Mac Pro :: Remote Desktop Connection To Office PC From Home Laptop?

May 17, 2008

I need to remote into my office (PC) from my mac pro at home.

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OS X :: Connect To Home Network From Remote Internet Connection?

Mar 19, 2007

I have a non-fixed IP with BT for my home network and am curious if I can set things up to access my home machines and volumes when I am abroad. A step-by-step guide to this process would, no doubt, be useful to a number of MR members. If there is a kind soul who could post an idiot-proof set of instructions that would be great, and would perhaps be put up as a user guide here at MR.

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OS X :: Remote Desktop Connection Over WiFi

Dec 5, 2010

I'm trying to set up a RDC over WiFi. Both laptops are on the same WiFi network. I installed the latest RDC sw on my mac and I'm logged on as an admin on the other laptop which is running Windows XP. From My Computer > Properties > Remote > 'Allow remote assistance etc' is ticked. From the 'Advanced' tab I also ticked 'Allow this computer to be controlled remotely'. I temporarily switched off the Zone Alarm firewall on the Windows laptop. I launched RDC, I type in the IP of the Windows laptop (which is a generic 198.162.x.y) but nothing happens. I even tried to type in the laptop name but nothing happens either. The RDC cannot find the laptop. I checked that all the services starting with the word 'Remote' on the Windows based laptop have been 'Started'.

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Applications :: Remote Desktop Connection From One To Another Mac

Dec 14, 2010

Outside of VNC and LogMeIn, is there a way to remote into another Mac from a Mac? I've found a lot of results regarding remoting into a Mac from a Windows PC, but not from Mac to Mac.

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MacBook :: Remote Desktop Connection To PC Possible?

Mar 30, 2009

Is it possible to remote a pc from a mac and if I can what applications can I use?!

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OS X :: Remote Desktop Connection With Dynamic Ip

Dec 16, 2009

Having an issue with RDC, it works connecting to Windows machines with the IP addresses but wont work with the names of the machines, I have dynamic IP's in my house so need it to work on names , anybody have any issues like this as I cant seem to figure it out?

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MacBook Pro :: Remote Desktop Setup To Work Laptop From UMBP?

Dec 30, 2010

I run a UMBP @ home and also have a work laptop connected to my LAN. I want to remote into my work laptop from my UMBP, but I am having trouble doing so. My work laptop has joint to the company domain and has Group Policy applied. However I made sure all the remote desktop firewall rules are open and I still can't remote into it. Work laptop is running Win7. My dad's pc is also a Win7 and I can remote into just fine.

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MacBook Air :: Running Remote Desktop Connection?

Oct 18, 2010

Is anyone using the MBA with Remote Desktop Connection? I am concerned that the program I would be running remotely may be be too small to read comfortably. I have only used it with my iMacs, and have never seen it run on a MB or MBP.

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Remote Desktop Connection App

Nov 16, 2010

the app "Remote Desktop Connection" installed itself when I was installing Office 2011 on my Mac.
How do I use this to access my Windows PC?

I've followed all the instructions exactly as they are written and it still fails to connect every time, I'm trying to connect by typing my PC's full name into the space.

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Applications :: How To Access Remote Desktop Connection

Jul 6, 2007

i just got a mac and am trying to figure out how to access a remote desktop connection for my work. on a pc, i went to the start menu, communication, and there was an option called 'remote desktop connection.'

when i clicked on that, microsoft outlook opened and there was a box for the ip address at my work. i filled in the ip and then i logged in with my work username and password.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Get Remote Desktop Connection

Nov 19, 2009

Rite as by the title i'm trying Remote Desktop Connection to connect from my Mac to Pc.

How do i go about doing this?

i have my pc's name kieran-pckieran , when i place this in the field on my mac's RDC it says failed.

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OS X :: Remote Desktop Connection With Proper External IP?

Dec 16, 2009

I got my mac pro in england and right now I am in denmark sitting here with my macbook pro trying to control it. I setup Logmein client before I left which is working fine but the lag is annoying me, and I was wondering if there was a better solution so, I enabled "remote desktop" on my macpro and sitting here with apples Remote desktop trying to connect to the IP of my place in england (not the internal, the proper external) and as usual I can see I can connect to it, as its a public "student" residential area, I know I cant access the router but I also know they have not blocked any ports including the 5900 port which is required.

So is it my "DNS" which is blundering? Coz I can see when I make the remote desktop under the sharing tab, does it not create a dns "submask" - and if thats true. When I put that in to DNS I still cant connect any fancy or fantastic solutions? I don't mind a browser based client such has logmein, but one with a more "fluent" use would be wonderful, as i wanted to work on it live.

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Hardware :: Setup For Remote Desktop Connection For Mac?

Mar 15, 2009

Need some tech assistance. Changing over from a PC to a Mac G4 for my home computer. Would like to use the MAC equivalent of Remote Desktop Connection. Present set up on my PC is handled by clicking on a icon which takes me to the remote server.

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Intel Mac :: Air Display With Remote Desktop Connection

Jun 2, 2012

I just downloaded Air Display to use my iPad as a 2nd monitor with my 21 inch iMac.  I use Remote Desktop Connection to remote in to my work computer.  I was hoping to be able to move my e-mail client to the iPad, and do most of my work on the iMac. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Remote Desktop Connection - How It Works For Graphic Stuff

Dec 6, 2010

I have a studio with a nice desktop with 3 screens. Trouble is, through the winter I'd rather be working near my fireplace. I could move the desktop, and have this huge monster in my pretty room, or I could hook up one monitor to my laptop and use remote desktop. So my question is... how is remote desktop for serious work? Mostly graphic stuff, layout, etc. Would I need an upgraded router for it to work well (currently have only an a/g airport express, maybe need a/g/n?).

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Applications :: Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection For Mac Can't Resolve PC Name?

May 12, 2009

I am having problems getting RDC v2 to work using my Windows7 computer name.

I am able to get to the computer through the IP address with no problems.

I would like to use computer name as I am on a DHCP router and the IP changes often.

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Software :: How To Remote Desktop Connection From Window XP To MAC Computer

Feb 15, 2010

I am new to MAC OS. I am using MAC OS version 10.5.6.

Apart from ssh login and VNC ( I could do both) from Window computer to MAC computer, I want to have remote Desktop connection from Window XP to MAC PC ?

When I trying to to start->Programs-Accessories->Remote Deskop Connection on Window XP and enter the MAC PC IP address, I am getting error message as :

"This computer can't connect to the remote computer. Try connection again......"

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Software :: Remote Desktop Connection Not Established To PPP Server

Jan 23, 2011

VPN (PPTP) in 'NETWORK' pops up: "A connection could not be established to the PPP server." PC's using the same IP address password and internet connection get in just fine. What should I check? Connecting the same way getting on the internet here at work were the PC I am trying to connect with works just fine. VPN(PPTP) connects and Remote Desktop takes me to the PC's desktop just fine. I have tried from home with both my mac laptop and imac desktop, neither will connect but PC users have no problem connecting remotely.

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Intel Mac :: Remote Desktop Connection Does Not Work With Lion

May 23, 2012

Having problems with program that connects to my office. I get message that states ' power pc applications are no longer supported."

iMac, Lion

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Software :: Remote Desktop Connection To Multiple Macs On Network?

Feb 10, 2009

I'm trying to use Apple Remote Desktop to connect to multiple Mac's on a remote network. I've set the remote network's firewall/router to open up the ARD-specific ports for all the computers I want to connect to. I've also set each computer to accept Remote Management. On my ARD however, when I enter the network address of the remote network I'm trying to get to, I can only see ONE of the enabled computers, rather than all.

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Internet Connection On Home Wifi Keeps Disconnecting From Mac Desktop

Mar 25, 2012

I keep losing connection with my wifi home netwoek on my mac desk computer and my iphone this just started in thre last two weeks i don't know why

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OS X :: Link Desktop And Laptop To Share Ethernet Internet Connection?

Mar 15, 2009

I was wondering if it is possible to connect a desktop and laptop computer using apple share or bluetooth to share an internet connection that is connected through an ethernet port on the desktop. My internet company is crap so I need to find a way to cut out the router, which I have to reset all the time to get a normal internet speed.

Desktop is a Mac Pro bought last April, and the laptop is a 12" Powerbook G4. Both have bluetooth, airport, and the newest operating system.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Application For Administrators That Can Provide Both Remote Wipe And Remote Desktop?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm looking for a system that can track about 50 MBP's providing both remote wipe as part of an overall security protocol, and also remote screen/desktop for admin purposes. I looked at but it looks like they only do remote wiping/tracking. that I don't want something locked to a single user, it should be centrally managed. 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Constantly Loss Connection To My Wifi Home Connection

May 18, 2012

I constantly loss connection to my wifi home connection, have to turn off an on the wifi on my macbook pro (10.7.4)

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Software :: Remote Access My Mac From Home Wherever I Go?

Aug 25, 2010

I would like to remote access my mac from home wherever I go. I don't want to do SSH or register at any website, I know it's better but all I'm looking for is to just be able to remote access my mac via screen share so here's what I've done so far.

I've opened the ports on the airport extreme base station (5900 etc.) and set the private ip address for the mac under port mapping.

I've set the private ip statically on my mac at home through system preferences

I've turned on screen share on my mac at home

I've recorded the public ip address for me to have for remotely logging in remotely

I've done all of these steps and I still can't remotely login to my mac at home. Now, the only thing I forgot to do is set the password under the screen sharing settings under sharing. Is that the only thing I need to do to be able to achieve successful remote access? Is there anything else I need to do besides creating a password for VNC and the step I've described above?

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MacBook Air :: Will Apple Remote Work With New Laptop

Oct 20, 2010

It's not in the option when you check out..

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OS X :: How To Remote Access To Home Computer - VNC And DynDNS

Jan 14, 2011

I am moving to a new job that will be about 30 minutes away from home, and I'd like to be able to access my home Mac Pro. I should have fairly decent internet at the new home and new job, so I'd like to set up some sort of VPN or remote access.

Would having DynDNS and then VNC acccess be the best way to do this? What about setting up a VPN so I can access files from a work machine?

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Intel Mac :: Remote It At Work With A Macbook Pro From Home ?

Feb 25, 2012

I work with a iMac (intel) at work and at home i have a Macbook pro.I now it is posible to remote the iMac from a external location (for example with the Macbook pro at home) I use this to machine for work. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Hardware :: Mac At Home For Remote Disk Access With New Airport?

Mar 7, 2009

I'm getting conflicting info about this. Those who seem knowledgeable say you need a MAC at home to use BTMM with the new Airport but there are reports of people that are connecting to TC or USB disks over the internet without a MAC at home.

And to make matters worse it's confusing to begin with. Also, there doesn't seem to be much interest in this issue.

From the Apple forum:

Re: Accessing time capsule drives on MobileMe
Posted: Mar 6, 2009 2:51 PM

"I have been reading online and it appears that you must actually have a Mac connected to the TC to enable the drive sharing. This apparently still requires a Mac at home. The new thing is only that drives connected via USB to a TC or AEBS are visible when connecting to your Mac at home via Back-to-my-Mac. I was under the impression you could connect directly to the TC less the Mac connection, it appears thats not the case."


"that completely defeats the whole purpose I hope that is not the case. Is there any other way to access your timecapsule from another internet location? "


"Nope. I just finally got mine to work without any home computer connected to the shared disks on my AEBS. I didn't change anything from 5 minutes ago when it didn't work, but it does now. "

Here are all the steps I took:
1. Added MobileMe info on the Advanced screen
2. Checked the box to share disks over the Internet
3. Checked the box to share the disks using Bonjour
4. Added a wide-area Bonjour hostname

Hopefully this was just something they turned on rather than a grim promise of spotty service.


"I did not even have to do (2) (3) and (4).

But I think the service is rather slow right now. So you might not see your AirDisk appearing on the Finder immediately.

Also AirPort Utility will take advantage of wide-area bonjour and MobileMe service as well, by login onto MobileMe, you can remotely configure your TC."

Update: Here's another one (for my own info)


" Ididn't even have to do that much. I have one of the original Time Capsules (purchased the first day they were available in the Apple Store). I updated to the latest firmware and the latest Airport Utility. Went into the MobileMe preference on the Time Capsule and entered my user name and password. I went to school, opened Finder, clicked on Time Capsule, it asked for my Time Capsule user name and password, and now could access the Time Capsule drive. I even copied a 24MB file over and it all worked just fine. The only thing I didn't do was try to copy something from my computer to the Time Capsule. I did try to do a backup via Time Machine but that did not work. Even if it had I don't think I would ever do backups remotely.

If it helps - I am a MobleMe subscriber/user, I have Back to my Mac turned on in the MobileMe preferences, I have a unibody MacBook, I'm using Mac OS X 10.5.6, and as I mentioned before - Time Capsule firmware 7.4.1 and Airport Utility 5.4.1. My Time Capsule is not connected to another Mac permanently. It is in my utility room connected only to my Comcast modem. "

end quote.

So it sure looks like you can do this. Not sure though as it's all a bit of a mess i'm not sure I want to step in.......

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MacBook Pro :: Remote Accessing Files On My Home Network?

May 27, 2010

I just bought a new 15" MBP 3 days ago and got an Airport Extreme to replace my Linksys router. I have 3 Hard drives connected to it and I have no problems accessing the files when I am at home on my personal network but what if I am at school or work and I need those files. Is there some way for me to get to them remotely?

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