OS X :: Dock Magnification Not As Smooth In 3D
Jan 21, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro with a 8600GT, my dock magnification in 3D isn't smooth (lags behind the mouse a little and is choppy) whilst in 2D is completely smooth.
To add insult to injury, my friend's Macbook Unibody with 9400m has uber smooth dock magnification in 3D and my friend's macbook pro unibody has the same.
Why does my 8600GT which is supposedly just as fast as a 9600GT and mch faster than a 9400m so mind numbingly slow?
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Sep 10, 2010
Using a Imac 21" Snow Leopard 10.6.3.Seeking advice on removing the magnification effect of the icons on the dock.
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Jun 30, 2007
Yesterday I was using the Vista side of my 2.4Ghz 15" MBP most of the day, and then I switched over to the Mac side last night. I don't know if being in Vista for that long is what caused this -- probably not -- but I do know that I usually don't use Vista that long at once. But anyways, here's my problem:
When I got into Mac OS X yesterday, it started getting all funky on me. First of all, my dock. When I roll my mouse over the dock, it doesn't magnify at all. I have dock magnification turned on about 1/2 of the way over, and yet it doesn't react to my mouse at all. Also, when I click on an icon to open it, it DOES magnify that icon (and the ones around it) temporarily as it "bounces" to indicate the program is opening. Then I move my mouse away, and the magnification stays there for a few seconds! So my mouse is back in the middle of the screen but the icon is still frozen as enlarged. It goes away after a few seconds, but not with the usual smooth shrinking animation (it just instantly is smaller). Lastly, the program I open from the dock does NOT come to the forefront. For example, I just opened TextEdit from the dock to remind myself of what happens, and it opened behind Firefox, not in front of it. So to actually go get TextEdit, I have to Command+Tab and get it. So those are my dock problems.
Also, my menus are acting funny. You know how, usually, when you open a menu from the bar at the top of your screen (sorry, not sure what it's called, I haven't been a Mac user for long), and you move your mouse over the options, each individual option highlights in blue? And when you move your mouse over an option that has an arrow to its right to indicate a sub-menu, the sub-menu pops out on its own? Well, neither of those are happening anymore. In fact, when I click the option that has an arrow, the whole menu just goes away as if I had clicked away from it or something.
Lastly, my hot corners aren't working. Simple as that. I have bottom left set for Dashboard, and bottom right for Expose, and neither respond at all.
To recap: a lot of the very basic functions I rely on in the Mac OS X side of my computer just stopped working for me and I have absolutely no idea why. And as a side note, I had not downloaded the MacBook Pro Software Update before this started happening. When it started, I immediately downloaded the update but it didn't fix it.
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Jul 15, 2009
So I'm trying to see if a lot of people use the dock hiding or Magnification feature or not! If so, why do you guys use it? Also what model of the mac do you guys use? [to see if a correlation exists between screen size and hiding, Magnification is just for aesthetics].
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Aug 12, 2009
Accidentally i hit something that increased the magnification and font size on this window.. while im typing.. how do i decrease it... its so big its ridiculous.. must be something you hit to increase and decrease the size..
man its hard navigating first time on mac after years of pc usuage... wish i had you all here
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Dec 30, 2008
I've been wondering about this since I got my Macbook 2 years ago. When I use my mouse in OS X it is not smooth at all but rather feels like it's stuck in mud.
Regardless of the pointer speed setting it just isn't "smooth." I use this mouse in Crossover Windows apps and also in Linux on my other partition and it works fine.
Is this intentional? Can it be adjusted to run smoother?
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Oct 9, 2009
My mac mouse is not smooth, especially at low speed. I've tried playing around with the mouse settings but doesn't seem to fix this. OS I'm using is 10.5.8.
I tried using the mac mouse on my windows laptop & it works fine. I also face this jerkiness problem when I plug in other brand mouse on my mac book. Have tried both the USB ports on my mac book.
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Nov 20, 2010
Here's my set up:
Macbook Pro (Early 2010) running 10.6.5 w/ 2.56GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HD w/ 290GB free space.
There have been times when I'm just running iTunes and the wheel of death will come on, or i'm on Chrome or FF w/ 2 other programs running and will get the wheel again and will get locked for about 1-2min. Before I hadn't had too many problems on a different MBP with lower specs, this one is higher yet is slow. I don't understand what the problem is because I also monitor my CPU and when it locks up the CPU remain at normal. Also, flash has always been lagging on here but will freeze for 5-10sec while audio keeps playing. I possibly think it's the Hard Drive which is a WD Blue Scorpio w/ 5400 RPM.
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Dec 6, 2009
Just bought my first mac today. It's a 2.8Ghz macbook pro 15"
This is the "problem" I'm having:
I connected an external mouse (logitech) to my computer, and went into system preferences and set tracking speed to max. The response I get from the mouse is still a bit slow for my liking in Mac OS X.
Also the really annoying bit is that when I move my external mouse slowly, the tracking is extremely slow.
When I boot into windows 7 (via bootcamp), the tracking is just perfect.
I guess external mouse tracking in Mac OS X is not "windows like"?? Is there a way to fix this?
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May 29, 2010
i bought a brand new mbp yesterday, and i just realized that the touchpad's surface is not smooth. when i touch there is a tiny sharp barrow. it's very tiny but since it's on the touchpad surface, it's really bothering me. do i have i chance to change the computer?
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Jul 28, 2010
I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing the same problem that I am right now. After today's (28/7) system update, which included the MagicPad app, I can't seem to turn off the annoying smooth scrolling from any software in my late 2009 MacBook Pro.
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Apr 10, 2012
I can't not turn off smooth scrolling. Actually, I don't want to use smooth scrolling in Lion OS.
How can I turn off smooth scrolling in Lion? In case of Leopard, there is option on "System Preferences, Appearance".
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Sep 19, 2010
...Firefox on my mac pushes my cpu to 100% usage!
I use to have about 20 tabs open all the time, but this is not the case in c2d cpu, I think.
So, when so many things (osx, addons versions, ff versions) changes, I really do not know what else to search for, in order to make my firefox have a normal cpu usage.
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Aug 19, 2009
I am running windows 7 on via parallels on my mac book pro with 2.26GHz and 2GB of memory and when I am running 7 the same time as leopard i get a lot of lag does anyone know why ?
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Aug 28, 2009
OMFG this is so annoying! How do I disable smooth scrolling in everything from the Finder to Safari?
EDIT: I found out how, go to Appearances in the Control Panel.
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Oct 21, 2009
One thing I HATE about my Bluetooth Mighty Mouse is the way it slows down and stutters badly whenever I have a file downloading.
I subscribe to many podcasts and at any one time I may have one downloading in the background. That is over WiFi.
Is there not a separate transceiver for Bluetooth? Any chance this new mouse will operate smoothly even when you have something downloading?
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Aug 20, 2010
I noticed my iMac (Late 2009 C2D) was running a bit sluggish over the last month so I asked my Mac enthusiast buddy what I could do to help improve performance. He suggested that I use OnyX to do some system cleaning and repair permissions. I did the repair permissions (only two errors found) then headed to the cleanup section of the app.
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Oct 12, 2009
I installed Snow Leopard about a week ago and since then, my Macbook Pro has been running sluggish. Especially when I open iChat and start a video, the whole system runs really, really slow. Also, my fans have been kicking on more and more, louder and louder even though my computer isn't running that hot (and I have it sitting on a chill pad).
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Apr 26, 2012
Is there an option for smooth scrolling in Safari for Windows 7? It is very hard to on the eyes to see the text page jump around. Mac OS seems fine.
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Jun 21, 2012
I recently bought macbook pro 2011 13 inch. and i noticed that the fonts are not smooth and crisp as it should be.
I was using a pc before and the fonts were pretty crip and smooth.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 22, 2010
Sometimes when I'm using Safari, and I scroll the page up and down, its not a very smooth scroll, it kind of lags a little. Especially when the page is still loading.
Actually this happens on both my iMac and Macbook Pro, so I'm starting to think that this is normal, and it might be because I don't have the fastest broadband connection. Because when I take my MBP to my mom's house, Safari is always smooth, and she has a pretty fast connection there.
Also, when I go to certain forums, and there a lot of GIF. images, it lags a lot.
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May 2, 2009
If you go to: [URL] or any HD youtube,... the video is laggy on my 2.0 MB unibody. I know it's not my internet connection problem as my MBP 2.4 Unibody is playing fine. Should I download firefox? Does anyone out there with the same laptop has the same problem?
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Apr 1, 2010
I am having issues with the shutdown time of my MBP. Namely, until couple of days ago, everything was fine and the shutdown process lasted for about 5 seconds tops. The other day, when I was about to go to bed and shut it down, the shutdown took unusually long time to execute. From that day on, every shutdown is the same. It lasts for about 40 seconds. This is kinda not that funny, because from time to time, like every couple of months the shutdown would be long like this, but the next shutdown would be very short. I consider this to be normal, as far as I read the various forum posts. What bothers me is that since couple of days ago, every shutdown lasts for about 45 seconds and it is not a problem, since the computer works fine, but is kinda irritating. I also have to mention that no major changes (installation or removal of programs) have been performed prior to this issue, and that my login items list is empty.
I have tried the following:
* Zapping the PRAM
* Executing various Onyx scripts, and used Onyx it to clean various caches.
* Reading, verifying and repairing permission using Disk Utility.
None worked for me.
I am pretty sure there are numerous threads about this or similar subject, but I have not found the one that describes this issue that I have.
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Apr 3, 2010
I am getting more and more used to Chrome, and am liking it tons. I would switch in a second but the one thing it doesn't have that Safari does, is smooth scrolling.
I downloaded smooth scroll plugin, and it makes it great with my mouse, feels like Safari, but the touchpad is 100000000 billion times more sensitive. Touching both my fingers down and just flinching makes me rocket to one end of the page.
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Jul 29, 2008
This problem is quite difficult to explain and it was hard to think of any terms that I could use for a search.
If I want the cursor to move a certain distance on the screen, I can either do that by moving the mouse fast or by doing it slowly.
If I do it rather slowly, the way my mouse has to make on the desk is much longer than if I moved it fast.
Example: I want to move the cursor from the left edge of the screen to the right. If I do it in a very quick movement, I only have to move the mouse for, like, 5 centimeters.
However, if I do it in a really slow sweep, the same distance on the screen takes up to more than 50 centimeters with the mouse.
By the way, the trackpad obviously does the same thing, as does the mouse wheel. I want the cursor to move the distances independently from how fast I move the mouse.
My hardware is a brand-new macbook and a USB Logitech optical pilot wheel mouse. I previously used the latter on my PC, where this problem never occurred.
I also tried a different mouse on the mac and the problem was the same.
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Mar 17, 2009
Firefox scrolls very slowly when I'm on a very detailed web page lets say [URL].
It also happens on YouTube when I scroll down to view the comments, it is slow when I scroll through where the video is and it speeds up when at the comments.
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Sep 15, 2009
I have a white shell Fall 2007 (Santa Rosa) Macbook with a 120gb 7200 RPM hard drive. I bought a new 320gb hard drive and snow leopard today and want to ensure that I won't lose anything if I back my hard drive up as a "regular leopard" machine and then try and recall the files after installing the new drive as a "snow leopard" running system.
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May 3, 2012
Why is the video stream on YouTube choppy, while audio streams smoothly?
iMac (17-inch 1 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8), Apple extreme base station
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May 21, 2012
I have an anti-virus and don't have that many documents or anything, I don't download big files, all I have is powerpoints from my profesors and pictures from my DSLR and pretty much nothing else
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 3, 2010
I've been trying to change my docks theme for the past few days but have been unable. I've used Candybar, Dock Library etc. and none of them seem to work. I'm really annoyed because it used to work for me. Any suggestions on how I can remedy this problem?
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