MacBook Pro :: What External Displays Work With It
Apr 17, 2012
I'd like to add a larger (21" - 24") external monitor to my late model 15" MBPro, but don't want to spend $999 on the Apple Thunderbolt display. What should I look for in an after market external monitor? How would I connect it to my MBPro ports?
MacBook Pro, i7, 8G RAM, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 26, 2009
I'm trying to get my macbook hooked up to two external displays.I remember seeing a post about it previously, with a solution, however, I stupidly did not bookmark it. Does anyone have a solution? As you know, the Macbook only has 1 mini-dvi port.
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Jun 21, 2012
I keep seeing articles since yesterday stating that the new MBP retina display supports 3 external monitors and the new Macbook Air supports two (through just one ThB port?) but how come no one says anything about the new regular MBP's support? If the Air supports two isn't the regular MBP also supposed to be able to work with two external monitors?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPhone 4, iPad 1
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Sep 27, 2010
My mac will not automatically detect displays, and even sometimes requires a restart. I've reset SMC, PRAM, repaired permissions, and cleared the caches.
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Aug 3, 2009
Is it possible to get the following:
1. miniDP -> DVI
2. DVI -> VGA
3. DVI -> HDMI
and connect different displays. Or will there be troubles because of the double converters (first to DVI and then to VGA or HDMI).
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Jun 7, 2010
I just plugged in my Cinema Display to my MBP for the first time, and for a while couldn't figure out why the heck the computer wasn't recognizing it (though maybe I'd gotten a bad MDP/DVI adaptor).
Then I'd noticed I'd set it via gfxCardStatus to use Intel graphics only. I released it to Dynamic -- and voila! Display recognized. Interestingly, it now also will not accept being set back to Intel only with the monitor connected.
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Jun 14, 2012
How many external displays dose the Retina MBP support? I have herd conflicting information about this, an apple store employee told me that it could support 2 thunderbolt displays while simultaneously running a HDMI connected display (witch would be awesome if true) but I am extremely skeptical, that seems like to much for one GPU.
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Aug 12, 2010
I have a blackbook running 10.6.4 with a GMA 950 that I use dual monitors with. If I use the extended desktop mode, and drag a safari window with a flash player onto the external display it will freeze and become unusuable (can't interact with it). The audio will still play through the speakers, and dragging the window back onto the main display brings back the flash functionality. This is a fairly new problem, it never used to happen before.
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Apr 21, 2012
My late 2011 MBP (lion 10.7.3) used to connect to external displays through a VGA cable. It has stopped doing so since recently and I am trying to find out why, and how to fix it. The only changes I've applied to the system are (1) connect to a Thunderbolt display and (2) installed gfxCardStatus. The MBP and Thunderbolt display work flawlessly together, with network, USB, and firewire connections operating. gfxCardStatus has noticably increased my battery life (so I recommend it) and I'm aware that it needs to be in dynamic or dedicated GPU mode for external displays. The VGA external displays do not work when gfxCardStatus is running in either dynamic or dedicated mode, or when I disable gfxCardStatus completely so that it does not show on the process list.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 9, 2014
I have two questions:
1. Is it possible to use two external displays either mirrored or not and turn off the retina display, and if so how it is done?
2. Is it possible to close the MBP and use an external keyboard while using two external displays?
I am using a music production DAW Persons Studio One-2 Pro and it would be great to be able to have this type of a setup.
Macbook Pro 15" Retina display I7 2,3mz 500gb SSD late 2013 OSX Yosemite 10.10.1
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Aug 23, 2010
Do the old Apple Cinema Displays work with the new Mac Pros?
I am sure its a dumb question, but i have an older mac cinema display with the pins not mini dvi, that will work on the new mac pros right?
Sorry for the dumb question, I just know apple loves to keep changing those plugs.
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Jul 29, 2010
I wonder if anyone has a setup with two 24 inch cinema displays that have speakers integrated into them...
How do the speakers work? Do you run a USB cable to each monitor so you have both sets of speakers working at the same time? Can you configure the monitor on the left to just play audio for the left channel and the monitor on the right to play just audio for the right channel?
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Apr 5, 2010
I currently have a 15inch MacBook Pro with final cut studio, I use an external HD monitor for my main editing and the MBPs display for secondary. I am running out of screen real-estate for my secondary and want to get a 3rd monitor. The only problem is that there is not way to upgrade the graphic cards in the MBP. My question is: How can i have a total of 3 displays all displaying different images(ie. not mirrored).
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Sep 9, 2010
I have been using the album art player thing in the new ITunes and now the album art unknown is really starting to get to me. I have a lot of old music I have been collecting over the years and a lot of the data was either not there or for whatever reason is not there. I am looking for a program to do either an audio scan or something to find all my album art work and information that itunes displays. I have used the ITunes find album artwork but some songs done have the album listed. What do I do from here. I am not going through 4k songs to get them all manually.
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May 21, 2009
i have a MBP uniboddy and a 24" LED cinema display. Is there a way for me to connect my old 17" display so i have 2 eksternal displays? (the 17" dispaly has DVI connection)
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Oct 28, 2009
I have the new macbook unibody, and use it from time to time to dsiplay things to an external montior, plasma, projector, etc. Using a mini-display adapter to a converter to get s-video was a challenge, but I figured it out. I have used this many times, as I am a DJ and need s-video out to connect to most devices.I was at an event saturday night, and the display on the external device (projector) kept displaying my desktop, NOT the external feed.
It was NOT set up for mirroring, as it seems like the displays were 'switched'. I had my desktop on the projector, and my external on my macbook pro monitor. I tried to fool around with arrangement and resolution, but to no avail. I understand that sometimes you have to drag your source to the right (of left) to get it to display on the external, and this was done, but it was still reversed.I know it was something simple to get the 2 switched back to the way it should be, but I could not figure it out. Any advice? None of my apple buds can figure this out.
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May 21, 2012
It is possible to connect 2x ext. Displays on the new MacMini (Mid 2011). I am looking forward to connect a HDMI flatcreen and a 20inch DVI display
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Jun 21, 2012
Screen has zoomed in. How do you get it back to normal
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 7, 2012
I'm using a mini display port to dvi adapter and dvi cable. 17" macbook pro is several years old and software is up to date.
the first picture is from the imac, the second is from the laptop.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Feb 22, 2012
I have a 2008 black macbook with 10.7.2 installed (2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM). When I press caps lock, no green light turns on and letters remain in non-capital form. Even when I hold Caps lock for a few seconds, nothing happens. If I physically connect an apple keyboard via usb to my computer, caps lock doesn't work.
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May 30, 2010
've got a 17" MacBook Pro, native resolution 1920x1200, which is quite high in terms of pixel density (132 PPI). I have a 24" external Samsung display, also 1920x1200, which means the pixel density is a lot lower (94 PPI). It works fine, but (as you might expect), screen items increase in size rather noticeably when I drag from the laptop display to the external display. (The 24" LCD Apple Cinema Display is also 1920x1200, so also 94 PPI and the same thing would happen). I've been looking all over the place, and I can't seem to find an external display in the 20-24" range that has a resolution higher than 1920x1200. Ideally I'd like to find a display with the same amazing pixel density, so everything is the same size on both my laptop display and on the external display. I don't know what that would be--probably something like 2048x1152 on a 20" or 22", and 2560x1600 for a 24". Even Apple's 30" Cinema Display at 2560x1600 (or what I imagine will be the new 27" LCD coming out later this summer, probably at 2560x1600) would suffer from this problem, because while the resolution is great, the screen size is so large that the pixel density would still be lower than 132 PPI and once again screen items would increase in size when moved from the laptop monitor to the external monitor. I don't really care about screen size or cost. I'd buy a 20" display, or a 30" display, if the pixel density were identical to (or at least close to) the pixel density of my MacBook Pro. Anybody know where I can find something like this?
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Aug 28, 2009
Many are having issues with font smoothing not working correctly on external displays with SL 10.6.
I researched this issue and found this blog posting:
the blog itself discusses the issue, and the fix is found in the comments.
Basically, for now the fix is to open Terminal App and enter:
"defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 2″
without the quotes, and hit return.
a log out or restart might be required.
this fix seems to stick even after re-boots and shut-downs.
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Apr 14, 2010
SI put all of my stuff on there. Theres no software needed its just drag/drop.Im getting a new 15" mbp.. I never had a mac before, can I connect to this hd and access the files? or do I have to format it? Id hate to do that, I have so much data on there already.
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Mar 16, 2009
Just bought a new monitor and hooked it up to my MBA. Screen saver looks fine but the page is displayed off screen far left and the cursor is not visible at all. Works fine with my Powerbook so I don't think it's a monitor problem. Are there settings which could be wrong?
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Nov 10, 2010
How does it look when doing so, if the resolution is higher than the native. For example, if the monitor resolution is 1650x1050.
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Feb 23, 2008
The external 19" LCD display does not work with the lid closed. However, it does work in full 1680x1050 when mirroring is turned off and the lid is open. When I turn mirroring on and the lid is open, the external display does not work at full 1680x1050, it shrinks the external view so the resolution is 1680x1050 but only displays 1280x800 worth of pixels.
* lid closed, mirroring on, external display does not work (goes into "out of range" mode)
* lid closed, mirroring off, external display does not work (goes into "out of range" mode)
* lid open, mirroring on, external display will not do a full 1680x1050, instead will do 1280x800
* lid open, mirroring off, external display will do a full 1680x1050
A USB keyboard and mouse are attached. This exact setup worked flawlessly with a gen1 macbook pro out of the box.
How do I make the display work with the lid closed?
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Mar 22, 2008
I have an LG 16x external drive. Will this work with the MBA for tasks such as installing system software? For that matter, apart from unpowered dvd drives, what else does not work with the MBA's USB port.
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Jul 25, 2009
I have an external hard drive that I have been using for my Pcs, and when I hook it up to my mac I cannot write to it (although I can read from it). Is it possible to write to this external hard drive?
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Aug 2, 2010
I just got a brand new Mac Book Pro. I wanted to get an external harddrive for it. I have a gift card to HP and wanted to buy one from them? Does anyone know if they are compatable? If not, anyone have any suggestions for a HD that is good, but not terribly expensive? I want one that is at least 250 GB.
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Aug 13, 2010
I'm thinking about updating my Macbook Pro C2D 15'', which is already 3 years old. I'm planning to get the 27'' Apple Cinema Display (finally!) when it come out later next month. I've decided that I'd go with 15'' Core i7 Macbook Pro, but couldn't make up my mind on the screen resolution; Standard 1440x900 or Hi-Res 1680x1050.The thing that really bugs me that the pixel-per-inch (PPI) of the MBP and ACD. The ACD 27'' has 108.79 PPI, with relatively close to 110.27 PPI on STD MBP, while the High-Res MBP will give me 128.65 PPI. This would mean that the text on the High-Res MBP screen would be a bit smaller.So, my question would be for the person who're using current ACD (24'' ?) with Hi-Res 15'' MBP or 17'' MBP (which has 113.xx PPI):1. Does the difference in text size seems noticeable when you switching from one screen to another?
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