MacBook Pro :: How To Make Input Jack Into An Output Jack
Oct 24, 2010
while simultaneously using the real output jack? i'm slowly getting into mixing, and i would like to have my headphones plugged into my macbook's input jack, and have my external speakers plugged into my output jack. is this even possible to do?
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Jun 9, 2009
I have this question about the MBA: on my MBP, the headphone jack allows me to use my iPhone headphones when skyping, i.e. it has input as well as output functionality. Does the MBA have the same feature?
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Jan 1, 2011
I had a 3,5 mm stereo jack in my audio output on my macbook, and it broke inside. Is it possible to redirect the sound output to go through the input jack?
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Oct 30, 2007
I have my Xbox 360 sound out-putting through an optical digital cable to the digital input of my Dual 2.3ghz Power G5. My mac recognizes the signal but I was hoping I could somehow use the incoming sound to output through my headphone speaker jack on the front of my mac. Both my mac and xbox 360 use the same monitor.
I noticed it doesn't work that way. Is there a way to switch the incoming digital signal to route through my headphone port on the front of my mac? There has to be a way.
Powermac G5 Dual 2.3 Mhz
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Nov 19, 2010
Is there an optical input on the 13" 2010 macbook pro? Or is it strictly output only?
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Jul 9, 2009
I was using my 13" White Macbook (Spring 07) all day today, listening to music on headphones while working. I brought my computer over to a friend's house and attempting to line out some audio from Garage Band to speakers through the headphone jack and suddenly all audio began to have skips & spaces every second or so. I can still the hear songs but they are constantly interrupted. I tried Itunes & audio from the internet, and two different pairs of headphones I know work. Same problem every time. The strange thing is that the audio works perfectly out of the internal speakers. Has anyone had this same problem? I haven't seen anything on the web that was similar. I tried the Q-Tip/Toothpick trick suggested on a bunch of other threads. But I don't think it's an issue of the computer not adjusting to the headphone setting. Also tried to resetting the battery, but that didn't work either.
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Feb 23, 2008
i have an intel macbook running leopard with the most recent update. A problem arose a day before the update was installed wherein my macbook no longer transmits sound through the headphone jack. i have no reason to suspect a hardware failure, there has been no damage to the computer. is there any way this could (please, god) be a software failure? and if so, one that i can fix?
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Jun 22, 2010
I have a 13" 2010 MBP. When my headphones are plugged into the jack, and no sound is being outputted, the headphone jack seems to "turn off". If I want to do something that outputs a sound, like emptying the trash, there is a 3 second delay from when the trash is emptied to when the sound is played.
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Jun 29, 2014
i have recently bought a speedlink spes clip on microphone i plugged it into the 3.5mm jack on the side of my macbook air then i went into system preferences and clicked on sound. then output... but there wasn't anything showing where as if it was showing i would have been able to select my microphone output and not the actually macbook mic. but my new device plugged in isn't showing and i can't use it. i checked the packaging and it says system requirements mac.
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Oct 27, 2008
I'm out of warranty. I looked behind and it looks difficult to reach in order to replace it. Is there a sound card that I can pop in one of the PCI slots?
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Apr 10, 2009
A headphone jack got stuck in my macbook pro as it fell down in a plane going thru turbulences (lucky me!).So that now it thinks there are headphones connected while there is nothing...I wont be anywhere near an apple store for the next month so I was just wondering if it was possible to force the use of the internal speakers over the output jack?
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Jun 10, 2012
How do you get sound output from BOTH a USB speaker and the headphone jack at the same time? I am trying to drive a headphone speaker driven wireless speaker on my deck while still have audio on my imac.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 4, 2009
I just picked up a new 1.83 core 2 duo at a price I couldn't pass up. I am going to use it as a HTPC so I have my hdmi cable, etc. All hooked up and ready to go. Last bit is the audio but I am having a bit of trouble. I bought a standard miniplug cable and assumed it would plug in just like my macbook. The problem is that the miniplug doesn't fit in the jack on the mini. I understand that the jack on the mini is a combo analog/optical jack but as you see below, it seems as though a standard miniplug y cable should work.
From the Apple support website:
The headphone / line output jack accommodates digital optical audio output, analog audio output with a 24-bit, 44.1-192 kHz D/A converter, digital audio output up to 24-bit stereo and 44.1-192 kHz sampling rate and supporting encoded digital audio output (AC3 and DTS). For analog headphone / line output a standard audio cable with 3.5mm metal plug should be used.
For digital audio, a standard toslink cable with a toslink mini-plug adapter can be used.I have done my research and some reading and can go out and buy an optical cable plus a miniplug/optical adapter but would rather go the analog route (I understand the quality difference) because I already have the cables and don't have a receiver or speakers, just my tv speakers.
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Dec 15, 2009
I feel like I once had a PrefPane for this problem but just am having a hard time searching for it. Currently I have my heaphones jack Line-In routed to my AV Receiver for iTunes music in my room, but whenever I am YouTubing or other stuff while listening to music the System Sounds come out of my Loudspeakers too. I am interested in routing only the iTunes audio through the headphone jack, and everything else to run through my iMac's internal speakers (2007 iMac AL).I saw the SoundFlower thing out there but didn't think that was the ticket
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Jan 15, 2010
I recently installed windows vista (home edition) via bootcamp on my macbook pro.
Everything is running perfectly apart from the sound. I think it might an issue with the computers sound card. When I plug my headphones into the audio output jack, no sound comes through... it still plays out of the speakers. The sound is audible, but just barely.
What may be causing this? Are there any specific drivers I need to install?
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Apr 13, 2009
A headphone jack got stuck in my macbook pro as it fell down in a plane going thru turbulences (lucky me!).So that now it thinks there are headphones connected while there is nothing...I wont be anywhere near an apple store for the next month so I was just wondering if it was possible to force the use of the internal speakers over the output jack?
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Mar 15, 2009
I haven't used my headphone jack in a while, so I don't exactly know what's going on but, internal speakers work fine, plug in headphones and it doesn't make a sound. I know my computer knows there's headphones in the jack because in the system preferences, it registered them, but still no sound. Also, no red light, though I will try the reset button inside. I've tried, staying plugged in>removing the battery> restarting>putting the battery back, and nothing. I've tried taking the battery out and back in without the cord and also, nothing.. so.. I'm stuck. All I wanted to do was listen to the funny people in my guild Ventrilo server.
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Dec 6, 2010
but when i start xp up the red light comes on from the headphone port and speaker doesnt work and when i put in the headphone it also doesnt work.
I've read pages and pages of solution , about the sticking 1001 tools in and wriggle it around and i did , none worked. the evil red light is still there and only on xp.
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Nov 12, 2008
the iPhone, new iPod touch and classic can use their headphone jack as a mic in with the new iPhone headphones for voice recording... can the MBA?
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Jun 22, 2009
I have a late 2008 MacBook Pro and while I think it's cool that I can use iPhone headphones with it I miss using my old school analog headset with a boom. I use skype for calls and find that people have a hard time hearing me with iPhone headphones. Is anyone aware of a splitter for that jack so that I can connect a headphone line and a mic line? I've seen lots of solutions that have a built in mic but I was hoping that there's simply a splitter out there somewhere.
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Jul 6, 2009
I have installed Windows 7 RC on my Mac Book pro. Everything seems to working fine but Red light in the Audio jack is always On. This happens only when i am using Windows. In Mac the Red light is off. I don't have any issues with sound. Does anyone know why it is on and how do I turn it off?
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Sep 2, 2009
My sound jack stopped working today, I've tried with 2 sets of speakers and I'm not getting sound out of them. When I plug the speakers jack into my macs sound jack the music that is playing on the mac speakers turns off, but then no sound comes out of my other speakers. My mac is the 13" pro top speck.
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Dec 16, 2009
- On the current white Macbook, how can you choose whether the "user selectable" audio jack works as an audio-in or an audio out?
- If you get the right adaptor, could you use the audio-in and audio-out simultaneously?
- I presume the audio-out is stereo, not mono. But is the audio-in stereo or mono?
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May 6, 2010
Just wondering does anybody else have a problem with the bad connection from the headphone jack on their Mac? It won't hold in any jack i plug into it and plays audio through the internal speakers unless the connection is pushed right in. It's not exactly the worst thing that could go wrong with your Mac but very annoying all the same!
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Jun 22, 2010
My 13" 4 year old macbook's headphone jack hasn't been working for the last week. I had been using a messed up cord (the adaptor part was bent) to plug it into speakers, and eventually it misplaced or bent something in the headphone jack. This is the important part, the headphone jack still works. If i put in headphones and push the headphone connector thing (sorry I don't know the word) forward (towards the screen) it recognizes and works. This leads me to believe the headphone jack has been knocked out of place or there is something bent in there. Is there any potential fix because I have a lot of plane flights coming up and don't want to be stuck with just the music on my iPod.
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Apr 6, 2012
The speakers arent working and this light is on inside the jack
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 13"
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Apr 23, 2012
A few days ago I use a headphone do listen to music on my macbook pro but the headphone I was using was a bit old so the end of the pin it was a bit lager than the normal and now the other headphones I have (newer ones) stay too loose when plugged and disconnect very easily.Do you think it is possible to replace the audio out port without having to replace the hole motherboard? And do you think Apple would do that without charging me (I'm still covered by the warranty)?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 1, 2012
I have a MBP 13" running os x lion 10.7.4. The headset jack does not function at all. I can hear crackling in the headphones but not actual sound. I have attempted the the PRAM reset but I guess my timing is off because I keep running into the boot menu. I have a pair of Dre. Pro's that I am using and work fine on everything else I own.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 12, 2012
i have tried apple earbuds and sony earbuds and neither will fit into the jack. they seem to be too thick for the plug, it looks like there is a gray plastic lining around the hole but i dont know if that needs to be removed.
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Jun 29, 2012
So last monday I was recording my guitar (via the audio line ofc, not mic) on my macbook. I plugged the cable in the wrong hole from my speaker. I turned the volume all the way up. Then I noticed I plugged it into the wrong port on my speaker, without remembering it was on maximum volume. Then I played a note on my guitar, and my macbook imediately shat down, by the fact it wasn't plugged into the wall. There is no damage for the internal sound. But when I plug in my headset/mic, there is barely no sound, unless I use a booster, but then I get uncompleted, bad, distorted sound!
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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