MacBook Pro :: MiniDisplay To VGA Adapter YouTube HD Flicker
Jul 2, 2012
I've recently got the Apple MiniDisplay port to VGA adapter for my mid-2010 Macbook Pro (2.4GHz i5, 4GB RAM, nVidia GT330M with switching), and have it hooked up to a relatively old Samsung SyncMaster 2223NW widescreen LCD monitor. I'm running the laptop side by side with the monitor (not in clamshell). For the most part this works great, though I have noticed the CPU and the GPU Diode run at least 10 degrees warmer than they would when just using it as a laptop.
The problem comes in when watching HD (720p or 1080p) video on YouTube. During playback it seems to cause strange black lines/artifacts which flicker all over the screen. Standard Def video is fine, only happens with HD content. I don't know whether this is an indication that the GPU is overworked (though the temperature seems to be within normal limits) or something to do with the analogue VGA connection or the adapter itself.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Nov 18, 2010
I've been searching high and low and cannot find a MDP-to-HDMI cable (not adapter) that supports audio out for use with my MBP. Does such a cable exist, or do I absolutely need to use an adapter? Looking for the cleanest solution possible. Looks like I found a cable on eBay. They do exist from individual cable-makers, but it looks like they don't exist from cable manf's like Monoprice and Blue Jeans Cable.
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Dec 30, 2009
Tell me if it makes sense. Since the current MiniDisplay Port adapters are NOT bidirectional and we need a bidirectional cable to make the PS3 display on the iMac, I was wondering if I purchased that new bidirectional cable by Belkin that it is advertised to let you use your iMac's screen with your MacBook Pro and then buy a female minidisplay port to female HDMI.
Would that work? It makes sense right?
Where can I find a FEMALE MiniDisplay Port to FEMALE HDMI adapter? I have searched and can't seem to find one.
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Sep 2, 2010
I have a new Macbook Pro, and currently have it connected to a 22" Insignia 1080p TV. The setup is a minidisplay to DVI adapter, and a DVI to HDMI cable plugged into the adapter and the TV. My trouble is that the TV is displaying a "No Signal" message now, after working perfectly fine this afternoon. Any hints or suggestions? I've tried rebooting, plugging in the cable before and after starting up the computer, and all HDMI ports on the TV. Again, I had the exact same setup this afternoon, and it worked beautifully, but now it refuses to.
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Apr 18, 2010
pass audio through to the new 13"?
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Oct 21, 2010
Ever since the latest generation of MacBook/ Macbook Pro you can now send audio over the MiniDisplay Port output. The tech specs on Apples web site say no word about it. Any early adopters out that that can prove me wrong? 2 Cables (power, MiniDisplay Port to HDMI) is much better than 3 (power, headphone jack, DVI to HDMI in current Old MacBook Pro Setup). With the nice Graphics card the MacBook Air works great as a portable Media player, I just hope it has this feature.
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Jul 10, 2009
An HDMI adapter that splits into USB and MDP so you can get sound into your TV. No word on pricing but I'm extremely excited for this!
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Dec 22, 2009
I am trying to connect my MBP to my TV via HDMI and I obviously I need a MiniDisplay to HDMI cable, but I'm confused with the whole "female-male" cable stuff and I don't want to buy the wrong thing.
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Apr 16, 2010
can anyone recommend a minidisplay port to hdmi lead within the UK? For the new 13" mbp (so audio and video).
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Jun 15, 2010
Total newbie here bought a new 17" i7 macbook and I bought an minidisplay to HDMI adapter and when I connect I can see a picture but no sound, i tried going into the system preferences and seeing if there was an hdmi output but I cannot see anything.
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Feb 25, 2012
I have the latest model of the MacBook Air 13" (mid-2011 model). As recommended by the Apple Store rep, I bought the minidisplay to DVI adpater to connect my 20" Viewsonic VG2030wm. Unfortunately, the MacBook Air 13" is not recognising the monitor. It doesn't detect it at all.
I know the monitor and the DVI cable work because it works with my original MacBook Air (2008 model) that uses a micro-DVI to DVI adapter. My last resort is to take the new MacBook Air, the Viewsonic monitor, cables and adpaters to my local Apple Store to see if they can figure out it out. However, I won't be able to go until two days later when I have access to a car.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13", 4GB RAM, 128GB Solid-state
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Sep 8, 2010
Just received my new minidisplay port to HDMI to connect my macbook pro 2010 to my LCD. I did connect and got perfect image but I can get how to transfer the sound from the mac to the lcd.
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Oct 15, 2008
Buying both the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter AND Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter is pretty expensive...
I was wondering if I purchase the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter, will I be able to use a simple DVI to VGA adapter to use it as a VGA adapter also???
I'm not sure if the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter only sends digital signal or digital & analog signal.
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May 25, 2012
I bought a new HDMI adaptor for my 17" Macbook Pro. I'm plugging into a full HD compatible TV, into an HDMI port.The result is a consistant switch between the actual correct display, and colored static. The rate of the switch is dependent on the frequency of the refresh rate, but there's no way to get it anywhere near comfortable to use. I have tried changing resolutions on both sides to no avail. Here is a video of the screen periodically flickering between display and static url...Also have tried other HDMI ports and cables, all of which are known to be in working condition. Tried restarting the tv and computer. Running out of ideas and hair.Troubled Mac User
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 28, 2010
My screen just started to occasionally have a flicker of a white line show up...
It doesn't happen that often, should i worry? Is it worth taking it into apple? (Under warranty still) Since its not consistent i wont necessarily be able to show them what its doing..
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Oct 31, 2008
So I got a new Late 08 MBP 2.8 earlier this week. Everything has been great except that occasionally (once or twice an hour) my laptop screen will go black for about 200-300ms and then come back. Often only the top 1/2 or top 3/4 of the screen will go black. I was worried it was the LCD, but today I switched over to the 9600gt for the first time and the problem seems to have gone away. I generally code all day and havent been doing anything intense when the flickers happen, the CPU/GPU temps are also low.
I have an external monitor hooked up. Ive only noticed the problem when the external monitor was hooked up but then again 90% of the time I use the computer it has the external plugged in.
Also does anyone know if the 9400m's 256mb of memory is shared with the main RAM, ie if I am running on the 9400 do I only have access to about 3.74 gigs of ram?
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Apr 19, 2009
my backlight decided it only wants to light up intermittently. and only for a little bit at a time. screen seems to still work, but when i open from sleep, sometimes it will flicker on the right side (like a fluorscent bulb) and go out again, or light up completely like it is supposed to, or do nothing at all. Machine is over 2 years old, and has gotten a lot of use. What are the chances this is a relatively cheap (1-200) fix? The machine is in good shape otherwise except for palmrest cracking which i havent gotten fixed due to the fact there is no apple store within 100 miles...
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Jul 3, 2009
I have a 13" MBP 2.53GHz, and I absolutely love it. However, I have one issue. I am using an Apple display port to DVI adapter to run the MBP in clamshell mode with my Samsung 221BW monitor. On websites or programs with a dark grey background, the screen flickers. The resolution is set to 1680x1050 (native) and 60Hz.
Does anybody else have this problem? Any ideas as to fixing it?
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Feb 3, 2010
I don't know if it depends by a latest update I did to Itunes but after an uncertain amount of time my MacBook Pro 2.2Ghz Santa Rosa start to flicker. I have posted a video in youtube [URL] so you can see what happend. For a small amount of time while flickering is started the mouse can move around then it stuck and lock me out of the system. I have to reset many time PVRAM and SMC then it will restart until it lock it down again. It worked flawlessly until yesterday after if I don't remember wrong one or more software update. I use Snow Leopard (official licence). I downloaded the Combo Update for Snow Leopard and ran it. I still have to test it again. Since I need to do some work in the next 48 hours I can't full test it. After the hard reset an image pop out and It won't let me start up the system again ever if I reset many times PVRAM and SMC Then I use bootcamp to "unlock" the MBP. I do run windows under BootCamp. It will run but I can't see anything since the video remain black (I hear the HDD until stop working) Then I push the power down button and I turn off the windows Then after a long time it will log into Snow Leopard! I'm getting crazy the last two days
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Mar 12, 2010
I've noticed recently that occasionally my screen will intermittently flicker.
It doesn't seem to be tied to anything specific. Just a random black screen flash.
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Jul 5, 2010
Every time I moved my MacBook Lid my screen turns off and starts to flicker? Is there anyway you think i will get covered I haven't got any warranty left in it either.
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Apr 3, 2012
My over 3 year old MacBook Pro Unibody (Late 2008) have a giant problem. The 9600m GT GPU is not working anymore, when booting up with that card the screen flickers and the OS crashes. I have been apple to boot it up with the 9400m GPU, where it works somewhat, no screenflicker, but it does crash alarmingly much as well as giving me a lot of kernel panics. (sometimes it can't boot the OS before freezing, and other times it crash while trying to shutdown the OS).Â
Since it is over 3 years old, there is no more gaurentee, so my question is:Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro (Late 2008)
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Jun 6, 2010
This is my first post on Macrumors and unfortunately it is in regards to a problem that I am currently experiencing with my brand new Macbook Pro 15" w/anti-glare upgrade. I purchased the unit on the 28th May and have used it without problems for until yesterday when I noticed some intermittent flickering in the screen generally a horizontal banding that happens quite sporadically and also changes in brightness levels etc. I checked in with an Apple store earlier today and a staff member at the Genius bar couldn't figure it out either. She tried installing new firmware, but the problem remained and told me that she suspects it is an issue related to the firmware as opposed to hardware. The only advice was to wait it out until Apple addresses the issue with a new firmware upgrade?
I can honestly say I'm not very impressed since this MBP was my supposed long-awaited transition from a lifetime user of PCs to the supposedly more stable/reliable Macs! Just my luck I guess. Nonetheless not a great start to my Mac experience. Anyways, just wanted to see what is the best way to go about it and whether I have the right to demand for an outright replacement (I will be heading off overseas on the 24th June and will definitely need it while away), which may be an issue in itself as I don't think any retailers (I'm located in Sydney) have the 15" w/anti-glare model on hand/stock - mine took over 2 weeks to arrive via a special order. Peoples thoughts? Anyone else experiencing similar issues? Only thing that I could find of relevance were the problems experienced earlier this year with the 27" iMacs.
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Jul 9, 2009
I'm curious if the screen still flickers.
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Jun 8, 2010
This is my (second) first post, and I tried using mrooogle to find the issue (i've been a lurker for the most part) I can't seem to find any consensus or info on it.
I have the 2.4 core i5 15" MBP with HR Glossy display, just got it on Monday, installed an owc ssd, and 8 gb of ram and i LOVE IT. The only issue is when the graphics card switches from the nVidia back to the Intel graphics, the screen briefly blanks out or "blinks" for a split second and the Intel graphics comes back on. It doesn't blink when it goes from intel to nvidia, only from nvidia back to intel.
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Sep 3, 2009
I bought this machine after selling my old Aluminium MacBook expecting simply better battery and a bit faster, but there's tons of little updates that I'm thoroughly impressed with.
- Unplugging a cord or device from MBP doesn't flicker the screen when in sleep
- Screen "fades" in after sleep instead of instantly popping in
- If I have the screen at lowest brightness, and wake from sleep, before it would flicker full brightness then go to low again, now it stays low
- Backlighting had so much bleed on old MacBook that it was painful to use, it "bled" everywhere. Now it's only the letter of the key and a small rim around the key
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Jun 25, 2007
I have the 65W white square adapter for my 17" Powerbook, and I have the Yo-Yo adapter for my 12" Ibook (G3 500 mhz).Is there any reason why I cannot use the 65W adapter on my 12" book in place of the Yo-Yo adapter? (I know for power requirement reasons I cannot use the Yo-Yo on my 17")
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Apr 5, 2012
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Oct 3, 2009
i hav the nu macbook pro 13" an i'm totally nu to macs. so i go to youtube to watch vids an the whole page loads but it wudnt play the vids. i hav flash player fr macs installed.
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Feb 25, 2008
In the last 5 days I've started noticing a strange flickering with images loading in Safari both static and in-line video e.g. A few days ago at lunch while home I opened both Safari and Firefox, opened and then clicked on a video. With both videos playing at the same time it looked fine in Firefox but flickered in Safari. I've noticed the same issue with static image loads too. In FF the image loads no problem, in Safari it flickers. I don't think this is related to the video card (8800GT) but sounds like a software issue to me.
Anyone else having a similar problem? BTW, I'm running 10.5.2 with all the latest updates. I've subsequently noticed that turning the machine off and on again relieves the problem?
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