MacBook Pro :: Using System As A Wireless Router / Unable To Detect Network
Dec 31, 2010
I just purchased my new macbook pro and I wanted to know if it was possible to use the laptop as a router so that my PS3 could connect through it. I followed the steps someone else mentioned:
(1) Open System Preferences on your MacBook Pro, and open "Sharing"
(2) On the left column, click Internet Sharing and check the box
(3) Use the drop-down menu to select Ethernet in "Share your connection from..."
(4) Check the box next to Airport in the section "To computers using..."
(5) Close System Preferences and open the Airport menu from your Toolbar (top)
(6) Click "Create Network", add a name to your Computer-to-Computer network
(7) Leave the Channel as Automatic, add a password if you require (make sure your PS3 is compatible with your chosen level of security), click Ok.
(8) Connect an ethernet cable between your broadband modem and MacBook Pro
(9) Turn on your PS3 and perform your usual setup when connecting to a wireless network
I have an Ipod, and it did detect the new connection that was setup; however, my PS3 and my Windows Mobile phone did not detect it. Is there a reason for this? Do only Apple devices identify this connection?
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Jan 5, 2011
I have just got my 1Tb time capsule and there are a lot of confusing descriptions of how to connect it.
At the moment I have just selected "join existing wireless network" which is a ADSL 2.4ghz G Router that came with my internet package (Thompson TG585 v7).
Does this mean that all traffic goes via the ADSL Router and that I will not be using the 5ghz band when I back up so that all the data will follow a path like this and have slow data rates? :
MAC --2.4ghz--> ADSL Router --2.4ghz--> TC
or will I be communicating directly with the TC at 5ghz for backups and data transfer and 2.4ghz with the ADSL router for internet like this? :
MAC --5ghz--> TC
ADSL Router --2.4ghz--> MAC
If this is not a good setup, what setup would allow me to get the full speed to the time capsule and be connected to the internet.
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Dec 14, 2010
Is it possible for me to setup a wireless network/connection from my White Macbook to an Apple TV to share iTunes content WITHOUT a wireless router?
I'm house sitting for a month at Xmas, and they don't have internet in their place (they do, but its one of those wireless dongle things for a laptop)
Don't want Internet, i just want to be able to use my AppleTV i'm getting for xmas for all my media streaming without having to wait till i get my own place a few weeks later!
I have an Airport Express base station but its on a ship coming from London and wont arrive for a few more weeks
Till then looking for a simple (and free) solution
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Mar 11, 2008
Tried googling this with no luck. I'm new to the mac/laptop world. My new mac keeps picking my neighbor's network over mine. It (obviously) fails to connect to the neighbors router coz password is required. I then have to scroll down a list of networks and instruct my computer to connect to my router. Is there a way to simplify my life...
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May 7, 2012
My pro only sees my Airport and does not detect other wireless networks even there are some around- my other macs detect 7 n all-- note I have win7 with bootcamp and does the same thing?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), my laptop and sisters Imac see 7
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Jun 25, 2009
I have a Linksys Wireless Router and a Linksys Modem, the router is 6 years old or so 802.11b, how much faster would the Internet be if I had a combined Linksys wireless router/modem versus the 802.11b that I have now?
Would I see a huge difference? I am running my Macbook off it and an olde Toshiba laptop.
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Feb 8, 2010
After extensive Googling, I need to take a break, and find out if someone with more experience knows what I can try next...
I'm not the best when it comes to Networks, or even router configuration. I'll just put that out there, in case I've missed something obvious.
My router connection (DLink 2640B) was working perfectly fine before I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Now I cannot connect to any wireless network, and I cannot connect to the router administration page, either
The internet connection still works fine on two other laptops. Also, I can connect this iMac via the ethernet cable.
I've tried deleting the files NetworkInterfaces.plist,, and preferences.plist; I've tried rebooting my router; I've tried creating a new network. Airport sees all the networks, tries to connect, then it just says that it fails.
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Jun 30, 2012
I installed 2 ne w Optical drives in a 2008 3,1 MacPro Quadcore.After installation and booting up, the system profiler failed to show ANY optical drives and I was unabel to open/eject the drives naturally. I then unplugged the bottom one and rebooted and the top drive (still plugged in ) worked. I then shut down and unplugged the top drive and plugged in the bottom drive - rebooted and now the BOTTOM drive is recognized. When BOTH drives are plugged in , the system fails to show either of them.So when individually plugged in it's fine but when bith are plugged in neither of the drives are detected or operate.
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Jul 29, 2009
I want to fully convert to the apple eco-system but can't afford the new airport extreme right now. Model number of the used airport is EbM8799LL/A
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Jun 17, 2014
I am using MBP 13 (Non Retina ), It doesnt detect my wifi router always, Sometimes it does, When it doesnt, my other laptop and phone can detect the same wifi.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Jan 1, 2011
My friend bought a new netgear router today. He plugged it in and was ready to get on the internet. The problem is, he can't get on the internet. He is able to connect to the router though. We also tried unplugging the router from the modem and plugging the ethernet straight into his Macbook Pro. From there the internet works perfectly. It is like the modem and the router are not connecting.
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Nov 13, 2009
Anyone using a verbatim expresscard ssd? I have a 32gb one, and it clashes with my wifi. If I have the card plugged in, I can't use the wireless network, and if I use the wireless network, I can't access the card (and any attempt to do so will automatically crash the wifi as well).
This is on a late 2008 macbook pro. The problem is there on both 10.5.8 and 10.6.2. Would be interesting to hear if anyone else is having the same issues, or if the card is somehow broken (i.e. if I should exchange it for another, or just get a refund).
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Jan 11, 2007
Airport sucks. A lot. It works just fine in WEP or unprotected networks, but WPA-PSK it doesn't do a damn thing. It shows it as connected with a full signal, but Safari, iChat, etc... won't connect to the internet. For some reason Azureus works, but it's going at an amazing 146 bytes/sec and then back down to 0. What's going on here guys? This is my first Mac and I am sorely disappointed in Airport.
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Sep 1, 2008
i recently bought an Airport Express, and i finally took it out of its box after i purchased my new stereo. I connected the audio cable to the stereo and the airport unit and plugged it into an outlet. I opened up airport utility on my mac, AX appeared and i configured it to "join a wireless network". After completing the remaining steps, i updated it.. and waited for it to restart. Now here's my problem. It comes up with an error telling me it couldn't find the device after restarting. I have Verizon FiOS as my provider.. and I know that airport express has a history of trouble with the Actiontec router. Is there anything i can do with my current equipment to get this thing to work? I do not need to extend the network.. only join to use airtunes and print wirelessly... Also, my Actiontec router and FiOS connection are through my crappy dell pc downstairs, while i am using my 24" iMac upstairs in my bedroom trying to connect this. Should i change my router's settings?
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Apr 26, 2008
I have a MacBookPro that I use in my room connected through ethernet. I am at university and they have only allow one machine to connect to their wi-fi that is available across campus, through mac address filtering. I also have an iPhone which I would love to use wi-fi on, at least while I am in my room lounging around and such. Anyway, the point being, can I use my MBP (connected through LAN) to act as a router so that my iPhone can connect to it? Essentially create a wireless network, so iPhone would find it and I could go online on it via wi-fi?
I tried going on Airport and clicking on "Create a network" (w/o a password), but I get an error saying "There was an error creating our Computer-to-Computer network." It doesn't say much else -- is there a better way of doing this?
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Jan 12, 2011
Never had a problem until this mourning. My Mac Mini could not get online. I have a netgear router and it see's it but can not connect to it. Funny thing is my iPad and iPhone cant connect to the wifi anymore either but my wifes Dell laptop can.
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Sep 14, 2006
I took it out of the plugged it in. Turned it on. The airport refuses to connect to my wireless network. The exact same network my G5 connects to fine!
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Dec 11, 2007
I am trying to connect my new iMac (Leopard OS) to a PC running Windows XP Home Edition using the wireless router. I have the PC connected to the internet via modem/router (supplied by Aliant, the SpeedStream 6520). I have been able to "get on" the internet with iMac using the wireless router. However, I can't get the PC and iMac to connect together over the wireless router inorder to share files etc. On the PC side:
1) I disabled the Windows firewall
2) have set up and named a sharing folder
3) have set up a "work group" name
4) believe I have the correct user name and password
5) not sure about the "network" name, (?SSID) information.
6) have a # with several periods in it that I don't know if this is the computer ID, IP address, or one of the above items, or if they are all one and the same.
On the iMac side:
1) have the IP address of the iMac
2) I have tried "connect to server" but am unable
3) I have never been able to see a "shared" section on the left side of the finder screen.
I have read the thread by "edesignuk". However I did not "put your mac in the same workgroup as your windows PC" as I couldn't find the correct screens on the iMac, and also in phone discussion with Apple help they said they had never done that and advised against it!
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Nov 19, 2010
What is the best router to have for my iMac 27", 3.06 gig? I currently have a Belkin N1 Wireless Router, but it has been acting up lately, dropping my connection, requiring disconnect/re-connect.
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Apr 17, 2012
As of about three days ago my iphone is not syncing with itunes wirelessly. My iphone showed up on itunes but wouldn't sync; now it doesn't even show up.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Feb 24, 2010
I just installed windows 7 ultimate on my macbook via bootcamp. I installed all the drivers and everything seems to work perfect besides one thing; I can't connect to the internet with my WiFi. My iPhone has WiFi signal, and if I go back to the mac OS X side, my WiFi has signal. When I'm on windows 7 it doesn't even detect any wireless networks (I have quite a few around the house too.)
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Aug 9, 2009
I have five Macs in the house, all of which can see each other on the local wireless network...but...for some weird reason, none but when they try to connect, I get �Connection Failed� after several minutes of silence.
When I click �Connect As...� in hopes of getting a login screen, nothing happens at all. Nada. Zilch. Zip.
The sharing settings on the MacBook are identical to the ones on the other five. Of course, the MacBook can connect the other direction to everyone, including my brand spankin� new MBP.
Any clues, oh wise ones? I�m stumped. What is it about getting into a simple MacBook that has two G4s and two MBPs scratching their heads?
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Feb 6, 2010
We have a PC in the upstairs office with cable/DSL router for Internet (through Comcast). This service also has a wireless connection. We have a Macbook laptop which connects effortlessly to our home network and we use it all over the house. We simply clicked the internet symbol on the top right (looks like a little amphitheater), selected out network, entered the password and have been connected ever since.
Today we brought home a new iMac and set it up in basement office. Tried the same routine. Clicked on the internet symbol, selected our network, noticed that the signal is just as strong as it is upstairs, typed in password but that's as far as we get.
I've gone the rounds with the Assist and the Utility features. I've shut the Airport on and off. I've tried setting up a new network. I do notice that the iMac has a "self-assigned" ISP "and cannot connect to the Internet." Does this mean I can't ever connect? Do we need to replace the self-assigned ISP with our Comcast IP address?
I've read here and there that our router might have Macs blocked and we could add this iMac as a secure system to get on the network. But we haven't played with the router's settings because we wouldn't know how. Besides, the Macbook connects fine.
Does this have anything to do with TimeMachine?
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Jun 16, 2010
I have a Netgear Wireless G Router and was wondering if this is sufficiant or is there something out now that is faster/better. Mainly used for my macbook and wife pc laptop and 2 IPhones.
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Jan 17, 2010
I'm trying to get used my first iMac, and I'm having a bit of trouble printing from my wireless network. I have an HP Officejet 6210 that I have been using for the last couple of years with my Windows computer. I'm trying to print off of that through my network, but I keep getting this error
"There is a problem communicating with the printer. Make sure the printer is powered on and connected to the computer. Delete or stop the job and try again."
I have printer sharing turned on through my Windows computer since the printer is connected directly through my windows computer. My other Windows computer that I have at the house can print through the network, but I'm having problems doing so with my iMac. I have the right driver selected through system preferences/print & fax, but it just won't print.
Any suggestions about what I'm doing wrong, or is there something I'm missing?
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Feb 29, 2012
I passworded my external hard drive using disk utility. the system does not detect the drive after i did a clean install. what do i do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 1, 2009
I am running an iMac G5 (just pre Intel) using OS 10.4.11. My internet is via an external modem, ethernet connected. Everything is working fine (as far as I know!) However, for no particular reason I opened "System Preferences" and on clicking on "Network" was confronted with this:- [URL]. On clicking the OK button nothing happens and the only way to get out of System Preferences is to Force Quit it. As I can't get into "networks" in System Preference, I have no idea how the settings have changed. I can't remember when I last installed any new software - it's also ages since I looked at that section of System Preferences.
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Jun 4, 2012
When I arrive at my office and turn on my MB Air, it does not always connect to my wireless network, it sometimes connects to an un-secured wireless network locaterd somewhere else in the building. Is there a way to force Lion to always connect to a specfic network and ignore others?
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Mar 7, 2010
I have an airport extreme base station (wireless n draft). problem is, my room is all the way in the back and i get poor reception. Can i just buy another standard $40 wireless G router and "extend" my wireless network? if so, how easy would this be to accomplish? would it be as simple as hooking up the $40 router with my airport extreme using via ethernet cable so that it extends it? update: I am looking at this router...would this accomplish my purpose? [URL:....]
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Jun 18, 2009
I have a Macbook and I just bought an iPhone 3G and it seems my mac is totally not responding to my iPhone.I have the latest updates but to no avail.I also have also just loaded intego virusbarrier 5. I heard that it is interfering with the sync of both devices. So how do resolve this problem without having to erase and re-install my harddisk
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