MacBook Pro :: What Is The Standard Of Saying That System Is Too Hot
Jun 21, 2012
My new pretty Retina Display MacBook Pro is sitting here on a vented metal stand doing nothing and the temperature (according to iStat) on one of the GPU diodes is 164°F. It's hot to the touch. Is that normal?
i downloaded a font last week.. the metallica old bandlogo font, don't ask me why.i tried installing it but it didn't work.this morning when i woke up, my browsers (firefox&safari) suddenly were in the metallica font.. how do i fix this?googling it is really difficult as it's really difficult to read.
All other articles I've seen online and on this site have been utterly useless for information on how to reformat this drive to a standard format. It has to be possible because all it is is a standard usb thumb drive.
I don't care if it gets rewritten as I've made a copy of it, and besides, if I really need the os to be installed again I'll just take it to the Genius Bar to have it done.
I'm looking for someone who really knows there stuff with terminal and permissions and all of that stuff to shed a little light on this subject.
We're all used to the idea of technology, memory, price, and TIME. But how long do you think before you can get a 512 GB SSD for around $200? I'm guessing 2 years, and by that time SSDs will become standard and everyone will be asking around that time what could possibly make Hard drives faster. It would even be perfect to replace your old hard drive instead of buying a new computer, just back up your data and re-install the OS and you practically have a brand new computer. And of course by that time there will be SSDs that surpass the current Intel ones.
Is it possible to put an SD Card slot into the RevC MBA?, I just read that an SD card can be used to boot the MBP in case the HDD Fails. I would think that Apple might be able to squeeze a SD Slot in there to make the MBA even better. Also, the Rev-D should have the SD-Card Slot and a standard 4GB RAM.
Someone told me its best to use a standard account instead of a admin account for every day usage as its better for security reasons on my new MBP. They say u can always install apps on a standard account. Whats everyone view on this?
I am going to get the 13'' MBP, i7, 8gb unit. The question I have is that should I stick with the standard hard drive that comse with the unit (750 GB), or should I upgrade to the solid state drive (desiring 256 gb)?
1. What are the advantages to a solid state?
2. Is it worth the money (trying to stay under $2000 with shipping and taxes)
On my current macbook I have a 250 GB HDD, and I have only used about 100 GB. Size is not the biggest issue, more about speed for me. I am a speed junkie, and I want my computer to perform to it's highest ability. I don't use any heavy intense application, or I am not a computer gamer. Although I know that these are the primary uses, I want the computer I am going to buy to last me several years and to maintain its speed when I use application. I also highly doubt I will use any where close to 200 gb.
I was riding my motorcycle on new year's eve with my brand new 15" 2.8GHz i7/hi-res matte display/8GB RAM/500GB Momentus XT MacBook Pro in my backpack and crashed into a car at 45mph. My MacBook's unibody was bent badly in the corner where the hard drive resides and crushed the hard drive and superdrive and bent the aluminum LCD panel, but left the LCD screen, battery, RAM, and motherboard untouched. The top and bottom aluminum unibody case/panel are destroyed. So I'm thinking of replacing my hi-res matte LCD assembly (LCD plus aluminum cover) with the standard-res glossy version simply because it's cheaper. Is it possible to swap out the displays like this or will it cause a conflict with other components?
Does anyone know the screen model/manufacturer of the new mbp 15,4 inch glossy 1440 screen?The thing is that I recieved my new mbp with the high-res antiglare, and it was just awful, now I'm thinking about getting the glossy standard model, and I'd like to research the screen before I get it.
The reason why I choosed to retun my high res antiglare is that it had a red tone, the vertical viewing angle is WAY WORSE than my 2008 mbp antiglare, the screen was not centered (flush left with a 3mm black line to the right), and the resolution (1680) is simply too high for general use (but perfect for photography, graphic design etc).I normally love anti-glare screens but this one is simply not good enough, even though it's a "high-res" one.Please share your experience with the new 1440 standard-res glossy!
Would also appriciate if someone knew where to get the "old" core2duo with antiglare 1440 option, preferably on sale, since that's still a considerable machine for me!
BTW, if anyone's interested, the screen of the antiglare high-res I received was a samsung (didn't write down the model number before I shipped it back)
I just bought a new macbook pro 13 inch with the new 320M graphics card. I bootcamped windows 7 for the gaming aspect, and when I tried to run a few games, none of them work, I get an error message saying that my standard VGA graphics chipset wont support the games and that my system will crash?
Two strange issues that I can't fix on my new MB Air 13 with MS Office for MAC 2011 and Excel.
1) I can't get the Standard Toolbar to show up when I open a new worksheet. I go to view, toolbars and then see that the Standard Toolbar is checked, but it doesn't show up. The only way to get it to show up is to do a series of steps: - uncheck Standard Toolbar menu and go back out; - go back in and check the Standard Toolbar and back to the spreadsheet - the Standard Toolbar still doesn't show up; - so then I click on the Layout tab on the ribbon and then it shows up!
2) I can't see the bottom of the window/spreadsheet - which means I can't resize the window. To resolve this, I have to do these steps: - open system preferences and change my MBA screen resolution from 1440 x 900 down to 1280 x 800 - then go back to the spreadsheet, and resize the window (make it smaller on the screen) - go back and resize the window back to 1440 x 900 - and then close the system preferences at this point, the Excel spreadsheet window is smaller and I can see/use the bottom of the screen to resize, etc.
Can't figure out what setting I have wrong or why I can't get Excel for Mac 2011 to work correctly on the MB Air screen.
I'm the only one who uses my mac, I have an Admin account which is my main account. Should I use a Standard account instead as my main account and only use the Admin account when doing major stuff.
I am sole user of the Mac usually and use an admin account. Though I've read in a few places that you should set up a standard account and use that for day to day activities. What does everybody else do?
Will I notice much difference if I upgrade to the seagate m xt 500 gb with 32cache?
Baring in mind I havnt got my 17" i7 2.8 in the post yet..
I'm thinking I can install the new drive as soon as I get the Mbp and do a fresh install as I'm assuming I'll get the iLife disks with the laptop so I can install it? Aswell as the OS cd's too?
I have a .wmv movie I would like to burn to a DVD to play on a standard DVD player connected to my TV (not just on my computer). I have several pieces of software that can convert the .wmv file to another format, but don't know which format I should convert it to.
i know that this may sound very crazy. I am wondering if it is possible to take everything out of a powermac g4 computer and put it into a standard atx case. i am trying to make a huge data server and need a lot of drive bays. i found 2 that i am considering: coolermaster with 11 bays or lian li huge case one other thing- is it possible to use a regular power supply or is that propriatary? I think with all of the drives i am going to put in it, i am going to need a more power.
I am considering purchasing a Mac Pro, probably at the begining of next year when the newer models have (hopefully) been released.
My plan is to get the standard model with Dual 2.8GHz Quad-cores (though this could all change with the new systems) and the lowest memory option - 2GB DDR2.
I plan to upgrade the RAM myself using memory from another supplier such as crucial. I have done this in the past with my macbook (taking it from 1Gb to 2Gb). When I did this I found that apple had installed 2x512Mb sticks from the factory which meant I had to buy 2x1Gb sticks rather than just adding a single 1Gb stick.
My question is, is there any way of telling what I will recieve from apple if I order 2Gb or is it the luck of the draw? i.e. will I get 1x2Gb or 2x1Gb etc etc...
The reason I ask is that I would prefer to use the single 4Gb sticks when I come to upgrade maximise the amount of RAM I can install.
I need to max out my credit cards before I file for bankruptcy again. No, in all seriousness, I need a new workstation. Which one would you suggest from the pic below, or should I wait till Black Friday? The refurb mac pro come with the standard ram and video card so I'll have to upgrade those on my own. Which would be of better value?
I'm new to mac. I've tried to install windows XP through boot camp-assistant. Now I have made a second partition, for windows. Windows doesn't work yet, I think I need my mac OS X CD to install some drivers from. When I boot up my system, it automatically says "press any key to boot from CD" or something like that. Now I have to push "option key" every time I boot up, to choose which partition I want to boot. How do I make it automatically boot up from the macintosh HD, so it launches Mac OS X?
I just restored my 13" Macbook Pro from a Time Machine Backup that was created on a 15" Macbook Pro via Migration Assistant, and I have been experiencing some weird problems. The weirdest thing is that I cannot change my account from Standard to Administrator, even if I am logged into the root account. When I authenticate and click on the check box that says "Allow User to Administer This Computer", the box goes blank again and a box shows up telling me a restart is needed.
We'll be buying a 27" iMac soon, and am wondering if the basic off the shelf configuration will be ok. I suspect it will, but don't want to under buy if there are important factors I'm overlooking.
We do tend to keep tech for a long time, but are moving to Macs from PCs. Most activities will be fairly basic, with some Photoshop, MS Office. We will also want to be able to run Parallels to get to some legacy PC apps. We don't do exotic things like 3D rendering, After Effects, or processing of huge files. We might want to play movies on the iMac though.
For comparison, our most up to date current machine is a 3 year old Sony laptop with 2 GB ram, a Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz processor, Windows Vista Home Premium, and a 225 GB HD with 85 GB free.
For some unknown reason my new IMac does only create .pdf with the format Letter US. My printers all only do A4 and similar. Where can I change preferences for it to create .pdfs of European Standard A4?