After having this Mac for a month, I've been surprised for the past few days to find that after an hour to three hours of use, the computer might freeze and then state that it must reset. Is this the result of any certain common activity in Mac OS that I could avoid just by changing my usage habits?
It has been a while i havnt used my MacBook Air. I forgot my passwords to enter.How do I completely reset my computer so that passwords are disabled or just reset?
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), TalkTalk; Huawei Echolife HG532
I can't figure out why my MPB frezzes up all the time. It's currently running worse then my Win XP. I counldn't even finish this thread before it frooze up again. I tried to run a disk check, that also made it frezze. The only way i can get it to life again is a hard reset.
My date and time resets each time my mac sleeps or is reset or if I open date and time options. It keeps sending emails of my old reminders from 2008/2009 from ical and my to-do list emails me its reminders. This happens every time I open my comp or even just open date and time options. I also get the ical reminder notification that pops up freezes on my screen. Not sure how this happened, but can anyone help?
I got this Mac pro with osx. It's a old business computer, so I don't have the login password for the user or administrator. I had this installation CD, and it worked fine when I tried holding "c" down while restarting the computer. But I couldn't fix the problem at the moment so I turned it of again. Now it won't start up as usual with the "Choose language menu" so I can't get access to the computer. I really don't know why it does it, and I'm so lost right now. How do I get access to the computer now, and reset the computer and password?
Okay, so here is how my question comes about... I have already searched and could not find links to other threads..
I bought a G4 desktop from a guy on craigslist about a week ago and I want to upgrade from 10.3.9 to the newer 10.5. He has an administrative account on the computer and whenever I try and load the 10.5, it asks for his password. I called the guy wondering what his password was and he told me. I tried entering that in and it will not work. Now the guy will not answer his phone or his e-mail address. I know he was the original owner because of the information on the computer and the name on the business card he exchanged for mine.
I would really like to upgrade my OS but I need to know how to go about reseting the computer to erase 100% of everything on the computer. Can someone please help me, I am new to Mac and I don't really know what to do!!!
adium froze, so i force quit it and restarted.....well now the computer freezes at the startup screen..........ive tried doing the shirt cmd opt del to boot fom my external but it doesnt freezes at the screen with the apple and the little spinning dial thing on the grey backdrop.....PLEASE HELP. im really worried since i dont have apple is appreciated asap because i have a paper i need to print out on it
i have an issue with coolbook. I have setting for coolbook, but every time i restart my computer coolbook isnt active again unless I manually open up and click save.
I was messing around with shapeshifter and custom icons, as well as dragging out folders like Documents, Applications, Pictures, Movies, Music onto the desktop. After this, all the Applications folders on all accounts only contain a non-functioning version of iTunes, save for the folder I dragged onto my Desktop. Can I reset my computer defaults? What do I do?
Yesterday we set up the computer at the Apple Store. When entering the Password for the computer, apparently we thought we were entering one thing when in fact we entered something else. Now I can't log into the computer to install new printer software, reset/change my password or anything else. I have tried looking through the Manual for the iMac 27-inch, Mid 2011 and can't find anything for resetting the password, finding it in the Keychain Access, etc. The computer is a waste if I can't reset the password to install the apps I need on it.
How do i reset my password to allow updates to my computer? In order to complete the update, I have to put in my password, but every password i tired isn't working so now I can't update it.What should I do?
I recently upgraded to 10.6.5 from 10.5.8. Ever since then I have had a problem with spaces. The problem is as follows:
When switching Spaces, there is the onscreen graphic along the bottom, telling you which space you just switched to. However, sometimes when switching spaces on SL 10.6.5, the graphic will stay there and wont disappear as it should. When it just stays there, the entire keyboard stops working because Mac OS X still thinks I am performing the Spaces switch. A logout is required.
I am running 10.6.5 with all updates applied.
I searched for this problem both on MR & on google, and although it seems that I am not the only one with the problem, I can find neither a cause, nor a solution.
What does this error message mean? I have had my MBA since Feb, and never had this error. I get the error, in several languages, and the computer is frozen at that point. A restart gets me back up and running until it happens again, usually within; an hour or so. Always while using Safari.
SInce upgrading to Lion my computer freezes when in Facebook or playing certain games. I have apps that pop up on thier own and I can't get them to stop.
I wanted to reformat my computer to "factory setting" and inserted the usb that came along with the mba i bought. Clicked install and restarted and followed instruction.
When the installation was done and computer rebooted, i didn't see any changes at all. Everything was exactly the same.
I have a colleague who is still running 10.2 (yea I know, time to upgrade, but they haven't felt the need for it yet I guess). Anyway, someone changed and forgot, or someone did it to be a jerk, either way they are unable to update any software or even log in. Just wondering how to rest the password. The computer is stuck on the log in screen currently and they can't access anything.
I was playing a game with my Mac, and the sticky keys indicator disappeared. I've moved it before, and this game has caused it to move before, but I don't know where it is. How do I fix this?
I am having a problem with iTunes. When ever I refresh my podcasts it will start downloading then about 5 min in my whole computer freezes. This only happens with this program and this function. I tried uninstalling iTunes and reinstalling. All other programs work without incident. I am running XP. I also have the newest version of iTunes.
This is the millionth problem I have had with time Capsule... every few weeks it is a new problem... I am fed up with trying to fix it
The latest problem I am having is when Time Capsule starts to back up, it crashes my computer.... and by that I mean it freezes my computer completely! So I decided to re-format the time capsule, but I am still having the problems
When I go back on the computer in the morning, the computer seems to choke on everything - anything I do gets me a beachball (click OK on the "you have been disconnected from AIM" dialog? Beachball. Trying to open a window in an app? Beachball. Trying to open a menu? Beachball). After a few minutes, the computer just freezes and so can't do anything about it. I had to hard reboot and the same thing happens after the start up. This happened a few times, but today was the worst - the computer just froze. I can move the mouse, but that's it. The GUI is totally unresponsive. I had to hard reboot to get out.
While performing normal operations on my computer (email, internet, etc) my computer will freeze for a moment, go to a blue screen, then completely log out without warning, and go to the log in screen. This is the crash report that is created. Can anyone let me know what's going on?
I have a 2.2 GHz MacBook Pro, one of the Santa Rosa models with the 8600M GT. It's run perfectly for nearly two years - up until about two weeks ago. Since then, it's experienced three pretty drastic system-wide crashes. Each time, the screen flashes white three times and freezes, requiring a hard reset - the mouse still moves, but the computer doesn't recognize any input. Curiously, each time I've reset, the computer has had an instant kernel panic at the white boot screen with the Apple logo, requiring another hard reset. After this it's booted fine.
Each time I've had a reasonable amount of stuff running - Safari with, say, 15 tabs, Quicksilver, Ableton Live 8, Newsfire, iTunes, iCal - but nothing excessive. I can't really make head or tail of the panic logs, but each of them seem similar, and all mention kernel extensions and repeatedly. I've also had a couple other occasions where vertical lines have flashed down the screen momentarily. Am I right in thinking this is all most likely related to the graphics card starting to die?
After upgrading to iTunes 10.6 (40) this week I am experiencing (very) frustrating freezes at the start of every new track in iTunes. The freeze affect the whole computer. Nothing happens (or can happen) at all except the song plays. the freeze lasts 15-20 seconds then everything is back to normal. I expect it may have to do with caching/buffering the new song.Â
I really, really hope this is fixed very soon. I am on a 2 x 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon Power Mac with 12 GB RAM running Mac OS 10.7.3.Â