MacBook Pro :: Standard VGA Graphics Chipset Not Support Games
May 1, 2010
I just bought a new macbook pro 13 inch with the new 320M graphics card. I bootcamped windows 7 for the gaming aspect, and when I tried to run a few games, none of them work, I get an error message saying that my standard VGA graphics chipset wont support the games and that my system will crash?
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Aug 12, 2010
I downloaded the new Flash 10.1 on my 2,1 air with the 9400 graphics chipset.
I know it may be hard to believe, but flash videos now run with about 40% of the CPU as before, and there is no more maxing out the CPU or temperature when running video.
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Dec 8, 2009
Note: These are games tested on a MacBook Air with the following specs: 2.13GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB DDR3 Integrated Ram, 256MB Shared nVidia GeForce 9400M Video Card, Windows Vista SP2 Business x86. This DOES NOT include the Rev. A (1.6GHz/1.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB DDR2 Integrated Ram, 144MB Shared Intel X3100 Video Card) models. Rating scale: 1-5 (FPS Based off lowest possible graphics settings)
1 - Poor/Won't Run. (>10 FPS)
2 - Runs but poorly (10-15 FPS)
3 - Playable (16-25 FPS)
4 - Very Playable (25-40 FPS)
5 - Go crazy (40+ FPS)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - 5
Call of Duty 5: World at War - 3
Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2 - 5
Counter Strike: Source - 5
Day of Defeat: Source - 5
Colin McRae: DiRT2 - 4
Grand Theft Auto 4 - 2
Left 4 Dead - 4
Left 4 Dead 2 - 4
MotoGP 2008 - 4
Need for Speed Undercover - 5
Sid Meier's Civilization 4 (All expansions) - 5
Sins of a Solar Empire (Includes Entrenchment Expansion) - 5
Star Trek DAC - 3
Star Wars Empires at War - 4
Test Drive Unlimited - 4
X3 Terran Conflict - 4
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May 19, 2012
What games can i play on my white 2006 Macbook it has a intel GMA 950 graphics card in it
Magic Mouse, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 30, 2009
Would a Macbook Pros Graphics Card Support two monitors? If so what kind?
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Mar 23, 2009
I had the current (at the time) entry level MacBook Pro, it could handle Gears of War & BioShock through Boot Camp with no hassle.
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Feb 27, 2009
I have a 2 x 2GHz Dual Core Intel Mac Pro, with 9GB of DDR2 RAM and 2 Nvidia GeForce 7300 GT graphic cards each running a Samsung 24 inch screen. I recently bought Call of Duty 4 and found that the game runs terribly on anything higher then around medium sort of settings. I know the 7300 Graphic cards aren't the best for gaming, but they have done the job for me perfectly until now. I'm a photographer so I calibrate my screens with a Spyder and run a separate colour profile through each video card per screen, and its always calibrated perfectly.
I'm just curious if there is any actual performance advantage of having 2 video cards other then running a separate colour profile through each card? So for example, If I'm playing call of duty and only 1 screen is displaying information, does the other card just sit there, or does it jump on board and process information for the game being played? Because I would have thought having 2 7300's would somewhat give better performance during gaming then just the one?
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Jun 6, 2012
I am thinking about buying a used original 2007 Mac Pro. This Mac Pro would not come with a graphics card, so I am obviously responsible for finding one for it. I found a Radeon HD 5770 that I like on Newegg, and want to know if it would work with the Mac Pro. I really can't imagine it not, but don't want to toss a piece of hardware in my new machine that won't work.
Here's the graphics card in question: [URL]...will it work? If not, is my only option for a 5770 the one that is available on the Apple Online Store? What other cards does this Mac Pro support?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Original (2007)
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Jul 30, 2009
I want to update the motherboard drivers on my late 08 15" MBP, but arent 100% what chipset it uses... i thought it was the nforce 7series, but 7 what? or what is the actual chipset? CPUID wont give me any info
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Mar 18, 2009
With the report that the new mac pros don't play nicely with Pro Tools and some unsubstantiated claims on a forum or two that Logic Pro doesn't handle as well with the new mac pros in comparison with the 08 models.
Can anyone with a new model answer if the new models use the TI firewire chipset, or the troublesome Agere chipset.
I'd think that a lot of Audio folk would love to know, especially with the recent macbook unibody no firewire, MBP reverting to the Agere chipset hoopla.
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Aug 30, 2008
Looking around, I stumbled across an article that might interest those who plan to purchase a Nehalem Mac Pro.Quote:NVISION ? If you want to combine a pair of GeForce graphics cards with a new Core i7 processor from Intel later this year, you're in luck. Just after the grand finale for its Nvision conference, Nvidia gathered reporters to inform them of a somewhat surprising and apparently very recent decision: the firm plans to enable its SLI multi-GPU scheme to work with Intel's X58 chipset?without the need for an nForce 200 PCI Express bridge chip on the motherboard
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Nov 28, 2010
All other articles I've seen online and on this site have been utterly useless for information on how to reformat this drive to a standard format. It has to be possible because all it is is a standard usb thumb drive.
I don't care if it gets rewritten as I've made a copy of it, and besides, if I really need the os to be installed again I'll just take it to the Genius Bar to have it done.
I'm looking for someone who really knows there stuff with terminal and permissions and all of that stuff to shed a little light on this subject.
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Jul 7, 2009
i'm looking to upgrade my ram with some memory from crucial and was just wondering if both slots are used for the standard 2 gb my uMBP came with?
also, is it worth going to 4 gb?
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Aug 5, 2009
We're all used to the idea of technology, memory, price, and TIME. But how long do you think before you can get a 512 GB SSD for around $200? I'm guessing 2 years, and by that time SSDs will become standard and everyone will be asking around that time what could possibly make Hard drives faster. It would even be perfect to replace your old hard drive instead of buying a new computer, just back up your data and re-install the OS and you practically have a brand new computer. And of course by that time there will be SSDs that surpass the current Intel ones.
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Mar 2, 2010
When are we going to see SSD's as the standard option in MBP's? I plan on buying my MBP during the Sandy Bridge refresh so I'm in no rush...
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Jun 21, 2012
My new pretty Retina Display MacBook Pro is sitting here on a vented metal stand doing nothing and the temperature (according to iStat) on one of the GPU diodes is 164°F. It's hot to the touch. Is that normal?
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Jun 12, 2009
Is it possible to put an SD Card slot into the RevC MBA?, I just read that an SD card can be used to boot the MBP in case the HDD Fails. I would think that Apple might be able to squeeze a SD Slot in there to make the MBA even better. Also, the Rev-D should have the SD-Card Slot and a standard 4GB RAM.
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Apr 19, 2010
Someone told me its best to use a standard account instead of a admin account for every day usage as its better for security reasons on my new MBP. They say u can always install apps on a standard account. Whats everyone view on this?
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Feb 21, 2012
After looking into the technical side of my MBP, i saw that my full charge capacity was 6567 mAh.
I looked into this because it seemed as if my MBP's battery wasn't lasting as long as I thought it once was. I have a 15" 2.2 gHz MPB
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 19, 2012
I am going to get the 13'' MBP, i7, 8gb unit. The question I have is that should I stick with the standard hard drive that comse with the unit (750 GB), or should I upgrade to the solid state drive (desiring 256 gb)?
1. What are the advantages to a solid state?
2. Is it worth the money (trying to stay under $2000 with shipping and taxes)
On my current macbook I have a 250 GB HDD, and I have only used about 100 GB. Size is not the biggest issue, more about speed for me. I am a speed junkie, and I want my computer to perform to it's highest ability. I don't use any heavy intense application, or I am not a computer gamer. Although I know that these are the primary uses, I want the computer I am going to buy to last me several years and to maintain its speed when I use application. I also highly doubt I will use any where close to 200 gb.
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Oct 24, 2010
I'm buying a new MBP (LCD backlight on my 2007 MBP died last week).
I value the Anti-Glare option pretty highly, but don't have great eye-sight so I would want the AG screen but at the standard 1440 x 900.
I'm wondering how running the high-res display at 1440x900 would look? Would I be degrading the quality of the image by doing that?
Ie. Would the high-res running at 1440x900 look any different from the standard screen at 1440x900 (aside from being anti-glare).
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Jan 2, 2011
Regardless of how vulnerable to malware you think or don't think macs are...
is there a must have or a best anti virus for macs?
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Jan 4, 2011
I was riding my motorcycle on new year's eve with my brand new 15" 2.8GHz i7/hi-res matte display/8GB RAM/500GB Momentus XT MacBook Pro in my backpack and crashed into a car at 45mph. My MacBook's unibody was bent badly in the corner where the hard drive resides and crushed the hard drive and superdrive and bent the aluminum LCD panel, but left the LCD screen, battery, RAM, and motherboard untouched. The top and bottom aluminum unibody case/panel are destroyed. So I'm thinking of replacing my hi-res matte LCD assembly (LCD plus aluminum cover) with the standard-res glossy version simply because it's cheaper. Is it possible to swap out the displays like this or will it cause a conflict with other components?
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Apr 26, 2010
Does anyone know the screen model/manufacturer of the new mbp 15,4 inch glossy 1440 screen?The thing is that I recieved my new mbp with the high-res antiglare, and it was just awful, now I'm thinking about getting the glossy standard model, and I'd like to research the screen before I get it.
The reason why I choosed to retun my high res antiglare is that it had a red tone, the vertical viewing angle is WAY WORSE than my 2008 mbp antiglare, the screen was not centered (flush left with a 3mm black line to the right), and the resolution (1680) is simply too high for general use (but perfect for photography, graphic design etc).I normally love anti-glare screens but this one is simply not good enough, even though it's a "high-res" one.Please share your experience with the new 1440 standard-res glossy!
Would also appriciate if someone knew where to get the "old" core2duo with antiglare 1440 option, preferably on sale, since that's still a considerable machine for me!
BTW, if anyone's interested, the screen of the antiglare high-res I received was a samsung (didn't write down the model number before I shipped it back)
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Dec 1, 2010
Two strange issues that I can't fix on my new MB Air 13 with MS Office for MAC 2011 and Excel.
1) I can't get the Standard Toolbar to show up when I open a new worksheet. I go to view, toolbars and then see that the Standard Toolbar is checked, but it doesn't show up. The only way to get it to show up is to do a series of steps:
- uncheck Standard Toolbar menu and go back out;
- go back in and check the Standard Toolbar and back to the spreadsheet
- the Standard Toolbar still doesn't show up;
- so then I click on the Layout tab on the ribbon and then it shows up!
2) I can't see the bottom of the window/spreadsheet - which means I can't resize the window. To resolve this, I have to do these steps:
- open system preferences and change my MBA screen resolution from 1440 x 900 down to 1280 x 800
- then go back to the spreadsheet, and resize the window (make it smaller on the screen)
- go back and resize the window back to 1440 x 900
- and then close the system preferences at this point, the Excel spreadsheet window is smaller and I can see/use the bottom of the screen to resize, etc.
Can't figure out what setting I have wrong or why I can't get Excel for Mac 2011 to work correctly on the MB Air screen.
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Mar 7, 2009
I was told to run Vista 64bit for games, but I was wondering about this� Since many applications don�t even have a 64bit version out and I don�t think games are 64bit, will they all run under vista 64bit? I have a feeling this might be a dumb question, but I just wanted to make sure before I go out and buy Vista 64.
Also do you think windows 7 is better for games? Will it even run games that have not been written for it? Or would I just be better sticking with vista 64 until everyone has caught up and made their apps compatible with the new windows 7? I mean will antivirus programs, ripping apps, etc work under windows 7 without a hitch, or should I wait and just use vista64 for now?
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Oct 23, 2010
Can anyone with an 11.6" MBA comment on how it can handle Steam games on OS X?I mean anything like HL2, Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress and stuff like that.If you could make a video that would be awesome!I am not really looking to use it for gaming, but if it can run some of these decently I might go with the larger SSD since I can put Steam games on all of my machines.
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Mar 21, 2012
my computer lags whenever i play a desktop game such as minecraft, call of duty modern warfare, and team fortress 2 and it never did this before. can anyone tell me why? Model Name:MacBook Pro Model Identifier:MacBookPro8,1 Processor Name:Intel Core i5 Processor Speed:2.3 GHz Number Of Processors:1 Total Number Of Cores:2 L2 Cache (per core):256 KB L3 Cache:3 MB Memory:4 GB
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 2, 2012
Can i play Pc games on my macbook, when i put the game in no auto install comes up and can't find a file to manual install the game.
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Sep 7, 2010
I have recently purchased a second hand MBP from a friend, its one of the older models with the silver keyboard, has 2.33 GHz intel core duo processor, 2GB ram, 160GB HD and runs fine. I have one problem though, when I load flash games or when I try to play a flash game it slows right down and runs slower than crawling speed. Is there any way I can speed it up or will it always be like this?
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