MacBook Pro :: What To Do About HD When Taking System For Service
Feb 19, 2010
My 13'' MBP is starting to act up and it's time to take it in for service. The display is not living up to expectation, but worse are issues waking up from sleep and unexplainable pinwheeling (during low cpu/memory/disk usage periods, etc)Anyway, based on previous experience with apple, i suspect they'll resort to the catchall new logic board solution they usually go to. My concern is that I've upgraded my HDD to a 500GB WD. Usually I would drop the stock 250 in there for the purpose of having it serviced and just put my 500 back when I got the machine back. The issue now is that the 250 is being used in another machine, and this would be a giant headache.
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May 31, 2012
I have some complex questions regarding an iMac, a Time-Machine backup, and iTunes on an iPod. I live about halfway up an extinct volcano about 12 miles north of San Jose Costa Rica. Some months ago, we had a thunderstorm and as I reached to unplug my computers lightening struck about 50 meters from my house. I had an iMac with a 3-Tb external backup drive, a PC laptop and a laser printer on the same power strip.There was a definite surge and the light brighten and then power was lost for a few minutes.When power was restored, the PC and the laser printer seemed to work fine but the iMac was cold.Is is possible that the power supply was fried and not other essential parts? Would it be worthwhile to replace the power supply? Can I, with limited experience and tools do it or need I take it to a technician? My concern is that if the hard-drive is good, there is personal information on it that I don't want to risk.Do I need to replace the hard-drive before taking it for service? How hard is that, can I do it? I have seen videos of the drive replacement on-line.If there is a saving grace with this it is that the Time-Machine backup seems fine although I have only accessed the data through Finder.I replaced the iMac with a Macbook Air with significantly less mass storage and I can't just move files to the Macbook. My problem is that I have an iTunes library of some 10,000 songs on the backup and until recently on a 160 Gb iPod which was old and it crashed.I have replaced the iPod but have not tried to restore the iTunes library to it because of my confusion about how to do that.Can anyone tell me how I might do that or give me any insight into the process?
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Feb 10, 2012
how do i change service provider on my system.recently changed from bell to Rogers and for some reasons still on bell system
MacBook Pro
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Sep 4, 2014
My wife's 128GB MBA is running out of space so we are trying to identify the culprits by using the marvelous Daisy Disk.Â
Her user account is taking up 43 GB (mainly music and photos) but the total for the HD is 103 GB. Does that sound right - that the system and other stuff (although not sure what that would be) takes up 60GB?Â
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Mar 28, 2010
My Macbook has been running pretty slowly recently but only at log in. Its been taking ages to load my name at the top of if you try anything before is loaded my user profile I guess it just crashed. Also every now and again the wallpaper doesnt load up. Anyway to fix this is booted into safe-mode, verified the disk and repaired the permission. My work insists I use McAfee enterprise edition for Mac if connecting their servers so I am also protected from viruses and mal-ware. Its just got worse. And stranger still Safari still loads but thats all. Any other program will bounce a few times and then do nothing. Even mail, pages, dreamweaver, terminal, settings - everything. Safari is the only working program I have found that actually still loads. The internet connection works find and everything else. McAfee is sitting in my status bar so I am guessing that has also loaded properly.
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Dec 11, 2010
Ater charging it the other day I noticed a "service battery" error which went away the next. I checked the power section in the System Utilities and I noticed that my battery has shifted from "Good" to "normal" and I'm now at 469 cycles which I do not understand I also notice a very quiet humming-- I'm not sure if I'm just being paranoid and searching for problems or if there's a correlation amongst the issues. I've let the battery wear it self down and shut down and sit for a few hours and fully charge which has helped, but now it only holds charge for about 3-4 hours or so, opposed to the 5 hours I got when I initially bought it.
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Jun 21, 2012
I'm looking for a way to restart a native system service automatically if it ever gets turned off, specifically the screen sharing service. We have a shared Mac Mini running Lion, and sometimes the remote users get click-happy and shut off screen sharing in the middle of the night. I'm not sure if AppleScript or a plist is the way to go, or if there's an alternative solution I don't know about.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 18, 2010
I'm not sure if it's ok to do this but is it possible to have the system stop writing in the the system.log? It's taking up a lot of space because and I want to stop it temporarily because for some reason it keeps rewriting lines every couple seconds.
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Nov 13, 2007
I'm setting up a tiger server to serve software updates to the clients, but the server doesn't seem to want to serve the updates. The client can connect to the server, but then shows the user a message saying the computer is up to date. I know that is not true, and I have all the updates mirrored, so why is it not working?
If nobody has any idea, is there somewhere that says exactly what the software update client goes through to check if there are updates available, so I can follow it manually?
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Jun 1, 2010
I have a brand new 15 inch i5 mbp. I put a cd in to rip it onto itunes. It was really scratched. Now the computer ate my disc (I know I can restart and it will be ok, that's not my question). Shouldn't my brand new mbp be able to cope with a scratched disc? It seems a bit bizarre that the entire computer would freeze just because a disc is scratched. Also, it seems like it takes much longer to rip cds than it does on my pc. It doesn't just seem like it. It takes almost twice as long.
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May 7, 2012
Printtool is taking up large amounts of CPU and System Memory resources.
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 13, 2012
I am getting a Firewall message that reads:Â The service "(Common Internet File System (CIFS))" is starting on your Mac.
Application:Â sbin > launchd
Port:Â Â 445 (Common Internet File System (CIFS))Â
It also says: if you don't change firewall settings, the firewall wil block connections from other computers to this ervice on your Mac. Â
Mac Pro 2.8 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.6), NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB, 10gigs Ram
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May 3, 2009
I have a first gen intel macbook white running XP sp3 in dual boot.
for some reason "system" not "system idle process" is using constant 60% of the cpu.
If i go into leopard and back into windows it'll fix it for a while but then later it'll screw up again and "system" will start using a lot of cpu. (restarting windows doens't fix it, i have to go into leopard and then windows).
has anyone seen this issue before or have any ideas
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Sep 10, 2014
my battery status is Service Battery. It is a macbook pro 17 from 2009 and has 831 cycles on it, with 1000 listed on the chart before it is used up.Â
so what is servicing the battery? what does that mean?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Dec 9, 2014
What does "service battery" mean on my 2008 15 inch MB Pro?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 27, 2009
I am looking for a PDF of the Applecare service manual for the 15" mid-2009 Macbook Pro (specifically the 2.66ghz version).tell me where I can find one?
Or better yet, does anyone have a copy of the PDF that they could send to me?
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Feb 21, 2010
I want to change the screen on my 13" MBP. Has anyone changed their screen from glossy to matte via Techrestore?
If yes, what has been your experience? Also, is there any other company that offers the same service?
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Mar 8, 2012
My Macbook Pro does,nt seem to have any life in the battery does it need a new one
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Apr 8, 2012
my battery is no longer keeping a charge and says "need service". It never went through the other stages of battery digression (replace soon, replace now) just straight to service asap with no charge.I had gone away for the weekend and this is all i did the last session i had my computer on.I installed the java update from April 3-4 2012 in the software update and also ran a script search for trojans that i got off a cnn article. Usually i am not a sucker for these scare articles but something urged me to believe in it so i downloaded the two files (looking now they are mac applications) named trojan check 1 and 2. The search cam up null, i sighed relief patted my mac and shut it down. I disconnected the power because i was going to be away. When i cam back last night, a 2 hr charge was burnt up in about 20 mins. I thought maybe it was just running out from the weekend so i powered down charged over night. Still no charge. I did the sleep,reset,power off cycle then reset the smc. Still no charge. Here is my battery info. [code] I am almost positive i am under warranty still. It is a little confusing, basically my credit card doubles any warranty i receive. So my 2 year apple care turnedinto a 4 year. I think. Anyway i need to look into that before i can bring it into a store. But i wanted to get as much info as i could before i take it to a genius.
Mac OS X (10.5.5)
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May 3, 2012
which email service do you recommend for macbook pro? we have an HP desktop with Windows Mail that is sync'd to laptop Mail currently.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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May 22, 2012
What can i use location service for find my lost macbookAir
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Sep 29, 2010
I have a base level 1st Gen Unibody 15" Macbook Pro. It has the removable battery and I bought it refurbished online because it was way cheaper. I do have Applecare. A few weeks ago it began randomly turning off. Like I will be doing stuff, have plenty of battery left according to both the software meter and the green lights on the side, then it will click, the screen will turn black and I won't be able to turn it back on.
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Nov 15, 2010
The warranty on my mid-2009 MacBook Pro 13" expires in 2 days and my battery seems to be dying. I wish it would hurry. This morning, I got a "Service Battery" warning with a "Check Battery" message in the Power section of About This Mac. Took my machine to the Genius Bar this evening and it passed the battery diagnostic with 81.1% health.
90 minutes later, I'm sitting outside at Barnes & Noble next to the Apple Store and I get another Service Battery warning. My full capacity charge is down to 3928 from the 4258 mah observed while at the Genius Bar. I carried the machine back to the Genius Bar but it was, unfortunately, closed. They made note of the warning and set an appointment for me to come back tomorrow.
Now (a few hours after my last Genius Bar visit), my charge capacity is 4210 - very slightly above the 80% capacity level needed for the tech to replace my battery. Why is my machine so schizo? Any chance there's a relationship between the machine's temperature and reported charge capacity?
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Jan 8, 2009
So Tech Restore offer a way to convert your Glossy to Matte. I think they simply replace your screen.
Anybody used that?
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Oct 1, 2009
I am trying to send a file from my blackberry 8900 to the mac, im probably doing something really stupid but my blackberry keeps saying failed to find service!
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Apr 28, 2012
Im trying to find some service so I can watch live tv on my macbook pro. I know netflix is a great service, but I dont have a TV, and I live in an apartment with others and dont want to get the whole apartment cable.I found a thing called MacTV Pro, but it seems like a scam.
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Jun 4, 2012
I live in a rural area and Apple Care will not allow mail in service. They suggested I drive 1500 kms to the Apple Store. Is there any way to actually use Apple Care in rural Canada? Or did I just waste $275.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 20, 2009
Do the older macbook pro's like the Santa Rosa have liquid damage detection sensors? Or is just in the newer ones?
A year ago I spilled a tiny amount of beer on it and only a few drops got under 2 or 3 keys. I quickly popped them off, dried the area and everything was fine. My gpu failed recently due to the whole Nvidia thing and I had to ship it off to Apple. So I was wondering if they will be able to tell there was a spill and void my apple care warranty even though the failure was not caused by this?
I'm really worried because it was only a few drops and it did not leave any residue...
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Jul 10, 2009
My late 2008 MBP has been running very hot (with a virtual machine running the other night, it got up to 175F/80C) so I took it in to an Apple Authorized Service Provider today about an hour ago. After reading some of the threads on here about the thermal paste, I figured I'd at least have an AASP look at it first since it's still under warranty. The gentleman there told me it'd be middle of next week before he'd have a diagnosis. Is this a normal timeframe? I guess I assumed that they'd just take a look at it right away or at the latest I'd have to stop back in later today to pick it up, but that's almost a week away just for the diagnosis!
I work in Fort Wayne, IN, so I'm 3 hours from the nearest retail store in Indy, or closer to 4 for Chicago, so this is my only option.
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Jul 19, 2009
I've been getting poor battery life on my MBP for about a month now. I get like 90 minutes to 2 hours max with brightness down and bluetooth off. I tried calibrating to no avail, and finally I'd had enough and called Apple.
I still have 8 months left on my original warranty. The guy on the phone told me that unless I bought Apple Care for the extended phone support, he could not help me. So I said fine, should I just go into the Apple Store? He said no, they would refer me back to him and he still couldn't help me. So I asked him if my one year warranty included battery problems like I'd outlined, and he said yes, but that I'd need phone support. WTF?
Okay, that makes zero sense and I'm annoyed now with his endless loop of nothing. Basically I can't get a part of my purchase that's covered under warranty taken care of because I haven't bought Apple Care yet? That's ridiculous. Has anyone else heard of this? Of course, I always buy Apple Care for my products, but when I purchase it varies within the first year based on when I have the money.I made a Genius Bar appointment, but I was really hoping to not have to go there today. Just wondering if anyone has some insight on this.
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