MacBook Pro :: Using Dock Hiding / Magnification Feature Or Not?
Jul 15, 2009
So I'm trying to see if a lot of people use the dock hiding or Magnification feature or not! If so, why do you guys use it? Also what model of the mac do you guys use? [to see if a correlation exists between screen size and hiding, Magnification is just for aesthetics].
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Jan 21, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro with a 8600GT, my dock magnification in 3D isn't smooth (lags behind the mouse a little and is choppy) whilst in 2D is completely smooth.
To add insult to injury, my friend's Macbook Unibody with 9400m has uber smooth dock magnification in 3D and my friend's macbook pro unibody has the same.
Why does my 8600GT which is supposedly just as fast as a 9600GT and mch faster than a 9400m so mind numbingly slow?
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Sep 10, 2010
Using a Imac 21" Snow Leopard 10.6.3.Seeking advice on removing the magnification effect of the icons on the dock.
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Jun 30, 2007
Yesterday I was using the Vista side of my 2.4Ghz 15" MBP most of the day, and then I switched over to the Mac side last night. I don't know if being in Vista for that long is what caused this -- probably not -- but I do know that I usually don't use Vista that long at once. But anyways, here's my problem:
When I got into Mac OS X yesterday, it started getting all funky on me. First of all, my dock. When I roll my mouse over the dock, it doesn't magnify at all. I have dock magnification turned on about 1/2 of the way over, and yet it doesn't react to my mouse at all. Also, when I click on an icon to open it, it DOES magnify that icon (and the ones around it) temporarily as it "bounces" to indicate the program is opening. Then I move my mouse away, and the magnification stays there for a few seconds! So my mouse is back in the middle of the screen but the icon is still frozen as enlarged. It goes away after a few seconds, but not with the usual smooth shrinking animation (it just instantly is smaller). Lastly, the program I open from the dock does NOT come to the forefront. For example, I just opened TextEdit from the dock to remind myself of what happens, and it opened behind Firefox, not in front of it. So to actually go get TextEdit, I have to Command+Tab and get it. So those are my dock problems.
Also, my menus are acting funny. You know how, usually, when you open a menu from the bar at the top of your screen (sorry, not sure what it's called, I haven't been a Mac user for long), and you move your mouse over the options, each individual option highlights in blue? And when you move your mouse over an option that has an arrow to its right to indicate a sub-menu, the sub-menu pops out on its own? Well, neither of those are happening anymore. In fact, when I click the option that has an arrow, the whole menu just goes away as if I had clicked away from it or something.
Lastly, my hot corners aren't working. Simple as that. I have bottom left set for Dashboard, and bottom right for Expose, and neither respond at all.
To recap: a lot of the very basic functions I rely on in the Mac OS X side of my computer just stopped working for me and I have absolutely no idea why. And as a side note, I had not downloaded the MacBook Pro Software Update before this started happening. When it started, I immediately downloaded the update but it didn't fix it.
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Nov 14, 2007
Dock hiding just doesn't work any more. Specifically, the dock WILL hide, but it won't return when I need it to. You can move the cursor to the bottom of the screen (where my dock presently is), and nothing happens. This has happened before, but now it happens consistently. It's awfully frustrating. A couple of times today, hiding wouldn't turn on, either (that is, the dock just wouldn't hide at all), but that's sortof a moot point, since if it HAD hidden, it wouldn't have reappeared.
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Feb 5, 2010
I'm the computer teacher at a school and I'm trying to lock down the computers somewhat so that the kids don't mess with settings. When they inevitably do, I waste time restoring them to normal so that other kids aren't confused.
I've used software like TinkerTool and Deeper to prevent modifications to the dock icons. The main accounts used by the students are parental controlled so that they can't access System Preferences. I turned Dock Hiding off in there. However, they can still click on the option area (the lines) in the dock and turn it back on there. I know it doesn't seem like too big a deal, but when the older kids do this and a 1st grader sits down, they get confused and have to ask for help. If a dozen ask for help, it wastes time in class.
So is there a way to disable the ability to have that option available? I'd actually like to get rid of of the Hide, Magnification, and Position options in that little menu.
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Mar 14, 2010
This might seem really counterintuitive, but I don't want minimized windows to show up in my dock - being able to grab them with expos� is enough. Is there any way to do this?
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Jul 13, 2010
I just switched to my first Mac. A MacBook Pro 13" base model. Right now I have the dock on the bottom of the screen and set to hide unless I mouse around the bottom of the screen. I like this so that I can have Firefox maximized to take up the whole screen. However, I would like to show the dock on the desktop when I don't have any windows maximized. Is there a way to set the dock to automatically hide when windows are maximized on the screen and then have the dock automatically show when there are no windows open or maximized?
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Nov 8, 2008
I notice that whenever I am running an app from a disk image I notice that the minimize feature on the dock lags, and the only way to fix it is to either log out and log in again or turn off and turn on again. Does anybody have a suggestion how to fix this?
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Aug 12, 2009
Accidentally i hit something that increased the magnification and font size on this window.. while im typing.. how do i decrease it... its so big its ridiculous.. must be something you hit to increase and decrease the size..
man its hard navigating first time on mac after years of pc usuage... wish i had you all here
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Jun 11, 2012
I've looked thoughly to find the answer online, system preferences and here with no luck. I recently updated my software to Mac OS X 10.7.4. Now the menu bar is automatically hiding, but reapearing when I mouse over and the screen in all windows are too wide and long. When I click the 'green' icon for resizing the window, it sizes it too wide and long. I am not in full screen and do not have enlarge on (COMMAND +) and i've check the display settings. Maybe Mac added this as a feature with the update thinking people will like it but I don't like it at all, my typing in an email is not visable on the right. Can someone please tell me how to turn this feature off? Also the resolution/clarity of my screen is not as good since the update.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 3, 2014
Contacts suddenly hiding some names and numbers not others.
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Nov 29, 2008
I am looking for a way to hide the IMAP folders that appear in's sidebar.
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Mar 10, 2009
I just installed Skype and noticed that it starts up when I log into my Mac. Fair enough: for the time being I don't want this, so I entered the Accounts control panel, then Login items where I ticked the "Hide" box next to where Skype was listed. But Skype still starts up when I log into/power up my Mac. What gives? I thought "hide" meant the same thing as "disable" during login, but apparently not. I know I can remove Skype from the Login items list, but since I sometimes want it to automatically start when I power up my Mac that would be a bit cumbersome.
I'm using MacOS 10.4.11
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Jun 13, 2009
when using coverflow to view a folder you can hide the file list that is underneath it?
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Sep 24, 2009
I have the "hide" box checked under my login items, but when I log in, the iTunes window will appear momentarily, then disappear, then reappear 1 second later. And once it reappears, it stays there. I have to manually hide it, which is no big deal, but defeats the purpose of the "hide" checkbox. I've added it/removed it and logged out/restarted several times, but it doesn't work. I'm running iTunes 9.0.1/ OS X 10.5.8.
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Jan 6, 2010
Recently, my laptop was stolen and I just received my new one today. On my old one, I had an program installed, I think it was in the preferences actually, that made it so when I "hide" an application, the corresponding application icon in the Dock would dim; its opacity would lower. This way, you knew that application was currently hiding. I can't remember the name of the program that I used to get this desired effect. Anyone else know of the program I am talking about or of another program that can achieve the same effect?
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Mar 8, 2012
safari bar hides but no option to check?
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Feb 22, 2006
I just installed Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac on an iBook with a G3, 500 Mz processor and 384 MB RAM running OS 10.3.9. One of the components was MSN Messenger version 4. When I opened it, it said a newer version was available so I downloaded and installed version 5 for Mac. But the icon in the dock continued to be for version 4 and each time I clicked on it I was prompted to once more download the newer version.
I did this several times, then deleted the version four from the applications and from the dock before reinstalling the version five. This time the messenger is on the computer but is not in the applications nor in the dock. Where is it so I can drag its icon to the dock? I know it is on the computer because when I clicked on recent items it opened, and also when I reinstalled again it opened, but I can't find where it is hiding.
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Feb 23, 2010
Some apps offer this preference, others don't. Is there a way I can say, have an app like Jaadu VNC Connect running, but without the pointless and distracting menu bar icon?
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Mar 17, 2010
How do you hide file extensions (for all types of files) in Snow Leopard?
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Jul 19, 2009
In Tiger, I used to hide all the windows with a flick of mouse, that was, giving a quick push to the cursor towards the top-left corner and all the windows would vanish at once. I couldn't find how to do it in Leopard.
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Oct 3, 2008
I'm looking to hide a few things on my system that are cluttering up certain areas. I'm a little OCD about how my files are organized and I've noticed some applications Microsoft Office 2008 create mandatory folders and I can't delete them.. so I've picked the next best thing: Making them invisible! Because the application(s) requires a specific file path I can't simply add the "." prefix to the folder. I believe there is a terminal command to add the folder to a list of invisible items but I can't pull up how to do this. I've been searching google for about an hour now. Here is what I've tried and I think I'm close. My goal is to hide the "Microsoft User Data" folder.
Terminal: cd /Users/Kyle/Documents/Microsoft User Data/pico.hidden
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Nov 25, 2009
I realize that individual pics in an event file can be hidden, but--is it possible to hide the entire event file itself? If it is not possible to do that, can access to the entire photo category be restricted Finally, if neither option is possible, can the event file be moved to a different or hidden location somehwere else in the Mac?
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Feb 6, 2012
My itunes says i have 100gb of music, but when I look in Finder it says i have 130gb. I have no movies or TV shows in my itunes. I need to find and delete the extra 30gb as my hard drive is full.
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Jan 9, 2011
Is there a way that I can hide the "Microsoft User Data" and "RDC Connections" folders that Microsoft 2011 creates. I've tried adding a "." in front of the folder, but it returns an error message that says that folders and files starting with a dot/period are reserved for system files. I then tried using a program called Ghost Sphere which did the job for hiding the folder, but then Microsoft couldn't access the file and just created another...putting me back where I started. So I searched the web for solutions but I couldn't find anything reliable. So my question is, are there any programs or methods that will let me hide a file in the finder but still let it be accessible to the program that created it?
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Aug 8, 2008
What is Your favorite Feature on your macbook air. I am taking them into consideration because I am thinkin of maybe getting one
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Sep 6, 2010
Audium, Safari and Mail usually fill some of my screen real state on my MBP.By the way, is it normal to be using the EXPOSE feature a lot?
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Apr 15, 2010
So, been playing with it and I don't know if it translates as well to the laptop world. I love when i use it on the iPhone but it feels a bit 'funky' using it on the trackpad. Maybe it's me, but it just doesn't feel quite right. I am going to give it some more time but I personally may be turning this feature off.
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Jul 2, 2010
I want to calibrate my battery once it's fully charged, so then I can discharge it. But whenever I do this, my computer shuts off and "saves the session" with a couple percentage of battery life left, so it NEVER fully drains the battery. Is it possible to turn the saving feature off?
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