MacBook Pro :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.4) USB Port Working Only Intermittently
Sep 1, 2014
I have an older macbook 3,1 running Mavericks OS and recently one of my left USB ports has not been:
1) able to eject external hard drives plugged into it (I have to force eject)-instead it gives me a message that one or more programs may be using it (even though I don't have any programs using it). The hard drive is being powered by USB has a 3.0 connection although this wasn't a problem in the past... I tried the other USB port and it can eject just fine from that port.
2)Intermittent communication with mouse. Not sure if this is a hardware issue but when I try to run diagnostics on this laptop by holding down the "D" key at startup it doesn't take me to diagnostics. I no longer have the discs for this laptop (containing said hardware test) so I can't boot the diagnostics from that discs.
In lieu of a hardware test I opened CONSOLE and did a search for USB and there were a couple of these messages:
Is this a logic board issue? Would rolling my OS back to pre-Mavericks work? The problem didn't emerge right when I updated to Mavericks however I have had luck changing OS stuff (updating or rolling back) with faulty USBs...
Here are other troubleshooting methods I have attempted with no success: -Disk Utlity (repair disk and permissions)
-Remove battery
-Shut Down
-Run Disk Utility @ startup
I'd like to get access to a Hardware Test compatible with my macbook. The links I have found online are to incomplete files.
I have used ssh port forwarding in the past,I have recently upgraded to Mavericks, but it does appear that my ssh port forwarding stopped some time before this. The last time I know it worked was 5/14/14, and feel it has worked more recently as well.
from my Mac I ssh to my work jump server (port 22, let's say its IP is, and my jump server has access to work PC (lets say IP of My work PC has RDP running on it on the common port 3389. I have verified that I can set up a working RDP session at work from another box. Also, I know that my jump server can get to my PC at work as I can ping my work IP if I just ssh straight to my jump server. And I know that there is no firewall stopping me from the jump server as I can also open a telnet session to my work PC on port 3389, without errors.
how I have done it in the past and it has worked, but now recently stopped working in Terminal app:
ssh -f me@ -L 3388: -Nnv
The verbose logging shows that it sets up connectivity. If I then look to see if my local port is listening I can type:
netstat -an | grep 127.0
I will note that port 3387 is in fact LISTENing and waiting for connection
I then start my RDP client app, and start a session to "localhost:3387" (I could also use "", and have, but it does not work either). My RDP client eventually times out. I have turned my firewall off and on, neither way works.
The verbose log shows the following is setup appropriately (with noted modifications to server names and actual IPs): debug1: Authentication succeeded (keyboard-interactive).Authenticated to ([]:22).debug1: Local connections to localhost:3387 forwarded to remote address Local forwarding listening on port 3387.
I acquired a Unibody MacBook that experienced a little water damage. The logic board was definitely shot, so I replaced that yesterday and initially the machine was working like a champ, save for a few issues:
1. The machine tries charging my battery, but eventually gives up and decides that there is no battery in the machine (there is a battery in there, and it shouldn't be dead yet, should it?)
2. I've been experiencing an issue in which the MacBook and charger aren't getting along. I've got two different chargers, both of which work on my pre-Unibody MBP consistently but sometimes I'll plug one into the MacBook and get no light, and in other cases I'll plug it in and get just a very faint green light. In either case, the machine won't start up. I usually tinker with the machine for a few minutes, taking the back plate off and checking connections, waiting a few minutes, and it's back up again.
3. Before the machine starts up, the LED blinks three times. I initially thought this was just a blink pattern to notify the user that the logic board doesn't have a serial number yet, but I've run the serializer and entered a SN in, and it still does that. Is this normal for these Macs?
I know that these MacBooks are a little more intricately tied to the battery than previous Macs. Does anyone think the above problems (at least 1 and 2) would be solved by a replacement battery? Or does it sound like something else is wrong (perhaps the DC in board)? I've never heard of anyone needing to replace a Magsafe DC in board (and from their low prices online, I'm led to believe that they rarely fail).
Frequently, when using Messages I am not getting all of the incoming messages that sent via iMessage.
For example, texting with a friend, I sent her a message, she responded. And, I saw the ... bubble, but didn't get a message. My phone, however, buzzed, and I was able to see a response.
Then, I got another message from her, but not the first response. It seems that Messages is intermittently dropping iMessage texts.
I am having issues with my Dual Band 1TB time capsule for some reason the damn ports won't forward I have enabled the correct settings with the ip address and the ports, but when I use a program to test if the ports are open they are always closed, regardless on pc or mac. Does anyone have a solution to this? I even reset my Time capsule to see if it would work, but no luck.
I have a MacBook Pro 13' using Mac OSX 10.7.4. brand new bought two months ago. Everything went fine until I noticed that USB port left side is not longer working. I've been trying plu a usb memory and wireless mouse and nothing happen. I have tried reset SMC but I am not sure if I am doing well such process or nothing happens before that.
My first usb port (the lead usb port) is stopped working. I accidentally put a usb hub with 12v power supply in it, into my MBP. It is a 15" MacBook Pro mid 2010 2,53ghz i5. (it's the one with a ssd slot). I have tried to run a hardware test on it but it didn't came with any result.
My ethernet port is not working when cable is plugged in. Wireless works fine. Ethernet was working up until end of Feb. Then I turned it on and it wouldn't connect. Plugged into a friend's house still not working. Tried at work, still no luck. (I'm on a MacBook Pro late 2008)
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
i bought a macbook pro, OS X lion, version 10.7.4 a month ago. one of my USB port suddenly stopped working. i am a new mac user, so i have very less idea about mac.
I often watch movies streaming on the internet by connecting my Macbook to my television via my Mini DVI to S-video adaptor cable.Last week, however, it suddenly stopped working. The television can still detect the display, but the image is super distorted and moving in a static-ey way. I can only vaguely make out the icons on my desktop on the TV screen.I thought that perhaps my adaptor cable was at fault, so I bought a new one - but the problem remains. I have also tried resetting the PRAM, repairing the disc and permissions with Disc Utility, and cleaning the Mini DVI port. I am pretty certain that it is a hardware problem with the port itself. One of the pins on my Mini DVI port looks like it could be out of place. It is kind of squished at the bottom of the port instead of laying flat like the others.
I have a 2 Gen MBA and today suddenly the keyboard, trackpad and even the USB port stopped working, I tried connect an external mouse but it didn't work, even other USB devices are not working !! I tried the display port it is fine, but I am not sure about the audio port. I tried the SMC reset but it did me no good.
I had bought the MBA from Apple UK but currently I am in INDIA for my winter break from UNI. I don't have my OSX discs at the moment they are back in UK, I tried calling the Applecare but they are closed being a Sunday, and I don't want the local Apple Authorised Service center to touch my air as I don't trust them (The appointment of these repair centers in INDIA is not upto the highest standards !)
The keyboard and the trackpad are working in the Apple hardware test, I was able to move around the cursor and even use the keyboard to select the various options, so I believe the hardware is fine.
So any suggestions what can I do in the meantime, I will call Apple Care in UK tomorrow. I am not back in the UK till the 26th January.
My 2.4 Aluminum MacBook has a very serious problem, but only with the line-in port. The headphones work fine through the line out. When I plug the microphone, the built-in mic still works,]. I tried everything, it just doesn't work at all, i plugged in the microphone and changed the system preferences manually and did everything with all the applications, but still, nothing is working. I have had this MacBook for 2 weeks now. I wish I waited couple of days for the pro.
When I plug a set of headphones on my macbook pro, it no longer recognizes that headphones are plugged in. I have tried three different sets of headphones just to make sure that they are not the problem. In Sound/Output section of system preferences, it still says internal speakers even when the headphones are plugged in all the way.
Is there a fix for this I can do myself or do I need to take it in to an Apple Store?
I accidentally dropped my MBP and since then, my left USB port doesn't appear to work anymore. Its weird because when I plug my seagate external hard drive in, the lights of the hd come on but my MBP doesn't recognize it, likewise with my iPod, where the battery appears to be charging, but iTunes doesn't recognise my iPod.
I hooked my Macbook mini-display port up to my new Sony 32" TV and it worked fine for a month or so, but then it stopped working. Now when I plug it in the TV says there is "no signal" and the laptop doesn't detect the display. Nothing happens when I plug it in. I have tried two different HDMI chords, but only one mini display chord.
The Firewire port on my MacBook has stopped working. Nothing responds and when you look in System Profiler with anything connected the Firewire section shows the spinning indicator for a few minutes before claiming it is unable to list devices. I have also tried all the usual troubleshooting steps including resetting the SMC. But, if I put my thumb under the connected Firewire plug and gently press upwards the port works. It shows in System Profiler and drives mount. I have, of course, tried with different cables to rule that out too.
It clearly seems to be a physical problem with the port somehow. Does anyone have any ideas of exactly what the problem might be, and how easy it is to fix? Maybe a pin just needs bending outwards, or the port loose and can a clip needs pushing back in. If it is likely to be something relatively simple I am comfortable with fixing it myself, but the laptop is a few years old and not covered by AppleCare so I am wearing of an expensive repair bill.
I have a year old 17" MBP. I use it with a 24" Dell and have had no problems. Occasionally I hook it up to my HDTV with a long HDMI cable and a DVI to HDMI adapter. Tonight I wanted to watch something so I unplugged the Dell and plugged in the TV, but nothing happened. I noticed on my MBP everything was on the one screen as if dual display was not working. I unplugged the mini display port, screen goes blue for a sec, and the same screen comes back up. Plug it back in, screen goes blue for a sec, and the same screen comes up. Repeat, same results. The Dell when unplugged says "no dvi signal" but plugged in is black. Restarted 3 times, repaired permissions.... nothing.
I have been able to plug in small speakers and headphones in the past into the port on the left of my laptop. I just tried to plug in to my new receiver for the first time in months and, nothing... So I have tried my headphones and mini speakers - still nothing. I'm pretty certain it's the port. Or could it be software thing? Please help, I finally got my projector working and now I have wimpy sound!
P.S. I recently updated to Lion, in case that is significant.
I often watch movies streaming on the internet by connecting my Macbook to my television via my Mini DVI to S-video adaptor cable. Last week, however, it suddenly stopped working. The television can still detect the display, but the image is super distorted and moving in a static-ey way. I can only vaguely make out the icons on my desktop on the TV screen. I thought that perhaps my adaptor cable was at fault, so I bought a new one - but the problem remains. I have also tried resetting the PRAM, repairing the disc and permissions with Disc Utility, and cleaning the Mini DVI port. I am pretty certain that it is a hardware problem with the port itself. One of the pins on my Mini DVI port looks like it could be out of place. It is kind of squished at the bottom of the port instead of laying flat like the others. I’m thinking that this might be the culprit. Is there a way to repair the port without having to replace the whole logic board? The Macbook in question is a 2008 Core 2 Duo running Lion.
I just got to college and discovered that wifi didnt work (now I've learned that it only works with Firefox for whatever reason) so I just plugged into the ethernet port at my desk and it worked for a week or so and then it wouldn't work and I checked Network settings and it couldn't detect an ethernet cable. So I reset the PRAM and it worked... for a few hours, and now it doesn't. I don't want to have to do that every time I come back to my desk. What should I do about this? (and any suggestions on safari/chrome not working? I posted it in another subforum on here but I got nowhere)
I seem to have a problem with my ethernet port not working after a specific location change...I have three locations I used frequently. Let's call them:
1) HomeWireless
2) WorkWireless (used when I'm in meetings)
3) WorkEthernet (used when I'm at my desk)
My general practice is to change locations just before putting my MacBook Pro to sleep, and then it is happily ready for the desired network when it is awoken.I'm not sure what this change in behavior coincided with, but as of ~1 month ago, I am finding that going from WorkWireless to WorkEthernet, my ethernet port appears to be completely dead and I have to reboot the computer to reactivate it (yes, I've checked the cable itself and the wall port at they're OK). I've tried a couple ways of disabling & re-enabling it in software, but I don't get the impression anything actually resets this interface - suggestions are welcome as perhaps I just didn't try the right thing. I couldn't find anything quite the same as "networksetup -setairportpower" for the ethernet port.Oddly, this is not an issue with going from HomeWireless to WorkEthernet. Both HomeWirelss and WorkWireless have the ethernet interface deactivated in the Network pref pane, and perhaps the only notable difference between HomeWirelss and WorkWireless is that I use a static IP on the former and dynamic on the latter.
yesterday i bought MIDI keyboards it's M-AUDIO Keystation Mini 32
The problem is that when i connect it to right USB port it works flawlessly, but when i connect it to my left USB port - my macbook pro recognizes the device but it doesn't send any midi data - to put it in other way: it is not working.
I have checked, everything is working fine In the LEFT usb port( wireless mouse, external HDD, Flash drives, Iphone) except my MIDI Keyboard.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Since doing a clean install of Mavericks (which solved a ReportCrash loop problem), everything has been fine except..for some reason the 3.5mm headphone port refuses to acknowledge the existence of headphones when plugged in. The internal speakers do not cut out. No sound comes through the headphones. If I go into Systems Preferences/Sound/Output there is no option for headphones sound, just internal speakers.
I have tried everything (deleting .plist files and rebooting, booting in safe mode, PRAM resets etc etc). I have also tried various sets of headphones (mono, stereo and three ring headphone plugs). They all don't work on my MacBook Pro, they all do work (and make the internal speakers cut out) on my MacBook Air. It's not the headphones.
The port will happily recognize, charge and download my iPod nano. I am convinced this is an OS problem, as the port has not suffered any shocks, and it happened directly after a clean Mavericks install. It was working fine on Mavericks before the clean install.
I just got the mini display to hdmi cable for my macbook pro. So far it works with the tv. It displays everything but there is one probably safari doest work.
Airport shows that I am connected but safari doesnt connect.
I finally upgraded from my 15" PowerBook 1.67 to the new 13" MacBook Pro 2.66. On the PowerBook I would usually run an external display using a single link DVI cable. I have read about the issues with the apple mini display adapters not working on DVI-I or non fully digital displays, but since I had been running the external via single link DVI (digital correct?) I figured that I wouldn't run into any problems. I did some troubleshooting with what I had and plugged my computer into my TV through the mini display adapter to a single link DVI to HDMI cable and all worked fine. Do you think that a dual link DVI cable could solve the problem connecting to my monitor? Or is my monitor flat out incabable? Third party adapter? Worst case I could just go VGA, though I don't want to. My monitor is a Sceptre x20.
My MacBook pro charger port isnt working. I use my charger for my sisters laptop and it works therefore indicating that the charger isn't the problem but when I charge my laptop it shows a faint green light but not charging! It's cause water spilled on my laptop the day before but it was not a lot & I let it to dry but everything works well except from the charger port!
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Apologies if this has been posted before, but rather than trawling through the thousands of threads, and before hitting the Genius Bar.... thought I would run this by the experienced MBP owners first.Got my first MBP (crossed over from PC back in April), and within the last couple of weeks, noticed that the screen is flickering intermittently.
Wondered if it's a glitch stemming from the switch from Graphics card as/when needed, or if it's an indication of something more serious and warrants taking it in to the Genius Bar... (don't want to part with it for days unnecessarily).
My screen flickers on my new UniBody Macbook. The problem occurs intermittently and seems to only appear when the computer is on battery. Should I take the computer to be replaced at a genius bar or should I wait for a possible software update. I have the 9c8c screen, so I don't want to risk getting the fairly inferior screen.