MacBook Pro :: Can The MBP13 With The 9400 Play The Following Titles In Mid Setting?
Aug 27, 2009Fallout 3
Dawn of War 2
Left 4 Dead
Or would I need to upgrade to the MBP15 with the 9600?
Fallout 3
Dawn of War 2
Left 4 Dead
Or would I need to upgrade to the MBP15 with the 9600?
for those of you who have tried to run games on this, what have you successfully run, with what settings, in bootcamp, overclocked gpu, etc etc?I'd be curious to know what people can run with this specced MBP.
View 7 Replies View Relatedok, I was going to buy the new MB white. The thing is. Does anyone have benchmarks between having the ram at 667 MHZ ( MB white ), vs DDR3 1066 MHZ ( MB aluminum )
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a last gen macbook pro, how can I change a function key to play music from iTunes (like the new ones)? Preferable it would be f12 since I never use dashboard.
View 2 Replies View RelatedBenchmarks say 9600 has about twice as much muscle as the 9400 right? So what kind of improvement are we talking about in real life. Especially gaming?
About twice as much frames per second in GPU intensive games like FPS? What about in SRPGs? Similar as well?
I got a MacBook Pro (2.66, has the 9600 graphics card with 256 vram), and I've been amazed by the battery life I get with the 9400. My question is, I don't notice any performance difference between the two graphics cards.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a late 2008 MBP with the two graphic cards. Something I noticed was that there was almost no noticeable between the two, even during tasks that would benefit from the 9600, like gaming. For example, to play the Mac Bioshock demo with no lag on max graphic settings, I had to lower the resolution to 1024 by 640 on the 9600. When I tried those same settings on the 9400, it was almost exactly the same performance.
Some I did notice was the under the 9600 stacks appeared much smoother, but scrolling up and down in any window (browser, finder, ect.) was extremely jerky. Under the 9400 scrolling is entirely smooth.
I'm the proud owner of a 2,4ghz colector edition unibody macbook
I just upgraded it to 4gb of ram and I would like to know if it possible to allocate more memory to the nvidia 9400 instead of the 256mb?
I purchased a 15" Mac Book pro a little less than 1 year ago. Right after getting it I changed the video to the 9600 and haven't changed it since. I tried switching it back to the 9400 last night and only got a black screen. If I do a hard shutdown and restart the system comes back up on the 9600 and runs fine. If I try switching back to the 9400 the same thing happens again (black screen). Obviously the 9400 worked fine when the system was purchased but hasn't been used since then so I don't know at what point the problem initially started. From what I've read, there are problems with some of the NVIDIA chips but it normally affects the higher GPU because of heat, not the lower one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAre there any improvements using the 9600 over the 9400 when using photoshop or illustrator? I always use the 9400 on my mbp, with the 9600 the fans start to spin really soon, it's so annoying trying to focus on your work with this thing blowing like an airbus.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI downloaded the new Flash 10.1 on my 2,1 air with the 9400 graphics chipset.
I know it may be hard to believe, but flash videos now run with about 40% of the CPU as before, and there is no more maxing out the CPU or temperature when running video.
Just curious because I want to conserve battery and not use as much heat. I don't really need the 9600 that's in my 15" uMBP mid range.
View 10 Replies View Relatedi m using LG22inch monitor, it is a vga cable connected to a dvi adapter connected to a dvi miniport.
initially i tried to plug it in without AC power, but ext monitor screen is black. I surfed the net for some solutions, it says tat the AC power must be plugged in for the external monitor to work.
However, when i plug in AC power, the ext monitor is still sleeping, even though i can detect it in my profile settings.. what can i do to wake it up?
how can I print sheet titles from Numbers?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Has anyone had the chance to play with both Imacs (2.66 vs 2.93)?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have searched for this but I mostly see people asking about the new GT 120/130 vs 4850....
But I was curious how thw new Nvidea 9400 stacks up to the older "real" video card 2600.
Id like to use a 9400 or maybe even a 9500 pci video card on my powermac g4 fw800. Right now its got an ati 9000 agp video card, but i already ordered a flashed 7800 for it.
I know a few of the newer macs use 9400 video cards, so is it possible to add a pci 9400 to my powermac for CUDA support.
...things like video editing and photoshop? It seems the 9400 is a very capable performer on its own, no? I assume it also runs cooler. Outside of gaming, is there much reason for people to consider the dedicated GPU options out there?
View 12 Replies View Relatedfirst time posting. Got a mac mini from March 09, got snow leopard on it and been running football manager 2011 on it without too many problems. However running the game on high graphic settings produces a lag/choppy gameplay, only playing it on medium gives smooth gameplay. But i've experienced poorer graphic capability installing games like EMpire at War in OS, but not in windows with bootcamp where the games can be played on the highest graphic settings without problems. Any reason for this? To try and sort it i thought i'd try and update my Nvidia drivers on the mac side of things, in the about mac pop up it says my card is a GeForce 9400 so when i try and install a driver from Nvidia with GeForce 9400m it wont install saying i dont have the hardware to support the drivers. But i cant find any info online to suggest there is two Nvidia cards with just an m difference? Even on wikipedia?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOne thing I miss from Windows is the ability to glance at the task bar on the bottom and read truncated title descriptors on the task bar buttons of each open window. It's a way of knowing and locating what (and where) each window is by just looking, without having to do anything -- like mouse over an icon, or clicking, or using Expose.
Is there anything I can do to make all open windows have titles or descriptors -- whether it's a file name, or Safari window name, etc. -- in Mac OS? Is there any third party utility app?
I find Snow Leopard to be more application centric, rather than window centric.
Running 10.6.4 on mini and using iphoto 8.1.2
Is it possible to have the titles and desrition of the photos stay with the photos out of Iphoto for example dragging to the desk top or into another app.
Seems like it should be easy, but when I move my photos they lose the title and description and just have the jpeg number.
Suddenly, if I insert a cd to rip, all I get is Track 1, 2 etc. If I try to manually look up the cd, nothing happens. Internet connection is fine.
I have a huge stack of cd's to rip.
OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I'm trying to get rid of an offending "TipsSmart" (no spaces, I hate that) in the title. I can bring up the info window, and I can change the Album name, which does in fact change the name of the relevant directory in the iTunes library. Unfortunately, when I go back to look at my iTunes subscriptions the name of the podcast doesn't change. In fact, the name of the podcast is comprised of text that's not contained in any file in my iTunes library. I can't figure out where it gets the name so I can edit it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedOk, I having problems with iMovie HD and titles. On every movie I make the titles are really blurry. Regardless if they are in iMovie itself or exported as a .dv played in quicktime.
I'm thinking I may have some setting messed up, but I can't seem to figure it out.
I'm new to mac and using imovie and I've got a problem which I can't find an answer to when searching. I'm using the titles function and I've noticed that when you apply one they either are placed in the bottom of the screen or in the middle. There isn't a title that is placed at the top.
Is there any way to move the title to the top of the image or alternatively is there a way to add text to an image in imovie. I can't believe that made the titles so limited in function and adaptability.
I have like 500 songs I've ripped into MP3's. Not albums, but just CD's I've collected and burned over years of my custom playlists but only had them on CD's.
So I ripped them to my PC but they all just say "Track01, Track02, etc."
Is there an application I can use to automatically detect and assign song titles artist album title etc.. to them? (if the app is free waaaaaaaaayyyy better)
How do I do the above without having to re-enter all the ID3 tags?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi want to do some subtitles in imovie hd or 09
but i have this teeny tiny problem with the subtitles..when i add the sub and finish it i see in the preview that the text is fading(like a ghost of you know what i mean)but i don't want it to fade i want it to be a normal text to despair normally(like movies or anime subtitles)
so is their a way to remove the fading?i looked every where and couldn't find it
I'm running an oldish version (5.02) of iMovie on my aging iMac (G5, OSX 10.4.11). I got a matching mini-DV camera this year, and am trying to use iMovie to edit the video.
iMovie allows to create titles (button in the icon dock at lower right). I can create one, and even get a preview. However, I do not manage to actually get it onto or between my fragments. The on-line manual tells (in translation) to "when the title is ready, drag it to the fragment or to the time bar viewer." However, I find nothing to drag and drop. When I click in the little window at the upper right I can only drag the position of the title. Also I do not see any button to click on to tell I'm finished. There is a button to (in translation) "complete", but it is and remains grayed out and unselectable.
i am importing a store bought CD but the song titles and artist info is not coming over. It only lists the songs a track 1, track 2, etc.
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