MacBook Pro :: Updating AMD Radeon HD 6750m Drivers Without Using Bootcamp?
May 17, 2012Is there anyway of updating my drivers without using bootcamp. This is just from what ive heard from other people.
MacBook Pro
Is there anyway of updating my drivers without using bootcamp. This is just from what ive heard from other people.
MacBook Pro
Is there anyways to upgrade it? ive tried looing online and have no come across anything. what i can do..or if there is even an update
MacBook Pro
come aumentare vram imac con amd radeon hd 6750m 512 mb gddr5? adesso ho vram tot 512 mb ma vedendo sul sito apple ho visto che può arrivare fino a 2 gb di vram
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), scheda video amd radeon hd 6750m gd
I recently installed the 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate operating system onto my MacBook Pro 13 inch. I have the most basic Macbook Pro 13 inch with nothing fancy added. Whenever I load up the Windows 7 OS on my Macbook, it never utilizes or even realizes that I have the NVIDIA graphics card in my laptop. It instead believes I have some integrated graphics card that cannot even run the most basic of PC games. I know my laptop can run these games because on OSX it runs multiple games with higher requirements than these games I am trying to run on Windows.
Basic question: How do I get bootcamp or whatever else to make Windows 7 realize I have a NVIDIA card and drivers. Sorry if I am coming off as stupid or confusing.
I just installed Windows 7 64-bit via Bootcamp and am having trouble finding the drivers for my video card on ATI's website.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have the following question: i installed windows 7 on my mbp but i have problems with a lot of games that i want to install, so i think that i have to update my drivers. if i install the drivers from the nvidia site for windows 7, will they mess up my nvidia drivers on my osx part of my mbp?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to update my video card drivers on my 13" MBP. It seems as if I am getting a nv4_disp.dll error on the XP partition of my hard drive when I try to exit BF2. Could anyone suggest good graphics drivers to download? I tried Omega drivers but they said that my graphics card could not be recognized.
2x EDIT: I'm getting this error whether the NVidia drivers are installed or not. Similar error with the Omega drivers. What shall I do? This screen has the Boot Camp NVidia drivers installed, I've tried it with them uninstalled as well. Sorry for repeating myself but I want to get that point across. These are the drivers from the Apple link.
So I want to update my graphics card driver to see if that will help but for one I cant find which drivers to download and the ones I have downloaded don't work just saying that they cant find compatible hardware for the drivers.
I don't know if its anything to do with boot camp or its just me not knowing how to update drivers properly but can someone point me in the right direction?
I'm running Windows XP SP3 32bit, on my iMac. The graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce 9400, no M or GT as far as i can tell. Boot Camp version is 2.0 or 2.1 cant remember.
I tried the nvidia website but it doesn't have that model listed so i don't know which one to download, and the ones i did download, as i say just said they couldn't find compatible hardware.
I was wondering whether to update the nvidia drivers from time to time, is this done through and included in the normal 'software update' from the top-left apple menu bar or do I have to go to the nvidia site and manually update each time?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI need a nice 13" 2010 MacBook Air owner to do a favor for me. I need the bootcamp drivers for windows 7. They can be downloaded by going to utilities>boot camp>download windows support software. I have already erased the original OS and did not download them. PLEASE if someone could be nice enough to download them and upload them to rapidshare or something.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI have an Late 2008 Macbook pro unibody, 4gb, 320gb 7200rpm. I installed the bootcamp drivers off the leopard CD that came with the mac and all was good! I have since taken it to Australia for a holiday and need to reinstall bootcamp but left the Leopard CD back in the UK. Stupidly, the 2.1 bootcamp drivers on Apples site don't support the Unibody mac! Can anyone please direct me to where I can download the Drivers (for 32bit XP home SP2) for the Unibody Macbook pro? The exact ones that are on the Leopard CD that came with the new Macbook Pro?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI am installing windows 7 on bootcamp right now on my 15 inch i7 macbook pro. Unfortunately, my MBP OSX install CD is unavailable to install the drivers. My question is, I have a 13 inch macbook pro osx install cd. Will that work to install my drivers on windows 7 for my macbook pro 15 inch?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI installed the windows 7 64 bit home premium in my mac pro but drivers are not installed. When I am trying to download the drivers through boot camp, it shows "downloading windows software.." and the progress bar never completes. How I can download win7 drivers?
Mac Pro, Windows 7, win 7 drivers
I have a late 2009 27" iMac i7 with the Radeon 4850, I am running windows 7 64 bit on bootcamp for gaming. I was wanting to know if anybody has found which is the best performing graphics driver, I am currently using the driver installed via bootcamp 3.0, the driver from bootcamp 3.1 messed up the colour detail (would not display 32bit colours properly). Has anybody found a decent functional driver from ATI or have modded a driver for better performance? Those people who have successfully played top end games at high settings what driver do you use?
View 1 Replies View Relatedim having trouble installing bootcamp and drivers on vista for my macbook. i installed vista without problems but when i put my leopard disc in it doesnt not run the bootcamp installer instead it goes into a macbook air installer and asks for me to connect to a macbook air. what is wrong? i have done it before so i dont know why i cant do it now. should i do everything all over again?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI left my Leopard Discs at home and will be away for about a month. I installed Vista but do not have the correct Boot Camp drivers. I was wondering if anyone knows where to find the newest drivers. I need the ones from the disc that came with the computer if anyone can put a link or upload them. Tried Boot Camp 2.0 and update from April to 2.1. Does not have the correct display drivers, trackpad, and network drivers.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo i'm at work installing Vista via bootcamp on my newer Macbook Pro and I don't have my OSX disk. Where else can I get the drivers?
View 2 Replies View Relatednow that everythings is working again, I'm planning on upgrading my HD and buying Snow Leopard as well as Windows 7, but I'm holding off untill the release of the offical bootcamp drivers.Untill then I wonder if I can upgrade my current bootcamp drivers. I'm still running Tiger OS and the beta bootcamp on wich I installed XP, SP3. I can imagine that my drivers are hopelessly outdated, with the exception of Nvidia drivers. My Question: Can I just upgrade my currect XP drivers to bootcamp 3.0? If so, what is the correct procedure for it? I can't find any conclusive information on that through forums and google.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy Macbook Pro, along with what seems like all multitouch trackpads on Windows, has problems scrolling. In OS X, scrolling is smooth, predictable, and natural. In Windows, the page jerks around as if it's having a spaz attack. Does anyone know if there are any drivers or software that would improve the behavior of the multitouch trackpad in Windows?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWell I finally got the drivers off of the MBA install DVD (URL). Just dumped them on to a USB stick. I installed XP Pro again using bootcamp assistant without a hitch. Rebooted into XP, put the USB stick in and ran the setup.exe off of it. XP blue screened when installing Broadcam drivers it appears.
View 10 Replies View RelatedBasically the Apple updater says that I need to reboot for the installation to complete. When I do nothing happens and 3.1 is still there. I tried downloading the file and it runs, the windows installer window comes up and then goes away. That's it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAll sounds gone after updating to 10.7.3. Itried to reset NVRAM + PRAM via pressing (cmd)+(alt)+(p)+(r) while starting - this was not working. Found also the thread below, but i have no boot camp available [URL].
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2), update to 10.7.3
I have a 2010 MBP andi lost the Mac OSX install disk and don't have the drivers anymore could somebody please upload them so I can get them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnybody running the 3870 under Bootcamp with XP? Which drivers are you using? Windows is complaining the drivers don't exist for the card even though I installed them from the CD.
Nevermind, I finally got it worked out. It took a couple of reinstalls of the software. I don't know why. I am clueless on Windows.
I haven't seen any post about that, but seems that the last Snow Leopard build, 10A432 comes with a new version of its Bootcamp drivers and it is now compatible with Windows 7. Have anyone tried that ?
PD: I found the drivers in a forum, I don't know if it is ok to post the link, but here it goes:(URL)
I recently erased my HD and installed everything from scratch. I made a partition with Bootcamp (I had already successfully done this before) but this time the only difference was that I did a 64 GB partition instead of a 32GB (So the partition is formatted as a NTFS instead of FAT32). Everything installed without any problems (Windows XP) But when I inserted my Snow Leopard disk to install the Drivers (as it is mentioned in the instructions of Bootcamp) the XP OS won't recognise my disk and won't install anything. I also tried to download the drivers from the Apple website and install manually but without success (the installers simply won't open). So... my question is: Is there a problem with having a bigger disk partition (which means other than FAT32) in Snow Leopard?
View 3 Replies View RelatedNot sure if this is the right section to post it, but anyway.I know that officially, Win 7 isn't yet supported by BC, but can easily be installed. Is it safe? Are some things broken? Are there drivers?I kinda need to install Windows in a hurry. If something is wrong with Win 7 under BC then I'll have to install XP
View 1 Replies View Relateddownloaded from which give you error when you try to install it. So here I compiled a short guide in how to update your drivers. 1. Driver Nvidia 259.47 ( found better performance with this one) for Windows Vista/7 64 BIT ONLy!!! Same driver but for windows Vista/ 7 32 BIt Download here2. After you have downloaded drivers you will noticed that they are packed with 7Zip archive (self extracting), unpack it (just remember the location).
View 12 Replies View Relatedrealised that my previous post was in the wrong section, (sorry!) so i decided to re-post it in the correct place.
Ok, so i setup bootcamp and installed windows xp. installed the bootcamp drivers, and things worked fine for a couple of days.... than the bootcamp appeared to get corrupted. fn keys cant work, xp cant detect mac partition (cant access any files in there, though the reverse works), no bootcamp icon in system try. someone mentioned to search for the KbdMgr.exe or bootcamp and start the program, but i cant find both items.
re-installation of bootcamp with the cd doesnt seem to work for me. either the system restarts before installation is completed, or xp crashes during the installation process. EDIT: now all i get is xp crashing before installation is complete
downloaded the bootcamp 2.1 but absolutely nothing happens when i click on the exe file!
there are a bunch of apple drivers shown in the add/remove programs, but they dont seem to be working (tried to remove them all and re-install, but xp crashed halfway and i had to use the cd to repair it). seems to me all that the drivers are 'there' already, but not working.
short of completely starting over from scratch and re-installing the entire windows, is there anything else i can try?
1. New 11" macbook air. Set up partition for Windows XP SP2 using bootcamp. Prior to the Windows install I made the bootcamp driver install DVD per the instructions.
2. Windows installed fine. In Windows, went to install the bootcamp drivers from DVD I made and get this message: "bootcamp requires that your computer is running windows 7" And then I can't install the drivers.
Is there a limitation to running Windows 7 only?