MacBook Pro :: Remote Desktop Setup To Work Laptop From UMBP?
Dec 30, 2010
I run a UMBP @ home and also have a work laptop connected to my LAN. I want to remote into my work laptop from my UMBP, but I am having trouble doing so. My work laptop has joint to the company domain and has Group Policy applied. However I made sure all the remote desktop firewall rules are open and I still can't remote into it. Work laptop is running Win7. My dad's pc is also a Win7 and I can remote into just fine.
Need some tech assistance. Changing over from a PC to a Mac G4 for my home computer. Would like to use the MAC equivalent of Remote Desktop Connection. Present set up on my PC is handled by clicking on a icon which takes me to the remote server.
I'm trying to connect to a small (10) local network of imacs all running Mavericks 10.9.3. I'm using Remote Desktop over Bonjour and also trying to share an iTunes library using Home sharing. None of the computers will respond. I get an error (-3170) on the target computers for the home sharing and RD tells me they're all sleeping when I can see perfectly well that they are awake and logged in. They all have RD client 3.7.1 installed but the response I get from RD when I try to wake them is 'this is not supported on these computers'.
This system worked wonderfully well under 10.6.8 and now it's completely screwed with Mavericks. as all the computers respond readily via the 'Go/connect to server/browse/connect method'. They are obviously all connected it's just this new OS just doesn't work.
I'm looking for a system that can track about 50 MBP's providing both remote wipe as part of an overall security protocol, and also remote screen/desktop for admin purposes. I looked at but it looks like they only do remote wiping/tracking. that I don't want something locked to a single user, it should be centrally managed.
Been using Mac Towers exclusively for years and years, and I'm now thinking about adding a laptop to my setup. I've seen the specs and all, but one question remains for the *unibodies* MacBooks: how easy is it to access the battery, HD and RAM to swap them myself?
So I have a MacBook Pro, and my Dad has a MacBook Air. I was wandering if I needed Wi-Fi to access the optical drive on my MBP through the MBA using remote disk
I have a 2007 macbook pro with a dead video card. Neither the LCD nor the external video port work. The apple store confirmed everything else works fine. I would like to use it in a server-like application, but to set it up I will need some way to get video working temporarily.
When it broke, I had ssh enabled but that's about it. I didn't install remote desktop or anything like that. Is there any way to ssh in and install/set up Remote Desktop or something equivalent? I'm used to doing X11 forwarding over ssh on linux, but I haven't found anything similar for mac.
Is anyone using the MBA with Remote Desktop Connection? I am concerned that the program I would be running remotely may be be too small to read comfortably. I have only used it with my iMacs, and have never seen it run on a MB or MBP.
I have a PC connected to a 5.1 channel 1000W Speaker system, and I know there are options for remote speakers in iTunes, is there a way to set it up so I can select songs on my MacBook's iTunes, and have the sound come through the PC's Speaker System, even a third party program or whatever?
I recently bought the 2010 mac mini with the apple remote and I am very happy. I am having a little bit of trouble using the apple remote. Every time I turn on the mac mini I need to go to preferences and change the options of Candelair for the apple remote to work properly with Plex. I mean. I turn on the mac mini and the apple remote wont work absolutely. I need to get the magic mouse and go to preferences and change some options. It seems that this is the only way to "activate" the Plex functionality.
What I want is just to turn on the mac mini and immediately open Plex with the apple remote without needing to use the magic mouse or going to preferences. Is this possible? There must be a way to control the mac mini and Plex just from the start of Mac OS X. It gets very annoying to use the magic mouse along the apple remote. I turn on the mac mini and if I press the middle button (the one to open Plex with Candelair) nothing happens. As I say, I need to go to preferences and adjust the settings of Candelair and then it works. Why doesn't it work from the beginning?
When accessing a remote desktop on a mac to use a windows program is this functional and will it slow the mac down or create other vulnerabilities or will it run smoothly?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.0.x), New Macbook pro purchase
I have struggled to set up icons for the sites I use frequently. I would like to arrange these icons on my desktop so that just by clicking on them I can get to the link.
I just use my MBP for everything. I hook it up to a external monitor for photo editing. Found out I need a new monitor, need one that can give me accurate color for printed photos. I am struggling with buying a Imac. Not sure I will like the glossy screen and printing issues? I like just having the one machine, easy to keep everything up to date, back up,, etc. Just wondering if others like using their laptop as a desktop too.?
I was wondering if I would be able to remote access my lost laptop if the administrator account has been deleted. Being absent minded I left my bag at the bus station and I figure who ever has found it is keeping it by now since I haven't gotten a phone call yet and it's been over a week.
I recently purchased an Apple for the first time after years on PC's. I'd like all my pictures, music & other files currently on my PC on my Mac as well but I am having trouble getting them to communicate.
I get the message "Please insert "Null" disk to continue InstallationI am trying to install Microsoft Word 08, and the host computer is a PC with its firewall off
I just got my new iMac 21.5, works great. I'm a Mac newbie. I have a remote Windows machine I'd like to use as a network drive. I also have a NAS (Netgear SC101T) which I basically don't use anymore, thus I'll use the PC. I have two wireless routers so that function is of no value to me. So IMHO I don't need a Time Capsule.
I'd like to configure Time Machine to use the Windows networked drive as the "Time Capsule". Is this possible? If so, how do I do that? And how does that impact the Restore functionality if I'm not using the $300+ Time Capsule? Will it still restore a dead machine if it comes down to it?
I currently have a 2006 Macbook Pro 2.0 ghz core duo, 80 GB HD, 2GB Ram running leopard (not snow leopard), and a wireless card which I think has reached the end of it's life line (the signal range of the wireless card has diminished dramatically), and a battery which last 45min on a charge and a fussy dvd drive that fails at times. Which this being said, I wanted an opinion on a couple things if it wasn't to much trouble.A. I wanted to know what could I do to "Max out" my laptop.1a. When I do "max out" my laptop would I be able to convert my Macbook Pro and use it as a desktop (just buy an external screen, keyboard, and mouse) edit: Also What could I do to prevent heating (since it would now be used as a desktop)
I need a laptop that is portable, somewhat powerful, and has good battery life. I find that all in macs. I am down to the MBA and MBP 13I will probably wait untill around WWDC for MBA and next year's refresh for MBP(Hoping for SB+Matte hi res)
I am a late 2006 macbook pro 17" with broken LCD screen casing. For now i used superglue to put it back together, but if the computer gets hot i think the superglue will melt and cause problems.i have been told its impossible to find a replacement screen for this model cheap enough to make it worthy of repair.I am thinking of turning it into a desktop by getting an external monitor. Can I remove the LCD screen entirely off the macbook pro so it's just the body, and then connect it to a new monitor? this way i can still use the keyboard/mouse, and not have to worry about the existing screen and superglue, melting.
im going into high school after this summer, and i'm going into a special program which only has about 100 students, but my county has the worst funding in the state, so i'm not sure how good it for getting into this program/getting me to do it, my dad is giving me 2000$.now i need to decide what computer i want, and i'd like to keep the entire cost of the computer under 1500 1600 at the max so i can buy some other new things like a bigger desk, a usb hub, etc. i currently have a dell xps m1330 1.8ghz intel centrino duo vista buissness 32-bit 2gb ram 120gb hd 2 usb ports, vga out, hdmi out, ethernet, 1394 firewire, and a cd drivei also have a dell mini 10 running windows xp.
I've got a couple of older desktop Macs (G-4) and need to access the hard drive through my new MacBook Pro. These older Macs use a serial connection, is there an adapter that I can use to hook them up to my laptop via USB?
How can i connect my laptop to my desktop to access its data- but work on my big dektop screen?
i know ive been told that there is a way to do this i just cant remember-somehting about connectine with a fire wire and holding down certain keys when my desktop starts up?I dont want to change the date on my main computer- just create a secont "desktop" and use my laptop for that( big imovie presentation with all my files and music software on my leptop)
I've been Promac based for years and now run a Macbook Pro for mobility around the office and house.I'm getting flustered running 2 systems in tandem along with 1 wife and 3 kids! Currently before I leave the desktop I put a copy of my current work on my TimeCapsule then pull it down to the laptop, work then visa versa. I would like my work folders, photos, and music to be on both machines. I see programs like Drop Box and Chronosyc, the language on the Chrnosync website make is appear fairly complicated, can I ask if anyone might spare a moment to cover their expieriences of them or any other setups?