MacBook :: Charger Working Intermittently / LED Blinking 3x On Startup?

Mar 21, 2010

I acquired a Unibody MacBook that experienced a little water damage. The logic board was definitely shot, so I replaced that yesterday and initially the machine was working like a champ, save for a few issues:

1. The machine tries charging my battery, but eventually gives up and decides that there is no battery in the machine (there is a battery in there, and it shouldn't be dead yet, should it?)

2. I've been experiencing an issue in which the MacBook and charger aren't getting along. I've got two different chargers, both of which work on my pre-Unibody MBP consistently but sometimes I'll plug one into the MacBook and get no light, and in other cases I'll plug it in and get just a very faint green light. In either case, the machine won't start up. I usually tinker with the machine for a few minutes, taking the back plate off and checking connections, waiting a few minutes, and it's back up again.

3. Before the machine starts up, the LED blinks three times. I initially thought this was just a blink pattern to notify the user that the logic board doesn't have a serial number yet, but I've run the serializer and entered a SN in, and it still does that. Is this normal for these Macs?

I know that these MacBooks are a little more intricately tied to the battery than previous Macs. Does anyone think the above problems (at least 1 and 2) would be solved by a replacement battery? Or does it sound like something else is wrong (perhaps the DC in board)? I've never heard of anyone needing to replace a Magsafe DC in board (and from their low prices online, I'm led to believe that they rarely fail).

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is 15" Beeping Intermittently When The Charger Is Plugged In

Apr 28, 2012

I recently bought a late 2011 15" macbook pro. Lately it emits a single beep every 5 minutes while it's running charger power. It emits the beep whilst charging and when the battery is full and the charger is still in. I've done a hardware test which didn't detect any hardware problems. The battery appears to be in good health and so does the charger.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: After Upgrading To Snow Leopard Charger Works Intermittently

Apr 4, 2012

After upgrading to snow leopard my charger works intermittently, could this be a software issue or just a coincidence

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Led Dim And Blinking

Jun 30, 2014

Battery or charger? or something more serious....?? Can't turn on the computer at won't charge...

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MacBook :: Continuous Orange Blinking Light On Charger?

Aug 7, 2010

I put my MacBook on charge but nothing happened there was no orange or green light and in the top right hand corner it said 'not charging' . I tried it a few more times and then the led just flicked from green to orange so I shut the mac down just before it ran out of battery. I then borrowed my friends macbok charger the same power as my other one but now the led just flashes orange and as it mac won't turn on I guess it's not charging it properly.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Charge - Faint Yellow Blinking Light On The Charger

May 5, 2012

My battery died while listening to music today and when I plugged in the power supply, the computer will not accept the charge and the power supply light is blinking yellow but very faint.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Stopped Charging And Charger Is Blinking With Orange Light?

Jun 21, 2012

i m a macbook pro(!3 inch) wid i5 pro user...suddenly one day my mac switched off n when i put it on charging the charger started blinking wid orange-green lights.noe der is no battry in it so i cant evn operate mac for settings.n its clearly not a charger problem cause i tried using othrs bt it was showing d same problem.

Mac Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Unresponsive Keys On Startup - Work Intermittently When Machine Warmed Up

Apr 16, 2012

My Macbook is only about a year old and the tab key, the numeral one key, the tilde and screen brighter key (not the dimmer key) have all stopped working well. They are non-responsive for about ten minutes after I open/start up, and then start working intermittently once the machine has warmed up. I clean the surface of the keyboard regularly and none of the other keys seem to be having a problem.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.4) USB Port Working Only Intermittently

Sep 1, 2014

I have an older macbook 3,1 running Mavericks OS and recently one of my left USB ports has not been:

1) able to eject external hard drives plugged into it (I have to force eject)-instead it gives me a message that one or more programs may be using it (even though I don't have any programs using it).  The hard drive is being powered by USB has a 3.0 connection although this wasn't a problem in the past... I tried the other USB port and it can eject just fine from that port.

2)Intermittent communication with mouse. Not sure if this is a hardware issue but when I try to run diagnostics on this laptop by holding down the "D" key at startup it doesn't take me to diagnostics. I no longer have the discs for this laptop (containing said hardware test) so I can't boot the diagnostics from that discs.

In lieu of a hardware test I opened CONSOLE and did a search for USB and there were a couple of these messages: 

8/29/14 12:13:43.000 AM kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][SuspendDevice] -- Suspend -- suspendDeviceCallResult = 0x0000 (kIOReturnSuccess) -- 0xdc00 ****  

Is this a logic board issue? Would rolling my OS back to pre-Mavericks work? The problem didn't emerge right when I updated to Mavericks however I have had luck changing OS stuff (updating or rolling back) with faulty USBs... 

Here are other troubleshooting methods I have attempted with no success: -Disk Utlity (repair disk and permissions)

-Remove battery
-Shut Down
-Run Disk Utility @ startup 

I'd like to get access to a Hardware Test compatible with my macbook. The links I have found online are to incomplete files.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Blinking Window On Macbook Pro Startup

Apr 28, 2012

ive noticed a small glitch during the startup of my macbook pro. Whenever I log into my account before it displays my desktop, a window flashes for a split second that has 2 options to choose from (It looks like whenever my cubase crashes and it prompts me with the options "Reopen" or "Sent report" or something like that) I never manage to exactly see what this window is as I cant read it in time, let alone choose an option. It just switches off quickly. All software updates are recent, and this really bothers me. I dont know what it is. Could it be a virus? Im very careful with what I download online, let alone the websites I visit. The OS itself works fast and on track.I decided to run disk utility and check the hard disk for errors. Turns out there were a few permission errors, and disk errors where it said my MacOSX volume is corrupted. Ive only had this laptop for 6 months, I dont want to send it in to apple just yet. I've run lion recovery since after a backup and fixed the permission and disk errors, then re-verified them and it said everything was now fixed and fine. I restarted and that window STILL flashed.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Started Getting The Blinking Folder On Startup

Jan 3, 2011

So I kinda want to explain my saga of my (late 2009) Macbook Pro.

I got the first generation of the MBP shortly after it came out.... I actually purchased it on Black Friday.

-The specs:
-15" Glossy Screen
-2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Due
-2 GB 1064 MHz DDR3
-NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
-Toshiba 250gb HDD
(So as you can see, pretty basic machine.)

Anyway, I'd only had the computer a few months when I started getting the blinking folder on startup. I brought it in, and they verified the HDD was going bad, so they gave me a new HDD. About a month later, I had the same problem happen again. The "Genius" I talked to said it was probably my Logic Board, so they replaced that. However, after getting my computer back from the shop, on my first startup, I got the blinking folder. So I TOOK it back AGAIN, and they replaced my HDD again.

A few months later, I started having issues with both the HDD not spinning up and my USB affecting my iSight camera (weird I know) so I brought it in again, and they finally just replaced my whole computer.

Everything worked great for a while, until once again, I started getting the flashing folder on startup, I took it in and they replaced my HDD again. (Yeah, this is like HDD number 3 for me now)

Since then, I have had the HDD replaced two other times, along with my superdrive, and MagSafe adapter.......I'm not exactly liked at my local Apple Store.... they know me by name... I don't exactly like going there anymore...

I also want to note that I literally baby my computer; I almost polish it daily, and am extremely careful with it

So my current list of repairs looks like this:
� 5 HDD replacements
� New Logic Board
� New Super Drive
� MagSafe adapter
� New Computer

ALL that being said, I plan to sell my computer as soon as Apple Care expires; I can't risk having a flakey computer on my hands... I can't afford to pay for all the repairs. My Apple Care will expire next December, so I'm hoping I can sell it around late December- early January and be just in time for the new MBP refresh, which I'm hoping that year will include possible:

Slight redesign
Lighter computer (in weight)
Faster (of course)
Possibly retina display

Why I'm posting all this is mainly just because I wanted to hear if anyone else has had anything similar happen to them.... I'm a sucker for when it comes to first generation Apple stuff, but now I know.

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MacBook :: Won't Startup - The Magsafe Charger Is Green

Apr 14, 2012

My macbook will not startup.  The magsafe charger is green.  The front indicator light is on.  But, pressing the power button does nothing.

MacBook, iOS 4.1

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Intel Mac :: White Blinking Startup Screen?

Feb 10, 2012

When I shut down my iMac and restarted it gets past the apple logo then turns white and starts dimming and then getting brighter but will not go any further.  

I tried to reboot in safe mode and it done the same thing. I power cycled by unplugging the holding down the power button.  

iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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IMac :: Blinking Blue Dot In Gray Square On Startup?

Apr 17, 2009

Been on a Mac in one form or another but never saw this. It's not even mentioned on the site under startup problems. Started up on my eMac and got this blinking blue dot that looked a bit like earth in a gray square. Whole think was about an 1" square in the middle of the screen. The startup tone was normal.

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Intel Mac :: Stuck On Startup Screen With (?) File Blinking

Jun 29, 2012

What o I do I have done command, option, p, r at start up etc.  I will not go to the desktop.


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PowerPC :: Blinking Folder Shows Up - At Startup With Question Mark

Feb 16, 2008

I just installed a new hard drive in my mac ibook g4 - but when I turn it on I still get the blinking folder with a question mark.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Getting A Blinking Folder With A Question Mark On Startup?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm getting a blinking folder with a question mark on startup. What is it?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.7)

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Charger Not Working?

May 4, 2009

I own a 5 month old macbook pro charger that as simply stopped working. The only thing i can think of is that it shorted out. I had noticed it getting unusually warm, more so than usual. My question is, will apple take it back as defective since i did nothing to it, or will i have to fork over the near 80 dollars for a new one?

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Is Not Working?

Jul 2, 2012

I have a new macbook pro power adapter which was working fine but suddenly it stopped working.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Not Working When Too Hot?

Jun 19, 2014

I found my MagSafe 2 85W charger got really hot (Because it was on my bed), and then it stopped working altogether. 

Now it works fine. 

-MacBook Pro Retina 15" (Mid-2013)

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MacBook :: Brand New Charger Not Working?

Sep 4, 2010

I just bought a brand new charger and it stopped working after about the third charging cycle. The light just simply doesn't go on and the computer doesn't read anything.

Weird thing though is that my old charger did the same thing at the end (although if you jiggled the connection it worked)? Could it be my computer? Although I tested the charger on another computer and it didn't work either. and a different charger on my computer worked.

Is this common for the new chargers that there are lemons once in a while?

Could it be because I left the plastic over the charger to prevent scratches?

Will apple exchange it for a new one or are they gonna give me a problem cause I really don't think this should have happened.

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MacBook Pro :: New Charger Stopped Working

Dec 16, 2010

my orig.(2 year old charger) stopped working so I ordered another one. The new one doesn't really work, sometimes it does but most of the time not.

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Has Stopped Working?

Feb 23, 2012

My charger has stopped working. I had my hard drive and battery replaced yesterday also Should I wait till my battery to die, then charge it again? .

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: My Charger Stopped Working

Mar 22, 2012

I plugged in the charger after not having my computer charging since the morning. My charger did not work and pluged it in to other sockets around the house. I then tried my sisters charger, which was working for her computer. The odd thing is that after I tested it on my computer it no longer worked for my sisters computer. This is so confusing and I don't want to pay $160 on two chargers.It is the L style charger and we have had both for about less than 6 months.

Pro, iOS 5.1

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MacBook Pro :: All Of Sudden Charger Isn't Working

Mar 28, 2012

my macpro is brand new. have had it for maybe a month. all of a sudden the charger isnt working. when i connect it to the mac it doesnt light up. has this happend to anyone ?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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MacBook Pro :: Old MagSafe Charger Not Working?

May 10, 2012

Ok, so i have the newer magsafe charger (The one thats slim and silver), but its faulty at times, so i looked on amazon and bought the cheapest Macbook charger i could find, i found one of the older ones (the ones that look like a square and are white), so i bought it. The moment it got here, i plugged it in and connected it to my macbook. The light on the charger went really bright green, it was so bright it reflected over itself, i didn't really care, though. So then i unplugged it and moved to another room, but it stopped working. The newer type charger (the slim, silver one) still works fine, but is still faulty.

I've already reset the SMC a number of times, still no luck

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Is Not Working Suddenly?

May 15, 2012

i have an apple laptop bought november 2010, and all of a sudden the charger isn't working, i have the apple care , i live in Egypt and when i bought the apple care the guy who sold it to me at apple store told me it covers you worldwide, i asked him r u sure it will cover me in egypt he said yes, but i called "tradeline" they r the one s who sell apple laptops and all apple products in egypt and they told me no they cant help me. now i need a new charger to my laptop please, i have a friend visiting the US and you can send a new charger to her. waiting for your reply and if you r not the person to contact for repair and services

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)

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MacBook Pro Charger Intermittent Working

May 28, 2012

I am on my 2nd power adaptor with for my MacBook Pro which I bought in 2010, the last one just died just had flashing lights, the new one about 12months later is being a pain, it will only charge in a certain position, I have to keep the cord tought so that the magnetic adaptor is at a angle in the socket.Which as you can tell is a right pain in the backside!

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Is No Longer Working?

Jun 17, 2012

macbook pro charger is not working? I have tried other chargers on my macbook  pro ,but no luck. so im not sure if it is the charger the the computer it's self.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Charger Is Not Working?

Jun 4, 2014

cannot startup my laptop as battery is dead and charger is not working.  Have tried two different chargers so know its not the charger but the battery port on my laptop

MacBook Pro

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