why this would happen?
My iMac 27" 2.7 GHz Inter Core i5 has just stopped producing sound. The speakers seem to work fine, because I can hear the startup sound, but nothing comes out of iTunes, Youtube, Quicktime, DVDs or any other medium.
After re-arranging my set-up, I suddenly have no sound from my external speakers (JBL Creature II). After the first panic, I figured I would try with my MBP. Odly, they work just fine with that. Then i tried with my headphones from my iPhone - no sound at alle. I?ve resetted PR-RAM (twice), and is now stocked - and pissed.
I know that there's a headphone output jack and an audio input jack on the iMac. Is there anyway to hook up my 5.1 Logitech speakers to the iMac? What kind of adapter would I need or is it even possible?