Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Drivers Won't Install With XP?
Dec 11, 2010
1. New 11" macbook air. Set up partition for Windows XP SP2 using bootcamp. Prior to the Windows install I made the bootcamp driver install DVD per the instructions.
2. Windows installed fine. In Windows, went to install the bootcamp drivers from DVD I made and get this message: "bootcamp requires that your computer is running windows 7" And then I can't install the drivers.
Is there a limitation to running Windows 7 only?
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Apr 10, 2009
I searched for a while trying to find the answer but did not find it. I just installed Vista Business via Bootcamp. I am not able to access the internet or anything. If I read the help stuff right I need to use the OSX install disk to install the drivers. The problem is, I don't have the install disk. Is there any other way to get the drivers? Or am I just missing something easier?
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Aug 23, 2009
I've installed XP SP3 for school use on my new uMBP but for some reason I cant the bootcamp drivers to install, I click setup.exe and it opens and says "The installer encountered errors before Bootcamp could be configured"
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Dec 31, 2008
I have a late 2008 (the brand new) Macbook Pro 2.53 C2D and I installed vista on a partition succesffuly. But once I try to install Boot Camp drivers, it doesn't work. I open up the leopard DVD, and it starts installing all the network cards and video cards, but then it gets to "KeyAgent" and it says it failed to install because I it couldn't access startup services. I pressed ignore, then it came to "MacHal" (i think, somehting like that) and it said the same thing. I looked under my account privelges, and I'm an administrator with access to everything, so I'm not sure what's going on.
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Jan 20, 2009
I've installed Windows 7 64 Bit. I tried installing Boot Camp from the Leopard DVD and it gets to the part where its trying to run the service KeyAgent but it fails. This is the message I get.
"Service 'KeyAgent' (KeyAgent) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."
I've tried running it in compatibility mode for Vista and made sure to have it set as run as Administrator. I also download BootCamp 2.1 for Windows Vista 64 but it wont even start. I also did the Compatibility mode and administrator for it.
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Jun 17, 2010
I have a new MBP 2010, therefore I imagine my OSX disk has Boot Camp 2.1 on it though I'm not sure. I've installed Windows XP in Boot Camp but had problems on the tail end of the install when my OSX disk started clicking and repeating when trying to install the final drivers off the disk. It had got about half way through. The disk is clean and unscratched so don't know what to make of it.
So I tried looking for the Boot Camp updates online and discovered the v2.1, v2.2 etc. on Apple's website. I downloaded these. v2.1 is large 215mb and the other smaller, a minor update. I downloaded them a couple of times in case they were a faulty download. They were not.
I double clicked on the v2.1 to get the drivers installed. The window comes up asking you if you want to run it. "Run" then the window disappears, there sounds like there is some disk activity, then the computer settles down again as if nothing had happened. The drivers are not installed or updated as the Device Manager still shows its question marks on the affected entries.
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Aug 1, 2009
I have a late 2008 uMB and my friend has a late 2008 uMBP. Is it possible to use my restore disk to install the bootcamp drivers on his computer after he installs windows? Are the drivers all the same, or are they hardware specific like they are with the OSX install? Any help is appreciated,
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Oct 19, 2009
I recently installed the 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate operating system onto my MacBook Pro 13 inch. I have the most basic Macbook Pro 13 inch with nothing fancy added. Whenever I load up the Windows 7 OS on my Macbook, it never utilizes or even realizes that I have the NVIDIA graphics card in my laptop. It instead believes I have some integrated graphics card that cannot even run the most basic of PC games. I know my laptop can run these games because on OSX it runs multiple games with higher requirements than these games I am trying to run on Windows.
Basic question: How do I get bootcamp or whatever else to make Windows 7 realize I have a NVIDIA card and drivers. Sorry if I am coming off as stupid or confusing.
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May 27, 2009
So i am trying to change my apple boot camp drivers to nvidia's, but i think i must have downloaded the wrong ones, or done something wrong. I tried to install Geforce/Ion driver release 192.62, (from nvidia's site, i selected gefore 8 series) and when i ran the setup it said: 'nvidia setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your hardware' . My questions are:
� Which drivers should i download? a link would be great.
� Are there any pre-requisites i must do, such as install version 170 first?
I am using an iMac 24" with 4gb ram, 500gb 5400 rpm HDD, and 8800 GS 512mb.
The reason I am trying this, is because when i play some online games, i often get bad lag spikes, but that chat is still running. Someone recommended me to 'update my drivers'.
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Oct 11, 2009
I have a Macbook plastic, 2.4 GHz intel core 2 Duo with 2 GB of ram.My Mac is currently running on OS X, i used to have a 40 gig partition Windows XP, a couple of friends of mine where talking about how much they liked Windows 7 and finally i had had enough blue screens to say, sure ill switch, why not?... assuming it would not take longer then lets say a day at most, i set off on my quest.
FWI, im running an older model Macbook that was bought refurbished (not sure if that has anything to do with my problem). anyway i removed my previous partition, then using Boot Camp Assistant i repartitioned a 40 gig section for Windows 7. Then ran the installer. I have a copy of Windows 7 ultimate 86x. The Windows boot screen turned up, i had to reformat the partition so that i could install, no problems there. after all said and done the installation worked perfectly, up to a point... First problem that appeared was the lack of sound. i fixed that by downloading Realtek's High Def sound drivers.
Then it was the rest of the drivers for the macbook. heres where i run into my problem, i have the Mac OSX install discs 1 and 2. inserting the first disc the option of the auto run of the setup popped up i clicked run. and instead of the same old install drivers option all i have is the option to install the software that lets macbook airs share cd/dvd drives... needless to say i got frustrated and to put it lightly pissed off...
unsure of wtf was going on i looked it up online and really couldnt find anyone with the same problem, i found a web page saying that i should have the windows auto update itself and that should fix the problem. it did not. i dont know what the hell is going on. and im about this close to reinstalling windows xp and telling windows 7 to go **** itself...
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Sep 17, 2010
I've installed a legit copy of Windows XP, SP2. Nothing works, not my webcam, not my internet, not even the full resolution. The first time around that I did this, I had the DVD that came with my iMac, I installed the Windows drivers stuff off of it, and everything worked perfectly.
Can anyone point me in the direction of either a replacement for that DVD (.iso image or something?) or simply the required drivers that will let my iMac 8,1 connect to the web?
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Aug 6, 2010
I am installing windows 7 on bootcamp right now on my 15 inch i7 macbook pro. Unfortunately, my MBP OSX install CD is unavailable to install the drivers. My question is, I have a 13 inch macbook pro osx install cd. Will that work to install my drivers on windows 7 for my macbook pro 15 inch?
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Aug 26, 2010
I have a 2010 MBP andi lost the Mac OSX install disk and don't have the drivers anymore could somebody please upload them so I can get them.
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Dec 7, 2009
Not sure if this is the right section to post it, but anyway.I know that officially, Win 7 isn't yet supported by BC, but can easily be installed. Is it safe? Are some things broken? Are there drivers?I kinda need to install Windows in a hurry. If something is wrong with Win 7 under BC then I'll have to install XP
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Dec 2, 2010
realised that my previous post was in the wrong section, (sorry!) so i decided to re-post it in the correct place.
Ok, so i setup bootcamp and installed windows xp. installed the bootcamp drivers, and things worked fine for a couple of days.... than the bootcamp appeared to get corrupted. fn keys cant work, xp cant detect mac partition (cant access any files in there, though the reverse works), no bootcamp icon in system try. someone mentioned to search for the KbdMgr.exe or bootcamp and start the program, but i cant find both items.
re-installation of bootcamp with the cd doesnt seem to work for me. either the system restarts before installation is completed, or xp crashes during the installation process. EDIT: now all i get is xp crashing before installation is complete
downloaded the bootcamp 2.1 but absolutely nothing happens when i click on the exe file!
there are a bunch of apple drivers shown in the add/remove programs, but they dont seem to be working (tried to remove them all and re-install, but xp crashed halfway and i had to use the cd to repair it). seems to me all that the drivers are 'there' already, but not working.
short of completely starting over from scratch and re-installing the entire windows, is there anything else i can try?
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Dec 27, 2007
I've read that Windows XP Service Pack 2 included support for both firewire 400 and 800 interfaces (up from just fw400 before), but the included update reduces the speeds on these to around 100mbps (well under their capabilities, and slower than USB!). That's with default XP drivers though, supposedly. My question is, does Bootcamp come with the drivers to make fw800 full speed? I want to run a couple high-stress games from my external drive to my MBP (Battlefield 2 and 2142), so I was wondering if anyone experienced problems with firewire speeds under XP.
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Jun 30, 2009
I just got everything brand new again: a Macbook and Windows XP SP3 integrated CD.
I installed Windows and I am now struggling to install the bootcamp drivers.
I run the 2.1 installer and nothing happens at all. nada, no error messages etc.
I presume that this is some problem with SP3, but I have SP3 integrated so I can't install SP2 , install bootcamp and then install SP3, unfortunately..
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Sep 3, 2009
I've tried three times to install Bootcamp drivers on my Windows 7 partition and all times have failed with a mini BSOD that says "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer" a couple seconds after it's done installing the ATI drivers and it's just a green bar with no text above it. I couldn't read the rest of the BSOD because it goes away in 2 seconds. Any help/fix for this would be appreciated. I'm thinking of just reinstalling the 2.0 drivers but I really want access to my Mac side while in Windows.
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Sep 14, 2009
I have a mid-2009 13" MBP and just installed XP with SP3. I'm trying to get my Apple In-Ear headphones to work in Windows - the sound comes out fine but the microphone does not appear to record properly. It records, but on playback it sounds like a voice talking realy slowly.
The headphones and mic both work under OS X, so is it a Windows driver problem? Has anyone got their Apple In-Ears' microphone to work under any version of Windows?
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Sep 10, 2010
So I got windows 7 installed on my 2010 mbp but when I went to install my windows drivers via my Mac osx disc I realixed I couldnbt find it.
Is there anyway to install all the drivers/apple software without my OSX disc? If not, how do I go about getting a replacement disc from apple?
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Oct 29, 2010
We'll after a mamouth effort today which had me thinking that I'd bricked my Mac, I've finally got Windows 7 installing throught using refit, bootcamp didn't want to work with my external dvd drive.
Where do I get the native bootcamp drivers to ensure my mac works properly in Windows mode? Are they on the Snow Leopard disk ? I recall in the past in the past that bootcamp used to make the drivers for you and burn them onto a CD but wasn't able to get past the partition stage, so don't know what the process is?
The graphics driver is the most important, I'm using one of the intel core duo original imacs, so I think its ATI.
Also any ideas where I can obtain a osx tool for managing partitions, I was showing about 5 partitions on the windows install, so would like to clean things up a little?
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Nov 3, 2009
I've succesfully installed Windows 7 on my Macbook Pro mid-2009 with OS X 10.5.8 via Bootcamp 2.0. However, I have a problem:
When I insert my OS X Leopard install DVD into Windows 7 to install the Bootcamp drivers, the setup.exe only displays two options and both are apperantly related to the Macbook Air:
One of the options is to install OS X from an external source related to the Macbook Air and the other options is sharing of CD/DVD-drive for the Macbook Air.
I can't seem to locate the Bootcamp drivers. I've tried both my OS X Leopard and Snow Leopard installation DVD's but with the same result.
I've been thinking that the drivers could be located in a folder on the OS X installation DVD, but since I can't right-click in Windows the folder is hard to reach.
Have any of you guys experienced this?
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Feb 5, 2010
Is there anyway I can download bootcamp drivers for windows 7, I got this macbook pro 2nd hand without a snow leopard CD but came with snow leopard on it, please help me I can install w7 fine but cant install any drivers or get stuff to work...
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Nov 22, 2010
I haven't actually done this. I just want feedback. We have a 'universal' ghost image of Windows 7 at work that we've created that works with all our computers (has all the drivers for computers we support). I'm looking to piggyback that image and just add in the BootCamp drivers. However I'm curious to know:
-Which BootCamp drivers would I be adding to the sysprep drivers folder? BootCamp 3.0, 3.1 or 3.2?
-Would the drivers be enough or does Windows actually need the BootCamp software installed?
-If BootCamp needs to be installed in its entirety, is there a way to have BootCamp silently install upon boot? More importantly, is there a way to install BootCamp 3.2 without having to go through 3.0 -> 3.1 -> 3.2.
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Jun 4, 2009
Apple recently replaced my macpro with a newer one and they royally messed up my windows partition so I had to start over. I reinstalled WinXPpro and installed the drivers from the Leopard disc. I have about 20 unknown devices in my hardware panel. Most importantly my wireless and two ethernet jacks aren't working in XP. I tried manually installing drivers for my wireless card, but couldn't find the exact driver (I have the Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 ( I also tried running the latest bootcamp 2.1 install as well and that didn't work. If anyone knows where I can get the exact drivers for my wireless card I think I can just connect to windows update and it can handle the rest. I should also mention I've hardwired my computer to the network as well and windows doesn't recognize that either.
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Jun 21, 2009
I've bought and installed into my computer the NVidia GeForce GTX 285 1GB for Mac, it's a great card, I'm on Windows 7 at the moment, if I install the WHQL 186 drivers, will it affect anything on the Mac side? does it manipulate the card or do anything that would make it windows only or damage it etc..?
This is the link: [URL]
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Aug 27, 2009
I've been using the pre-release 10A432 Snow Leopard, and had problems installing the Bootcamp 3 drivers in Windows 7 x64. I had to disable UAC and run the 64 bit installer manually to get them to install...
Though the final release of snow leopard is also 10A432, are the bootcamp 3 drivers included on the final cd the same?
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Nov 20, 2009
I know apple has said they will be available by the end of the year, but does anyone know when the bootcamp drivers for windows 7 will be available specifically?
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Aug 1, 2010
Did they update the video driver for the 27" iMac so it did not have the "gradient problem"? I am wanting to get a 27" again but only if they have fixed this problem.
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Sep 6, 2010
Considering buying win 7 so i can bootcamp for 1st time. Before I do though, I want to know if/why it'll work. I've read that OSX 10.6 has driver issues witn nVidia hardware. Well, why would they be any different on Windows? Does Microsoft write its own drivers for Mac hardware? Or is it nVidia? I ask this b/c dont you have to install the drivers off the OSX disc? Doesn't make sense why apple would give you better drivers for windows than they do for OSX. Point is, I'd be doing this for gaming. I just don't see why there'd be any performance improvement with the SAME HARDWARE, just running windows instead.
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