MacBook Pro :: Tip Of Headphones Jack Stuck Inside With Superglue
Dec 23, 2009
i'm in Peru i have a macbook pro uni-body, the tip of the headphones got stuck inside, in my desperation i took it to a pc service and the dumbasses tried to take the tip pasting it with another piece with super glue, now is all ****ed, there is no sound from the speakers and no option to switch it in the output from headphones to speakers.1st i wanna know if its possible to change the piece of the headphones in without changing the hole main board.
my headphones will only go about halfway into the headphone jack and the volume is stuck on mute. it looks like there is something sticking out inside of the headphone jack.
I had connected my MacBook Pro to a set of speakers using the headphone jack. Ever since then when I use headphones the jack only outputs sound to the right side. There is no red light coming from the jack and I've also tried resetting the SMC but nothing has changed.
The speaker on the top of my screen is muted and I cannot get any sound out of the internal speakers. When I try to raise or lower the volume there is a circle with a line through it underneadth the speaker level window that pops up and everything seems frozen. I've checked online to find a solution and did see a red light in the headphone jack. So I plugged back in headphones and a USB and pulled out the headphones, the red light went off but I still see no option for internal speakers in my Sound preferences. What do I do? I'm trying to avoid a trip to the apple store...
For the life of me i can't get the headphone jack on my mac pro working is there a setting somewhere I am missing?tried several headphones, none work they work on other machine etc
Over the past few weeks, I've noticed problems with my PowerBook's headphone jack. The headphone plugs don't stay seated in the jack, resulting in loss of audio in either one ear or both until I adjust the plug, at which point it will almost always happen again. I usually end up having to hold the plug in place to get consistent sound from both ears.
At first, I thought it was just my headphones, so I borrowed a couple pairs from friends and ordered a backup pair from Amazon, all with the same results. I've peeked inside the jack once or twice and everything looks fine...but what do I know? I'll be in downtown Chicago tomorrow and Thursday, so I plan on making a trip to the Apple Store, but is there anything else I should try beforehand? As I recall, the PB headphone jack is part of the logic board, correct?
I recently installed windows vista (home edition) via bootcamp on my macbook pro.
Everything is running perfectly apart from the sound. I think it might an issue with the computers sound card. When I plug my headphones into the audio output jack, no sound comes through... it still plays out of the speakers. The sound is audible, but just barely.
What may be causing this? Are there any specific drivers I need to install?
I put a CD in and it disappeared inside the machine itself, not stuck in the drive. I can still use the drive. Every once in a while it shifts and makes an intimidating noise as the drive gags on it. I can sometimes bang and shake till moves to a more docile place. Is it possible to get it out without taking the machine apart?
i open the mac and it comes up to the loading apple, but i cant put the software install cd inside because i think a cd is already in. Itried opening it and holding down the trackpad, and i hear the cd drive whirring
The tip of my headphones broke while connected to the macbook, my computer has this tip inside the audio plug and plays sounds on the useless lineout. There is no way to remove that thing (I tried everything, including matches with a bit of superglue). The only solution I see to get the sound back to the internal speakers is to disable the lineout.
i just got a macbook pro from my fiances sister as she broke the headphones off inside of it and just decided to buy another ive tried everything to get it out...crazy glue and every object imaginable tweazers you name it ive probably tried my question is can i use a hot needle to poke through the backside of the audio out on the logic board? and if that wont work i want to completely disable the audio out jack and just use the speakers....(PLEASE NO POSTS ABOUT TAKING IT TO APPLE CARE THEY WANT $700 TO REPLACE THE LOGIC BOARD AND IM NOT DOING THAT...MAINLY JUST IDEAS ON HOW TO DISABLE THE AUDIO OUT....TRIED SYSTEM PREFS BY THE WAY....
I have a dried skittle stuck in my headphone jack, and can not get it out for anything. My MacBook Pro thinks that there is a headphone in the jack, but there isn't so it doesn't play any sound from my speakers. I was looking to disable digital out but don't know how.
Someone tripped over the wire of the MagSafe charger, and it came away from the macbook, but split the L-Shaped part in half, and left the magnetic end stuck inside the charging port, and the other part exposing the gold pins. Is there any way I can remove the magnetic part myself? Or should Apple be able to do it for me?
How can I make my imac to expulse a DVD?, the computer does not recognise it; it makes noise as if trying to read it but it does not come out; I have tried with "eject" when restarting the computer, restarting having the mouse pressed down.
I put an dvd in my macbook. It is absolutely impossible to eject it. In the meawhile i cant shut down my mac properly. Everything I try to do is extremely slow.
has all my art course work on. When pressing the power button there is no start up, screen stays black. There is a noise from the Disc Drive, when you put your ear close you can hear the Disc spinning, occasionally it starts to make a loader noise like its trying to spin to full speed maybe, but stops before it can. Green light can be seen from bottom, tried unplugging and waiting, tried pressing the cmd R-P keys down at start up. Also tried as suggested on the apple website to use a paper clip to manually eject the disc.
This started happening randomly earlier tonight, and I haven't managed to find a fix just yet.I was encoding a video file for quite awhile (I don't think that parts important, but I thought I'd include it anyway) and then I tried to play a youtube video. I noticed there was no sound, so I tried to up the volume using the Volume Up key on the keyboard. The volume visualisation appeared on the screen like normal (albeit a bit laggy), but the sound still didn't change, neither did I get the usual 'click' noise you get when you change the volume.I went looking into the sound options in the system prefs. only to find that the Output Sound device was headphones. For a test I plugged in some headphones to see what happened and, low and behold, the Output Sound device changed to the Internal Sound and my speakers were working again, but only with the headphones plugged in.
i just got my macbook pro unibody, and first time i insert headphone in the jack the little piece of the head phone gets stuck in the jack. what should i do?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
while simultaneously using the real output jack? i'm slowly getting into mixing, and i would like to have my headphones plugged into my macbook's input jack, and have my external speakers plugged into my output jack. is this even possible to do?
My Macbook is currently stuck booting up in windows 7. My shift key also appears to be stuck so holding the Option key when booting up to choose a start up disk isn't an option (it doesn't work). I do not currently have access to an external keyboard. I do have the startup disk. I'm wondering if I can use the startup disk to reset the systems startup disk? Are there other options?
im going to be buying a macbook pro in a couple of weeks and wanted to pick up a set of bluetooth headphones to go with it for when i listen to music and online radio stations on my ma i dont wanna break the bank on this but i want something that will last with pretty good sound
I'm having some trouble having my speakers and headphones working together.
In my prior setup, I've always had my Macbook Pro Line-Out connected to a set of speakers who allowed for my headphones to be jacked into it.
I had no problems with this setup as it allowed me to use either one.
Now, I bought a new Logitech G35 headset which has a USB end as opposed to the 1/8" jack, and I have to switch between the speakers and headset via Settings > Sound > Output.
Just a quick question -- do you know if it is possible to use the microphone on my iPod touch's headphones on my Macbook Pro by plugging it into the microphone jack? If not, any recommendations as to how I can go about doing something like that?
i can hear music thru my macboook bro but everytime i plugged in a head phone or other external devices i cant hear anything i have tried few more headphones so still not working its definitely not the headphones?