MacBook Pro :: Change Service Provider On System?
Feb 10, 2012how do i change service provider on my system.recently changed from bell to Rogers and for some reasons still on bell system
MacBook Pro
how do i change service provider on my system.recently changed from bell to Rogers and for some reasons still on bell system
MacBook Pro
I was configuring Mac Mail v-4.4 with my new provider - We created a new account and when I went back to do a test, all my messages were gone from the inbox. Sent messages are gone as well. I have some files as well and they are fine. I'd really like to get them back but have no idea where to look or how I managed to do this.
View 4 Replies View RelatedLooking for the most MAC friendly internet service provider. Is there a preferred provider who supports MAC OS? My current provider (Earthlink) does not.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My 13'' MBP is starting to act up and it's time to take it in for service. The display is not living up to expectation, but worse are issues waking up from sleep and unexplainable pinwheeling (during low cpu/memory/disk usage periods, etc)Anyway, based on previous experience with apple, i suspect they'll resort to the catchall new logic board solution they usually go to. My concern is that I've upgraded my HDD to a 500GB WD. Usually I would drop the stock 250 in there for the purpose of having it serviced and just put my 500 back when I got the machine back. The issue now is that the 250 is being used in another machine, and this would be a giant headache.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to change my home page from Iowa Net Service to ?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'd like to put a new whois server into the list of the network service (In my case - so, that I don't have to write it again and again.
where this list is hidden in the system?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I would like to move my service data to the newly acquired Promise Pegasus. -> Server Name: Settings: "Edit" button next to "Service Data" is greyed out.
Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8GB, 2,93 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Ater charging it the other day I noticed a "service battery" error which went away the next. I checked the power section in the System Utilities and I noticed that my battery has shifted from "Good" to "normal" and I'm now at 469 cycles which I do not understand I also notice a very quiet humming-- I'm not sure if I'm just being paranoid and searching for problems or if there's a correlation amongst the issues. I've let the battery wear it self down and shut down and sit for a few hours and fully charge which has helped, but now it only holds charge for about 3-4 hours or so, opposed to the 5 hours I got when I initially bought it.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way to restart a native system service automatically if it ever gets turned off, specifically the screen sharing service. We have a shared Mac Mini running Lion, and sometimes the remote users get click-happy and shut off screen sharing in the middle of the night. I'm not sure if AppleScript or a plist is the way to go, or if there's an alternative solution I don't know about.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I'm setting up a tiger server to serve software updates to the clients, but the server doesn't seem to want to serve the updates. The client can connect to the server, but then shows the user a message saying the computer is up to date. I know that is not true, and I have all the updates mirrored, so why is it not working?
If nobody has any idea, is there somewhere that says exactly what the software update client goes through to check if there are updates available, so I can follow it manually?
I am based in the UK but missed Australian TV. Not that Aussie tv is anything great.
I am tried [URL] but is not seemed to have any Australian's servers. UK, US and Canada servers but not Aus.
Can anyone recommend any other services provider? I have try [URL] but couldn't it work out. I am not the most technical of people but I know people who are.
I just got a new internet provider, the internet is functional
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am getting a Firewall message that reads: The service "(Common Internet File System (CIFS))" is starting on your Mac.
Application: sbin > launchd
Port: 445 (Common Internet File System (CIFS))
It also says: if you don't change firewall settings, the firewall wil block connections from other computers to this ervice on your Mac.
Mac Pro 2.8 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.6), NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB, 10gigs Ram
How do I change a feature, on system preferences, I believe to stop asking me for an administrative password to authenticate my file transfers from my desktop to my hard drive. It is a real bother to keep putting in a password to transfer files.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.0.x), My mac book pro is on lion software
Just bought my first mac (macbook air 11") and i bought it second hand.The guy that sold it to me, had the language set to Chinese. I cant read Chinese so i asked him to change it to English, which he did.He also left a lot of his personal information on here, which is not wise, but i am a nice guy and attempted to do a system restore. The whole restore menues were in Chinese but i managed to guess my way through it and now it seems to be doing a restore. I know the language can be changed once in the OS, however how do i do this for the restore partition?
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo this is a really silly question but I wanted to know, how do you change the name of your home drive? Like I know how you can change the user name in system pref. but how do you change the name next to the little house icon? Because I'm really super bad at explaining things, a picture is attached below.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), Late 2011 model
I have been hearing that Apple has switched from using AccuWeather to (The Weather Channel) for the weather Dashboard widget in Snow Leopard. Is this true? Anyone with the WWDC build or the newer build. The fact that my iPod touch ( / yahoo) weather app and OS X dashboard (AccuWeather) never match is kind of annoying.
View 9 Replies View RelatedTo cut a long story short I have a CSV Excel Databse of email addresses that I would like to email. I follow the instructions to import them into The Address Book in order to add them to my contacts but keep getting the following message. The file you selected does not appear to be a valid comma separated values (csv) file nor a valid tab delimited file, please choose another file. Is their something I am missing? In the excel file I have saved the file as CSV, there is just one column of approx 1000 email addresses. I then go to address book, file, import text file and can select the file I want. Then the error message appears. Is there any other way of doing this? Presume web mail providers wont have an import capability?
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iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm using a MacBook Pro (Penryn) running Leopard. Every time I try and change my wallpaper in system preferences, it crashes and asks me if I'd like to report it to Apple. It eventually gave me the "would you like to reset settings and relaunch" dialogue. Still continuously crashes. I just want to change my damn wallpaper and this is annoying me to no end.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've been using Candybar but $30 seems way too much for me to buy. I know I can change the recycling bin and Finder with copy and paste but this doesn't work for iChat for example. Are there any good alternative programs or ways of doing this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI cannot connect to the internet, checked with my internet provider and that is OK, I think that something is wrong with my setting with my airport
View 2 Replies View RelatedI found Unison to be the best newsreader for mac. I have been desperately trying to be able to connect it to my usenet provider (Astraweb). I input all my connection details exactly correct, username, password, port, server name etc...and no luck. When I attempt to connect I receive:
However, I have used Thunderbird and NewsBin under the exact same settings and can connect just fine with no problems. I honestly have tried everything I know how to troubleshoot this problem.
I have had to update my email password with email provider. When I tried to update it on the iMac in the Internet Accounts section, I got a message saying "Password could not be sent to '' securely. Mail cannot send your password securely tot he server. You can continue without a secured password, which could put your password at risk'. However, when I updated it on my iPhone it was accepted straightaway and I have no problem receiving my emails.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to increase the system font size and change font type on my Macbook?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI oped system preferences and it crashes, I open activity monitor and force quit it and then open it again and it crashes.. what can i do? i got a mac book pro 2.4 ghz intel i5 10.7.4 4 b
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
As the title says i have migrated from Vista to OSX and im looking for a way to change all the fonts used by Leopard to one of my choosing.I find all standard fonts on either Windows or OSX too large and ugly and on Vista i used FontSelector to change the font and size across the system. What is the alternative for OSX?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have went to /system/Library/CoreServices/ to reach the Finder icon for the dock. I replaced it with the icon I want (Replacing it) but it won't change. I went to terminal and typed 'killall Dock' and the dock does refresh, but it doesn't get the new icon. I tried Refinery, Candybar, .What's even weirder is the trash icon, I have also replaced it, but will only show the new icon if you put trash in it/empty the trash. Otherwise, it would still be the original picture
View 1 Replies View RelatedI installed Snow Leopard. Everything went well but I had one problem. I used DVI-HDMI cable to connect my Monitor. My monitor resolution is 1920x1200, and it doesn't have a DVI port. Only VGA and HDMI. Everything worked fine with Leopard, and I can see the 1920x1200 option listed in the System Prefs. But in SL, this option disappeared, instead they added 480p,720p,1080i, and 1080p.
View 6 Replies View Relatedi was having some difficulties with passwords and whatnot so i popped in the mac os install disk to boot up password resetter through the utilities menu so i changed my log in password thru there but then when i booted back everything was gone like everything was set back to music folders gone my settings gone like everything
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